W:Do you know that Michael Owen has won France’s football golden ball prize?
M:Not a surprise.
He has 20 goals this season.
Q:What are the two speakers talking about?
A. A football player.
B. A football team.
C. A football match.
feel totally rested and nowI’m ready for our meeting.要进行会谈是第三个实际。这样可以把long flight转化成He had a long trip,从而得出正确答案。
W:So,how long have you been here?
M:Just a couple of days,actuslly,I am on a big joumey.You know,
I’m traveling a11
of interest here.
Q:What’s the man doing?
A. He’s working in a hotel.
B. He’s visiting a young people.
C. He’s traveling around.
错解分析】 本题是一位男子谈论到此地的各个名胜观光的情况,考生需要将听到的零碎信息进行整理和归纳。其中a big joumey,visiting和places of interest here是他谈话的关键,通过对此进行判断就不会误认为是“拜访一个年轻人”了。
What are the speakers talking about?
What are the speakers discussing about?
What is
the discusssion/talk mainly about?
What is
the main idea of the talk?
the man/woman doing?
Q:How hmg will the program last?
A. 8 days.
B. 12 days.
C. 20 days.
【错解分析】材料中有 if you like, you can use part of your twenty day paid holidays 一句, 可能造成混淆 。本题考查对于所听独白中有关时间内容细节的把握。靠近结尾,组织者交待了The12-day program will be in July.与选项B 相符。虽然可以听到12-day
program 这一信息,但与本题题干所问并非原样重复,因此对于一些缺乏信息转换能力的考生来说,仍有一定难度。
3.(2017精选模拟) 听力材料
M:The plane for chicago lett 15 minutes ago.
W:That’s right. Now it’s already five to twelve.
Q:When did the plane take off?
A. 12:05
B. 11:55
C. 11:40
【错误解答】 B
【错解分析】本题问的是飞机起飞的时间。按照对话中男声The plane for Chicago left 15 minutes ago 和女声Now it’s already five to twelve ,那么飞机应该是11:40起飞的。
【正确解答】 C
M:Wow!We’ll cerainly stay hereag again next time we’re passing through.
W:Cood.Do 1et us know in advance.And we’ll try to get
you the same room.
M:That will be lovely.It maybe quite soon in fact.
W:Oh.How is that?
M:Well.We’re driving to the south of Spain in the next couple of days.And we may come back this way.
W:Do give us a ring if you decide to.I hope you have a pleasant trip.
Q:Where does the conversation take place?
A. In a hotel.
B. At a booding office.
C. At a friend’s house.
【错解分析】 对话的主体谈论较多的是旅行安排,根本就没有提到hotel,所以有的学生就选了订票处。另外,较快的语速可能会妨碍学生听懂room一词。其实对话中第一轮就出现了stay here again和the same room,应该能够根据这两个信息推断出该对话发生在宾馆。
W:Morning,BOb.Late again?
M:Oh,I’m so sorry.I can’ttell you how sorry I am.
W:Hmm.What’s the excuse this time?
M:Ah…I must have turned the c1ock off and gone back to sleep again.I…
W:Yeah,and last week,one of the children wasn’t well.
M:Yes, I... I know.
W. Hmm.
M:I’m really sorry. I promise it Won’t happen again.
Q:What is the possible relatiimship between the woman and the man?
A. Wife and husband.
B. Doctor and patient.
C. Boss and secretary.
【错解分析】 对话由Bob迟到事由引起,而后的谈话围绕着迟到的excuse进行、通过对话内容和女
W:Six airmail stamps and two regular stamps, please.
M:Here you are. That will be one dollar and eighteen cents.
Q:Where did the conversation most probably take place?
A. At a station.
B. At an airport.
C. At a post office.
【错解分析】 如果只是注意到air,可能就出现了选B的错误。通过对话中出现的stamps及one dollarr and eighteen cents 知道顾客在购买邮票,所以,对话的地点最有可能在邮局。
对对话背景、地点 、对话者之间关系的理解程度体现了一个人对口语的理解能力。对话发生的背景、说话者之间的关系决定着谈论的话题、内容、说话的语气和措辞。反之,从说话的语气、用词和内容也可以推断出说话的背景;说话者之间的关系。这是高考听力考查的一项重要内容。一般来说,此类的对话一般都发生在—些公共场所,如商店、图书馆、课堂、饭店、医院、邮局、银行、飞机上等,而说活者之间的关系也往往是非亲友之间的关系,如:售货员与顾客、图书管理员与借阅人、老师与学生、服务员与顾客、医生与病人等等。清看下列不同场所有可能出现的关键词:
playground, teacher
Restaurant: menu, soup, drink, order, bill
train, time table, take off. passenger, flight
Post office: parcel, package, stamp, postage
cold, fever, pain, cough, trouble, temperature
Teacher/Student: class, exam, homework, parttime job
Salesman: price, on sale, try on
Reporter: news, report
W: Don’t forget to write to me, Jason.
M:I won’t.
But let me make sure I have the right address. Is it 42 Eastdrive Birmingham?
W:That’s right. By the way. my office number has changed since I began to work at Morrison.
