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2017届高考英语一轮复习方案精品课件:第7讲 Unit1《The world of our senses》(牛津译林版必修3)

发布时间:2017-02-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  6.Who can tell us the new use that the computer will


  in the future?

  A.make use of

  B.make the most of

  C.be made of

  D.be made use of

  [解析] C 考查固定搭配的灵活运用。此句主句是Who can tell us the new use,that引导的是定语从句修饰先行词use,that指代use,在定语从句中作make的宾语,因为此处是被动,故用了be made,of的宾语是the computer。此句意思是:谁能告诉我们未来电脑的新用途? 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练

  7.—What do you think of the TV play Meteor Garden?

  —I take no interest in it. One of the reasons is that such a life is out of our

  ________ .





  [解析] B 考查词语搭配。out of mind心不挂念;out of reach达不到,够不着;out of sight看不见。根据句意可知,这种生活我们是无法达到的,所以选B。 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练

  8.In order to do this, we have to


  a method of understanding based on scientific principles that are universally accepted.





  [解析] B 考查动词辨析。句意:为了做这些,我们不得不使用一种大家普遍接受的科学原则基础上的理解方法。employ意为“雇佣;使用”,所以符合题意。engage雇佣,从事;express表达;experience经历。 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练

  9.The more teenagers watch actors smoking in films, the more


  they are to take up the habit of smoking themselves.





  [解析] A 考查相似词语辨析。此句是Sb. be likely to do sth.句型,likely在句中作be的表语。而B、C、D项为副词,明显不能作表语。 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练

  10.Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still ________ the traditional customs.





  [解析] C 考查动词辨析。句意:尽管在国外生活了许多年,很多中国人仍然保持着传统的风俗习惯。observe表示“遵守(法律、法规等),庆祝,纪念”,符合题意。perform表演,履行;possess拥有;support支持,赡养。A、B、D三项均不符合题意,故选C。

  第7讲 │ 跟踪训练


  应用文写作之电子邮件 阅读写作(七)[应用文写作之电子邮件]

  阅读写作(七) │ 写作点拨 写作点拨 英文e-mail与英文书信的写法和格式大体相同,但也有不同之处。英文e-mail一般由以下五部分组成: 1.标题栏 这是英文书信中没有的。标题栏中有“收件人”、“抄送”和“主题”三个框。在“收件人”框中填写收件人的e-mail地址。如要将邮件同时发送给多人,可在“抄送”框中填入其他人的e-mail地址。在“主题”框中简要地概括邮件的内容,可以用一个单词,如:Greetings(问候);也可以用短语,如:Personal information(个人情况);还可以是一个内容完整但语言简短的句子。 2.称呼语 如果是同学或亲朋好友间的邮件,可以直呼其名,如:Mike;但如果是发给老师、长辈或上级,最好在称呼前加上称谓或职位。职位可用Doctor,Professor等,如:Professor Li。男性用Mr;女性用Miss(未婚),Mrs(已婚),Ms(不知婚否)。 3.正文 大多数e-mail篇幅短小,语言简单明了。如果是写给不熟悉的人,一般要先进行自我介绍;反之,则可直接进入正题。要多使用短句、简单句,少用或不用长句。一是便于阅读,再者使意思清楚。如果内容很长,可就重点部分作些介绍,而把详细内容以“附件”的方式发出。 阅读写作(七) │ 写作点拨 4.结尾客套话 英文书信的信尾客套话常用Best wishes! Good luck to you! 等。而e-mail通常很简明,如:Best,Thanks,Yours等。 5.落款 直接写发件人的姓名即可,且与客套话对齐。 阅读写作(七) │ 写作点拨 阅读写作(七) │ 词句模板 词句模板 1.段首常用语:

  (1) Thank you for your letter of Dec. 15th…

  (2) I'm glad/pleased to tell you that…

  (3) I am very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago.

  (4) Thanks for your invitation to the Christmas party.

  (5) How are you getting along with your study? 2.话题引入常用语:

  (1) I'm glad to tell you something about …

  (2) As far as I know/am concerned/see 3.段尾常用语:

  (1) Please write to me soon and tell me about your…

  (2) I'm looking forward to your reply…

  (3) With kind/ best regards/wishes.

