7. Jane plays tennis to keep in shape. 简打网球以保持体形。 8. She stayed in bed on Sunday instead of going to church. 周日她没去做礼拜而是睡懒觉。 9. World War Two (= The Second World War) broke out in 1939. 二战(或第二次世界大战)1939年爆发。 6 哪些名词前不用冠词? 6 哪些名词前不用冠词? 10. Christmas Day is to Western countries what the Spring Festival is to China. 西方的圣诞节就如同中国的春节(一样重要)。 11.Snow melts in spring.
春天冰雪融化。 12. Child as/though he was(=Though he was a child), he had to make his own living. 尽管他是个孩子,他却得自己谋生。 13. He turned traitor while she went socialist. 他叛变了,而她成为社会主义者。 14. (1) Communicating with each other by email is an effective way. 通过电子邮件相互交流是种有效的方法。
(2) Going to and from work by bike helps protect our environment. 骑自行车上下班有助于保护环境。 6 哪些名词前不用冠词? 15. (1)Annie and Lucy are mother and daughter.
Annie 和 Lucy是母女关系。
(2)The old man delivers the milk from door to door in all kinds of weather.
那位老人风雨无阻挨家挨户送牛奶。 16. The doctor and teacher thought highly of has made a great discovery in the field of physiology.
4 哪些名词前不用冠词? 4 不用冠词的情形如下: 1.在抽象名词前不用。 2. 家庭成员大写时,其前不用冠词。 3. 表示独一无二的职衔的名词作主补,宾补,表语, 同位语时,不用冠词。 4. 在不含普通名词,而由专有名词组成的国名前不 用。但由普通名词组成的国名前要用冠词。如“the
People's Republic of China”。 4 5. 当山(mount)置于山名前时。 6. 在一日三餐前不用冠词。 7. 在球类活动前不用冠词。 8. 当bed, church, court, hospital, prison, school, college, university表达与场所有关的抽象意义而不强调地点意义时不用冠词。 9. 名词后面跟数字,表顺序时。如:Lesson 3 (=the third lesson) 4 10.用Day表达的节日前不用冠词,但用Festival表达的节日前通常加the, 如“the Spring Festival”。 11.季节前不用冠词。但指具体某一年的季节要用定冠词, 如:The winter of 2008 was quite cold. 12.在as/though引导的让步状语从句的倒装结构中,作表语的单数名词通常不用冠词。 4
13.在turn和go之后的单数名词作表语时。但become之后要用冠词,如:He has become a CEO in a company now. 14.“by+名词”结构表通讯,交通方式,名词用单数,且前面不用冠词。 15. 在对称结构中,名词前不用冠词。 16. 两个名词并列表示同一概念时,第二个名词不用冠词。 * * * 8
名词在句子中可充当主语、宾语、表语、宾补、主补、同位语、定语或状语。 9 名词、名词所有格作定语有什么区别? 翻译下面短语和句子,说出它们有什么不同 1.
A. the Party members
B. the Party's calls 2.
A. Please don't put the dog's food under the table.
B. Dog food costs as much as meal. 9 名词、名词所有格作定语有什么区别? 解析
1. A.党员; B. 党的号召。在“党员”中,名词定语表示members的性质;在“党的号召”中,Party具有动作发出者的作用,calls虽然是名词,却具有动作的含义。
2. A.请不要把狗粮放在桌子下面。B. 狗粮和人的食品一样贵。前句 dog's food,特指给某一条狗食用的。后者指类别,即供狗食用的食品,并非只给某条狗食用。 翻译下面短语和句子,说出它们有什么不同 9
2. 一般来说,名词作定语通常说明被修饰的词的性质,而名词所有格作定语则强调对被修饰的词的所有(权)关系或表示逻辑上的谓语关系。 1 什么是定冠词? 翻译下列句子 1. The walkman you bought me early this month works well. 2. The novel you are reading is worth reading. 答案 1. 这个月初你给我买的那个随身听很好用。 2. 你正在看的这本小说值得一看。 1
英语中常用来表特指,意思相当于this(these)/ that(those)的前位限定词是定冠词the。 2 什么是不定冠词? 翻译下列句子 1. I'd like a pair of sunglasses to protect my eyes.