M:Has it? And tell me what it is, then.
Q:What will the woman tell the man?
A. Her company’s name.
B. Her new address.
C. Her phone number.
【错解分析】 本题考查根据所听对话对于说话者下一步可能谈及的内容作出逻辑推断的能力。本题选材为两个轮次的小对话,谈论的中心是联系方式,先有right address,然后谈到office number.对话并未结束,需要考生推断下一轮次女声会说到什么.按照常规,当然是办公电话了。
M:How many hours do you sleep a day?
W: I need at least seven hours. I try to follow David’s example but it never works out for me.
M:If I sleep during the day, I can never wake up.
W: Not everyone has the same as David’s, I guess.
Q:What does the woman suggest at the end of the talk?
A. People should develop a habit like David’s.
B. People need longer hours of sleep.
C. People have different sleeping habits.
【错解分析】 本对话内容是谈论有关睡眠习惯的问题。对话结束时,女声说“并非每一个人都有和戴维一样的睡眠习惯”,言外之意是“每个人的睡眠习惯是不一样的”。
理解领会说话者的观点、态度和说话的意图不但要求考生能理解录音原文的主旨大意,而且还要通过答案: B
W:Would you mind opening the window? We need some fresh air.
M: I’m afraid it’s the window that doesn’t open.
Which is the quickest way to the airport?
A. By taxi.
B. By bus. C. By underground.
答案: C
W:How could I get to the airport?
M: You can go there by underground, by bus or by taxi. The underground is the quickest, but the bus is the cheapest.
Why does the woman want to change the shoes?
A. They are not the right color. B. They are not the fight style. C. They are not the fight size.
答案: A
W:May I change these shoos?
M: Why? Anything wrong?
W:No, nothing special. My daughter just doosn’t like the color.
What is the woman going to do this evening?
A. Go to dinner.
B. Visit her sister. C. Go to the airport.
答案: C
M:If you’d like to go there for dinner this evening, I’ll
phone the restaurant.
W:Thank you but I promised my sister I’d take her to the airport.
What can we learn from the conversation?
A. The woman had a photo shop of her own.
B. The woman developed her photos all by herself.
C. The woman developed part of her own film.
答案: C
M:Did you develop all your film?
W:Only the black and white. I had a photo shop do my color pictures.
Who are the two speakers?
A. doctor and a patient.
B. A teacher and a student. C. Two students.
答案: B
Why does the man call the woman?
A. To hand in his roommate’s paper. B. To ask for a leave for his roommate. C. To ask her to see his sick roommate.
答案: A
W:Elizabeth Martin speaking.
M:Dr. Martin, my name is Mark Johnson. My roommates, Benjamin Jones, is in your art history class. Uh-m, Art history 502?
M:Well, he is sick and won’t be in your class today. He asked me to bring his term paper to your office.
W:OK. The paper is due by 3 o’clock.
M:I have a class from 1 to 2. I’ll bring it to your office after
W:Well, I have a meeting this afternoon. So you can drop it off with the secretary of the art history department. She’ll see that I get it.
Where is the woman?
A. At a furniture shop.
B. At a restaurant. C. At a ticket office
答案: B
How many guests will the man treat?
A. About five.
B. About eight. C. bout ten.
答案: C
W:Hello! Would you like to book a table, Sir?
M:Hello ! I want to book a table for a Chinese dinner the day after tomorrow. Could you arrange it for me?
W:Certainly. But at what time?
M:At five o’clock, I’m afraid we’ll come a little late after five.
W:For how many guests?
M:About ten. I have no idea how much it costs. What’s the price?
W:The price of a Chinese table of dishes ranges from $ 100 to $ 500 not including the drinks.
M:I prefer the highest price.
W:Very good. Would you like to have a look at the menu?
M:No, I will leave it all to you. In short, we will like to have typical Chinese food.
W: No problem.
Why is Stella unhappy?
A. Because she can not sleep at night
B. Because she has made so many mistakes.
C. Because she has quarreled with Mr.Philips.
答案: C
Who is Mr. Philips?
A. Stella’s boss.
B. Steua’s husband. C. Stella’s neighbor.
答案: A
What does Bill suggest Stella do?
A. Talk to the milkman’s wife. B. Write a letter to the milkman. C. Write to apologize to Mr. Philips.
答案: B
M:Well, Stella? Why do you look unhappy?
W:Oh, Bill, I have just had a quarrel with Mr. Philips.
M:Mr. Philips! What on earth was it about?
W:Well, I have made three bad mistakes so far this week. Today I forgot to give him an important message, so he got really angry with me.
M: But I don’t understand. You are usually very careful and never make mistakes.
W:I’m just so tired. I don’t know what I am doing.
M:Why? Have you been going to bed late these days?
W:No, I’m usually in bed by about eleven. But I keep being woken up by half past four every morning. And then I cannot go back to sleep.
W:It’s my neighbor, the milkman next door. He has to get up at half past four and he always turns the radio on loudly.
M:Ask him to turn it down then.
W:It’s difficult. I don’t know him yet.
M:If you don’t want to see him, write him a letter.