  (4) If so, please e-mail me in response… 阅读写作(七) │ 词句模板 4.电子邮件格式模板:

  阅读写作(七) │ 词句模板 To: jina@163.net From: ty@163.net Subject: An English Contest Hi Jina,

  How are you going recently! An English Speech Contest will be held in our school at 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 10th. You are good at English and you have great ability to express yourself in English. So you should take an active part in the contest. I am sure you will win the award if you make some preparations before the contest.

  阅读写作(七) │ 词句模板

  Although I don't do well in English, I'd like to join in and have a try.

  Please contact me as soon as possible.

  Thanks and have a good day! 【活学活用】


  1.可能造成发胖的原因 (如饮食、锻炼……),至少写出两条;


  注意:邮件开头和落款已经为你写好。 阅读写作(七) │ 词句模板

  Dear Tommy,

  I am really feeling bad that you are being troubled by overweight these days. ______________________________________________________


  Li Hua 阅读写作(七) │ 词句模板 【参考范文】

  Dear Tommy,

  I am really feeling bad that you are being troubled by overweight these days.

  I have read an article about overweight kids. It is said that overweight kids don't exercise enough or eat right. Some kids are overweight because fast food restaurants serve the wrong foods or it's a problem of genes. No matter what causes your problem, I suggest you go on a diet or just eat less for half a year and see the result.

  阅读写作(七) │ 词句模板 Also, don't forget to take more exercise. You know, every afternoon after class I play basketball together with my classmates.

  Hope you feel better and look forward to good news about you.


  Li Hua

  阅读写作(七) │ 词句模板 (4) I will go on with my work unless I get the order _____________.

  我将继续工作直到我得到相反的命令。 (5) Mrs Smith is ___________ to make friends easily.


  第7讲 │ 短语储存

  to the contrary too contrary 1 Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 一到街上,她就快步走向平时乘车的汽车站台。

  句型公式 状语从句的省略 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  句型透视 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  once意思是“一旦,一……就”,引导时间状语从句。如果主从句的主语一致,且从句的谓语部分含有be动词,此时从句的主语和be动词可以同时省略。如课本中的句子相当于Once she was out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.再如: Once (we were) out of the cinema, we got separated. 我们一出电影院就走散了。 【相关拓展】 once可用作副词,意思为:一次;曾经 It once seemed inconceivable to everyone that man should travel to the moon. 人们一度认为,人类飞上月球似乎是不可想象的。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子



  he arrives we can start. 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  Once 2.单项填空


  they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures.





  [解析] D 考查连词。此题重在句意的判断。“一旦学生们决定了去哪所大学读书,他们就得研究办理入学的手续。”as当;因为……;while作连词强调一件事发生时另外一个动作正在进行;until直到;once一旦。因此选D。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  2 ...the truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run

  that far. ……事实上是雾太大了,车不能开那么远。 句型公式 too...to...太……而不能…… 【句式点拨】 ...be too+adj.+to do sth.该句型意思是“太……而不能做某事”,表示否定意义。若句子的主语是不定式的逻辑宾语,则不定式要用主动形式;若不定式是不及物动词,则要加上介词。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  She is too old to read such a novel. 她太老了,不能看这种小说了。 Mary is too young to dress herself. 玛丽太小了,不会自己穿衣服。 【相关拓展】 (1) 当too前有only,即only too...to...时,表示肯定含义。

  I am only too pleased to meet you at the airport.

  我很高兴在机场见到你。 (2) too glad/pleased/surprised/happy/thankful/ready...to do sth.中,too相当于very,该结构表示肯定。

  The old man is too glad to hear from his son.

  老人很高兴收到了儿子的来信。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  (3) can never/not+动词+too+adj./adv.+to do sth.意思是“再做某事也不过分,越做某事越好”。

  You cannot be too careful to drive your car when crossing the street.

  开车穿越街道时,越小心越好。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) These boxes are

  ______________________ (太重了我搬 不动).

  (2) His mother was _________________________________

  ____________________ (听说他考试不及格的消息太惊讶了).

  (3) They seemed

  ___________________________ (很高兴被 人嘲笑). 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  too heavy for me to carry

  too surprised to know the news that he

  didn’t pass the exam too/very glad to be laughed at 2.单项填空

  The room is too small for all of us ________.

