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高考英语北师大版一轮复习精品讲练Module2 Unit4《Cyberspace》作业

发布时间:2017-02-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Our journey on earth consists, like the year, of four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. Life is only loaned to us, and as with everything borrowed, must someday be returned. We are only here for a short stay, and have many tasks. We must contend with pain in order to achieve peace, accept problems if we are to reach success, and shed tears if we are to share laughter. We have many lessons to learn. Each and every moment of life is an important one.

  In spring, everything grows fresh and new. Lilacs blossom, and the maple and oak trees produce new leaves. It is a time when we are as if newly born into the world.

  You are now entering the summer of your life. Everything is now in full bloom. The trees and flowers proudly display all their beauty and elegance. This season doesn't seem as if it will end, yet it slips by before you know it.

  The fall is next, when the leaves drop to the ground, and the farmers gather their crops and reap the rewards of their labor. The harvest moon is full and round, and slightly misted by a passing cloud. This is the most satisfying of the four seasons.

  Then all too quickly the winter of your life is upon you, and everything is barren. However, there is a peaceful sort of beauty in the wintertime. If you allow your spirit to be free, you will remain youthful longer than you thought possible.

  Is winter truly the season to end all seasons?


  lilac n. 丁香


  When Karen

  found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son, Michael, __1__ for a new sibling (同胞兄妹). They found out that the new baby was going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael


  to his sister in Mommy's tummy.

  __3__, after a long struggle, Michael's little sister was born. But she was in very serious __4__. The doctor told the parents, “There is very little

  __5__. Be prepared for the worst.” Michael's parents felt very


  Michael kept


  his parents to let him see his sister, but kids are never

  __8__ in Intensive Care (重症护理室). In the end, his mother


  to take him whether the doctor liked it or not. __10__

  he didn't see his sister right then, he may never see her


  Then Michael's mother


  him to his sister's bedside. He


  her and began to sing. In the pure-hearted

  __14__ of a 3-year-old, Michael sang: “You are my sunshine, my __15__ sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray.” Instantly the baby girl seemed to



  __17__on singing and his sister began to relax. The pulse rate began to calm


  and become steady. “Go on singing, Michael.”


  Karen with tears in her eyes. As Michael sang to his sister, the baby's breathing became as


  as a kitten's purr.

  The next day...the very next day...the little girl was well enough to go home. Woman's Day Magazine called it The Miracle of a Brother's Song. The doctors just called it a miracle.

  1.A.lookB.applyC.call D.prepare

  【答案与解析】 D Karen为了让三岁的Michael接受即将出生的弟弟或妹妹,因此她要让他对此有所“准备”。


  B.danced C.spoke D.wrote

  【答案与解析】 A 根据下文判断,Michael知道此事后,每天都给未来妹妹“唱歌”。


  B.Suddenly C.Finally


  【答案与解析】 C 根据“经过长时间的挣扎”判断,此处应为“终于;最后”。instantly“立刻”;suddenly“突然”;quickly“很快”,都与“长时间”的语义不符合。





  【答案与解析】 B 下文讲道“几乎没有希望”看,婴儿出生后患有很严重的病,“情况”很严重。


  B.dream C.life


  【答案与解析】 D 根据下文的“做最坏的打算”判断,孩子已没有治愈的“希望”。





  【答案与解析】 A 刚出生的孩子没有患病且没有治愈的希望,作为父母自然非常“伤心”。





  【答案与解析】 C beg sb to do sth “祈求某人做某事”。order“命令”;bother“麻烦”;force“强迫”,都不合语意。



  C.followed D.treated

  【答案与解析】 B show“领着”;follow“跟着”;treat“治疗”;allow“允许”。Michael的妹妹在重症监护室救治,根据转折关系判断,此处为“不允许”进入。





  【答案与解析】 C suggest后接doing,insist后接on doing;require“要求”;decide“决定”。根据下文的“无论医生愿意还是不愿意”看,Michael的妈妈已“做出了决定”。


  B.Though C.While D.Unless

  【答案与解析】 A 从上下文的语义判断,上下句是条件关系,所以用if。

  11.A.awake B.Asleep

  C.afraid D.alive

  【答案与解析】 D 婴儿得了很重的病且无法救治,所以Michael的妈妈想让Michael在妹妹还“活着”的时候见见她。

  12.A.threw B.took



  【答案与解析】 B take sb to a place“把某人带到某地”。





  【答案与解析】 A 妹妹得了重病,Michael去看她,此处应为“看着她”,所以用watch。examine“检查”;search“搜查”;attend“护理”,不合常理。


