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2017届高考英语一轮复习方案精品课件:第3讲 Unit 3 《Celebration》 (北师大版必修1)

发布时间:2017-02-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【点睛】 本文为记叙文,从短文的第一句话我们可以知道事情发生的时间是早上8:30,地点是一家医院,而人物则是一位80多岁的老人。从下文内容可知这位老人来到医院的目的是看病,并且他赶时间,因为他在9:30有一个约会。护士领着他来到等候区,告诉他至少要等40分钟才会有医生来为他看病。由此分析可知答案分别为:1.C 2.D 3.B。 阅读写作(三) │ 重视首句理解 【活学活用】 When I began planning to move to Auckland to study,my mother was worried about a lack of jobs and cultural differences. Ignoring these  1 ,I got there in July 2010.  2  I arrived,I realized the importance of getting a job  3  my living expenses. Determined to do this  4 , I spent several weeks going door-to-door for a job, but found  5  response(回应). 阅读写作(三) │ 重视首句理解 1. A. doubts

  B. concerns

  C. instructions

  D. reasons 2. A. Even if

  B. Every time

  C. Now that

  D. Soon after 3. A. of

  B. at

  C. for

  D. with 4. A. on my own

  B. on my way

  C. by any chance

  D. by the day 5. A. any

  B. much

  C. some

  D. little 阅读写作(三) │ 重视首句理解 【点睛】 本文是夹叙夹议型文章,由首句信息可以预测文章是关于“出国留学、遇到困难、战胜困难”的励志故事。带着对文章的预测可以轻松地展开阅读。 1.B 根据上文提示,妈妈对“我”去奥克兰有很多顾虑,而“我”忽视这些“顾虑”,于2010年7月去了奥克兰。concern表示“顾虑”。 2.D 到了那里后不久就意识到为“我”的生活开销找一份工作的重要性。表示“很快,不久”,应用soon after。 3.C 表示“为我的生活开销”,故用介词for。

  阅读写作(三) │ 重视首句理解 4.A 从后来作者一次又一次地找工作可以看出是作者“独自”找工作。故用on my own。 5.D 从but可以看出,尽管作者挨家挨户地找工作,但是没有得到回复。故用表示否定的词little。 阅读写作(三) │ 重视首句理解 1 On this day,the moon is said to be its biggest and brightest.据说,在这天月亮最大、最亮。 句型公式 be said to be+adj.  【相关句型】 (1)be said to be doing sth.据说正在做某事 (2)be said to do sth.据说将要做某事 (3)be said to have done sth.据说已经做了某事 (4)be said to be done 据说被做 (5)It is said(后接从句)据说…… 第3讲 │ 句型透视

  句型透视 【注意事项】 (1) Sth. be said to…是句式It is said that…的变形,两者含义相 同。

  It is said her acting is outstanding.=Her acting is said to

  be outstanding.据说她的演技挺出色的。 (2) Sth. be said to…后面的不定式形式取决于该动词的主动与 被动及是否已经发生。 【温馨提示】 能用在此句型中使用的常见动词有:hope,think,believe,require,expect,report,know等。既可以用It is hoped/thought/believed…that clause,也可以用于Sb./Sth. be thought/believed to be/do…句型。 第3讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 1.用study的适当时态(形式)填空

  (1) He is said ____________ abroad,but I don't know

  which country he is studying in.

  (2) He is said _____________ abroad,but I don't know

  which country he studied in.

  (3) He is said _______ abroad,but I don't know which

  country he will study in. 第3讲 │ 句型透视

  to be studying to have studied to study 2.单项填空

  Leonardo da Vinci(1452~1519)________birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.   A.is said to be buying

  B.is said to have bought

  C.had said to buy

  D.has said to have bought

  [解析] B 考查sb./sth. is said to be/do句型。句意:据说,达·芬奇曾买下困在笼子里的鸟,然后放生,以得到其中的快乐。因为“买鸟”是已经做过的事情,所以不能用正在进行时,而用完成时。故答案选B。 第3讲 │ 句型透视

  2 At the bottom of the bed was the stocking,now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets.袜子在床尾,现在已装满了各种各样的小礼物和糖果。

