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发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ▲ Different qualities make up a person’s character.

  ▲ The teacher asked the students to make up a poem about Christmas.

  ▲ Because you were ill, you’ll have to make up the final exam.

  ▲ The toy cost a dollar and Ted only had fifty cents, so Father made up the difference.

  ▲ These days many girls make up when they are still quite young.

  ▲ The homeless make up a growing percentage of America's population.

  make up 构成、编造、弥补、凑足 、打扮 、占据、讲和等

  * 9. depend on 的用法 depend on/upon 依靠;依赖;取决于


  depend on/upon sb. to do sth.

  depend on/upon it that…指望……

  depend on/upon+wh- 从句

  (口语)视情况而定。 It/That (all) depends. adj.依靠的,依赖的



  be ~ of be ~ on

  * 10. promise的用法

  n. 承诺; 诺言; 前途;

  vt. 许诺, 答应; 给人以…的指望;预示 答应给某人某物

  promise sb. sth.=promise sth. to sb.

  答应(某人)做某事 promise (sb.)to do sth./that clause 许下诺言 遵守诺言 违背诺言

  adj. 有前途的;有希望的

  promise give/make a promise keep/carry out a/one’s promise break a/one’s promise

  promising * 11. differ 的用法 differ differ from… in… 例:English differs from Chinese in many ways. n.差异,不同点 make a difference 例:It makes no difference to me whether

  you go or not. vi. 有区别,不一样 和……在……方面不同 difference 有影响,产生差别 adj. different be different from * 12. 含有control 的词块: take control lose control of

  in control of in/under the control of sb.

  under control beyond/out of control 操纵;控制 无法控制 控制;掌控;管理 在……的控制下 受控制 无法控制 * 1.选出能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 ①Tom did not take away the camera from the

  Lost and Found because it was not the same

  camera _______ he lost last week. A.as




  ②He went back to the same place ______he

  had found the ring.





  A A (二)句型部分 * the same…that… the same…as… 试比较: Have you bought the same book as I

  referred to yesterday? Have you brought the same book that I

  gave you yesterday? 指同一个 指同类非同一个

  买的书与我提的那本书一样 买的就是我给的书 * 2.选出能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 ①_______ high price, demand for this new

  type of family cars is still very high. A.Thanks to

  B.Because of

  C.In case of


  ②_______ I admit that the problems are

  difficult, I don’t agree that they can’t be solved. A. As B. When

  C. While

  D. Despite ③_______ scientists know where a storm will

  happen, winds will suddenly change,

  carrying the storm to a new direction. A. Even if  

  B. Since   

  C. Despite 

  D. Unless D C A * despite = 后接名词,代词,动名词或名词性从句 although(though)

  引导让步状语从句 例: 尽管天气恶劣,工人们还是在热火朝天地干着。 Despite the bad weather,

  /Although the weather was bad,

  the workers were working hard outside. in spite of prep.尽管

  conj. * =


  ______ ________

  we tried our best, we didn’t win.

  ② Though we tried our best, we didn’t win.

  ③Despite the difficulties and frustrations now, I still have a dream. =


  ______ _____

  the difficulties and frustrations now, I still have a dream. Despite







  what great difficulty we had met in climbing up the mountain ,the trip was really fun.

  A.Instead of

  B.On the contrary C.Regardless of

  D.As a result of

  C * 3.将下列句子译为英语。



  ③如果这是真的又该如何呢? What if he doesn’t agree?

  What if I move the picture there? What if it is true? * What if后面接句子,结构相当于: What will or would happen if…? 常用于表示建议或疑虑,意为:倘使……怎么样? 例: What if you don’t pass your exams? 要是考试不及格怎么办? *

  ①--- Some people believe that robots will take

  over the world one day.

  --- What if that is the _____?

  A. thing

  B. result C. case D. end ②________ we move the picture over there?

  Do you think it'll look better?

  What about

  B. How far

  C. What if

  D. How come

  C C * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 名师大讲堂2017届高三英语一轮单元总复习精品课:Unit 2 Language (牛津译林版必修三) * (一)单词部分 1.最后,最终,终于__________

  2.官方的,正式的__________ 3.接近,使用;接近的机会,享用权 _________

  4.简化_________ 5.标准;标准的__________

  6.反映;反射__________ 7.贯穿;遍及____________________

  8.(汉)字;(书写或印刷)符号__________ 9.相反的事物,相对立的事物__________ eventually official access simplify

  standard reflect throughout character opposite * (一)单词部分 10. 场合,机会__________ 11.最初,原先,起先______________