W:Do you think it’s a good idea?
M:Yes, I do. I’ll help you with the letter.
W:OK, let’s try.
When does the train leave?
A. Four twenty.
B. Four twenty-five. C. Four twenty-seven.
答案: C
How much is the fare for a single ticket?
A. Seventy cents.
B. Seventy five cents. C. One dollar fifty.
答案: B
Which platform will the train from?
A. 18.
答案: C
Where will the two people meet?
A. The gate of the station.
B. The entrance to the platform. C. At the bus stop.
答案: B
W:Hello, Mr. Black. We are not late, aren’t we?
M:Hello, Jane. No, you are not late. I was a little early.
W:When does the train leave?
M:It leaves at four twenty -seven. If we hurry, we’ll be able to catch it.
W:Is it an express?
M:No, it is a stopping train.
W:Shall I buy the tickets, Mr. Black?
M:Oh, yes. I forgot them. There is the booking office.
W:Do you know how much this fare is?
M:Seventy-five cents a single ticket or one pound fifty for a return. But ask for a weekend return. That might be cheaper. And ask for a timetable,too. You will need it on Sunday.
W:All right. I’ll meet you at the entrance to the platform. Which platform is ours?
M:Plafform 16. I’ll take your suitcase. Which one is yours?
W:That’s mine.
M:Hurry. The train leaves at four twenty -seven.
W:From Platform 16.
What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Two types of only children.
B. Parents, responsibilities. C. The relationship between parents and children.
答案: A
Who are likely to treat their only children as “special jewels” ?
A. Those who are themselves spoiled and serf-centered.
B. Those who expected to have several childre but could only have one.
C. Those who like to give expensive jewels to their children.
答案: B
Why do some only children become “little adults” ?
A. Because they have nobody to play with.
B. Because their parents are too strict with them in their education.
C. Because their parents want them to grow up as fast as possible.
答案: B
Why do some only children feel unhappy?
A. They have no sisters or brothers.
B. They are overprotected by their parents.
C. Their parents expect too much of them.
答案: C
The key question for any only child is this:why were you an only child? It’s a key question for at least two
W:I wonder if Jim will be here by 8:00. He’s supposed
to be.
M:His wife said he left at 7:30. So he might be here by 8:15 at the latest.
Why is the woman moving?
A. The present room is too expensive. B. She needs a quieter place. C. She doesn’t like to listen to the radio.
答案: B
M:I hear you are moving to a new apartment soon.
W:Yes, but it will be more expensive. My roommate plays the radio all right long and I can’t sleep
Where does Tom plan to go on his way home?
A. The bank.
B. The office. C. The barber’s shop.
答案: C
M:Hello, Mary, this is Paul Green at the hank. Is Tom there?
W:No, he isn’t in. I don’t think you could reach him at the office now. He phoned me there 15 minutes ago to say he was stopping for a haircut on his way home.
What can we learn from the conversation?
A. They are neighbors.
B. They are classmates.
C. They are not from the same country.
答案: C
W:Why so early?
M:Early? It’s 6:30 o’clock now. School starts at 6:45 in the morning.
W:In my country, we go to school from 8 a . m.
When does the conversation take place?
A. On Friday.
B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
答案: C
W:Nick, why don’t you come and join us this afternoon
There’ll be a lot of fun.
M:I’d love to, but I’ve got an appointment.
W:What about tomorrow afternoon?
M:Sunday is OK.
What class does the girl want to tke?
A. Dance class.
B. Language class. C. Exercise class.
答案: A
Which class does the girl take?
A. Morning class.
B. Afternoon class.
C. Evening class.
答案: C
答案: B
What most probably is Tim?
A. A driver.
B. A worker.
C. A fire fighter ?
答案: C
What does the woman want the man to do?
A. Not to save anyone any more.
B. To find another job. C. To change his resting-place.
答案: B
W:Oh,Tim! What happened to you?
M:It isn’t anything serious.
W:It’s serious enough for you to be here.
M:Just a little too much smoke. I’ll be back home this evening.
W:How did this happen?
M:I had to go into a house that was on fire. There was still
someone inside.
W:Did you get him out?
M:It was a little girl. Yes, I got her out.
W:But there was a lot of smoke.
M:Yes, a lot. I had some trouble breathing so they sent me
here just for the doctors to take a look at me.
W:And now you tell me that it’s all part of the job.
M:Well, it is. You shouldn’t worry all the time.
W:But I do. I hope you’ll leave your job.
M:Leave my job? No, not because of a little smoke. I’m really all right.
Who is the woman?
A. A managef.
B. A secretary. C. A housewife.
答案: B
Which phone number should the man dial?
A. 77231059.
B. 77328905.
C. 77321095.
答案: A
What is Mr. Smith doing?
A. He is having a good time with Mr.White. B. He is calling.
C. He is having a meeting.
答案: C
M:Hello. Is that Mr.Smith’s office?
W:Yes, it is. May I help you?
M:Yes, I’d like to speak to Mr. Smith, please.
W:Mr. Smith isn’t in. He’s on a trade talk now. May I ask who is calling?