2. Fetch me a paper box, please! 答案 1. 我想要副太阳镜保护眼睛。 2. 请帮我去拿个纸箱过来。 2
a (an)与数词one 同源,常表类别,被修饰词具有不确定的含义,是“其中一个”的意思。a用于辅音音素前,而an则用于元音音素前。需要注意的是,不能以单词开头是元音字母或辅音字母为依据,因为元音字母有可能发辅音,辅音字母有可能发元音。a/an叫做不定冠词。 指出下列句子中定冠词的用法 1. I'd like to buy a car. The car should be powered by new energy. 我想买辆车。这辆车应该用新能源做动力。 2. As is known to all, the earth is a planet. 众所周知,地球是行星。 3. The lion is a wild animal. 狮子是野生动物。 3 定冠词有哪些常见用法? 4. The living should carry out what hasn't been carried out by the dead. 生者应该完成逝者未竟的事业。 5. Cocacola,though not good for health, is the most popular drink in and out of America. 虽然可口可乐不利于健康,但它却是美国国内外最受欢迎的饮料。 6. The Smiths have a wonderful sense of humor. 史密斯一家人很幽默。 3 定冠词有哪些常见用法? 7. The Pacific is the largest ocean while the Arctic smallest. 太平洋是最大的海洋而北冰洋是最小的。 8. I go to the cinema, the theatre, the circus, the ballet and the opera to make my life colorful. 我去看电影、戏剧、马戏、芭蕾舞和歌剧,以此充实自己的生活。 9. The Hilton Hotel is where money is spent like water. 希尔顿酒店是挥金如土的地方。 3 定冠词有哪些常见用法? 10. According to the Times, more communication will be made between these groups. 根据《泰晤士报》报道,这些组织将进行更多交流。 11. The WHO stands for the World Health Organization. WHO代表世界卫生组织。 12. I'm the David Copperfield that lives in Japan.
我是住在日本的大卫·科波菲尔。 3 定冠词有哪些常见用法? 13. The telephone was invented by Bell. 电话是贝尔发明的。 14. It would be nice if I could play the piano.
要是我会弹钢琴该多好。 15. He hit me on the head. 他打了我的头。 16. The People's Republic of China was founded in the October of 1949. 中华人民共和国成立于一九四九年的十月。 3 定冠词有哪些常见用法? 3 定冠词the在下列情形中使用: 1. 表示第二次提及或双方都知道的人或物。 2. 表示世界上独一无二的天体。 3. 用于单数可数名词前面, 表示某一类人或事物。 4. 用于形容词、分词前, 表示一类人。 5. 用于序数词及形容词或副词的最高级前。 6. 和姓氏复数连用,表“一家人”。 3 7. 放在“海洋, 河流, 岛屿, 山系, 沙漠及由普通名词构成的国名”前。 8. 放在娱乐场所或媒体前。 9. 放在宾馆前。 10. 放在报纸前。
11. 放在大型的组织机构及其缩略名前。 12. 放在人名前加以强调和特指。 3 13. 表示发明物。 14. 放在乐器名称前。 15. 用于表“打/击/牵/拉的动词+人+介词+身体的部位”句式。在身体部位前用定冠词。 16. 表示具体某年的某个季节或月份,季节或月份前需用定冠词。 指出下列各句中不定冠词的用法 1. What‘s under the table is a dog.
桌下的是一条狗(不是一只猫或其他什么东西)。 2. What's under the table is a dog. It's a pet dog.
桌下的是一条狗。它是一条宠物狗。 3. A child needs love. (= Any child needs love.) 每个孩子都需要爱。 4 不定冠词有哪些常见用法? 4. Take the sugarcoated pills three times a day.
这些糖衣片每日服3次。 5. The two children are of an age. 这两个孩子年龄相同。 6. The audience were fixing their attention on the performance but all of a sudden the electricity was cut off.
观众们正聚精会神地欣赏着表演,突然停电了。 7. Generosity is a virtue.