  12. 代表__________ 13.词汇____________

  14.显示,表示;象征,暗示__________ 15.近代的,当代的;现代化的__________

  16.发音,语音(n.)__________ 17.欧洲(人)的;欧洲人__________

  18. 符号;象征_________ occasion originally represent vocabulary

  indicate modern pronunciation European symbol * (二)词块部分 1.作为整体,总体上 __________ a __________

  2.母语,本国语__________ __________ 3.(使)变成__________ __________

  4. 拿起,举起__________ up 5.关注(心);在意,担心__________ __________

  6.(在字典或参考书中)查找look __________ 7.对……有巨大的影响have an __________ on

  8.考虑__________...into __________ as whole turn

  into lift care

  about up impact take

  consideration mother

  tongue * (二)词块部分 9. 把……和……结合起来________... _______

  10.代表__________ __________

  11.与……谈话 have a __________ __________

  12.分类,整理__________ out

  13.为……制定标准_______ a standard _______

  14. 起……作用,充当__________ as 15.从一边到另一边_____ ______ _____ _____ 16.言归正传;进入正题get _____ _____ _____ combine

  with stand

  for word

  with sort set

  for function from



  side to


  point * (一)词汇部分 1.用create/ invent/ make/produce/discover的适当形式填空。 ① It was Edison who

  the electric light lamp. ② A hundred pence ______ one pound. ③ Female sleep


  one or two lambs at a time. ④ Shakespeare ______ many comic characters. ⑤ Who first __________ America? makes produce invented created discovered * discover /invent / create /produce/make辨析 discover




  make Columbus discovered America in 1492.

  Can you tell me who invented the telephone?

  Lenin stressed that it is the people who create people.

  We may produce more food for ourselves and import less.

  “发现” ,发现可以是偶然的,也可以有一个 过程,发现的对象原来就存在,只是一直未 被认识。

  “发明” ,发明的东西原来是不存在的。

  “创造、产生” ,它指创造独特性的东西。



  * 1.We must

  an excuse for our absence. 


  the law human history. 3. Shakespeare


  characters in his novels. 4. Attempt should be made to ______ a safer

  and more comfortable environment for students to study and live in.

  A. make

  B. produce

  C. create

  D. invent

  invent discovered created C * 2. 给出划线部分的汉语意思。 ① I bought a radio to pick up English programs. ② Please pick up all these pieces of paper in the room. ③ Where did you pick up this lovely vase at such a low price? 请把房间里的纸张捡起来。 我买了收音机收听英语节目。 你在哪里以这么低的价格买到这个漂亮花瓶的? * ④ My son picked up some French while he was staying in Paris.

  ⑤ At the second corner the bus stopped to pick up three people.

  ⑥ To our joy, our business is gradually picking up. 公交车在第二个转弯口停下来搭载了三个乘客。 令我们高兴的是,我们的生意正在渐渐好转。 我儿子在巴黎时学会了一些法语。 * 拾起 ,拿起 ①无意地(偶然)买到 ②得到,染上,结识 ③(偶然)学会,

  学到 ④中途搭人


  ⑥(身体)逐渐恢复,(情绪)好转 拓展:(关于pick 的短语总结) pick out pick on pick over


  up 挑选,辨认出

  挑选某人(挑选去做不愉快的事情) 检查并从中挑选,精挑细选 * 1.He _________ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris. A. made out

  B. picked up C. gave up

  D. took in 2.I can ____

  up the programme ___ my radio. A. pick; in

  B. pick; on C. take; from

  D. make; in 3. Under good treatment, Linda is beginning to ___ and will soon recover. A. pick up B. wake up C. grow up D. show up


  B A * 2. 给出划线部分的汉语意思。 ① Poor food contributes to her illness.

  ② How much did you contribute to the Red Cross?

  ③ The Song Dynasty contributed three great inventions to the world civilization.

  ④ This professor has contributed many articles to magazines and newspapers.

  糟糕的食物导致了她的疾病。 你为红十字会捐了多少? 宋代为世界文明贡献了三大发明。 这位教授为报刊杂志投了很多稿件。 *


  1. 捐献, 捐助, 贡献出

  2. 撰稿, 投稿

  3. 起促成作用

  lead to =cause =result in

  =give rise to

  = account for 导致 因…而导致

  lie in

  =result from

  ▲ The crisis led to the downfall of the government. =The downfall of the government resulted from the crisis. vt. vi. vt. contribute… to… contribute an article to… contribute to… 拓展: * ①Eating too much fat can ___

  heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A.attribute to

  B.attend to C.contribute to

  D.devote to

  ②Exercise contributes to better health.