M:This is James White.
number is 77328905.
W:Oh yes, Mr. White. Mr. Smith asked me to give you his home phone number.
M:Just a moment, please. Yes, what’s the number?
W:His number is 77231059.
M:What about his mobile phone number7
W:177... er... 095... er... Oh, sorry, I’m afraid I can’t give you the number. He won’t like to be bothered
while having a meeting.
M: That’s all right.
W:Thank you very much.
What is the relationship between the people?
A. Headmaster and teacher.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Father
and datlghter.
答案: B
What reason did the woman give for being late yesterday?
A. She visited her grandfather.
B. She was ill and went to the hospital.
C. Her alarm clock didn’t work and the bus broke down.
答案: C
What did the woman say about her grandmother earlier?
A. Her gandmother was going to have an operation.
B. Her grandmother had alreadyhad an operation.
C. Her grandmother was at home.
答案: B
M:You often come to school late as well. Yesterday, for example, you...
W:Yes. I’m very sorry about that You see, my alarm clock didn’t work and...
M:Your alarm clock?But you told me yesterday that the bus had broken down!
W:Oh, did I? I just forgot to say that my clock didn’t work, either.
M:It’s a good story. Now, tell me again why you want tomorrow off.
W:Well... er, you see, my grandfather is ill. He is in hospital and.., and he’s going to have an operation. I want
to visit him.
M:Oh, I see. So your grandfather is iii as well.
W:As well? I... I don’t understand.
M:Neither do I. When we began this conversation, you said your grandmother was ill. And you didn’t say she was going to have an operation! You said she had already had one! And by the way, you also said she was in an old people’s home, not in a hospital.
What did Mr.White think of the second call?
A. That the caller told him a false fact.
B. That the caller told him the details.
C. That he himself was the last person to hear the news.
答案: B
Why was Mr.White glad?
A. Beeause many people had known the news.
B. Because he liked his paper very much.
C. Because no other papers but his ptinted the news.
答案: C
What was clear a day later?
A. Mr,White was fooled.
B. Readers liked to read the latest news.
C. His.newspaper was full of jokes.
答案: A
Why did Mr.White make a statement in the next day’s paper?
A. He felt it necessary to do so.
B. He thought himself to be tricked.
C. He only made a joke.
答案: A
Mr.White was the owner of a small newspaper. He always tried to bring his readers the latest news. One day, he received an exciting telephone call from some lady. She told Mr. White that there was a sudden flood somewhere in the north and several people had disappeared.
Mr. White quickly wrote it all down. That evening the story was printed in his newspaper. Mr. White was glad to see that no other paper had known the news.
But the next day, another person telephoned him and told him he was tricked.
So in the next day’s paper he wrote, “We were the first and the only newspaper to report yesterday that the village in the northern mountain was caught in a flood. Today, we are proud to tell you that we are again the first newspaper to bring our readers the news yesterday’s story was not true.”
How long does the man spend traveling to work?
A. 15 minutes
B. 30 minutes
C. 45 minutes
答案: C
W:How long does it take you to travel to work?
M:Well, it’s 15 minutes’walk from my house to the bus stop, and it’s about half an hour’s drive to my factory.
Why was the man late?
A. His car was out of petrol. B. He couldn’t mend his car.
C. He had to go back for clean clothes.
答案: C
W:Don’t you know that you are an hour late?
M: I’m terribly sorry, Joan. My car broke down on the way and I got so dirty trying to mend it. I had to go home to
change clothes.
What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Friends
B. Boss and secretary.
C. Teacher and student.
答案: C
M:Gan I leave now, Mrs Smith?
W:Sure you ean. But remember, if you don’t pay more attention to your work and less to sport, you won’t pass
your examinations.
Where does the man want to go?
A. The police station. B. The city library. C. The supermarket.
答案: B
M:Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the city library?
W:I’m sorry. I’m a stranger here myself, but if you cross the road and ask in the police station which is beside the
supermarket, I’m sure they’ll help you.
Which of the following can we know from the dialogue?
A. The woman is going to have a trip this summer vacation.
B. The woman is going to stay at home this summer vacation.
C. The woman hasn’t decided how to spend the summer vacation.
答案: C
M:What are you going to do this summer vacation?
W:I want to have a trip to Beijing because I have never been there. But my mother wants me to stay at home and study
since I am going to take the National Entrance Examination next year.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、c三个选项中选出最佳选项听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
M:Well, I haven’t been eating too well, I guess. I have a lot of work to do, and I usually only have enough 6me to have a sandwich and a cup of coffee for lunch.
W.And what about dinner?
M: Sometimes I’m too tired to eat anything at all.
W:That’s too bad. You must have a well-balanced diet. But I think the most important thing for you to do at the moment is to have a good rest.
M:Yes, I see.
What is the woman planning to do this evening?
A. To see some Americans off.
B. To visit Bob.
C. To have dinner with some American friends.
答案: C
What’s wrong with the man?
A. He’s taken a couple of aspirins.
B. He’s forgotten the date.
C. He’s got a headache.
答案: C
Whom is the man going to write to?