慷慨是一种美德。 4 不定冠词有哪些常见用法? 8. A Mr. Wang called you ten minutes ago. 一位王先生10分钟前打过你电话。 9. We all regard him as a Shakespeare. He writes good plays. 我们都认为他是一个莎士比亚。他的戏剧写得很好。 10. Rome wasn't built in a day. 冰冻三尺非一日之寒(罗马不是一日建成的)。 4 不定冠词有哪些常见用法? 4 不定冠词有哪些常见用法? 11. They have a second house in the country. 他们在乡下还有一间房子。
12. Beijing,capital of China, is a most beautiful city. 北京,中国的首都,是一座非常漂亮的城市。 4 不定冠词常用于下列情形中: 1.当可数名词单数第一次出现时, 用a/ an 表示不确定的某个人或物,兼有类别和数量的含义。 2.可数名词单数第二次出现,但前面有形容词,仍然用a/an修饰名词,表达“受限制”的新概念。 3.用于可数名词单数前, 代表一类人或事物, 相当于any。 4 4.用于可数名词单数前, 相当于one, per或every,表频率。 5.a/an 用于be of + n.结构,说明事物具有同一属性,相当于the same,表示“相同”的意思。 6. 用于固定搭配。 7. 物质名词或抽象名词前用a/an,表示种类。 8. 人名前用a/an,表示说话者不熟悉的人,相当于“a certain”。 4 9. 表示与某名人有类似性质的人或事物。 10. 用于可数名词单数前,表示数量。 11. 序数词前面加不定冠词a/an表示“再一,又一”之意,数字的顺序意义淡化。 12. 形容词最高级前加不定冠词a/an表示“十分,非常”之意,最高级意义淡化。
翻译下列句子,注意名词的泛指意义 1. Water is of great importance to life.
5 冠词和名词的泛指和特指有何用法? 水对生命非常重要。 2. — May I take your order?
— A hot dog will do.
——要点些什么? ——一条热狗就行。 3. Horses can be used to carry goods. 马可以用来搬运货物。 5 冠词和名词的泛指和特指有何用法? 4. The air in the container is clean, which helps breathe. 5. The highway under construction is to be completed next autumn. 6. The students in this school tend to be good at science. 翻译下列句子,注意名词的泛指意义 5 冠词和名词的泛指和特指有何用法? 答案 4. 这个容器的空气是干净的,有助于呼吸。 5. 正在修建的那条公路一定会在明年秋季竣工。 6. 这所学校的学生倾向于理科学得好。 翻译下列句子,注意名词的泛指意义 5
掌握什么是特指、什么是泛指, 是学好冠词的基础。表示特定的人或事物为特指, 表示某一类人或事物即泛指。其用法如下: 5 冠词用法举例 特指 泛指 表类别 表“一(些)” 可数名词单数 the book a book a book 可数名词复数 the books books books 不可数名词 the water water some(any) water 5
如:“马是一种有用的动物”,表示“一类”,可以有三种说法: A. A horse is a useful animal. B. The horse is a useful animal. C. Horses are useful animals.
而在“The horse you bought is not vey good.” 一句中, the horse 被you bought 所修饰限定,为特指,所以就用定冠词。 5
the history of China 中国历史
the book that you want 你想要的那本书 观察各例句,指出画线部分不用冠词的情形 1. Honesty is what everyone should treasure. 诚实是每个人应该珍爱的品德。 2. Father takes to bottles. 父亲嗜酒。 3. Cook, head of our group, determined to swim across the channel. 库克,我们的队长,决定游过这个海峡。 6 哪些名词前不用冠词? 4.We firmly hold the view that Diaoyu Island was,is and will be a part of China forever 我们坚决坚持这个观点,即钓鱼岛过去是,现在还是,将来也永远是中国的一部分。 5. While in New Zealand, I climbed Mount Cook. 在新西兰时我爬了库克山。 6. I don't have breakfast. I have brunch. 我不吃早餐,我吃的是早中餐。 6 哪些名词前不用冠词? 5.主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(S +Vt.+O+OC)
I found the book easy. 我发现这本书不难。 1.happened, an, on the road, accident, just now
______________________________________ 2.nor, he, speak, can, French, neither, English
_______________________________________ 3.English teacher, to, sent, we, flowers, the, on Teacher's Day, some
_____________ An accident happened on the road just now. He can speak neither English nor French.
We sent some flowers to the English teacher on Teacher's Day. Ⅰ.连词成句 4.I, fast, felt, my, beating, very, heart
_______________________________ 5.felt, fell, she, very, and, in the chair, tired, asleep
_______________________________________ I felt my heart beating very fast. She felt very tired and fell asleep in the chair. Ⅰ.连词成句 Ⅱ.翻译下列句子 1.她昨天回家很晚。 (S+Vi.)