  C * 4. 用adopt,adapt的适当形式填空。 1.Many people want to _______ homeless children from Sichuan. 2. She had to ______ herself to local conditions. 3.This play has been well ______

  from the original. 4.After careful discussion, they finally ______

  my suggestion.

  adopt adapt adapted adopted * adopt sb.'s methods of teaching/adopt an idea/adopt a report /adopt a child

  adopt adapt adapt from

  adapt oneself to

  根据...改写[改编] 使自己适应或习惯于某事 采纳;收养 改编;(使)适应,(使)适合 n. adoption adj.

  adoptive/adopted n. adaptation * ① When you go to a forigen country, you must________ yourself to new manners and customs. 

  A. adapt   B. adept  C. adopt   D. accept ②No children of their own they decided to ________  an orphan. 

  A. adept B. adopt   C. adopted  D. adapt  ③After much consideration, the manager decided to_____ her suggestion. A. adapt  B. appeal  C. adopt  D. apply

  A B C * 5. 用replace的适当形式填空。 ①The old white-black TV has been ________ with the new color TV in the last ten years. ②When you have finished the book, please ________ it on the shelf. ③We need a _____________ for the secretary who left. replaced replace replacement * replace replace sb./sth = take the place of sb./sth. =take one's place

  n. replacement vt. 替换,代替,取代;把...放回原处 替换某人/某物 in place of=in one's place 用...替换 replace ... with ...

  代替、取代(介词短语) 拓展: 近义词 substitute * ①— What do you think of store shopping in the future? —Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but ________.

  A. will never replace

  B. would never replace C. will never be replaced D. would never be replaced ②While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news,it is unlikely that television______ the newspaper completely.


  will replace


  have replaced

  C replace

  D replaaced C A * ③任务型阅读微技能训练 To burn or not burn is not really the question. We should use both recycling and waste-to-energy as alternatives to landfilling. Whether to burn or not to burn, we should

  ___________ landfilling with both recycling and waste-to-energy to deal with garbage. replace * 6. 用raise, rise的适当形式填空。

  ①He ________ and left the room. ②It’s difficult to ________ a family with a small income. ③The price of oil has been ___________ . ④There will be a ________ in unemployment next year. rose raise rising/raised rise * 原形 词性 过去式 过去分词 意思 raise rise arise arouse


  vi. vi.



  raised rose

  risen arose

  arisen aroused aroused 升起,举起;提出;提高;饲养


  出现,发生,产生 唤醒; 唤起; 引起 * ①It is said that the river has _______. ②We must do everything we can to ______ the people’s living standards. ③The wind _____ and ______ the fallen leaves from the ground. ④Last year, the advertising rate _____ by 20%. risen raise raised rose arose 用rise/raise/arise/arouse填空: * ⑤In the morning when our school _______ the national flag,

  all the students in our school have to stand on the school square.

  A. rises

  B. arises

  C. raises

  D. arouses ⑥A completely new situation will _______ when the examination system comes into existence.

  A. rise

  B. arise

  C. raise

  D. arouse ⑦What the old man said _______ my sense of responsibility hidden deep in my heart.

  A. rose

  B. arose

  C. raised

  D. aroused B D C 单项填空: * 7. 用spread, expand, extend, stretch的适当形 式填空。 ①Metals ________ when they are heated and

  contract when cooled. ②The road being built will ________ to the

  port. ③Flies, mosquitoes and mice ________

  diseases. ④Actually, a gentleman should wait for the

  lady to ________ out her hand first. expand extend spread stretch *




  stretch “伸开,传播”,一般指向四面八方扩大 传播的范围,如传播(疾病)、散布(信息)等。 “展开、扩大”,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可 指范围和体积的扩大。 “伸出,延伸”,指空间范围的扩大,以及 长度、宽度的朝外延伸,也可指时间的延长。 “伸展,拉长”,一般指由曲变直,由短 变长的伸展,不是加长。 拓展: spread



  n. spread spread spread * 8. 选出能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 ①He was absent for weeks, so he had a lot of

  homework to_______. A . make out

  B. make up

  C. make


  D. make over ②As the national exam is approaching, what

  we need now is a mixture ______ basic

  knowledge and courage. making of

  B. making up of

  C. consisting

  D. consisting of B D * ③ The whole book he wrote _______ three

  parts. It’s mainly about Ming Dynasty.

  A. consists in

  B. makes up

  C. consists of

  D. is consisted of C 由…组成 The ball team

  eleven players

  =Eleven players

  the ball team be made up of

  = consist of

  =be composed of make up is made up of

  = consists of

  =is composed of * ①Canada is a country

  many differenet nationalities as

  well as one with foreign immigrants

  the majority of its population.

  A.consisting of ; making up B.making up of; occupid with

  C.made up of ; consisting of

  D.consisted of; taking up A

  ②句型转换 This club consists of more than 2000 members. This club ___


  _______ ________

  ______ more than 2000 members More than 2000 members _____

  ________ this club . This club ______


  ______ more than 2000 members

  is made up of made up is of composed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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