A. His American friends.
B. His parents. C. His girlfriend.
答案: B
W:Bob? It’s me, Barbara, Am I ringing at a bad time?
M:No, no. That’s all right. Is it something important?
M:No, not really. Some American friends are here for a few days and they want to go for a meal this evening. I think
maybe you’d Nike to come.
M: I’m afraid I can’t. I’ve got a bad headache.
W:Oh, have you? I am sorry. Why don’t you take a couple of aspirins and lie down for a bit? You’ll be all right in
half an hour.
M:Yes. I know, it’s not just the headache. I’m afraid I really ought to do my washing this evening and I’ve got to write home to my parents, too.
W:All right. Some other time then. Well, have a nice evening, Bob.
M:Wait a minute, Barbara. I’ II ring you early tomorrow morning.
W:It’s OK. See you then.
What is Mr,Carson doing when Mr. Prince calls him?
A. He is having a talk with his customer.
B. He is having a meeting right now.
C. He is out instead of having a meeting now.
答案: B
What’s the number of Mr.Prince’s telephone?
A. Hong Kong -68261427 extension 4063. B. Hong Kong - 68261427 extension 4037.C. Hong Kong -68261427 extension 4036.
答案: C
When can Mr. Carson ring Mr.Prince according to the woman?
A. He’ll ring Mr.Prince as soon as he returns from lunch.
B. He’ll ring Mr.Prince as soon as he returns before lunch.
C. He’ll ring Mr.Prince as soon as he goes away from
答案: A
M:Good morning, Mr. Carson, please?
W:I’m afraid Mr. Carson is at a very important meeting at the moment and cannot be disturbed. May I know who’s calling?
M:Yes, this is Mr. Prince. I would like to talk to Mr. Carson today, if possible.
W:Well, I’m afraid the meeting isn’t planned to finish untile one o’clock and then he has a lunch appointment. If
he has time, I can ask him to ring you before he leaves.
M:Yes, I’d be grateful if you would.
W:Not at all. Mr. Prince. Could I take your telephone number and then I’ll ask Mr. Carson to ring you as soon as he’s free.
M:Yes, it’s Hong Kong—68261427 extension 4036.
W:Hong Kong—68261427 extension 4036. Right. If Mr. Carson can’t ring you this morning, I’ll ask him to ring you as soon as he returns from lunch.
M:Thank you.
How did the woman come?
A. By train.
B. On foot.
C. By bus.
答案: C
How long had the man been waiting for her?
A. Nearly an hour. B. More than an hour. C. About five minutes.
答案: B
Why didn’t she tell her boss about her appointment(约会)?
A. Because she thought the work wouldn’t take long.
B. Because she thought the work wash’t hard to do.
C. Because she didn’t think the boss would let her go.
W:Adam, I’m sorry!
M:But where have you been, Alice? You’re over an hour late.
W:Yes. But I couldn’t help it. I was late getting off work for a start, and then I missed the bus. The bus I did catch got caught in a traffic jam. It was one thing after another.
M: But why were you so late getting off work? The office closes at six, doesn’t it?
W:Yes, but there was a rush on at the moment, and my bess asked me to do some urgent letters.
M:But didn’t you tell him you had an appointment?
W:Well, no. I thought I’d finish in about five minutes. If it hadn’t been for missing the bus and the traffic, I wouldn’t have been so late. I am sorry.
M:Well, you’re here. And that’s the main thing.
How many people became homeless as a result of the storm?
A. Over two hundred.
B. Over fourteen. C. About fifteen.
答案: A
Where were Mr.Smith’s children when the storm started?
A. In the rooms.
B. In the kitchen. C. In the yard.
答案: B
Why did Mr.Smith go back inside their house?
A. To get his missing child. B. To get some food. C. To get his possession.
答案: A
Last Friday a storm tore through two villages in South frica destroying fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly amaged that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or torn roofs. One person was killed, several were badly injured and taken to hospital, and a number of other people received small injuries. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless as a result of the storm.
A farmer, Mr. Smith, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.
“I was in the kitchen with my wife and children,” he said, “when we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We managed to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back
inside and found him, safe but frightened.”
Soldiers helped to bring people out of the flooded area
and the government provided food, clothes and houses.
What are they going to do this weekend?
A Go swimming
B. Go shopping.
C. Go skating.
答案: C
M: Look ! It’s snowing. Winter is here at last.
W: There’s ice on the lake, too. We’ll be able to go skating this weekend.
What does the man ask the woman to do?
A. To go to a concert with him. B. To help him with his paper. C. To visit him tomorrow.
答案: A
your examinations.
Where did the woman expect the man to be now?
A. In Europe. B. At home. C. On campus.
答案: A
W:Hello. What a surprise! I didn’t expect to see you. I thought you were going to stay with your family in Europe until the end of the holidays.
M:I know, but I have come back early as I want to do some work before college starts next week.
What kind of car does the woman want?
A. A new car.
B. A second-hand car. C. A cheap car.
答案: B
What happened to the woman’s car?
A. It broken down.
B. It was stolen.
C. It was given to her son.
答案: C
W:I need to buy a good used car.
