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2017届高考英语一轮复习方案精品课件:第8讲 Unit8《Adventure》(北师大版必修3)

发布时间:2017-02-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  阅读写作(八) │ 词句模板 词句模板 1.段首常用语:

  (1) May I have/call your attention, please?

  (2) Attention, please, everybody!

  (3) I have an announcement to make.

  (4) I have something to tell you. 2.段中常用语:

  (1) There will be a talk this afternoon.

  (2) The Student Union has decided that…

  (3) We shall have a lecture on…

  (4) It has been decided that we'll pay a visit to… 3.段尾常用语:

  (1) Please be there on time and don't be late.

  (2) I hope you can have a good time.

  (3) That's all. Thank you. 阅读写作(八) │ 词句模板 4.书面通知格式模板: In order to ________, ________ is to be held on ________ (day), ________ (date), at ________ (time) in ________

  (place). Whoever is interested in it is welcome to attend ________. Those who want to take part in ________ please sign up at the Student Union. Please remember: ________. 阅读写作(八) │ 词句模板 5.口头通知格式模板: Ladies and gentlemen, Your attention,please. I have something to tell you. 具体内容:______________________________________________________ Please remember: Time: ________

  Place: ________

  Thank you for listening. 阅读写作(八) │ 词句模板 【活学活用】 你校学生会将召开选举新主席的大会。假如你是留学生班班长李华,请你用英语在班里宣布一个口头通知,要点如下: 1.时间:下周五下午3:00—5:00; 地点:图书馆三楼讲座厅; 2.参选的同学先作自我介绍和五分钟演讲,最后进行投票; 3.希望全体同学参加,不要迟到或缺席; 4.报名的同学要准备一份自我简介和简短演讲稿。 注意:词数100左右;开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 阅读写作(八) │ 词句模板 参考词汇:学生会:the Student Union 报名: enter for 选举: elect 投票: vote Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. __________________________________________________ That's all. Thank you! 阅读写作(八) │ 词句模板 【参考范文】

  Boys and girls,

  May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.

  Next Friday afternoon, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm, in the lecture hall on the third floor of the school library, the Student Union will hold a meeting to elect a new chairman. First, all the students who want to enter for the election will give a self-introduction, followed by a five-minute speech. And finally, the voting will be carried out. 阅读写作(八) │ 词句模板 Everybody is required to attend the meeting. Be sure not to be late or absent. By the way, remember to prepare an introduction of yourself as well as a short speech if you want to have a go.

  That's all.

  Thank you!

  阅读写作(八) │ 词句模板 【活学活用】 英汉互译 (1) Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.

  _______________________________________ (2) 他送给她几朵玫瑰花以答谢她的好意。

  ____________________________________________ 第8讲 │ 短语储存


  He gave her some roses in return for her kindness. 4 stand by 旁观;坚持(某种)说法;支持(某人)

  stand out引人注目;突出

  stand up


  stand for


  stand up for

  支持,拥护 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语提示完成句子

  (1) What does “USA” _________(代表)?

  (2) The blue picture

  _________ (引人注目)against the

  white wall. 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  stand for stands out 2.单项填空 We firmly ________ the fundamental principles of Marxism­Leninism.

  A.stand upB.stand about

  C.stand by

  D.stand back

  [解析] C 句意:我们坚定不移地坚持马克思主义—列宁主义的基本原理。句意中“坚持”应意为stand by,而stand up表示“站起来”;stand about表示“闲站着”;stand back表示“往后站”。 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  5 run out of 用完,耗尽

  run across不期而遇

  run after


  run away


  run away from


  run into

  偶然遇见 【词语辨析】 run out,run out of,give out与use up 这四个短语都有“用光,耗尽”之意,但也有区别。 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  (1) run out 是不及物动词短语,无被动语态,通常以物作主语,相当于give out。 如:

  Our food soon ran out.我们的食物不久就吃光了。 (2)run out of是及物动词短语,常以人作主语,相当于use up。 如:

  Could I have a cigarette? I seem to have run out of them.给我一支烟好吗? 我的(烟)好像已经抽完了。 (3) give out 是不及物动词短语,意为“用尽;分发;宣布;发出”。如:

  After a month, their food gave out.