  句型公式 倒装结构  第3讲 │ 句型透视

  【句型解析】 At the bottom of the bed was the stocking是一个倒装句式,相当于The stocking was at the bottom of the bed。表示地点的状语位于句首时,句子需要用完全倒装语序。与at the bottom of the bed类似的副词还有in,out,up,down,here,over,there,off,away等,如果它们位于句首,句子的主语如果是名词,则需要用完全倒装语序,句子的谓语动词数与后面的主语保持一致。如: 第3讲 │ 句型透视

  At the foot of the mountain lie a village and a factory. 山脚下有个村子和一个工厂。(lie) South of the river lies a small factory.一个小型工厂坐落在河的南岸。(lies) 【注意事项】 上述完全倒装句型的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不用完全倒装语序。如: Here you are.给你。 第3讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 1.汉译英


  In front of the house sat a small boy.

  第3讲 │ 句型透视


  [2010·江苏卷] —Is everyone here?

  —Not yet…Look,there ________ the rest of our guests!

  A. come

  B. comes

  C. is coming

  D. are coming

  [解析] A 本题考查倒装和时态。当副词here,there,in,out,up,down置于句首时,且句子的主语是名词,句子要完全倒装(如Here comes the bus!),此处主语the rest of our guests表示复数,排除B、C项。D项are coming表示“将来”,不符合题意,故答案选A。 第3讲 │ 句型透视

  3 Then we had tea,with a huge Christmas cake

  covered with snowmen.接下来我们喝下午茶,吃覆盖着 雪人的大圣诞蛋糕。

  句型公式  with复合结构 “with+宾语+现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语”构成复合结构在句中可以作状语或定语。 第3讲 │ 句型透视


  He fell asleep with the light burning.灯还亮着,他睡着了。(作状语)

  He lives in the room with light burning.他住在亮着灯的那个房间。(作定语) 2.with+宾语+done

  The murder was brought in,with his hands tied behind his back.那个杀人犯被带了进来,双手绑在身后。(状语)

  The murder with his hands tied behind his back was brought in.那个双手被绑在身后的杀人犯被带了进来。(定语) 第3讲 │ 句型透视


  He used to sleep with all the windows open.

  他过去常常把所有的窗户打开睡觉。 4.with+宾语+adv.

  Her mother sat on an armchair with her head down.她妈妈坐在扶手椅上,头低着。 5.with+宾语+不定式

  With nothing to do,he had to go to bed.

  没有事做,他只好上床睡觉了。 第3讲 │ 句型透视


  The woman sat there,with a baby in her arms.


  The woman with a baby in her arms is Tom's sister.那个怀里抱着孩子的女人是Tom的姐姐。(定语)   第3讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 1.用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空

  (1) With the old man _______ (lead),we started towards

  the river.

  (2) With a lot of problems _______



  (奥巴马),the president of America will be under great


  (3) She was thinking about what to do next with her legs

  _______ (cross). 第3讲 │ 句型透视

  leading to solve crossed 2.单项填空 (1) You have no idea how she finished the relay race ______ her foot wounded so much.





  [答案] C

  (2) So in the afternoon,with nothing________,I went to the bookshop.


  B.to do

  C.to be done

  D.having done

  [答案] B

  第3讲 │ 句型透视

  第3讲 │ 跟踪训练

  跟踪训练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.After __________ (毕业),she became a teacher. 2.He has a __________ (传统的) view of women. 3.The r______ old man moved to the countryside since he doesn't need to work any more. 4.After a_________ the lecture,the students had a heated discussion. 5.I am determined to s_____ the people heart and soul when I grow up. graduation traditional etired ttending erve Ⅱ.选词填空 用下面短语的适当形式填空。

  put up;depend on; agree on; go through; take part in 1.People from other cultures have also ____________ the dragon boat races and enjoy the fun. 2.Mary is too fat to __________ the narrow door. 3.My mum and sister didn't ________ anything about the wedding. 4.The boy ______ his hand so that he could catch the teacher's attention. 5.A lot will _________ how she responds to the challenge. 第3讲 │ 跟踪训练

  taken part in go through agree on put up depend on Ⅲ.单项填空 1.On one________,she called me in the middle of the night.





  [解析] A 句意“有一次她深更半夜打电话给我”。occasion指“某次,……的时候”;time前常用at;at one time“曾经,一度”。 第3讲 │ 跟踪训练

  2.This dictionary ______ ten parts,________one special part with some pictures.