M:What’s wrong with the car you have?
W: Nothing. It’s for my son.
M:Oh, did he get his driver’s license?
W:Yes, and now he wants his own car.
M: I’ll keep my ears open and if I hear of something, I’ll
let you know.
What are they talking about?
A. Children. B. Vacation. C. Jobs.
答案: B
Will the man take a vacation this summer?
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. He isn’t sure yet.
答案: A
What do you know about the woman’s two sons?
A. They are on vacation now.
B. They are both in college. C. They will graduate next year.
答案: B
W:Are you taking a vacation this summer?
M:Yes, but we’re not going anywhere.
W:What do you mean?
M:Everything is expensive. We don’t have enough money
for a vacation. How about you?
W:We’re in the same boat. With both boys in college, it’s
been hard. We simply can’t afford a vacation this year. M:Maybe next year things will be better.
Why did the speaker go to a cafe?
A. Because he felt thirsty.
B. Because he felt tired and wanted to sit down.
C. Because he had plenty of time.
答案: C
What was in the speaker’s case?
A. Men’s clothes and scientific papers. B. Picture’s books and children’s toys. C. Nothing.
答案: A
What did the speaker find out on board the plane?
A. His case was lost. B. He took a wrong case. C. There were children’s toys in his case.
答案: B
I had to go to Amsterdam last week for a conference. I arrived at the airport in plenty of time and checked in. But I only had one small case, so I decided to take it on the plane as handluggage. As the flight was not due to board for 45 minutes, I went to a cafd, sat down and ordered a cup of coffee.
While I was sitting there, drinking my coffee and reading the paper, I was vaguely aware of a woman and her child 切coming to sit at the next table. I didn’t pay much attention to them though. And when my flight was called, I reached for my case and left.
An hour later, the plane was in the air and I decided to look at the conference program to see what I wanted to attend. Imagine my horror when I opened the case and found that it was full of picture books and children’s toys. And imagine what the woman must have thought about a case full of men’s clothes and scientific papers.
How are his wife and children when Mr; Brown come back very late?
A. Waiting for him. B. Staying up. C. Asleep.
答案: C
Why couldn’t he come into the room himself on night?
A. He lost his work. B. He couldn’t find the door.
C. He didn’t find his key.
答案: C
How did he get into the room at last?
A. He pretended to call like a child for the bathroom.
B. He went through the bathroom.
C. His wife was woken up by his shouting.
答案: A
What kind of person is the speaker?
A. He is very careless. B. He is usually careful. C. He is easy to get angry.
答案: B
When did the man most probably lose his wallet?
A. When he was having dinner. B. When he walked into the restaurant. C. When he was ordering his dish.
答案: A
Why was the man in a hurry?
A. Because he had to meet his docror. B. Because he had to go to the bank. C. Because he had to go to the band.
答案: A
What was the man’s biggest worry?
A. He lost his ID card.
B. He couldn’t pay for the dinner. C. He got a lot of people included
答案: B
What do we learn from the above dialogue?
A. Frank continued to live after a car accident.
B. Frank’s car was accidentally lost. C. Frank fell out of a car.
答案: A
W: It’s surprising that Frank came out of the accident alive.
M: That’s true. His car is a total loss, you know.
What can we conclude from the above dialogue?
A. The exam was difficult for the woman.
B. The woman found the exam easy. C. The woman completed the exam in one hour.
答案: A
M:What did you think of the final exam?
W:I was expecting it to be easy, but at the end of the first
hour, I was still on the first page. I hardly had time to get to the last question.
Who might these two speakers be?
A. Parents.
B. Two friends. C. A parent and a child.
答案: A
W:Your clothes are all over the floor and your bed is unmade. And when was the last time you picked up your
M:You ought to try to be neater. Clean it up now, and when you’ve finished we’ll all go on a picnic.
When does the film end?
A. At 9:50.
B. At 7:50. C. At 8:50.
答案: A
W:When does the film start, Tom?
M:7:50 Pm. and it lasts exactly two hours.
What can you learn from the dialogue?
A. The man will have to return the book to the woman.
B. The man has already returned the book to the woman.
C. The man will keep the book for some time.
答案: B
W:You still haven’t returned the book to me.
M:Yes, I have. I gave you the book last week.
M:I gave it to you when you were talking with the teacher.
W:Oh, yes, I remember now. I’m terribly sorry.
How is Jane going on a trip to London?
A. By car.
B. By air.
C. By taxi.
答案: B
How many people will go to see her off?
A. 3.
B. 2.
C. 1.
答案: B
What can we conclude from the dialogue?
A. The man met Thomas Nelson through Jane.
B. The man and Thomas Nelson studied in the same college.
C. The man played football against Thomas Nelson’s team.
答案: B
How long will the man spend with Jane next Saturday?
A. About 2 hours. B. About 40 minutes. C. About 20 minutes.
答案: A
M:Hello, Jane, when are you going off to London?
W:Next Saturday evening.
M:How are you going to the airport, by car, by taxi or by airport bus?
W:By car. My brother Joe is coming with me to the airport to see me off.