  过了一个月, 他们的食物消耗殆尽。 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  (4) use up 是及物动词短语,意为“用完, 耗尽”。如:

  Don't use up all the soap. Leave me some to wash with.不要把肥皂用尽,留一些给我用。 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语提示完成句子

  (1) My money has been

  __________________ (用光).

  (2) My money has

  _________________ (用光). 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  used up/run out of run out/given out 2.单项填空

  —Have you ________ food?

  —Yes, ________. We'd better buy some.

  A.run out of; we have run it out

  B.run out of; our food has run out

  C.run out of; our food has been run out

  D.run out; our food has run out

  [解析] B 句意:“你们吃光了食物吗?”“是的,我们已经吃光了,最好买一些。”表示“吃光”既可以用run out of,也可以用run out,但run out of=use up是及物动词短语;run out是不及物动词短语,没有被动形式,主语应是“物”。

  第8讲 │ 短语储存

  1 Why do you think people would want to go on this trip?你认为人们为什么想去参加这次旅行? 句型公式

  do you think作插入语

  特殊疑问词+do you think+陈述句?

  “特殊疑问词+do you think+陈述句?”句型中,

  应注意句子的语序为陈述语序  第8讲 │ 句型透视

  句型透视 【相关句型】 (1) Do you think that…? (2) I (don't) think that… 【注意事项】 (1) I don't think that…中存在否定前移的用法,即形式上是否定主句,实际上否定从句的谓语。当主句主语为第一人称时,同时由think, believe, suppose等作谓语,那么宾语从句中的否定就可以前移到主句的谓语中来,但是构成反意疑问句时,反意疑问句仍然与宾语从句的主语保持一致,且否定仍然算在宾语从句上。如: 第8讲 │ 句型透视

  I don't think he is right, is he?

  我认为他不对,是吧? (2) I think可用作插入语,插入语可用于句中,往往用逗号与其他部分隔开,也可用在句末;去掉之后,句子结构和语义都是完整的。 第8讲 │ 句型透视


  If you are to go to Beijing, ________ more, the Summer Palace or the Great Wall?

  A.which do you think you'll enjoy

  B.do you think which you'll enjoy

  C.which you will enjoy

  D.which do you think will you enjoy

  [解析] A “特殊疑问句+插入语”的句式构成:疑问词+do you think+陈述句。句意:如果你去北京,你认为你会更喜欢哪个,颐和园还是长城? 第8讲 │ 句型透视

  2 Although people enjoyed reading his book, many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true.尽管人们喜欢读他的书,但是很多人认为马克讲的关于中国的故事太奇妙了,令人难以置信。 句型公式

  too…to 结构  

  too+adj./adv. (for sb.) to do sth.  第8讲 │ 句型透视

  【句型解读】 (1) 该句型表示否定意义,意思是“太……而不能……”,可用so+adj./adv.+that句式转换。 (2) too…to…的否定形式not too…to… 的意思是“不是太……而不能”。如:

  第8讲 │ 句型透视

  He is not too young to dress himself.


  It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。 (3) too还因此形成一类特殊而重要的用法,具体如下:

  cannot(或can never)…too… 表示“怎么……也不过分,越……越好”的含义。如:

  One cannot be too careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.因为这是一个如此重要的情况,所以在做出决定时无论怎样谨慎都不过分。

  You cannot praise the play too highly.

  无论你怎样称赞这部戏都不过分。 第8讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 1.改为同义句

  (1) The book is too difficult for him to read.


  (2) The boy was so young that I couldn't blame him.

  ____________________________________ 2.汉译英

  (1) 我非常乐意帮你。


  (2) 学习再怎么认真都不过分。

  ____________________________________ 第8讲 │ 句型透视

  The book is so difficult that he can't read.

  The boy was too young for me to blame. I'm only too pleased to help you. One can never be too careful to learn.


  The shop manager always says to his assistants,“We can never be ________ polite to our customers.”





