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高考英语复习专题2 第13课时:简单句与并列句精品 课件(人教大纲版重庆专用)

发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  联合并列句主要由and, not only…but also…(不但……而且……), when(= and just at this time就在这时)等连词连接。 【考点4】因果并列句

  It must have rained last night, ______ the ground is wet this morning.

  A. because

  B. since

  C. as

  D. for

  D 表示对前一分句的内容加以推断性的原因,用for。

  主要由for(因为), so(因此)等连词连接。 【考点4】否定句后面的反意问句

  He had little idea that it was getting so serious, ______?

  A. didn't he

  B. did he

  C. wasn't it

  D. was it

  B 陈述句是含有否定词little的否定句,反意问句用肯定形式。

  1. 前面的陈述部分有半否定词hardly, rarely, scarcely, few, little, seldom等时,反意问句用肯定形式。

  2. 陈述部分虽有否定前(后)缀词(如: dis­, in­, un­, ­less)时,反意问句仍要用否定形式。 【考点5】祈使句后面的反意问句

  Lily, help me put up the picture on the wall, ______?

  A. will you

  B. don't you

  C. are you

  D. didn't you

  A 陈述句是肯定祈使句,反问部分用will you。

  1. Let's开头(包括听话者), 反意问句用shall we;Let us开头(不包括听话者), 反意问句用will you。

  2. 其他形式的肯定祈使句后面,一般用will you。 【考点6】情态动词后面的反意问句

  — I think it's high time that she made up her mind.

  — The police must have known all about this, ______?

  A. mustn't they

  B. haven't they

  C. mustn't it

  D. hasn't it

  B 陈述部分用“must(may,might)+v.­ed”表示推测时,若句中不带有明显的过去时间的状语,问句部分动词应该与must(may, might)后的动词形式保持一致。

  情态动词用于推测,后面的反意问句的谓语一般要与情态动词后面的动词相一致。 【考点7】have后面的反意问句

  It's seven o'clock now. We have to leave for the cinema, ______?

  A. haven't we

  B. don't we

  C. isn't it

  D. wasn't it 答案:B

  1. have表“有”时,后面的反意问句的谓语可用have或do的适当形式。

  2. have表“让、吃、患”等意思时,后面的反意问句的谓语用do的适当形式。

  3. have to表“不得不”时,后面的反意问句的谓语要用do的适当形式。

  4. have + done构成完成时时,后面的反意问句的谓语要用have的适当形式。

  C 在there be句型中,反意疑问句的主语用there, 反意疑问句谓语部分视具体的助动词、情态动词或系动词而定。

  It's the first time that he has been to Australia, ______.

  A. isn't he

  B. hasn't he

  C. isn't it

  D. hasn't it

  C 由句型it's the first time that +从句可知,主语是it, be是is。因此用isn't it。

  — Alice, you feed the bird today, ______?

  — But I fed it yesterday.

  A. do you

  B. will you

  C. didn't you

  D. don't you

  B Alice 为称呼语, 后接一个祈使句。因此用will you。

  1. 陈述部分是There be结构时,反意问句的主语用there来充当。

  2. I wish表示愿望,后面的反意问句常用may I。

  3. I'm 开头,后面的反意问句常用aren't I。

  4. 以So, Oh开头的句子,若是肯定句,其后的反意问句也用肯定;若是否定句,其后的反意问句也用否定。

  We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, ______, in fact, there were 40.

  A. while

  B. whether

  C. what

  D. which

  并列句 【考点1】转折并列句

  A 分析两句的关系可知应该用表示对比的连词while。

  Excuse me for breaking in, ______ I have some news for you.

  A. so

  B. and

  C. but

  D. that

  C  but 放在表示歉意的话之后,只起连接作用; but 的语意非常丰富,用法灵活多变。随着高考语境性意义的加强, but 出现的频率也越来越高,因为它在试题中对正确答案的选择起着重要的制约作用。下面是 but 的一些基本用法。

  1. but 用作并列连词,意为“但是”,“然而”,表示转折意义。

  Rick made some more records, but he wasn't as popular as he had been before.

  此时要注意 but 与 however 的区别。 however 表示“可是”,“但是”的意义时,常用作副词,可以放在句首、句中、句尾,并常用逗号将它与句子分开。

  However,he didn't realize his dream in the end.

  2. but 可置于表示歉意的话(如 Excuse me 或 I'm sorry )之后,提出请求或说出可能触犯对方的话,它没有实际意义,只起连接作用,可以省去。

  I am sorry, but I don't think I know you.

