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高考英语总复习完形填空训练 八

发布时间:2017-02-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  I hear some actors keep a sad thought or memory to help them with scenes where they might need to cry.I think we should each try to find the  1 ;a happy memory,something to lift us up on those inevitable(不可避免的) down days.I’m saying this because I think I  2 found mine! I had some work in Glasgow today.I was on a really  3 schedule,which meant I would have no time for myself(or my own work) all day.I was having one of those days,the train was completely packed out and the conversation going on around me seemed to be particularly inane(空虚的).On top of all that,I had a bit of a  4 . Walking across the concourse(广场),I fished some change from my pocket.There was usually someone at the  5 selling The Big Issue,a magazine that  6 homeless folk earn a living.  7 the crowd parted ways at the bottom of the concourse,I saw someone selling The Big Issue.People had to be homeless to sell The Big Issue.She really looked like she’d been sleeping rough(露宿).Her clothes were  8 and she obviously hadn’t had a bath for quite a while. As I  9 the exit.I saw that she was also  10 from side to side.At first I thought maybe she was trying to keep  11 against the biting wind.But she wasn’t,she was moving in time to a tune.I couldn’t hear her,but I could see her lips  12 . As I got closer,I saw a white cane(手杖) hanging from her elbow and noticed that she had sunken(凹陷的) eyes.She was  13 ,dirty and living on the streets.I came closer and through the  14 of the traffic and the passengers I heard her sing the immortal(长生的) line,“... and I think to myself,what a wonderful world!” I  15 her last magazine for twice what I’d originally  16 .She thanked me,then she  17 her stuff and went tapping off along the pavement—still  18 ! So,I have my  19 memory for the day.And I think it will  20 me a long,long time.

  1.A.treasure  B.Truth C.opposite D.beauty

  2.A.usuallyB.just C.ever D.sometimes

  3.A.appropriateB.loose C.regular D.tight

  4.A.headache  B.worry C.problem D.secret

  5.A.crossing  B.exit C.station D.center


  7.A.BecauseB.ThoughC.If  D.As

  8.A.ragged B.fashionable  C.cleanD.cheap

  9.A.watchedB.approachedC.left D.reached

  10.A.walking  B.running  C.wanderingD.rocking

  11.A.fit  B.balanced C.warm D.excited

  12.A.shaking  B.hurting  C.feeling D.moving

  13.A.blind B.angry C.dumb D.deaf

  14.A.crowd B.business C.noiseD.rush

  15.A.gave B.boughtC.borrowed D.lent

  16.A.intended B.Took C.hopedD.desired

  17.A.cleaned upB.Tidied up C.hung up D.picked up

  18.A.singing  B.laughing C.crying  D.begging

  19.A.poor B.Terrible C.happyD.clear

  20.A.catch up with B.stay with C.come up with D.change with

   参考答案 很多人习惯留住悲伤的记忆。而作者却通过一件事告诉我们应该用快乐的记忆来改变我们的心态,调整我们的心情。 1.C 根据文章第一句话可知,作者听说很多演员保留悲伤的记忆,而作者却认为应该保留快乐的记忆    来改善自己的情绪。悲伤与快乐是相反的(opposite)两个方面。 2.B 作者提出了上面的恕法,是因为自己刚好(just)有类似的经历和感受。 3.D 根据第二段第二句中的“...which mean I would have no time for myself(or my own work)    all day.”可知,“我”没有自己的时间。由此可知,作者的时间披安排得很紧(tight)。 4.A 根据上句可知,“我”当时经历着这样的一天:地铁总是被塞得满满的,“我”周围的一切谈话    都显得很空虚。这些事情使“我”有点头疼(headache)。 5.B 根据第五段开头“As I... the exit...”可知答案专B项。 6.C 根据第四段第二句“People had to be homeless to sell The Big Issue.”可知,只有无家    可归的人才能卖这种杂志。因此,这是帮助(help) 流浪者谋生的。 7.D 此处说的是:大厅人很多,当人流分开的时候。“我”看见有人在卖The Big Issue,故选as。 8.A 根据后文“... and she obviously hadn’t had a bath for quite a while.”可知,她衣衫    褴褛(ragged)。 9.B 根据下一段开头“As I got closer...”可知,作者接近(approach)出口……。 10.D 根据本段第三句“But she wasn’t;she was moving in time to a tune.”可知,她是在随  着音乐摇摆(rock)身体。 11.C 根据后文“... against the biting wind.”可知,作者开始以为她是为了抵御刺骨的寒风摇  摆身体来取暖。 12.D “我”无法听到她在唱什么,但“我”能看到她的嘴唇在动(moving)。 13.A 根据前文“As I got closer,I saw a white cane hanging from her elbow...”以及倒数第  二段“... went tapping off along the pavement...”可知,卖杂志的妇女是位盲人。 14.C 此处指作者透过嘈杂的声音(noise),听见她在喝歌。 15.B 通过文章语境可知,那位妇女卖The Big Issue。作者想通过买杂志的方式帮助她。 16.A 根据第三段中的“... I fished some change from my pocket.”可知,作者提前从口袋里掏  出了零钱,由此可推知作者买杂志来帮助流浪者,是作者原本的(intended)想法。 17.D 结合前文可知,此处指她捡起她的东西,故选pick up。clean up“清理.打扫”;tidy up“收  拾,整理”;hang up“挂断(电话)”,均不合语境。 18.A 根据第六段中的“... I heard her sing the immortal line...”可知,她仍然在唱歌。 19.C 根据第一段“a happy memory”可知答案为happy。 20.B 根据文章第一段可知,作者的这种快乐记忆会使她保持快乐和积极向上的生活态度。由此可知,  这种快乐的记忆永存,故选stay with。catch up with“赶上,追上”;come up with“提出,  想出”,均不合题意。


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