  [解析] C 根据句意“我们对顾客怎么礼貌也不为过”可知,此处表达的是强烈的肯定,只有too可以用在这个结构中。 第8讲 │ 句型透视

  第8讲 │ 跟踪训练

  跟踪训练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The a ________ husband awaited the birth of his son. 2.In production, we demand not only q ________ but also quality. 3.With time and ________ (耐心) you will gradually come to understand the society that is so different from ours. 4.Life is ________ (有限的), but there is no limit to learning. 5.

  ________ (观察)and record the operation and the data through experiments. nxious uantity



  Observe Ⅱ.选词填空 用下面短语的适当形式填空。

  to one's amazement; break out; a large quantity of;  stand by; put into prison 1.A fire

  _________last night, which killed many people. 2.

  __________________money is spent to save the endangered animals by Chinese government. 3.I will always

  _________you whatever happens. 4.He

  __________________for stealing something. 5.

  _________________, Li Lei who always does well in English, failed this time. 第8讲 │ 跟踪训练

  broke out A large quantity of stand by was put into prison To my amazement Ⅲ.单项填空 1.—I can't find Mr Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?

  —It was in the hotel _______he stayed.

  A.that B.where


  D.the one

  [解析] B where引导定语从句修饰the hotel。该句为强调句式的省略句,完整句子为It was in the hotel where he stayed that I met Mr Smith. 第8讲 │ 跟踪训练

  2.Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer________ it was 20 years ago,________it was poorly equipped.

  A.what; when

  B.that; which

  C.what; which

  D.which; that

  [解析] A 句意:……学校不再是20年前的学校,当时(when)设备很差。第一空填what,指代学校,引导表语从句;后一空填when,为定语从句的关系副词。 第8讲 │ 跟踪训练

  3.A teacher should treat any one of his pupils as his own child, but should not show ________ for any one of them.





  [解析] C preference意为“偏爱”。句意:老师对待学生要像对待自己的孩子一样,但不应该偏爱任何学生。 第8讲 │ 跟踪训练

  4.What strikes me about his poetry is its ________ to Shakespeare's.





  [解析] B 考查固定搭配。similarity to“与……的相似性”;familiarity“熟悉”;imitation“模仿”;same“相同”,后与as连用。 第8讲 │ 跟踪训练

  5.It is said that they have already ________ fuel, so we'd better offer them some help.

  A.made use of

  B.run away with

  C.run out of

  D.gone in for

  [解析] C 本题考查动词短语辨析。make use of“利用,使用”;run away with“轻易获得,偷走”;go in for“参加(考试)”;run out of“用完”。 第8讲 │ 跟踪训练

  6.Mr Smith, who is well­known ________ a scientist, was invited to give a lecture in Hangzhou, which is famous ________the West Lake.

  A.as; as

  B.for; as

  C.as; for

  D.for; for

  [解析] C 考查介词。be well­known as“作为……而闻名”;be famous for“因……而著名”,故选C。 第8讲 │ 跟踪训练

  7.It was reported that the forest fire________ last Sunday and that it________ itself and wasn't ________.

  A.went out;broke out;put out

  B.broke out;went out;put out

  C.broke out;put out;went out

  D.put out;broke out;went out

  [解析] B 本题考查动词短语辨析。break out“爆发”;go out“火自然熄灭”;put out“扑灭”。 第8讲 │ 跟踪训练

  8.If you're________ about Australian cities,just read the book written by Dr Johnson.





  [解析] D 本题考查形容词的词义区别及搭配区别。be interested in“对某事感兴趣”;be anxious about“为某事或某人着急”;be upset at“为某事不安或苦恼”;be curious about“对某事好奇”。根据搭配及句意可得答案为D。

  第8讲 │ 跟踪训练



  阅读写作(八)[应用文写作之通知 ]