  A.living in

  B.live in it

  C.to live in

  D.to live in it

  [解析] C too…to…意为“太……而不能……”。live in的逻辑宾语是the room,所以后不能加it。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  3 ... but by the time she reached the corner of the

  street, the footsteps were gone. 但是当她到了街道拐角处时,脚步 声又消失了。 句型公式 by the time到……时候为止 【句式点拨】 by the time意思是“到……时候为止”,当其从句用一般过去时时,主句常用一般过去时或过去完成时;当其从句用一般现在时时,主句用一般将来时或将来完成时。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  By the time we got to the cinema, the film had started. 我们到电影院时,电影已经开始播放。 By the time you arrive, we shall have had our lunch. 到你到达时,我们将已吃过午饭了。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子


  ____________________, the meeting was over. 2.单项填空


  he was eighteen years old, he had traveled to most of the countries in Europe.

  A.Any time

  B.some time

  C.First time

  D.By the time

  [解析] D 根据句型结构可知,本句是一个由表时间的连词引导的复合句。A、B、C都不能作连词引导状语从句。句意:“到十八岁时,他已经旅行了欧洲的绝大部分国家。” 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  By the time we arrived 4 Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old

  man with a beard. 波莉抬头看去,发现是一位长着胡须 的老人。 句型公式 find+宾语+宾语补足语 【句式点拨】 句中的find oneself doing结构中doing作宾语补足语。 I suddenly found myself making everyone’s lunch.我突然发现自己在给每个人做午饭。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  【相关拓展】 find除了接doing作宾语补足语外,还可以跟: (1)宾语+副词 (2)宾语+过去分词 (3)宾语+形容词+不定式 (4)it+形容词+不定式 (5)宾语+介词短语 After wandering around, we found ourselves back at the hotel. 四处徘徊后,我们竟然回到了旅馆。 When he came to, he found himself in hospital. 他苏醒过来时,发现自己躺在医院里。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子


  If you __________________________ things, call me. 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  find yourself worrying about 2.单项填空

  Even the best writers sometimes find themselves


  for words.



  C.to lose

  D.having lost

  [解析] B 考查非谓语动词。句意为“甚至最优秀的作家有时也会发现他们难以用文字表达自己。”lose是及物动词,A、C、D项都是主动式,空格后没有lose的宾语,故用过去分词lost当形容词用,作find themselves的宾语补足语。故选B。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  5 ...you are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning

  than be attacked by a shark. 你遭受雷电的袭击是遭鲨 鱼袭击的三十多倍。 句型公式 倍数表达法 【句式点拨】 本句使用了倍数的表达法:倍数(30 times)+比较级(more likely)+比较词(than)+比较对象... The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River. 长江差不多比珠江长两倍。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  The dictionary is exactly five times more expensive than that one. 这本字典比那本恰好贵5倍。 【相关拓展】 英语倍数的常用表示方法有哪些呢? (1)“A+be+倍数+as+形容词原级+as+B”,在形容词比较级前,还可以用over,more than 等表示“比…… 倍还要多”。 (2)“A+be+倍数+计量形容词比较级+than+B ” (3)“A+be+倍数+the+计量名词+of+B ” 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  This tree is three times as tall as that one. 这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。 He is more than three times as rich as I. 他的财富是我的三倍还不止。 This street is four times shorter than that one. 这条街道比那条短四倍。 This river is three times the depth of that one. 这条河深度是那条河的三倍。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  注意:以下两句倍数的表示方法 The length of the road is four times what it was three years ago. 这条路的长度是三年前的 4 倍。 The price of the meat is twice what it was last year. 肉价是去年的两倍。 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) 这条河的长度是淡水河的十倍。

  The river is

  _____________________________ the

  Tamsui River.

  (2) 他比往常多赚两倍的钱。

  He earns

  ____________________ he used to.

  (3) 这条线是那条线的四倍长。

  This line is

  _____________________________ that one.

  (4) 我的书的数量是汤姆的五倍。

  I have

  _______________________ Tom’s books. 第7讲 │ 句型透视

  ten times the length of/as long as three times as much as four times as long as/the length of five times the number of

  (5) 它比另外一个的声音大十倍。

  It is ____________________another. 2.单项填空

  The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be


  the present one.