  3. 转折并列句主要由but(但是), yet(可是), while(而,却)等连词连接。


  Bring the flowers into a warm room ______ they'll soon open. (2011·辽宁卷)

  A. or

  B. and

  C. but

  D. for

  B and表并列关系。此句考查句型:祈使句+and +陈述句。

  主要由or(或者,还是,否则), either…or…(不是……就是……), neither…nor…(既不……也不……), otherwise(要不然)等连词连接。 【考点3】联合并列句

  ______, and I'll get the work finished.

  A. Have one more hour

  B. One more hour

  C. Given one more hour

  D. If I have one more hour

  B 从句子结构上看, and连接了两个分句, 两句间存在着一种顺承关系, 其中前一分句为不完整句子,即一个名词短语,表示一种条件或假设,相当于: if条件状语从句,该句相当于: If I am given one more hour, I'll get the work finished. 后一分句表示一种结果或推论。


  ①当陈述句是一般将来时或一般现在时的时候, 祈使句是真实条件句。

  Follow the advice of the doctor, and you'll be well very soon.

  Work hard, and you can make rapid progress in your study.

  ②当陈述句的谓语动词是would / should / could / might + 动词原形或完成体时,祈使句表示非真实条件句。

  Come tomorrow and I would tell you everything.

  2.“祈使句 + and + 陈述句”句型的三种变化形式

  ①“祈使句 + 破折号 + 陈述句”

  Try some of this juice — perhaps you'll like it.

  ②“名词词组 + and + 陈述句”

  名词词组中通常含有more, another, further, earlier等词。

  It is really very dangerous. One more step, and the baby will fall into the well.

  A few minutes earlier, and I could have seen the famous scientist.

  ③“祈使句 + or + 陈述句”

  or表示“否则”、“要不然的话”, or可用or else或otherwise替换, 从反面来预测结果。

  Watch your step, or else you might fall into the water.

  Do as you're told, otherwise you'll be in trouble.



  简单句与并列句 二

  I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, ______? (2011·重庆卷)

  A. could he

  B. didn't I

  C. didn't you

  D. could they

  B 考查反意疑问句。反意疑问句的基本原则就是与主句主谓保持一致。陈述部分为肯定,故附加部分为否定,所以选择B。

  思路点拨 一、祈使句 ______ the milk and set a good example to the other children.

  A. Drink

  B. To think

  C. Drinking

  D. Having drinking 简单句


  A 填空句为祈使句。注意句中的并列连词and。

  1. 祈使句主要用于请求,发出邀请,给予指示、忠告或警告,也可用于发出命令等。

  2. 祈使句的特点是:一般不出现主语(you), 但有时为了指明向谁发出请求或命令,也可以说出主语;谓语动词一律用原形;否定式一律在动词前面加don't。

  二、感叹句 ______ she sings! I have never heard a better voice.

  A. How beautiful

  B. What beautiful song

  C. How beautifully

  D. So wonderful

  C 此为“how+副词+主语+谓语”形式的感叹句。


  What + a(n) (+ adj.) + 单数可数名词(+ 主语+ 动词)!

  What + adj. + 不可数名词或复数可数名词!

  How + adj. /adv. (+ 主语 + 动词)!

  How + adj. + a(n) + 单数可数名词(+ 主语+ 动词)! 【考点1】主从复合句后面的反意问句

  I don't suppose our team might have been beaten by theirs last night, ______?

  A. do I

  B. might it

  C. hasn't it

  D. was it 三、反意疑问句

  D 陈述部分有I don't suppose时,反意问句应与其后的宾语从句的主谓一致,本句的非推测句为: I don't suppose our team was beaten by theirs last night, 反意问句便是: was it。

  如果陈述部分是主从复合句,后面的反意问句通常与主句的主谓一致。如果主句的谓语动词是think, believe, suppose, imagine, guess, expect等,后面的反意问句要注意三种情况:

  1. 如果主语是第一人称I, 后面的反意问句需与从句的主谓一致。

  2. 如果主句的主语是其他人称,则后面的反意问句常需与主句的主谓一致。

  3. 如果主句的动词是否定式,后面的反意问句要用肯定式。 【考点2】强调结构后面的反意问句

  It was at the gate that you met her, ______?

  A. wasn't it

  B. was it

  C. didn't you

  D. did you

  A 强调结构“It is / was+被强调部分+that …”后的反意问句需与It is / was一致。

  强调结构“It is / was+被强调部分+that …”后的反意问句需与that前面的主谓一致。 【考点3】并列句后面的反意问句

  The man works hard and he is the best worker in his factory, ______?

  A. does he

  B. doesn't he

  C. is he

  D. isn't he

  D 两个并列句后面的反意问句的主谓一般需与后一个分句的主谓一致。

  两个并列句(常见的连词有: or, and, but, while, for等)后面的反意问句的主谓一般需与距离它近的那个分句的主谓一致。


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