  阅读写作(八) │ 写作点拨 写作点拨 通知(notice)是上级对下级、组织对成员布置工作、传达情况或告诉公众某种事情等时使用的一种应用文体,通常分为口头通知和书面通知两种。 1.口头通知是面对面地把信息传达给对方。这种通知开头应有称呼语,正式场合用Ladies and gentlemen(女士们、先生们), 有时也可以用Boys and girls或Comrades and friends(同志们、朋友们)等。开头还常有提醒听众注意的开场白, 如Attention, please.或May I have your attention, please?或I have an announcement to make.等;结尾常说That' all. Thank you.或Thank you for listening.等, 以示礼貌。口头通知无需说明发布通知的日期和发布通知的人(单位)。 阅读写作(八) │ 写作点拨 2.写书面通知时,应明确写出发出通知的单位和日期。一般情况下,书面通知的首行中央写上Notice。通知的发布单位常写在正文结束的右下角,也可以写在Notice 的上方或前面,发布通知的日期一般写在正文的左下角(在落款的下一行)或写在通知正文的右上角(在Notice的下一行)。口头通知和书面通知都是宣布即将发生的事情及其具体内容,因而多用将来时,一般用祈使句来强调。通知的语言要简洁明了,条理清晰,准确无误,特别是时间概念很重要,必须写得十分明确,不容丝毫含糊。

  阅读写作(八) │ 写作点拨 【活学活用】

  (1) You must

  _______________________while driving.

  开车时,你必须遵守限速规定。 (2) A scientist's ___________

  should be very good.

  科学家的观察力应该很敏锐。 (3) He was

  _________________by the police.

  他受到警方的监视。 (4) The police

  ________ the young man _______ the bank with a gun.

  警察看到那个年轻人带着一支枪进了银行。 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  observe the speed limit observation under observation observed enter 6 similar adj. 相似的,类似的

  (1) be similar

  ___ sb. ___



  (2) similarity n. 


  similarly adv.

  同样地,差不多地 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  to in 【活学活用】 1.根据汉语提示完成句子

  (1) They have

  ___________ (爱好相近) in music.

  (2) Your mother's idea is

  __________ (与……相似) your


  (3) The two paintings are

  ______________ (在风格方面相 似).

  (4) The__________ (相似之处) between you and your

  father is obvious. 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  similar taste similar to similar in style similarity 2.单项填空

  The two phrases are similar ________ structure but different ________ meaning.

  A.in; in

  B.to; to

  C.in; from

  D.with; from

  [解析] A 句意:这两个短语结构相似但意思不同。be similar to“与……相似”;be different from“与……不同”。在这里很多学生先入为主,所以容易选错。 be similar in“在……方面相似”;be different in“在……方面不同”。 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  7 differ vi.不同于,有区别

  (1) differ _____

  sb./ sth. (about/over/on sth.)


  (2) different adj.不同的

  be different



  (3) difference n.


  make a difference

  起作用;产生影响 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  from from 【活学活用】 用介词填空 (1) I'm sorry to differ _____ you ________________ the matter. (2) The customs here differ _____ those of the south. (3) The two books differ ___ language. (4) There are many differences ________ living in the city and living in the countryside. 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  from on/over/about from in between 8 quantity n. 量;数量

  quantities of/a quantity of 许多的,大量的 【温馨提示】 a quantity of与quantities of语义相当,既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词。如: There is a large quantity of rain in the country. 这个国家多雨。 Large quantities of water have just been drunk by him. 他刚刚喝了很多水。 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  【知识拓展】 表示“许多,大量的”的词语还有: a (large/great) number of,a great deal of,a lot of, plenty of,a good/great many, scores of, dozens of, much, large amounts of, a large amount of 等。 【词语辨析】 quantity,number与amount

  (1) quantity 意为“量,数量”,指事物(可数或不可数)的总量(总 数),很少用于人。如:

  There is a small quantity of milk left in the cup.

  杯子里剩下少量的牛奶。 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  (2) number 意为“数,数字;数额”,总是用于具体的、可数的人或物,强调部分或个体。如:

  The number of teachers in our school is 200.

  我们学校老师的人数是200人。 (3) amount 意为“总数,总额”,通常用于不可数的或不必计数的事物,指其总数或总和。如:

  We need a small amount of fuel.

  我们需要少量的燃料。 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语提示完成句子

  (1) Without quality there can be ___________(没有数量).

  (2) _____________ (大量的) books are sold out every day.

  (3) He has collected ______________________________(许 多)stamps. 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  no quantity Quantities of quantities of/a large quantity of 2.单项填空

  The number of children who have lost parents due to

  AIDS ________ to rise to over 26 million in 2017.