_______________________________________ 2.他们成功地完成了计划。 (S+Vt.+O)
______________________________________ 3.这话听起来有道理。 (S+V.+P)
______________________________________ She went home very late yesterday evening. They have carried out the plan successfully. These words sound reasonable. 4.奶奶昨晚给我讲了一个有趣的故事。 (S+Vt.+IO+DO)
________________________________________ 5.我要请人把我的录音机修理一下。 (S+Vt.+O+OC)
___________________________ Grandma told me an interesting story last night. I'll get my recorder mended. Ⅱ.翻译下列句子 1 什么是名词 指出下列句子中的名词
1. John is watering the flowers in his garden. 约翰正在花园里给花浇水。 2. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 不要自找麻烦。 答案
(1). John; flowers; garden
(2). 第2、3个trouble
1 什么是名词 指出下列句子中的名词
3. Facts speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 4. It takes two to make a quarrel.
一个巴掌拍不响。 答案
(3). Facts; words
(4). quarrel 1 表示人或事物(事件/行为)名称的词是名词。 2 名词有哪些类别? 观察各组单词的特点,指出其类别 1. family class school 2. pen
man book 3. idea communism style 4. John China Japan
5. rice milk water 答案
1. 集合名词
5.物质名词 2
名词分为专有名词和普通名词两大类,其中普通名词又分为个体名词,集合名词,抽象名词和物质名词。 3 什么是可数名词与不可数名词?怎样识别? 指出下列名词哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数词 book
steel air materialism experience
success difficulty
month failure
information furniture
amusement 答案 可数名词: book;
failure; fish;
people 不可数名词: steel;
failure; fish; information;
amusement 3 什么是可数名词与不可数名词?怎样识别? 1.可以直接用数目来计算的名词是可数名词;不可以直接用数目来计算的名词是不可数名词。 2.一般而言,个体名词和集合名词是可数名词;抽象名词和物质名词是不可数名词。难点是有些名词根据词义的变化其性质也发生变化,如“success(成功)”是个抽象的概念,常用作不可数名词。但表示“成功的实例(人或物)”时,用作可数名词。另外,名词是否可数,不能完全根据汉语的思维来确定。 3 4 可数名词的复数变化有什么规律?
写出下列各组词的复数形式 (一) class__________ match__________ box__________
brush__________ (二) play__________
story_________ day__________
city__________ brushes classes matches boxes stories plays days
cities 2 可数名词的复数变化有什么规律? (三) tomato__________
potato__________ zoo
__________ tomatoes potatoes zoos heroes (四) thief__________
shelf__________ handkerchief _________________________
roof __________ roofs thieves shelves handkerchiefs/ handkerchieves (五) 2 可数名词的复数变化有什么规律? man__________
woman__________ German__________
human __________ humans men women Germans (六) tooth__________
goose__________ foot__________ geese teeth (七) child__________
ox__________ oxen children feet (八) (九) 2 可数名词的复数变化有什么规律? bacterium ________
phenomenon__________ phenomena bacteria basis________
analysis_________ bases analyses (十) Chinese__________
aircraft__________ means__________
sheep__________ sheep Chinese aircraft means (十一) 2 可数名词的复数变化有什么规律? people_____________
fish__________ people/peoples fish/fishes (十二) fatherinlaw
____________ editorinchief
_____________ touchmenot
____________ touchmenots fathersinlaw editorsinchief 2
1. 以s,x,ch或sh 结尾的名词在词尾加es。但stomach变成复数为stomachs。
2. 以y结尾的名词分两种情况。其中以元音字母加y结尾的词在词尾直接加s,以辅音字母加y结尾的词改y为i再加es. 2
3. 以o结尾的名词变复数无规律可言,但中学阶段以o结尾变复数加es的单词可概括为“两人两菜”:Negro 黑人;hero英雄;tomato番茄; potato马铃薯。其他加s。 2
4. 以f/fe结尾的名词变复数也无规律可言,但中学阶段以f/fe结尾变复数改f/fe为v加es的单词可概括为“贼(thief)的妻子(wife)头戴树叶(leave)用架子(shelf)上的半(half)把小刀(knife)结束了一只狼(wolf)的生命(life)”。其他加s。 2
5. 含man的单词,通常改其中的元音字母a为e。但直接加s的单词有三个:Roman, German, human。
6. 单词中间含oo的单词,通常改其中的元音字母oo为ee。
7. 加(r)en变复数的单词:child(ren); ox(en)。
8. 以a为复数形式的单词:bacteria; phenomena。
9. 改is为es变为复数形式的单词:bases; analyses。 2
10. 单复数同形的单词。其中单复数同复数形式的单词主要有:means; works;series;species。单复数同单数形式的单词主要有:Chinese, Japanese,aircraft,sheep,deer,swine,fish等。
11. people表示“人”时,单复数同单数形式;表示“民族”时,复数须加s;fish单复数同单数形式,复数形式fishes表示“各种各样的鱼”。 2
12. 含有主体名词的复合名词变复数,在主体名词上变化,如fathersinlaw; 无主体名词的复合名词变复数,在词尾上变化,如touchmenots。其他情况一般加s。 5 不可数名词有复数形式吗? 指出画线部分单词的含义 1. Healthy diet should include vegetables. 2. It's dangerous to cross waters around this island.