M:Where are you staying in London? I hear that the hotel there are very expensive.
W:I’m going to stay with one of my friends, Betty Nelson. We were close friends when we were at college.
M:Betty Nelson! Is her brother named Thomas Nelson?
W:Yes. He was a wonderful football player at university.
M:I know them. Small world, isn’t it? I was in the same football team with Thomas at university. Please do
答案: C
M:May I borrow fifty dollars from you?
W:Fifty dollars? Until when? How are you going to pay me back ?
M:Come on, if I had a job, I’d lend you fifty dollars without asking you any questions.
W:But you don’t have a job, do you?
M:No, but I’m looking for one. I go to the employment office every day.
W:Why don’t you go back home?
M:If I went home, I’d have to work on my father’s farm. I don’t like it at all. I’d rather stay here and find a job I like. All I need is a little luck.
W:Luck? OK, I’ll let you have it. Maybe that may bring
you your luck.
M:Yes, this will help. Thank you very much
What is the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Close friends. B. Customer and mechanic. D. Customer and saleswoman.
答案: B
What happened when the man was driving?
A. The car suddenly stopped. B. The car ran down the hill. C. The car suddenly caught fire.
答案: A
What’s probably wrong with the car?
A. Something’s wrong with the battery. B. It runs out of petrol. C. Something’s wrong with the distributor.
答案: C
W:What is the problem, sir?
M:Well, my car’s just stopped. I was driving along and the engine cut out and it just stopped, and I can’t start it again.
W:Is the battery working?
M:Well, I mean I think so. The lights are working and the radio’s on and I’ve looked at it and it looks OK, I think.
W:Hmm. Has it been raining?
M:Yes, it’s pouring down.
W:Well, it could be the distributor. Have you had a look at that?
M:Oh gosh, no. I’m not sure where that is. I never touch things like that. Is it serious?
W:No, not really, don’t worry, we’ll come out and have a look.
What happened to the woman?
A. She lost her job.
B. The boss allowed her to go on a holiday. C. She was given a chance to study abroad.
答案: A
How did the man feel about the woman’s boss’decision?
A. He understood it well.
B. It was completely wrong. C. He didn’t understand it.
答案: A
What should the woman do in the future?
A. She should go to work on time.
B. She should learn new things and work hard. C. Both A and B.
答案: C
W:My boss told me never to go to work again.
W:I don’t know. When he told me that, I was very sad and surprised.
M:Did you often go to work late?
W:Yes, I often do.
M:Did you work hard?
W:Well, it’s hard to say.
M:Are you good at computers?
W:No, I don’t know how to use it.
M:Then I know the reason. You didn’t use your time well and you don’t learn new things.
Why were most of the astronauts unwilling to go on the trip?
A. Because there was little chance of being selected.
B. Because they weren’t experienced enough.
C. Because they thought they might get killed.
答案: C
What did Sam and Joe think the trip would be like?
A. There wouldn’t be any danger. B. It would be long and tiring. C. It would be exciting.
答案: C
Why didn’t Joe want to work with Sam again?
A. Because Sam was very slow and possibly deaf.
B. Because Sam was less experienced than he was.
C. Because Sam didn’t know how to do repairs.
答案: A
Sam and Joe were astronauts. There was once a very dangerous trip and the more experienced astronauts knew there was only a small chance of coming back alive. Sam and Joe, however, thought it would be exciting though a little dangerous. “We’re the best men for the job.” They said to the boss, “There may be problems, but we can find the answers.” “They’re the last people I’d trust,” thought the boss, “but all the other astronauts have refused to go.”
Once they were in space, Joe had to go outside to make some repairs. When the repairs were done, he tried to get
back inside the spaceship.
But the door was locked.
He knocked but there Was no answer. He knocked again, louder this time, and again no answer came. Then he hit the door as hard as he could and finally a voice said, “Who’s there?”
“It’s me! Who else could it be?” shouted Joe. Sam let hint in all right but you can imagine that Joe would never ask to go on trip with Sam again!
What does the man want to do?
A. He wants the woman to take care of the dog.
B. He wants to go to visit her. C. He wants to ask for a leave.
答案: A
M:I’m sorry to come at this moment, but I wonder if I can leave my dog with you for a couple of days.
W:I’m sorry. Mr.Green doesn’t like dogs.
What’s the woman’s real opinion?
A. She will type the work plan.
B. She wants to be the man-secretary. C. She is too busy.
答案: A
M:Joan, would you help me type this work plan? I’m too busy to do it myself.
W:OK. But why don’t you hire a secretary?
Why will the woman not go to the concert?
A. Because she is too busy at work. B. Because of some visitors’arrival. C. Because she hash’t got a ticket for the concert.
答案: B
M:Mary, I have an extra ticket for the concert tonight. Can you come with us?
W: I’d love to, but we’ 11 have some guests tonight. Thank you, anyway.
Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. At home.
B. In a park.
C. On the telephone.
答案: A
M:Who on earth is ringing the door bell? Oh, it must be Michael. Would you answer the door, please, Mama?
W:OK. Hello, Michael. Come in.