  A.are expected

  B.is expecting

  C.are expecting

  D.is expected

  [解析] D the number of作句子的主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,be expected to do sth.意为“预期或期望干某事”。 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  9 aim n. 目的,目标v. 瞄准,对准

  (1) achieve/realise one's aim 达到某人的目的

  with the aim



  take aim at


  (2) aim



  be aimed at


  (3) aimless adj.

  无目标的,无目的的 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  of at 【活学活用】 1.根据汉语提示完成句子

  (1) He must be patient in order to

  ____________________ (达到他的目标).

  (2) The firm is



  (3) My remarks were not

  ____________ (针对你).

  第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  achieve/realise his aims aiming at reducing the number of employees aimed at you 2.单项填空

  The Hope Project ________ helping build schools in the poor areas.


  B.aims to C.is aimed to

  D.is aimed at

  [解析] D 考查aim的固定搭配。be aimed at“旨在,目的是”。 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  10 major adj. 较大的;较多的;主要的;较重要的,较严重的n.[C]专业vi.主修,专攻 【情景记忆】

  第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  (1) major ___



  (2) majority n.


  a/the majority

  ___ =most of


  (3) minor adj.


  minority n.

  少数,小部分 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  in of 【活学活用】 1.英汉互译

  (1) 他打算将来以英语为专业。


  (2) The computer needs major repairs.


  (3) The doctor said that the patient needed a major


  _________________________ 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  He intended to major in English in the future 这台计算机需要大修。 医生说那个病人需要大手术。 2.单项填空

  What did he major ________ at university?

  A.at B.on

  C.in D.about

  [解析] C 句意:在大学他专修什么课程?major in“专修”。

  第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  11 limit n. 界限;边界,限度 vt. 限制,限定

  (1) go beyond/over the limit





  set a limit

  __ sth.


  (2) limited adj.


  be limited to sth.

  受限于某事 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  within to 【活学活用】


  (1) All speeches _______________10 minutes.


  (2) I think you should __________________________

  your husband smokes.


  (3) There is

  ________to the children‘s imagination. 孩子的 想象力是无限的。 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  will be limited to limit the number of cigarettes no limit 2.单项填空

  —Is there any ________ the time when I stay here?

  —Yes, you must leave here before he comes back.

  A.number of

  B.length of

  C.limit to

  D.matter with

  [解析] C 问句句意:我待在这儿的时间有限制吗? limit在此处作名词,与介词to连用。 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  1 take off 脱下;(飞机等)起飞;休假

  take along 随身携带




  take ______


  take ___


  take out


  take ___

  呈现 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  短语储存 away



  on 【活学活用】 1.用take的相关短语的适当形式填空

  (1) When Japanese army invaded China, our whole nation

  _________arms against the enemy.

  (2) The small village

  ___________a new look since the

  kind­hearted photographer came into it.

  (3) When you go travelling in summer, you should


  your raincoat

  _______ .

  (4) The careless doctor

  ________a good tooth by mistake.

  (5) Hurry up! The plane is

  ___________in ten minutes.

  (6) We need more time to

  _______the situation.

  第8讲 │ 短语储存

  took up has taken on take along took out taking off take in 2.单项填空

  Jenny worked hard before the final examination and it ________.She got the top mark in her class.

  A.showed offB.paid off

  C.put off

  D.took off

  [解析] B 句意:珍妮期末考试前学习很努力,这是值得的,她得了班上的最高分。paid off此处意为“是值得的,没有白费;取得成功”,符合句意。show off“炫耀”;put off“推迟,延期”;take off“起飞,脱下,拿掉”。 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  2 break out (战争、火灾等)爆发;(疾病)突然发生

  break away from 脱离(政党等);打破(陈规等)

  break down


  break in


  break into


  break up


  break through

  冲破,突破 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  【词语辨析】 take place, happen, occur与break out (1) take place 为不及物动词短语, 无被动语态,无进行时,指事先计划或预想到的事情非偶然地发生。如:

  The film festival takes place in October every year.