(很多的水体) 水域 5
6 a(n) 可以修饰不可数名词吗? 翻译下列句子 1. I'd like a coffee. 2. Travelling on that lonely island was a terrible experience. 答案 1.我想要杯咖啡。 2.在那个荒岛上旅行是一场可怕的经历。 6
不可数名词前一般不能用不定冠词,但在物质名词个体化或抽象名词具体化的情况下,可以使用。如a coffee 意为“一杯咖啡”,此时coffee变成个体名词; “He is a failure as a writer.”中的a failure意为“失败者”,此时failure具体化,由抽象名词变为个体名词。 7 名词所有格怎么表达? 翻译下列各组短语 1. 老师们的办公室
儿童节 2. 树的叶子
桌子的腿 3. 地球的表面
步行一小时的路程 答案 1. the teachers' office;
Children's Day 2. the leaves of the tree;
the legs of the table 3. the earth's surface;
an hour's walk 7
2. 无生命的名词(通常是物体或植物)的所有格常用of结构表达。
3. 少数第二类名词用第一种形式表达所有格。这些名词主要是时间,天体,国家等。 8 名词在句子中充当什么成分? 指出画线部分充当的句子成分 1. Basketball is my favorite sports. 2. What you need is confidence. 3. His careless driving caused the accident. 4. We elected Mr. Li head of our school. 5. This kind of flower is called carnation. 6. Beijing, capital of China, is worth visiting. 7. I'd like to buy a coffee cup. 8 名词在句子中充当什么成分? 指出画线部分充当的句子成分 答案 1.主语
4.宾补 5.主补
6.同位语 7.定语 ⑩ such as
例如……;像这种的 (3)倒装问题 ①Such is…
Such is Shen Hao, a diligent, warmhearted and selfless man.
这就是沈浩,一个勤奋,热心而又大公无私的人。 温馨提示:这一句式主要用于描述人的文章的句尾处,使文章简洁明了,不拖泥带水而又对文章起到画龙点睛之效。 ⑩ such as
例如……;像这种的 ②“such + 名词 + 助动词+谓语 +that”的结果状语从句
Such loud noises did they make that they were heard out in the street.
⑩ such as
例如……;像这种的 用such as/for example/that is/namely填空 (1)Some students, ______________ John, lives in the neighborhood. (2)Many great men ________ Lincoln and Edison have risen from poverty. (3)I visited several cities _______ New York, Chicago and Boston. for example such as such as ⑩ such as
例如……;像这种的 用such as/for example/that is/namely填空 (4)He knows three foreign languages, _____________ English, French and Japanese. (5)___________, the same number of steel workers produced 53 percent more steel in 1925 than they did in 1914. that is/namely For example
(1) The fire officer took command, ordering everyone to leave the fire.
(2) He has studied in the USA and has a good command of spoken English.
(3) Kathleen walked in, tall, slim, confident and in total command of herself.
(4) The commander commanded that everyone die rather than give in.
⑪ command n. & vt.
根据语义找匹配 A.命令
B. 控制 C. 精通
D. 指挥 答案
(1) D (2) C (3) B (4) A ⑪ command n. & vt. 链接 command
控制;指挥;掌握;精通 v. 赢得,博得;眺望 commandant n.