  A.as three times big as

  B.three times as big as

  C.as big as three times

  D.as big three times as

  [解析] B 考查倍数的表达法。句意为“为下一届亚运会而修建的体育场将会是目前的体育场三倍大。”表示倍数的词作修饰语时,放在as的前面,即“倍数+as+adj.+as”, 因此选B。规律总结:考查倍数时,倍数应该放在比较等级的最前面。

  第7讲 │ 句型透视

  ten times louder than 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练

  跟踪训练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.He h ________

  and asked me if he could sit near me. 2.She carefully o ________ every detail of their actions in their performance. 3.You have changed so much that I can hardly r ______ you. 4.The ________ look on his face made us ________(疑惑). 5.Everybody is trying to ________ (靠近)his/her dream, but I have no dream. esitated bserved

  ecognize puzzled puzzled approach Ⅱ.选词填空(有一项多余)

  in sight, reach out, wish for, glance at, ,watch out for, contrary to 1.He

  __________and his hand touched rough­grained wood. 2.What problems should I

  ____________when buying an old house? 3.We all

  _________each other, saying nothing, and walked after him. 4.The boys were so hungry that on arriving home they ate everything

  _________. 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练

  reached out watch out for glanced at in sight 5.

  ____________what I had thought, the company’s atmosphere was not easy and enjoyable at all. 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练

  Contrary to Ⅲ.单项填空 1.The angry teacher


  the impatient boy who was doing something that had nothing to do with what was being taught.

  A.glared at B.looked into

  C.called on

  D.watched out

  [解析] A 考查动词短语辨析。glare at“怒目而视”,look into“调查,向……里面看”,call on“号召,拜访(某人)”,watch out“当心”。根据句意,愤怒的教师一定是用愤怒的目光看着,因此,选择A项。 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练

  2.There might be some snakes ahead, so you should


  for them.

  A.pay attention to

  B.take notice

  C.watch out

  D.look up

  [解析] C 考查动词短语搭配。look up for抬头寻找,pay attention to后直接接宾语,take notice表示“注意”时常与of搭配。句意:也许前面有蛇,所以你务必当心。 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练

  3.We should not


  the good things of life without working for them.

  A.pay back

  B.watch out for

  C.wish for

  D.reach for

  [解析] C 考查动词短语辨析。wish for意为“盼望,企盼”,符合句意。 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练

  4.I can never fully express my thanks to you. How can I ever pay you







  [解析] B  考查动词短语辨析。pay back“偿还,报答”;pay out“花费,支出”;pay off“还清,有回报”。由句意“我该如何报答”可知B项符合题意。 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练

  5.Although I hadn’t seen her for almost five years, I


  her at once when I met her in the street yesterday.





  [解析] B 考查动词辨析。recognize指“认出”,而know指“认识”,C项指“注意到”,D项意思是“理解”。句意:我虽然近五年没有见过她了,但昨天在街上一眼就认出她来了。 第7讲 │ 跟踪训练


  My mother always gets a bit


  if we don’t arrive when we say we will.





  [解析] A 考查形容词词义。anxious担心的,ashamed害羞的,weak微弱的,patient耐心的。根据句意“当我们说我们会到,如果不到时妈妈总是有点担心。”可知A符合题意。 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  7 puzzle vt.使迷惑,困惑,使伤脑筋;n.难题,难解之事,迷惑,困惑

  (1) puzzle ___ 经过苦思想出;猜出

  be puzzled ______


  (2) puzzling adj.


  puzzled adj.

  对……感到困惑的 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  about out 【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) 令我不解的是,他为什么悄悄离开了这个国家。

  What ________ me was why he left the country

  without telling anyone.

  (2) 没有人能成功地解释生命的起源问题。

  No one has yet succeeded in explaining the ________ of

  how life began. 第7讲 │ 单词点睛


  puzzle 2.单项填空

  Facing the


  situation, the sales manager looked

  ________ .

  A.puzzling; puzzled

  B.puzzling; puzzling

  C.puzzled; puzzled

  D.puzzled; puzzling

  [解析] A 句意:面临令人费解的形势,销售部经理一脸困惑。puzzling令人困惑的;puzzled 说明人感到困惑的。故选A。 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  8 recognize v.认出,识别出,承认,认可

  (1) recognize sb. ___ 认出某人是/可接受某人是

  recognize sb. to do


  (2) recognition n.