  电影节于每年10月份举办。 (2) happen 是普通用语,其发生带有意外和偶然性。另作“碰巧”讲,用法是happen to do sth.,无被动语态。如:

  A terrible accident happened in the street yesterday.昨天,在街上发生了一起严重的事故。 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  (3) occur 是较正式用语,指“具体事情碰巧发生”时可与happen互换(但happen to do 不可换成occur to do);另外occur还有“突然想起”,客观事物的“出现,存在”等意思,此时不可与happen互换。如:

  It occurred to him that he would go at once.

  他突然想起他立刻就要走。 (4) break out 是不及物动词短语,无被动语态,指“(战争、火灾等)爆发;(疾病)突然发生”。如:

  The Second World War broke out in 1939.

  第二次世界大战于1939年爆发。 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  【活学活用】 1.用occur, happen, take place的适当形式填空

  (1) Suddenly a good idea

  ________to me.

  (2) Great changes

  ________________since I came to this


  (3) It ___________ that I had no money on me, so I didn't

  buy it. 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  occurred have taken place happened 2.单项填空

  The May Fourth Movement against imperialism and feudalism ________________ in Beijing in 1919.

  A.broke down 

  B.broke out

  C.broke into

  D.broke up

  [解析] B 句意:1919年在北京爆发了反对帝国主义和封建主义的“五四”运动。break down表示“出故障”;break into表示“闯入”;break up表示“破裂”;只有break out表示“爆发”。 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  3 in turn 反过来,转而;依次,轮流

  in return 作为回报

  in return for


  in advance


  in all


  in brief


  in case


  in danger


  in debt


  in general

  一般说来 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  in order


  in ruins


  in short


  in vain

  徒劳地 第8讲 │ 短语储存

  【词语辨析】 in return 与 in turn (1) in return意为“作为回报”。如:

  I bought him a drink in return for his help. 我请他喝饮料以感谢他的帮助。 (2) in turn意为“反过来”,多作状语,还有“轮流地, 依次地,一个接一个地 (=by turns)”的意思。如:

  She asked everyone the same question in turn.

  她依次向每一个人问同样的问题。 【注意事项】 in turn与in return很容易混淆,在复习中应引起足够的重视。 第8讲 │ 短语储存


  Unit 8

  Adventure 第8讲 Unit 8


  第8讲 │ 美文欣赏 美文欣赏

  [2011·四川卷] 最近,某中学生英文报开设了“After­class Activities”的栏目,请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动。 1.你校开展课外活动的情况; 2.你参加过的课外活动及给你带来的益处; 3.为同学选择课外活动提出建议; 4.为学校开展课外活动提出建议。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.文中不得提及人名、校名及地名; 3.稿件的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 After­class Activities Nowadays, after­class activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools._______________________________________________ 第8讲 │ 美文欣赏 【精彩美文】

  After­class Activities

  Nowadays, after­class activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools. In our school, there are various kinds of activities, for example,arts and sports. We enjoy them very much. Playing football and reading stories are my favorites which do me lots of good. Besides building my body and enriching my knowledge,they also free me from the heavy work of study. 第8讲 │ 美文欣赏 Here I have some suggestions. To students,you'd better choose the activities which interest you and suit you;to schools,they should organize more activities for students and leave students more time for activities by giving them less homework. Dear friends,please actively take part in after­class activities,which will not only make your school life colorful,but also improve your learning. After­class Activities Nowadays, after­class activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools. In our school, there are various kinds of activities, for example, arts and sports.

  第8讲 │ 美文欣赏 We enjoy them very much. Playing football and reading stories are my favorites which do me lots of good. Besides building my body and enriching my knowledge, they also free me from the heavy work of study.

  Here I have some suggestions. To students, you'd better choose the activities which interest you and suit you; to schools, they should organize more activities for students and leave students more time for activities by giving them less homework.