  [解析] A 句意:这本字典包含10个部分,包括一个有一些图片的特殊部分。contain表示“包含(某内容)”;include表示“(整体)包含(部分)”,故答案为A。 第3讲 │ 跟踪训练

  3.In that big fire all their houses were________,so they had to build new ones.





  [解析] D 考查动词辨析。hurt“受到伤害”;harm“对……有害”;injure“受伤”;destroy“彻底毁坏”。句意:大火中他们所有的房子都被彻底毁坏,所以他们不得不建新房子。 第3讲 │ 跟踪训练

  4.Jack is making up his mind to get a ticket for the concert ______ it means standing in a queue all night.

  A.as if

  B.even if

  C.in case

  D.as long as

  [解析] B 句意:即使排一晚上的队,杰克下决心也要买到音乐会的票。even if表示“即使”。 第3讲 │ 跟踪训练

  5.The man stood there with his hands________.


  B.being folded

  C.to be folded


  [解析] D 在with复合结构中,动词fold与hands存在被动关系,所以用过去分词形式folded作宾补。 第3讲 │ 跟踪训练

  6.The girl on the bus began to sing a pop song and soon all the others________.


  B.joined in


  D.took part in

  [解析] B 由句意得知,所有的人都加入到了唱歌的行列。join in意为“参加”。take part in意为“参加(大型活动)”,其中in为介词。 第3讲 │ 跟踪训练

  7.________from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his pistol at him.

  A.Jumped down the burglar

  B.Down the burglar jumped

  C.The burglar jumps down

  D.Down jumped the burglar

  [解析] D 考查倒装结构。表方位的副词down位于句首,谓语动词是表示动作的动词jump,且主语是名词burglar,应该用完全倒装,整个谓语动词应位于主语之前。 第3讲 │ 跟踪训练

  8.I'm sure your suggestion will _______ the problem.

  A.contribute to solving

  B.be contributed to solve

  C.contribute to solve

  D.be contributed to solving

  [解析] A contribute to意为“有助于,促成”,to是介词,所以后面应接名词或动名词。句意:我相信你的建议将有助于问题的解决。 第3讲 │ 跟踪训练

  9.They ______ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

  A.carried out

  B.carried off

  C.carried on

  D.carried forward

  [解析] C 动词词组辨析。carry out“执行,实施”,carry off “赢得某物,成功地应付局面”,carry on“继续做某事”,carry forward“过账,结转”。根据句意,应选C。 第3讲 │ 跟踪训练

  10.________the danger from the enemy action,people had to deal with a severe shortage of food,clothing,fuel and almost everything.

  A.As soon as

  B.As long as

  C.As far as

  D.As well as

  [解析] D 句意:除了来自敌人军事行动的威胁,他们还要应付严重缺乏的食物、衣物、燃料的问题,几乎什么都缺。as well as表示“既……又,不但……而且”。 第3讲 │ 跟踪训练



  阅读写作(三)[完形填空技法指导之首句理解 ]

  阅读写作(三) │ 重视首句理解 重视首句理解 首句是了解文章全貌的窗口。一般来说,记叙文类的文章的首句会交代4个W(when,where,who,what),说明文类的文章的首句会解释要说明的对象,议论文类的文章的首句会提出一个论点。首句往往是整篇文章的统领句,概括了整篇文章的中心和写作意图。而且每段的首句通常有承上启下的作用,是文章发展过程中的重要线索。细读首句可以判断文章体裁,预测文章大意和主旨。读懂首句可以帮助考生建立正确的思维导向,对理解全文起着至关重要的作用。所以在仔细阅读了首句后,应快速阅读全文,确定文章的体裁、主旨和结构。 例1 [2011·江西卷] (节选) What a busy day!The three boys were fed,bathed and changed into their nightclothes. Mary had  1  them a story and finally they were asleep. “Babysitting (照看)the three boys aged eight,six and four is extremely