  B.sound C.noise D.eye

  【答案与解析】 A 根据“开始唱”看,此处为voice,指人的声音。





  【答案与解析】 C only“唯一的”,在此处表示强调。single“单个的;单身的”。





  【答案与解析】 B 根据下文的“孩子病愈出院”和“奇迹”判断,听到Michael的歌声,婴儿好像有了“反应”。才出生不久的婴儿不会“说”,也不会“笑”,更不可能听到歌声就开始“恢复”。





  【答案与解析】 D keep on singing“一直唱”,如用continue则不能加on。





  【答案与解析】 A 根据下文的“变得稳定了”判断,婴儿的脉搏平稳下来。calm down“平静下来”。





  【答案与解析】 C declare“宣布”,不合语意;由于妈妈前面没有说话,所以不能用add “接着说”;Michael已经开始唱一段了,所以不能用advise“建议”。此处意为“妈妈鼓励Michael唱下去”。





  【答案与解析】 A smooth“平稳的”;quick“快的”;shallow“浅的”;deep“深的”。根据上文的“脉搏平稳了”判断,此时呼吸也“平稳了”。


  1.He left in ________ hurry ________ moment he saw his wife.

  A.a; theB.the; aC.a; a D.the; the

  【答案与解析】 A in a hurry “匆忙”; the moment “一……就”,充当连词。题意:他一看见他的妻子就匆忙离开了。

  2.—What will you do tomorrow?

  —There ________ a conference about pollution.

  A.are going to have

  B.is going to have

  C.are going to be

  D.is going to be

  【答案与解析】 D 根据句子结构分析可知,答句构成there be句式,表示存在;be going to 表示对将来的计划和打算。由于主语是a conference,因此谓语用单数人称形式。

  3.All the roads have been blocked by the fallen trees, poles and stones. ________ they can't drive through the town.

  A.It is why

  B.It is when

  C.That is why

  D.That is where

  【答案与解析】 C 根据前后两句话的关系分析,前面应该是后面的原因,that is why 中that指代前文。

  4.Mr Hill suggested that the project of building a third bridge over the river ________ once more at the next conference.

  A.would be discussed

  B.should discuss

  C.would discuss

  D.be discussed

  【答案与解析】 D suggest 表“建议”时后面that引导的宾语从句通常用 should+动词原形,而且should可省略。

  5.When he imagined ________ in such a hard situation, he suggested us ________ more daily necessities.

  A.exploring; to take

  B.to explore; to take

  C.exploring; taking

  D.to explore; taking

  【答案与解析】 C 这里imagine和suggest两个动词后面通常都只跟v-ing作宾语,因此答案选C项。

  6.________ on the top of the hill is a monument, dating back to hundreds of years ago.

  A.Having stood


  C.Being stood

  D.Having been stood

  【答案与解析】 B 表语standing...提前形成全部倒装,正常语序应为:A monument, dating back to hundreds..., is standing on...

  7.The earthquake killed over half of the population of the area. ________, more than 50,000 people lost their lives.

  A.What's more

  B.As a result

  C.At the same time

  D.In other words

  【答案与解析】 D 根据题意分析,后面带有明显的解释说明,因此选in other words。

  8.________ is no doubt that the Houston Rockets will defeat the Lakers next time.





  【答案与解析】 D 题意为“毫无疑问,火箭队下次一定会打败湖人队”。

  9.I've got ________ from my junior middle school classmates since I came into this key senior high school.

  A.to separate


  C.to be separated


  【答案与解析】 D 这里构成“get+过去分词”表示被动含义的结构。

  10.These children usually go camping during their vacations, but ________ they stay at home enjoying live sports on TV.

  A.at times

  B.at all times

  C.in time

  D.at a time

  【答案与解析】 A at times “有时候”,相当于sometimes; at all times “一直;总是”,相当于all the time; in time “及时”; at a time “一次”。根据题意答案选A项。


  The HOPE IS A GAME-CHANGER PROJECT will deliver unbreakable soccer balls to kids who, all too often, see things horrible, broken and not survive the simplest of circumstances. The project started taking

  well before anyone knew where it would lead—which is to test the power of like-minded people working together to turn inspiration into action.

  Four years ago Bobby was in Rwanda offering help to the people there and taking photos of a child soldier named Moise with his “soccer ball”,which was a pile of rubbish tied together with a string. This “ball” was the only thing Moise could call his own—no family, no home, and no place to go. Forced to fight in the Congo and having killed three people at the unbearably young age of seven, the boy's spirit was broken. And Bobby knew, as he took one photo after the next, that he'd never forget him. In fact, he returned the following year to tell Moise he had stayed deep within his heart—but he was gone.