Which of the following may happen at last?
A. They will go to the ground floor.
B. They will not go to the restaurant.
C. They will go to have dinner together.
答案: B
W:Let’s go to the restaurant on the ground floor. I heard the food there is not bad.
M:But I heard the food is terrible there, and expensive, too.
What does the man ask the woman to do?
A. To study art in middle school.
B. To draw some pesters for the club. C. To have a meeting.
答案: B
What does the man ask some students to do?
A. To help him prepare for the meeting. B. To attend the club.
C. To have a meeting.
答案: A
Where can the man get the posters at last?
A. In the art department. B. In his own office. C. In the woman’s office.
答案: B
M:Hey, Jennifer, Fred tells me that you know how to draw.
W:I studied art in middle school and high school, but I haven’t done anything serious since then. Why do you ask?
M:Well, my club is going to have a big meeting next week,and we need someone to draw a few pesters to advertise it. We need to teach as many people as possible.
W:I’m not sure
But I haven’t done anything like this
recently. Can’t you find anyone else?
M:I’m afraid not. I’ve already asked some of the students in the art department, and all of them are preparing for a
big exhibition. And like I said before, we don’t want anything fancy. Just something that will get people to attend. Will you do it?
W:OK, fine. I’ll prepare a few posters and bring them over to your place in a few days.
What happened to the man?
He was frightened at the news. B. A traffic accident happened to him. C. He was driving along the road
答案: B
Why did the man lose control of the car?
A. Because he had a bet with others.B. Because he hit an icy patch.C. Because he wanted to drive around the comer.
答案: A
What can we know about the other man?
A. He was seriously hurt.
B. He might just be fine.
C. He was just a little frightened.
答案: B
W:Are you OK?
M:I think so. I’m just a little frightened.
W:I should think so. That looked like a pretty bad accident.
M:It was. I guess I’m lucky.
W:You bet you are. What happened?
M:Well, I was just driving around that corner back there and I lost control of the car. I must have hit an icy patch. W:I can’t believe you survived.
M:What happened to the driver of the other car?
W:I’m not sure.
M:I saw him being carried away in an ambulance.He didn’t look good.
W:I don’t think he was as lucky as you were.
M:How horrible! I can’t believe this is happening.
W:Calm down. You’re OK. We don’t know about the other man. He might be just fine.
M:I should call my family.
W:Take it easy. Don’t try and do anything too fast. You’ve
just been through a bad time.
What’s the possible relationship between the man andthe woman?
A. Husband and wife.
B. Classmates.
C. Neighbors.
答案: A
What happened to Danny?
A. He rode the motor for fun. B. He fell out of the boat and was wet to skin. C. He played ball with the woman speaker.
答案: B
What did the woman do to the boy’s clothes?
A. She washed them before drying them. B. It wasn’t mentioned. C. She dried them on the clothes line.
答案: C
M:I guess Danny’s sleeping, isn’t he?
W:Yes, he’ll gone to sleep before you called. He and Fred woke up early this morning. Mter they’d played ball for a couple of hours, they went out in the boat.
M:But the Wieses don’t have a boat. Whose boat is it?
W:A neighbor’s. Fred had borrowed it.
M:That was nice. Did they have fun?
W:Oh, yes. It was very funny, too. They stopped to look at the motor and Danny fell out of the boat. All of his clothes were wet when the boys returned.
M:What did Mrs. Wiese say?
W: Nothing. She laughed.
M:Did everyone else laugh?
W:Yes, we all laughed. After he’d changed his clothes, I put them on the clothes line without washing. They’re dry now.
M:That’s good.
Which of the following is true about the lady?
A. She found an apple falling out of a tree.B. She didn’t sleep quite well. C. She studied physics all night long.
答案: B
What are they talking about?
A. French.
B. Dreams. C. Physics.
答案: B
What can we know from what the man says?
A. He once also had the same experience as the woman.
B. He knows French better than English.
C. Dreams are sometimes terrible to remember.
答案: A
What is the speaker doing now?
A. Taking a taxi to the airport. B. Waiting for his parents. C. Flying to Washington D. C.
答案: B
What could happen now if the parents had arrived the airport 15 minutes early?
A. They have been back already. B. They are at the airport. C. They are on the plane.
答案: A
What does the speaker mean?
A. The flight was delayed, so his parents had to wait at the airport.
B. His parents didn’t arrive at the airport on time and missed the flight.
C. His parents didn’t take a taxi.
答案: B
We’ve been at the hotel since about ten o’clock. Mom and Dad will probably be back at midnight. They’d hoped to get back earlier but they missed the plane. They called us a little while ago. Mom was angry because the taxi driver had driven so slowly. The plane had left when they arrived at the airport. If they’d arrived fifteen minutes sooner, they would
have caught it. We’re waiting to bear about their trip. Neither of them had visited Washington D. C. before they went on this trip. Dad had read a little about the city before they left. After he’d read about it, he was even more excited. We’re anxious to tell them about our weekend, too. If they’d caught the plane, they would have been here by now. We’re probably be awake for a long time. I hope I wont go to sleep before they return.
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