  ,”she thought. 1. A. given



  D.taught 2. A. successful



  D.surprising 阅读写作(三) │ 重视首句理解 【点睛】 本文为记叙文,文章一开始寥寥数语就点明了故事的时间、人物、地点。由此不难预测文章可能是关于保姆玛丽在照顾小孩时的一段故事。 1.C 联系前文的喂孩子、帮孩子洗澡和换衣服等可知,这里指的是给孩子讲故事哄他们睡觉。故答案选C。 2.C 联系前文可知照看三个孩子的工作令人很疲倦。A项“成功的”;B项“有帮助的”;C项“令人疲倦的”;D项“令人惊奇的”;只有C符合语境。 阅读写作(三) │ 重视首句理解 例2 [2010·全国卷Ⅰ] (节选) It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment (约会) at 9:30. The nurse had him take a


  in the waiting area,  2  him it would be at least 40 minutes


  someone would be able to see him… 1. A. breath

  B.Test C.seat

  D.break 2. A. persuading



  D.telling 3. A. if

  B.Before C.since

  D.after 阅读写作(三) │ 重视首句理解 【活学活用】 1.根据汉语意思完成句子

  (1) He has lost ____________ speech.


  (2) They're frightened of ____________.


  (3) This government _______________ at the last election.

  这一届政府是经最近的大选后上台执政的。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  the power of losing power came into power 2.单项填空

  Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas,wind and other forms of________.





  [解析] A 从常识可知,天然气(natural gas)和风(wind)都是能源,所以要选择energy作为答案。source的意思是“源泉”;power的意思是“能力,动力,权力”;material的意思是“材料”。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  7 destroy vt.破坏,毁坏(某物)

  destruction n.


  destructive adj.


  【词语辨析】 damage,destroy与ruin (1) damage 指价值、用途降低或外表损坏等,不一定全部破坏,可表示可以修复的破坏。如:

  The car was badly damaged,so the driver had it repaired.这辆车被严重破坏,所以司机请人修理它。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  (2) destroy强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉。如:

  The big fire destroyed the old man's house. He was very sad.

  大火毁坏了老人的房子。他非常伤心。 (3) ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏之意,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁坏的意思。如:

  This is an ancient ruined city.


  The crops are nearly ruined by the continuous rain.

  连续不断的雨水几乎毁坏了这些庄稼。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 用destroy,ruin与damage的适当形式填空 (1) You will ____ your chances of the job if you wear that shirt to the interview. (2) Smoking can _______ your health,so give it up,please. (3) After the earthquake,everything was completely _________.  第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  ruin damage destroyed 8 include vt.包含,包括

  including sb./sth. 包括某人/某事

  sb./sth. included


  【温馨提示】 including是介词,表示“包括……”,其用法为including sb./sth.;included是形容词,表示“……包括在内”,其用法为sb./sth. included。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  【词语辨析】 include与contain include 一般指包括整体中的某一部分,常用其现在分词形式进行解释性说明;contain侧重于“含有”,可用于表示包含所含之物的全部或部分。 【情景记忆】 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语意思完成句子

  His school bag _______ a lot of books, ________ a cartoon book.

  他的书包里有许多书,包括一本漫画书。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  contains including 2.单项填空

  We are short of teachers. The teacher in hospital________,we have only 32.





  [解析] B 考查词义辨析。 including是介词,后接名词或代词作宾语;include是及物动词,后面需要接宾语; included形容词,放在这里作后置定语。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  9 mark n.痕迹;污点;斑 v.在某物上做记号

  (1) mark sth.


  be marked with


  (2) full marks


  book mark


  make a mark


  第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 (1) Prices ___________ (标价) on the goods. (2) I ____________________ (给页码做了记号) you need to look at. 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  are marked have marked the pages 10 serve v.提供食物,端上饭菜;侍候,服务;供职

  (1) serve as 


  serve sb. (with sth.)


  (2) servant n.


  service n.


  be of service


  be at your service

  随时为您服务,听您吩咐 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语意思完成句子

  (1) We should ______________ heart and soul.


  (2) Coffee is often __________ milk.

  咖啡通常与牛奶一起上。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  serve the people served with 2.单项填空

  Miss Li _______ as a secretary for five years in the company,and now she is the general manager of it.

  A.has served

  B.had served



  [解析] C 考查时态。从下文的now就可以看出,描述的是过去的状态,故用一般过去式。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  11 attend vt.上学;出席,参加;护理,照料

  (1) attend a lecture/movie/meeting


  attend to


  attend school/classes


  (2) attendance n.


  attendant n.

