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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修8 Module 4《Which English》(外研版全国通用)

发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  debatable adj. 可争辩的,有争议的

  2017届高考英语一轮复习课件 外研版全国通用 Module 4

  Which English?

  选修8 词汇点击 1. debate n. & vt. & vi. 争论,讨论,辩论;斟酌,考虑 debate about / on / over 有关……的辩论 debate sth. with sb. 与某人讨论某事

  under debate 正在辩论中

  The two sides debated fiercely whether to raise the price of school meals. 双方就是否提高学校用餐价格进行了激烈的辩论。 词汇点击 1. debate n. & vt. & vi. 争论,讨论,辩论;斟酌,考虑 debatable adj. 可争辩的,有争议的 知识拓展 词语辨析argue, quarrel, discuss, debate (参见必修2 M6) 词汇点击 1. debate n. & vt. & vi. 争论,讨论,辩论;斟酌,考虑 完成句子 The candidates agreed to ____________ the campaign issues face to face.

  候选人都同意就选举问题进行面对面地辩论。 debate 词汇点击 2. select v. 选择,挑选,选拔

  select sb. to do sth. 挑选某人干某事 select sb. / sth. for sth. 为某事精心挑选某人/某事

  We are going to select two students to represent our school.

  我们要选拔两名学生代表我们学校。 词汇点击 2. select v. 选择,挑选,选拔

  selection n. 选择,选拔 make a selection 精心选择

  知识拓展 词汇点击 2. select v. 选择,挑选,选拔

  词语辨析 choose, elect, select, pick out choose 通常指在提供的对象中,凭个人判断力选择,是最普通的用语。

  elect (严格说来多指)投票选举。


  pick out比较通俗,指按个人喜好或希望进行选择,是仔细挑剔或苛刻地选择,多用于有形的东西。

  词汇点击 2. select v. 选择,挑选,选拔

  完成句子 ①It was such a big menu that I didn't know what to ____________.

  菜单上这么多菜,我都不知道该挑哪一个。 ②He hasn' t been ____________ the team.

  他未能入选进队。 choose from selected for 词汇点击 3. complain vi. 抱怨,埋怨;申诉,控诉,控告 complain to sb. about / of sth.向某人抱怨某事

  You have nothing to complain of, do you? 你没什么可抱怨的,是吧? 词汇点击 3. complain vi. 抱怨,埋怨;申诉,控诉,控告 complaint n.抱怨;埋怨;投诉

  知识拓展 The most common complaint is about poor service. 最常见的投诉与服务差有关。 词汇点击 3. complain vi. 抱怨,埋怨;申诉,控诉,控告 完成句子 ①He ____________________ that his meal was cold. 他向服务员抱怨饭菜是凉的。 ②She complained ______ waiting. A. having kept

  B. to keep C. of having been kept

  D. of having kept complained to the waiter 【解析】 C complain of后接动名词,且应是被动作宾语。

  词汇点击 4. withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn) vt. & vi. 取回,收回;提取;撤销;(使)退出 withdraw…from… 从……移走(提取;收回;撤出)…… withdraw a remark 撤回评论 withdraw from 从……撤出 withdraw from the election 退出选举

  Being angry at the judge's unfairness, he withdrew from the race. 裁判的不公平使他非常愤怒并退出了比赛。 词汇点击 4. withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn) vt. & vi. 取回,收回;提取;撤销;(使)退出 完成句子 To help his friend in debt, he ________ all his money ________ his bank account. 为了帮助欠债的朋友,他从银行里把自己所有的钱都取出来了。

  withdrew from 词汇点击 5. convince vt. 使确信,使信服,使认识,说服 I convinced them of my innocence. 我使他们相信我无罪。 词语辨析

  convince, persuade convince指“使人信服;使人承认”,强调通过摆事实、讲道理排除对方的怀疑或反对,使心服口服; persuade作“说服,劝服”讲时,虽然也指以理服人,但着重从情感方面打动对方,使对方付诸行动。 词汇点击 5. convince vt. 使确信,使信服,使认识,说服 完成句子 ①You will need to ____________________ your enthusiasm for the job. 你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。 ②Try to ______________________. 尽量劝他来。 convince them of  persuade him to come 词汇点击 6. betray vt. 对……不忠;背叛;透露 betray sb. / sth. (+to…) (向)……出卖,背叛 betray that­clause / wh­clause / how­clause 暴露…… betray state secrets 泄露国家机密 betray a secret to sb. 向某人泄露秘密 betray one's trust 辜负某人的信任 betray oneself 暴露本来的面目,原形毕露