  I recently helped Bobby launch his new book The Power of the Invisible Sun which features a photo of Moise, his ball, and kids from war-torn areas around the world. All of his earnings go towards the HOPE IS A GAME-CHANGER PROJECT for the kids he visited over the past decade. They caught the emotional landscape from heartbreak to joy, but share the undeniable longing for recovery and hope.

  Bobby and I share the unchangeable belief that delivering hope is really a game-changer, especially to a child. We believe that each indestructible ball will come to represent a lasting symbol of hope. A light no matter how small—The Power of the Invisible Sun.

  This holiday season, I ask you to think about whether you are doing enough to help someone else in the world. Or as Bobby likes to put it, consider “taking a concrete baby step”, which added together, can create transformational change. It's my great hope that the HOPE IS A GAME-CHANGER PROJECT will change the lives of children the world over—one book, one ball at a time.

  1.In the first sentence of the passage, the writer implies that


  A.kids live an unsafe life in parts of the world

  B.the balls sent to kids should be of good quality

  C.young kids can not overcome the difficulties

  D.kids intend to break their toys into pieces

  【答案与解析】 A 推断题。从第1句中可以看出孩子们处于一个与家人分离并无法生存的境地,故选A项。而B、C、D三项与文章提到的事实相反。

  2.The purpose of the HOPE IS A GAME-CHANGER PROJECT is to


  A.send ball gifts to kids in poor countries

  B.collect money to help kids in need

  C.comfort kids in war-torn areas

  D.offer kids help to change their lives

  【答案与解析】 D 推断题。通过最后一句关键信息“change the lives of children the world over—one book, one ball at a time”可以得出答案。

  3.How may Bobby feel about Mosie?

  A.He was very proud of Mosie's bravery.

  B.He felt sorry for Mosie's ruined childhood.

  C.He thought money could solve Mosie's problem.

  D.He felt happy to tell him what was in his heart.

  【答案与解析】 B 细节题。从第2段中可以看出Mosie无家可归的悲惨童年。

  4.Which of the following about Bobby's new book is TRUE?

  A.It earned a lot of money to help kids like Mosie.

  B.The photos inside reflected the kids' hopeless life.

  C.Its title shows the author's belief to change the world.

  D.It changed the life of the kids recorded in the book.

  【答案与解析】 C 推断题。书名中的关键词“The Power of the Invisible Sun”和“A light no matter how small”,是答案的信息点来源。

  5.The underlined part in the last paragraph probably means


  A.starting the first step as a baby does

  B.taking an active action from now on

  C.making great changes step by step

  D.doing some small but good deeds

  【答案与解析】 D 词义推测题。尽管每一选项都接近意思,但从后句“which added together, can create transformational change”暗示,每个人都做一件小小好事,聚集在一起将改变孩子的生活。


  Research shows that a healthy lifestyle reduces stress and more understanding of your condition can help stabilize (稳定) your moods. Talk to your doctor about how the following strategies may fit into your treatment plan.

  Exercise:Exercise causes your body to release chemicals, which help you feel calm and happy. __1__ Once your moods are under control, pick an activity you enjoy, like swimming or cycling, and exercise for 30 minutes three or four times a week.

  Eat well:It's hard to feel balanced and optimistic if you're run down or undernourished (营养不良的). Be mindful of what you're eating, and try to include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. __2__

  __3__ :Many people try to find relief from their strong emotions by drinking alcohol or using drugs. If you find yourself relying on alcohol or drugs, talk to your doctor. Substance abuse can be treated.

  Develop a daily routine:__4__

  Then, create a daily routine for yourself that includes getting up at the same time every day, with fairly regular meal times and work hours.

  Avoid stress:You can help keep your moods under control by avoiding stress. Take a stress-management class, or consider trying yoga or meditation. __5__

  For example, if you are in school, you might decide not to take a full schedule of classes.

  A.When you're not feeling well, try a short walk or a half-hour of gardening.

  B.Staying up too late affects your health.

  C.A daily multivitamin (多种维生素) may help you cover your nutritional bases.

  D.Turn to your doctor when in trouble.

  E.Avoid alcohol and drugs

  F.In the meantime, avoid unnecessary pressure by setting reasonable goals for yourself.

  G.Start by picking a reasonable bedtime and sticking with it.

  【答案】 1~5 ACEGF


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