  识别,承认,认出,奖赏 【易混辨析】 recognize与know recognize是建立在原来认识的基础上而能够识别,是短暂性动词; know的意思是“知道,认识”,指知道某人某物的存在,是延续性动词。 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  as 【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子


  He __________________ a wise leader. 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  is/was recognized as 2.单项填空

  Richard looked at the envelope and


  Jenny’s handwriting immediately.





  [解析] D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:理查德看着信封,立刻认出是珍妮的笔迹。recognize识别,认出,符合句意。find发现;realize意识到;concern担心,关注。 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  9 employ vt.雇用,使用;n.雇用,受雇,服务

  (1) employ... ___ 把……用作

  be employed to do


  (2) _____

  the employ of


  in sb.’s employ




  (3) employment n.


  employer n.


  employee n.

  雇员 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  as in out of 【易混辨析】 employ与hire employ是长时间雇用;hire是临时或一次性雇用。 We now employ a staff of 25. 我们现在雇用了25名员工。 I’m hiring a private detective to trace him. 我雇了一名私家侦探跟踪他。 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) 你们厂雇用多少名工人?

  How many workers do you


  at your factory?

  (2) 我在广州哪儿可以租到的士?

  Where can I

  _______ a taxi in Guangzhou?

  (3) 一个大办事处需要雇用好多人员。

  A large office requires the


  of many

  people. 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  employ hire employment 2.单项填空

  After she graduated from a university, Wang Ping


  a secretary in a big company.

  A.was employed as

  B.was employed

  C.was taken for

  D.was regarded as

  [解析] A  be employed as“被雇佣作为……”;take for “认为……是”;regard…as“把……看作”,故选A。 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  10 likely adj.可能的 【温馨提示】 likely作形容词,意为“可能的”。常用于be likely to do sth. 结构为“可能(发生某种情况)”。likely用作副词时,表示“可能地”,常与most,very等词连用。likely用作定语时,likely往往要用very, most或quite修饰,且多用于表疑问的最高级结构中。 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  【易混辨析】 possible, probable与likely 这三者均可表示可能性,但是你知道它们的细微差别吗? possible表示客观上潜在的可能性,但常带有实际可能性很小的暗示。

  probable是有几分根据的推测,语气比possible强。如: Success is possible but hardly probable.成功是可能的,但可能性不大。

  likely侧重表面看来颇有可能,与probable较近,有时可互用。一般构成短语“to be (un)likely to do”; 或It is likely that...。 第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) 我很可能整天都在家。

  I shall

  __________ be at home all day.

  (2) 他最可能歇脚的地方在哪里?

  What is his


  第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  most likely most likely 2.单项填空

  Studies show that people are more


  to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.


  B.Possible C.probable


  [解析] A 考查形容词词义辨析。所填词作表语, 主语是人, 由more来修饰, 意思是:可能, 选A。其中四个选项中possible和probable也都有 “可能的”之意, 但他们作表语时主语只能是物, sure在此处意思不恰当。

  第7讲 │ 单词点睛

  1 in sight 能看见,在视线内,被见到

  第7讲 │ 短语储存



  sight 看不见

  catch sight




  sight of/______

  sb./sth. in sight



  _____ sight


  at (the) sight of



  one’s sight


  lose sight of sb./sth. 再也见不着某人或物

  Out of sight, out of mind.

  [谚]眼不见,心不想;离久情疏。 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  of keep keep


  lose out of

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子 (1) We laughed

  _______________ (一看见) his strange clothes. (2) When I got there, there was no one

  ______ (看得到). 2.单项填空

  I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without


  and the courage of a husband who wouldn't allow blindness to change his life.