  Dear friends, please actively take part in after­class activities, which will not only make your school life colorful, but also improve you learning. 第8讲 │ 美文欣赏 【全品点睛】

  ①行文逻辑:所开展的课外活动及益处→给出建议→发出倡议。较好地使用了连接词,如:besides,not only…but also等。

  ②词汇短语:运用了较高难度的词汇。如:various kinds of,enrich,free…from,take part in等。

  ③句式句法:运用了多样化的句式和句法结构。如:形容词比较级结构:…are becoming more and more popular…;动名词短语作主语,which引导的定语从句:Playing football and reading stories are my favorites which do me lots of good.使用了which引导的非限制性定语从句,主句为祈使句: 第8讲 │ 美文欣赏 …please actively take part in after­class activities, which will not only make your school life colorful, but also improve your learning;there be句型:…there are various kinds of activities等。

  第8讲 │ 美文欣赏 基础梳理 Ⅰ.单词荟萃 1. __________

  n. 奇遇,冒险的经历→ __________

  adj. 惊险的,喜欢冒险的 2. ______

  adj. 较重要的;较严重的→ ________

  n. 大多数 3. ________

  n. 相似性,类似性→ ______

  adj. 相似的→ ________

  adv. 相似地,类似地 4. __________n. 配备,设备→ _______ vt.装备 5. __________

  n. 较喜欢的东西,偏爱→_______

  vt. 较喜欢 6. __________

  n. 准备,预备→_______

  vt. 准备 第8讲 │ 基础梳理 adventure adventurous major majority similarity similar similarly equipment equip preference




  7. ______

  vt. 观察,观测→ ____________

  n. 观察,观测 8. ______

  adj. 不同的,各种各样的→ ______v. 呈现不同,变化→_______

  adj. 不同的→ _______ n. 多样性,多样化 9. _________

  n. 志向,抱负→ _________

  adj. 有抱负的, 雄心勃勃的 10. ____________

  n. 哲学→ ____________ n.哲学家 第8讲 │ 基础梳理 observe observation various


  varied variety ambition ambitious philosophy philosopher Ⅱ.短语检测 1.颠倒地,倒置地 










  第8讲 │ 基础梳理 upside down

  turn up

  back out

  get across

  in turn

  break out

  put into prison

  stand by

  break down

  carry on

  Ⅲ.佳句再现 1.Marco was surprised to

  ___ Chinese people

  _____ paper money in the markets.

  马可很惊讶地看到中国人在集市上使用纸币。 2.

  __________the total darkness of the polar winter.

  接下来极地冬日的全部黑暗时期到来了。 3.The next to go was Captain Oates, who was _______ great

  ________ walking.

  下一个去世的是奥茨上尉,他行走很有困难。 第8讲 │ 基础梳理 see using Then came having difficulty 4.Although people enjoyed reading his book, many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were




  be true.

  尽管人们喜欢读他的书,但是很多人认为马克讲的关于中国的故事太奇妙了,令人难以置信。 第8讲 │ 基础梳理 too to 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  单词点睛 1 anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的;渴望的

  (1) be anxious for/ ______  


  be anxious ____ sth.


  be anxious to do sth.


  be anxious for sb. to do sth.


  be anxious that sb. (should) do sth.


  (2) anxiety n.


  anxiously adv.

  忧虑地,不安地 about

  for 【活学活用】 1.根据汉语提示完成句子

  (1) She was ___________________(渴望见到他).

  (2) She was ________ (渴望) that her son should get what

  he wanted.

  (3) His mother is _________________________ (担心他的安全). 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  anxious to meet him


  anxious for/about his safety 2.单项填空

  When the war broke out, the rich were ________ their wealth.

  A.frightened by B.anxious about

  C.eager for

  D.shocked at

  [解析] B 句意:当战争爆发的时候,富人们担心他们的财富。be anxious about表示“为……担忧”。 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  2 shock n. 震动;震惊,惊骇;打击 v. (使)震惊,(使)惊愕;使触电

  (1) (be)a shock to sb.



  culture shock


  (2) shocked adj.


  be shocked at/by (doing) sth.


  be shocked to do sth.


  (3) shocking adj.

  令人气愤的,令人憎恶的 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  【经典句式】 It shocked sb. to see/hear… 看到/听到……对某人来说是一个打击。 【注意事项】 shocked,frightened,surprised,amazed等主语通常为人,而shocking,frightening,surprising, amazing等主语通常为物。 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.汉译英

  (1) 他妻子去世对他是一个沉重的打击。


  (2) 当我听到你出事后我很震惊。

  _____________________________________________ 第8讲 │ 单词点睛

  It was a great shock for him th


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