  服务员,侍者 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  【词语辨析】 attend,join与take part (in) (1) attend强调动作,多指参加会议、听讲座、听课、上学等。 (2) join尤指参加某一组织并成为其中一员,如join the club/League。join in sth./doing sth.“(伴随某人)一起参加(某事、活动或比赛等)”。

  join sb. in (doing) sth.“和某人一起参加(做)某事” (3) take part in尤指参加一些短暂的活动,如游行、比赛等。如不跟宾语,则用take part。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语意思完成句子

  (1) Only seven people __________________.


  (2) I may be late—I have got _________________________.


  (3) It hasn't been decided who will _________________ the

  school sports meeting in our class.


  (4) Why not ________________?

  为什么不和我们一起跳舞? 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  attended the meeting one or two things to attend to join in/take part in join us in dancing 2.单项填空

  [2010·江苏卷] Thousands of foreigners were _______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.

  A. attended

  B. attained

  C. attracted

  D. attached

  [解析] C 本题考查动词辨析。be attracted to表示“被吸引到……”。attend(参加);attain(获得,到达);attach(粘贴,附属);均不符合语境,故排除。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  12 agree v.同意,赞成,(与某人)意见一致

  (1) agree with sb. 



  agree on/about+n.


  agree to do sth.


  agree to+n.


  agree that从句


  can't agree (with sb.) more


  (2) agreement n.

  协议,合约 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语提示完成句子

  (1) Do you _________ (同意) him on these terms?

  (2) Neither father nor mother would _______________ (同 意你的计划).

  (3) News reports say peace talks between the two countries

  have broken down _______________________________ ____________________ (没有达成任何协议). 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  agree with agree to your plan

  with no agreement reached/without

  reaching any agreement 2.单项填空

  His parents don't _______ of his going to work in Tibet because they don't want him to be far away from home. A.agree




  [解析] B 考查动词用法辨析。句意为:他父母不同意他去西藏工作,因为他们不想让他离家太远。approve of“赞同,同意”,为固定搭配,故选B。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  13 suppose v.认定,认为,以为;猜想,料想,假定

  (1) be supposed to do sth.


  be supposed to have done



  (2) supposing conj.


  【经典句式】 suppose + that从句 认为…… Let us suppose 我们假设 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 (1) You ____________________________ (不许踢足球) in the classroom. (2) How ________________________ (你认为他是怎么到达那里的)? (3) —Will he come?

  —Yes, __________ (我想他能来). (4) _____________________________ (我想你帮不了我) with my homework.

  第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  are not supposed to play football do you suppose he got there I suppose so I don't suppose you could help me 1 burn down 烧毁

  burn ___


  burn ___


  burn up


  burn __ the ground

  全部焚毁 第3讲 │ 短语储存

  短语储存 out off to 【活学活用】 (1) The garden was __________________ (全部焚毁) during the war. (2) I asked the boy to make the fire _______ (燃烧得更旺). (3) The palace was ____________ (烧毁) and only ashes were left.那座宫殿被烧毁了,只留下一片废墟。 第3讲 │ 短语储存

  burned to the ground burn up burned down 2 even if 即使,虽然

  as if 好像

  only if


  if only


  even so


  even then (now)


  即使那时(现在) 第3讲 │ 短语储存

  【温馨提示】 even if=even though,表示“即使”,用以引导让步状语从句;as if=as though,表示“好像”;only if表示“只要”;而if only表示“要是……就好了”,后面的状语从句常用虚拟语气;What if…? 表示“要是……会怎么样?”;even so表示“即使这样”,为副词词组,不能连接句子。如: It was raining,but even so,we had to go out. 天在下雨,尽管这样,我们也不得不外出。 Even though it was raining,we had to go out. 即使下雨,我们还得外出。 第3讲 │ 短语储存

  【活学活用】 1.用与if相关的句式完成句子

  (1) I like her, ______ she can be annoying at times.

  (2) He talked ____ he had known everything.

  (3) _______ you take the first place will I give you the bike.

  (4) ______ I had stayed with you then.

  (5) _______ Dad knew our plan? 第3讲 │ 短语储存

  even if as if Only if If only What if 2.单项填空

  [2010·安徽卷] The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities,________ they have the interest.