  A.stop B.Sight



  [解析] B without sight是介词短语,作定语,修饰person,意思是“看不见的”,从下文“blindness”得知。 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  at (the) sight of in sight 2 wish for 盼望,企求,想要,相当于hope for

  wish sb. _________.


  wish ______.


  wish+从句,表达一种没有可能或不太可能实现的愿望,故从句中要用 虚拟语气 ,即与过去愿望相反时,从句谓语动词用had done;与现在愿望相反时,从句谓语动词用were/did;与将来愿望相反时,从句谓语动词用would/could/might/should+v.

  wish+带to的 不定式 ,表示“希望,想要”,这种用法相似于hope,即hope to do sth. 意为“希望做某事”。 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  sb. sth to do sth 【易混辨析】

  wish for,hope for与long for 这三个短语都可作“希望,愿望”讲,但含义略有区别: (1) wish for常指想拥有很难得到的东西; (2) hope for指盼望得到好的或有好结果,这种希望或能实现或实现不了; (3) long for指强烈的愿望或渴望,语气最强。 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) He shall not go. I wish


  (2) Do you

  ___________ (希望) place an order now?

  (3) Everyone

  ___________ (希望获得) happiness, but few get it.

  (4) I

  ______________ (祝你成功).

  (5) I wish John

  __________ (来)with us. 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  he could/would stay wish/hope to wishes for wish you success had come 2.单项填空

  We all


  you good luck in the coming examination.





  [解析] C “wish sb. sth.”表示“但愿某人怎么样”带双宾语。 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  3 reach out 伸出(手)

  (1) reach (out) for


  reach (come to/arrive at) an



  (2) above /______ one’s reach



  of one’s reach


  ______one’s reach=within the reach of sb.

  某人手够得着的,某人力所能及的 第7讲 │ 短语储存



  out within 【活学活用】 (1) 把这些东西放在孩子够不着的地方。

  Put these things

  ___________________________. (2) 他长得真快,现在连最高的一层架子都能够着了。

  He’s grown so much that now even the top shelf is

  ______________. (3) 他伸出手想要拿一块蛋糕。


  _____________a piece of cake. 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  beyond/above children’s reach within his reach reached out for 4 watch out (for) 戒备, 提防, 注意;监视;当心




  watch ___


  watch it






  ___watch/keep watch

  值班,守望 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  for over on out 【活学活用】 1.汉译英

  (1) 注意! 那人手里持着刀。


  (2) 小心敌人的火力。


  (3) 谁说我守旧的?小心喽!

  ____________________________________! 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  Watch out! The man has a knife in his hand Watch out for enemy’s fire Who said I was old­fashioned? Watch out 2.单项填空


  dangerous animals such as tigers and wolves while traveling in this forest.

  A.Watch out

  B.Watch out for

  C.Looking out for

  D.Look out of

  [解析] B 首先分析句子结构确定题目使用祈使句式,while连接现在分词短语作时间状语,因此空格处应填动词原形。又因为空格后出现dangerous animals是要提防的对象,不能直接跟在watch out之后,而是要用介词for。 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  5 stare up at sth./sb.抬头凝视

  stare sb. into sth. 盯着某人使其做出某种反应

  stare at


  【易混辨析】 stare at,glare at 和glance at

  第7讲 │ 短语储存

  stare at 意为“凝视,盯着看”,强调动作的持续性; glance at 意为“瞥一眼,看一眼”,强调动作的迅速或不经意; glare at 意为“怒目而视”,强调带有恐吓、凶狠或愤怒等感情色彩。

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) He sat there ___________the sky.


  (2) __________the watch, she told him the time.


  (3) He

  ________me like a bull at a red rag.

  他像公牛怒视红布一样对我怒目而视。 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  staring up at Glancing at glared at 2.单项填空

  Tom, the first male teacher in this kindergarten smiled kindly at the children who were



  A.glaring at

  B.staring at

  C.glancing at


  [解析] B  句意:汤姆,这家幼儿园中第一位男老师,朝盯着他看的小朋友们亲切地微笑。根据glare at意为“怒目而视”;stare at意为“凝视,盯着看”;glance at意为“瞥一眼,看一眼”;angrily这是一个副词,不能用来修饰him。根据句意可知应选择B。 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  6 contrary to 和……相反


  the contrary 与……相反(的)


  the contrary (与此)相反,正相反,恰恰相反

  contrary adj.

  执拗的;固执的 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  on/quite to 【活学活用】 (1) What he said is ___________ what he did.

  他所说的与所做的刚好相反。 (2) I don’t find him funny at all, _________________.

  正相反,我觉得他一点儿也不可笑。 (3) —You must be tired.

  — _______________, I feel wide awake.