  He betrayed the news to all his friends. 他把消息透露给所有的朋友。 词汇点击 6. betray vt. 对……不忠;背叛;透露 完成句子 ①She felt ________ when she found out the truth about him. 她发现他的真实情况后,感到受了欺骗。 ②She ____________________ over and over again.


  betrayed betrayed his trust They are so a like that I can't tell them apart.

  他们长得太像了,我分不清他们。 短语精释 1. tell…apart 把……区分开来 知识拓展 tell A and B apart=tell A from B=tell the difference(s) between A and B把A和B区分开来 tell sb. about / of sth. 告诉某人有关某事

  tell a lie / lies 撒谎

  to tell the truth 说实话

  I'm counting on you to support me — don't let me down. 我指望你支持我——别让我失望。 短语精释 2. let sb. down 使某人失望 知识拓展 let sth. down 放低某物,放下某物 let sb. / sth. in / into 允许某人 / 某物进入 let alone 更不用说 let sb. / sth. alone 不管,不要干涉某人 / 某物

  I'm counting on you to support me — don't let me down. 我指望你支持我——别让我失望。 短语精释 2. let sb. down 使某人失望 知识拓展 let out 使出去;放出;泄露 let go 放开,放手 let off 使(某人)免做(某人本应做之事);免处罚(某人)

  短语精释 2. let sb. down 使某人失望 完成句子 ①The baby can't even walk, ____________ run. 那个婴儿连走都不会,更别说跑了。 ②Don't ____________ the handle. 别放开把手。 ③That he failed to pass the test ________________.

  没有通过测验让他很失望。 let alone let go let himself down 短语精释 2. let sb. down 使某人失望 完成句子 ④He accidentally ______ he had quarreled with his wife and then he hadn't been home for a long time. A. let down

  B. let in C. let off

  D. let out 【解析】 D 考查短语辨析。句意:他无意间泄露了他同他妻子吵架并且好长时间没回家的事。A项“使……失望”;B项“让进入”;C项“原谅某人”;D项“泄露”。   短语精释 3. get down to (doing) 开始做,着手做 知识拓展 与介词to 搭配构成的短语有: be used /accustomed to 习惯于 look forward to 期待着 pay a visit to 参观,拜访 pay attention to 注意 stick to 坚持 devote…to 献身于

  同义词 set about doing,

  set out to do

  短语精释 3. get down to (doing) 开始做,着手做 完成句子 The day we look forward to ____________.


  has arrived The quality of someone's voice and their choice of words make a person instantly recognisable, even though you can't see him or her. 句型探究 一个人的音质及措词都能让这个人立即被辨认出来,即使看不见是谁。 The quality of someone's voice and their choice of words make a person instantly recognisable, even though you can't see him or her. 句型探究 (1)instantly adv. 立即地,即刻地 conj. 一……就……

  The boss wants the job done instantly. 老板要求马上完成这个工作。 The quality of someone's voice and their choice of words make a person instantly recognisable, even though you can't see him or her. 句型探究 (2)even if / though 表“即使”,引导让步状语从句。从句可用陈述语气或虚拟语气。

  Even though we have made progress, we should not be proud. 即使我们取得了进步,也不应该骄傲。 Even if it rains tomorrow,I will go climbing. 即使明天下雨,我也要去爬山。 The quality of someone's voice and their choice of words make a person instantly recognisable, even though you can't see him or her. 句型探究 完成句子 ①Even if you _____ a doctor, you ______________ her life. 即使你是医生,你也救不了她。 ②I called him up _____________________________ I arrived there. 我一到那就给他打电话。 were

  could not save instantly/immediately/the moment/as soon as debatable adj. 可争辩的,有争议的


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