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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修8 Unit3《Inventors and inventions》(新人教版福建专用)

发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届高考英语一轮复习课件 新人教版福建专用 Unit 3

  Inventors and inventions ① call up

  根据语境猜词义 (1) The smell of the sea called up memories of her childhood.

  (2) When I

  called you

  up this morning, nobody answered the phone.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 使……回忆起  B. 给……打电话 A B 短语 call at

  拜访(某个地点) call on / upon

  拜访(某人);号召 call in

  找来,请来 call off

  取消,停止 call for

  需求,需要;去接(某人) ① call up

  链接 与“打电话”相关的短语: ring back/call back

  回电话 ring off / hang up

  挂断电话 give sb. a ring

  给某人打电话 sb. be wanted on the phone

  有某人的电话 answer the phone

  接电话 ① call up

  用call 的相关短语填空 (1) Let's ________ John at John's house. (2) The situation ________ immediate action. (3) The sound of happy laughter __________ memories of his childhood.

  (4) The match was _________ because of bad weather.

  (5) Your mother is very ill. ______ a doctor at once.


  on calls

  for called

  up called

  off Call in ① call up

  ② set about 开始;着手

  根据语境感悟用法 (1)I set about researching the habits of snakes.

  我开始研究蛇的生活习性。 (2)The young workers set about their work with great enthusiasm.


  用正确的介词或副词填空 (1)They set ________ the nuclear bomb.

  (2)They succeeded in what they set ________ to do.

  (3)The new government set ________ finding solutions to the economic problem. ② set about 开始;着手 答案




  用正确的介词或副词填空 ② set about 开始;着手 (4)So set ________ some time every day to write, even if it is only five minutes.

  (5)The novel is set ________ pre­war London. 答案


  (5)in ③ innocent adj.

  根据语境猜词义 (1)I believe he is a innocent man.

  (2)He is innocent about night life in the big city.

  (3)An innocent prank (恶作剧) turned into disaster.

  (4)The fox's favorite trick was to feign (假装) the innocent.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 单纯;天真(无邪);对……一无所知  B. 无罪的;无辜的;没干坏事的  C. 无害的  D. 无辜的人;天真无邪的人;无害的东西 答案




   (4)D ③ innocent adj. 链接 be innocent of

  没有……(罪)的 innocent victims/bystanders/people

  无辜的受害者/旁观者/人们 innocence n.

  无辜;无罪;天真无邪(不可数) ③ innocent adj. ③ innocent adj.

  完成句子 (1)他被宣告无罪。 He was pronounced _________________. (2)不惩罚罪犯就是对无辜者残忍。 It is cruelty to __________ not to punish the criminals.

  答案 (1)innocent of the charge 

  (2)the innocent

  根据语境猜词义 (1) The ice is too thin to bear your weight.

  (2) He can't bear living alone.

  (3) The letter bears no signature.

  (4) She has borne three children.

  ④ bear (bore;borne) vt.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 忍受,忍耐  B. 承受  C. 生育  D. 带有 答案




   (4)C ④ bear (bore;borne) vt.


  be born in…

  出生于 bear / keep in mind that…

  记在心里;牢记 bear doing sth.

  / bear to do sth.

  忍受… 链接 表示忍受的词还有: stand; endure; tolerate; put up with bear n.

  熊;(股市或期货)看跌的人 ④ bear (bore;borne) vt.

  单项填空 We have no vacancies(空缺)now, but we'll certainly ______ your application in mind.

  A. stand

  B. bear

  C. endure

  D. hide B ④ bear (bore;borne) vt.

  ⑤ set out

  根据语境猜词义 (1)We now set out to climb the hill.

  (2)He set out to write a history of civilization.

  (3)They set out all their reasons.

  (4)The goods were set out on the table.

  (5)The young plants should be set out three inches apart.

  ⑤ set out

  根据语义找匹配 A.列举;详述  B.打算;开始(做某事);着手;准备做某事 C.动身;出发  D.摆好;摆设;布置  E.栽种(秧苗等) 答案

  (1)C (2)B (3)A (4)D (5)E ⑤ set out

  单项填空 (1)How I wish I could ______ my ideas in simple and wonderful English chatting on the Internet.

  A. set off

  B. set out

  C. set over

  D. set up 解析

  句意:我真希望我能用简单又精彩的英语在网上发表自己的观点。set out 列举;详述。 B ⑤ set out

  单项填空 (2)It's ten years since the scientist ________ on his life's work of discovering the valuable chemical.

  A. made for

  B. took off

  C. set out

  D. turned up 解析

  句意:这位科学家开始一生致力于发现有价值的化学成分的工作有10年的时间了。set out 打算;开始(做某事)。 C ⑤ set out

  单项填空 (3)You'd better ______ some money for special use.

  A. pick up

  B. give away

  C. put off

  D. set aside 解析

  你最好存些钱以备特殊之用。set aside存储。 D ⑥ get through

  根据语境猜词义 (1)Have you got through your work? (2)I got through the test.

  (3)The bill has got through and will soon be an Act of Parliament.

  (4)The operator finally got me through.

  ⑥ get through

  根据语境猜词义 (5)We got through the coal too quickly.

  (6)There is a hole. That is why the water gets through.

  (7)If more supplies do not get through, thousands of refugees will die. ⑥ get through

  根据语义找匹配 A. 送达;运送  B.做完;办完;看完;吃完  C.通过(考试); 让通过  D.度过(时间);用完 

  E.穿过;漏进来 F.通过(议案);被通过  G. 给……接通电话;被接通 答案

  (1)B (2)C (3)F (4)G (5)D (6)E (7)A ⑥ get through 链接 go through

  检查;经历 pass through

  从……中穿过;走过……中 see through

  看穿;识别 break through

  突破障碍 look through

  浏览;仔细检查;往……里面看 come through

  安然度过(疾病;危机等) live through

  活过来 ⑥ get through

  单项填空 (1)— Are you ready to leave?

  — Almost. I'll be ready to leave just as soon as I _____ my work.

  A. get through

  B. give up

  C. carry out

  D. set about 解析

  我一完成工作就走。get through做完;办完。 A ⑥ get through

  单项填空 (2)The earthquake has destroyed most houses in the village. How are they going to _____ the winter?

  A. get on

  B. get across

  C. get over

  D. get through 解析

  他们怎么度过冬天啊?get through 度过(时间);用完。 D ⑥ get through

  单项填空 (3)Although he had ______ through a lot, he didn't ______ through his work on time.

  A. looked; go

  B. got; go

  C. gone; get

  D. got; come 解析

  考查动词短语的语义辨析。look through 浏览,仔细看; go through 经历; get through 完成; come through安然度过。语义:尽管他历尽千辛万苦,但还是没按时做完他的工作。所以答案为C。 C


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