  ——相反, 我感觉很清醒。 第7讲 │ 短语储存

  contrary to quite the contrary On the contrary 第7讲

  Unit 1 The world of our senses 第7讲 Unit 1 The world of our senses 第7讲 │ 美文欣赏 美文欣赏 假如你是中学生李华,你的美国朋友Jack在上次给你的电子邮件中抱怨最近自己眼睛近视了。请你给他用英语回一封电子邮件,内容如下: 1.介绍一下你们班同学近视的情况; 2.分析一下造成你们班这种情况的原因; 3.帮Jack出点儿保持眼睛健康的主意。 注意:1.词数120-150;邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好。 2.近视:short­sighted adj. short­sightedness n. Dear Jack, ________________________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely, Li Hua 第7讲 │ 美文欣赏 【精彩美文】

  Dear Jack,

  I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering from short­sightedness too.

  To be frank,almost eight students out of ten in my class have to wear glasses in order to live a normal school life,including me. As far as I'm concerned,many factors contribute to this phenomenon. First,we Chinese students live under a great burden,a burden of examinations. You know,we have to fight our way in life with millions of peers.

  第7讲 │ 美文欣赏 Second,most of us with short­sightedness don't have a good habit of using our eyes,either due to lack of knowledge or carelessness.

  In this case,I strongly recommend that you should not use your computer for that long a time any more and that you should change your habit of reading in bed. Hopefully,your short­sightedness could be


  by wearing proper glasses.

  All in all,don't worry!It's no big deal.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua 第7讲 │ 美文欣赏 【全品点睛】

  ①行文逻辑:介绍情况→分析原因→提出建议。较好地使用了连接词语,如:to be frank,as far as I'm concerned,first,second,either…or…,all in all等。

  ②词汇短语:运用了较高难度的词汇。如:suffer from,contribute to,have a good habit of,due to,in this case,recommend,hopefully,in order to,fight our way等。 第7讲 │ 美文欣赏 ③句式句法:运用了多样化的句式和句法结构。如:宾语从句:…that you are suffering from short­sightedness too. 两个并列的宾语从句,并且分别使用了虚拟语气:I strongly recommend that you should not use your computer for that long a time any more and that you should change your habit of reading in bed. “All in all,don't worry!It's no big deal.”升华了主题,有画龙点睛之效。

  第7讲 │ 美文欣赏 基础梳理 Ⅰ.单词荟萃 1.confuse vt.使糊涂,使迷惑→ __________

  n.糊涂,迷惑→ ________

  adj.令人困惑的→ ________ adj.感到困惑的 2.observe vt.观察;注意到;评论→ __________

  n.观察→ ________ n.观察者 3.hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑不决→ ________ n.犹豫 4.anxious adj.焦虑的,忧虑的→ ________ n.焦虑,忧虑 5.recognize vt.认识,辨认出;意识到;(正式)承认→ __________

  n.识别,承认 第7讲 │ 基础梳理 confusion confusing confused observation observer hesitation anxiety recognition 6.puzzle n.迷,疑问;vt.迷惑,使困惑→ _________ adj.感到困惑的,迷茫的→ _________ adj.令人不解的 7.ignore vt.忽视;对……不予理会→ _________ n.无知;愚昧 8.whisper vi.& vt.小声说;私下说→ _________ n.耳语;谣传→ _________ n.低语者;窃窃私语的人 9.attract vt.吸引→ _________ adj.吸引人的→ _________ n.吸引,吸引力 10.employ vt.使用;雇佣→ __________n.雇佣→ ________ n.雇主→ _________ n.雇员 第7讲 │ 基础梳理 puzzled puzzling ignorance whisper whisperer attractive attraction

  employment employer employee Ⅱ.短语检测 1.走出去  2.看得到,在视力范围之内 3.盼望,期盼

  4.伸出(手) 5.瞥一眼 6.留心,密切注意 7.凝视,盯着看



  10.偿还;报答 第7讲 │ 基础梳理 step out

  in sight wish for

  reach out

  glance at

  watch out for

  stare at

  roll up

  get across

  pay back Ⅲ.佳句再现 1.然而,即使我们有很好的感官,他们仍然会使我们感到困惑。

  However, _______we have good senses, they can still confuse us. 2.一到街上,她就快步走向平时乘车的汽车站台。

  ________ in the street, she walked quickly towards her


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