  A. wherever

  B. whenever

  C. even if

  D. as if

  [解析] C 考查状语从句。句意为:工程师们如此忙,以致即使他们有兴趣,也没有一点时间进行户外活动。 第3讲 │ 短语储存

  3 carry on 继续

  carry ____ 实施,执行,落实,贯彻;实现;完成

  carry ________


  carry off


  carry ______

  带走,冲走 第3讲 │ 短语储存

  out through away 【活学活用】 1.用carry的词组的适当形式填空

  (1) As a Chinese,I think we should ________ the social


  (2) Before you come to a conclusion,you had better to

  _________ an investigation.

  (3) It's a difficult job but she is the person to

  _______________. 第3讲 │ 短语储存

  carry on carry out carry it through 2.单项填空

  After months' practice,they decided to ______ in the face of a lot of difficulties till success.

  A.carry on

  B.carry out

  C.put away

  D.put out

  [解析] A 句意:几个月的实践后,他们决定继续面对诸多困难直到成功。carry on表示“继续”。

  第3讲 │ 短语储存


  Unit 3

  Celebration 第3讲 Unit 3


  第3讲 │ 美文欣赏 美文欣赏 [2011·陕西卷] 假定你是中学生李华。在一位名叫TigerMom的学生家长的博客上,你看到如下内容。请你根据博客内容、写作要点和要求,给这位家长回复。 I'm the mother of a fourteen­year­old. I have a rule for my daughter: be among the top 5 students or get punished in one way or another. She has been doing very well in school,but some friends of mine keep telling me that I put too much pressure on her. Am I wrong?








  3.书写须清晰、工整。 Hi,TigerMom,

  What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China. My idea is____________________________________

  第3讲 │ 美文欣赏 【精彩美文】 Hi,TigerMom,

  What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China. My idea is that it is not quite right for you to do so.

  Although high grades are an important factor in evaluating students and for their future university admission,development in wisdom,emotion,health,and life attitude should never be ignored. There are many examples around us. Some all­A students in school have turned out not to be as successful in society as they were expected. The reason is often that the 第3讲 │ 美文欣赏 pressure from their parents allows them almost no time for other activities. Furthermore,punishment is by no means a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically.

  So I suggest that you take your friends' advice. More importantly,let her live like a lovely girl;let her have more friends and social activities;and let her make mistakes of her own as the teenagers often do.

  第3讲 │ 美文欣赏 【全品点睛】

  ①行文逻辑:提出观点→解释原因→给出建议。较好地使用了连接词语,如:furthermore,more importantly等。

  ②词汇短语:运用了较高难度的词汇。如:evaluate,university admission,development in wisdom,never be ignored,turn out not to be, by no means等。

  第3讲 │ 美文欣赏 ③句式句法:运用了多样化的句式和句法结构。如:主语从句:What puzzles you is actually a puzzle…;表语从句:My idea is that it is not quite right for you to do so./The reason is often that the pressure from their…;宾语从句:…that you take your friends' advice;状语从句:Although high grades are an important factor…/as they were expected以及there be句型:There are many examples around us.等。

  第3讲 │ 美文欣赏 基础梳理 Ⅰ. 单词荟萃 1.

  __________ n.毕业→ ________ vi.毕业n.毕业生 2.

  ________ n.时刻,时机→ __________ adj.偶尔的→ ___________ adv.偶尔地 3.

  ________ n.传统→ __________ adj.传统的 4.

  _______ vt.装饰,布置→ ________

  n.装饰→ ________ n.装饰工 5.

  _____ vi.退休→ ________

  n.退休→ ______ adj.退休的,退职的 第3讲 │ 基础梳理 graduation graduate occasion occasional occasionally tradition traditional decorate decoration decorator retire retirement retired 6.

  _____ vi.申请vt.应用→ __________ n.申请;应用→ ________ n.申请人→ _______ adj.应用的,实用的 7.

  ______ vt.出席,参加→ _________

  n.出席,参加 8.

  ______ n.控制力;权力→ _______ adj.强有力的 9.

  _____ adj.粘的,黏性的→ _____ v.粘贴 10. ________ adj.幸运的→ _________ adv.幸运地→ ____________ adv.不幸地→ _______ n.幸运;财富 第3讲 │ 基础梳理 apply application applicant applied attend attendance power powerful sticky stick fortunate fortunately unfortunately fortune Ⅱ.短语检测 1.申请 2.即使 3.用……来装饰 4.在……的底部 5.继续 6.依靠 7.烧毁,烧成平地 8.参加 9.准时 10.张贴;举起;建造 第3讲 │ 基础梳理 apply for

  even if/though


  at the bottom of

  carry on

  depend on

  burn down

  take part in

  on time

  put up

  Ⅲ.佳句再现 1.On this day,the moon __________ its biggest and brightest.据说,在这天月亮最大、最亮。 2.The Dragon Boat Festival ______ the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year.龙舟节适逢阴历年的五月初五。 3.At the bottom of the bed

  the stocking,now _________________ small presents and sweets.袜子在床尾,现在已装满了各种各样的小礼物和糖果。 第3讲 │ 基础梳理 is said to be falls on full of all kinds of was 4.I put so much food in my mouth sometimes that

  ____________________.有时,我放在嘴里的食物太多了,以至于难以下咽。 5.Then we had tea, ______ a huge Christmas cake ____________________.接着我们喝下午茶,吃覆盖着雪人的大圣诞蛋糕。

  第3讲 │ 基础梳理 it was hard to swallow with covered with snowmen 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  单词点睛 1 depend vi.确信,坚信;信赖,依靠

  (1) depend __ /upon依靠;依赖

  depend __

  sb. to do sth.


  depend on/upon it+that… 指望……;对……深信不疑

  that/it (all) depends


  (2) dependence n.


  dependent adj.


  independent adj.


  independence n.

  独立 on on 【注意事项】 that/it (all) depends是高考中高频句型,要熟练掌握。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语提示完成句子

  (1) Our success __________ (取决于) whether everyone

  works hard.

  (2) —Is he coming?


  _____________ (那要看情况).Usually he may not

  have time. 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  depends on That depends 2.单项填空

  —How often do you eat out?

  —________,but usually once a week.

  A.Have no idea

  B.It depends

  C.As usual

  D.Generally speaking

  [解析] B 考查交际用语。have no idea“不知道”;it depends“根据实际情况而定”;as usual“像往常一样”;generally speaking“一般而言”。根据下半句but usually once a week可知选B。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  2 burn v.烧毁,烧坏,烧伤,烧焦;烫伤;酸蚀 n.烧伤;灼伤(的痕迹)

  (1) burn sth. __ the ground (使)烧成平地

  burn sth. _____


  be/get burned


  (2) burning




  燃烧的,火热的 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  to down 【活学活用】 1.根据汉语提示完成句子

  (1) Don't leave your light _______ (亮着)all night.

  (2) Be careful not to _____ (烫伤) your mouth when you

  drink the hot water. 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  burning burn 2.单项填空

  Be careful with fire,or it will ______ the whole building.

  A.burn down

  B.burn with

  C.burn up

  D.put up

  [解析] A 考查短语辨析。burn down(建筑物被)烧毁,火力减弱;burn with有强烈的情绪或要求;burn up烧毁,烧得更旺/亮,消耗;put up张贴,修建,举起(手)。此处应是“把……烧毁”的意思,选A。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  3 mess n.(dirty or untidy state)脏或乱的状态 v.(put sth. into a dirty state)把(某事物)弄乱,弄脏,弄糟

  (1) be in a mess乱七八糟

  get ___ a mess


  make a mess __


  What a mess!


  (2) mess __

  弄脏,弄乱 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  into of up 【活学活用】 1.根据汉语提示完成句子

  (1) _________________ (别闹了);come and help us.

  (2) The children _____________________ (把房间弄得凌乱


  (3) The room is _________ (杂乱不堪). 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  Don't make a mess made a mess of the room in a mess 2.单项填空

  Though the NMET is drawing near day by day,I still find I have so much to learn,to revise,to memorize and to analyze but without enough time. Oh,dear,everything seems to be________.

  A.in a row

  B.in a mess

  C.in a mass

  D.in a queue

  [解析] B 句意:……哦,天啊,一切都好像乱七八糟。in a mess表示“乱七八糟”,符合题意。 第3讲 │ 单词点睛

  4 contribute v.捐赠,贡献;投稿;有助于

  (1) contribute to 对……作出贡献;投入……

  (2) contributor n.




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