司令官;指挥官 commander n.
长官 ⑪ command n. & vt. 短语 under sb's command 在……的指挥下 be in command of sth. 控制 take command of 指挥 have a good command of 掌握;精通 at one's command 娴熟地;运用自如 be in command of oneself 神态自若的 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 ⑪ command n. & vt. 句型 command that + sb. +(should)+ do sth. (1)In my opinion, I can be fit for the position as an English secretary because I have an excellent ______ of English.
A. command
B. order
C. master
D. direction A ⑪ command n. & vt. 解析
考查名词短语。能形成名词短语的只有have a
good command of 表示“精通”,其他名词都不能构 成短语,所以答案是A。
(2) The teacher commanded that all the students ____the classroom before he returned.
A. mustn't leave
B. didn't left
C. not leave
D. wouldn't leave 解析
考查虚拟语气。动词command后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,其形式为should do sth. 其中的should可以省去但动词原形不得改变,所以答案为C。
C ⑪ command n. & vt. 单项填空
根据语境感悟用法 (1)He fulfilled his task at the request of the leader.
(2)We will make a request for help if necessary.
(3) His request is that the work (should) be finished as soon as possible.
(4) You are requested not to smoke in public.
(5) The guide requested that the visitors not park the car at the gate.
⑫ request n. & vt.
要求,请求 at sb. 's request=at the request of sb.
按某人的要求 make (a) request for…
请求……;要求…… request sb. to do sth.
请求某人做某事 request that sb. (should) do sth.
请求…… request sth. from/of sb. =ask sb. for sth.=ask sth. of sb.
向某人请求某物 by request (of)
按照需要;依照请求;应邀 on request
一经要求 ⑫ request n. & vt.
要求,请求 ⑫ request n. & vt.
要求,请求 辨析
request 正式用词,指比较委婉,有礼貌的请求或恳求,多含担心因种种原因对方不能答应的意味。
ask 最普通用词,指向对方提出要求或请求,长、晚辈,上下级之间都可使用。
beg 指恳切地或再三地请求或要求,常含低三下四意味,也多用于应酬场合。 ⑫ request n. & vt.
要求,请求 辨析
demand 一般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求,或坚持不让对方拒绝的要求。
require 客观需要的要求,强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求。
claim 索要,索求。指有权或宣称有权得到而公开提出的要求。
appeal 恳请。
完成句子 (1) He was there ______(按经理的要求). (2) She requested that no one ______(被告知她的决定).
(3) You are _____(被要求不要吸烟) in the restaurant.
(1)at the request of his manager
(2) (should) be told of her decision
(3) requested not to smoke
⑫ request n. & vt.
要求,请求 ⑫ request n. & vt.
要求,请求 用request/ask/beg/demand/require/claim填空
My 3yearold daughter is curious about everything around and likes to (4)________ why and how. When she (5)________ me to help her, she will use “please” and always wears a smile. She is crazy about doll. When we go shopping, she always (6)________ for one.
答案 (1)at the request of his manager (2)(should) be told of her decision (3)requested not to smoke (4)ask (5)Requests (6)begs 用request/ask/beg/demand/require/claim填空 ⑫ request n. & vt.
要求,请求 ⑫ request n. & vt.
要求,请求 用request/ask/beg/demand/require/claim填空
If I don't meet her (7)________, she will cry and (8) ________ that it belongs to her. Although I often tell her “You are (9) ________ to be elegant like a princess”, it doesn't work when she sees the dolls. 答案
(7)demand (8)claim (9)required ⑬ recognize vt.
根据语境猜词义 (1) I recognized him as soon as he came in the room. (2) Can you recognize this tune?
(3) They recognized they need to take the problem seriously.
(4) He is recognized as the best teacher because of his broad knowledge.
A. 公认为
B. 认出
C. 听出
D. 承认 B C D A 链接 recognizable adj. 可辨认出的
recognition n. 认出;辨认;认可 短语 recognize sb./sth. by/ from…
根据……认出某人/某物 recognize sb. as / to be
认为某人是…… beyond one's recognition
完全认不出;面目全非 ⑬ recognize vt. ⑬ recognize vt. 句型 It's recognized that…
人们公认为…… 辨析
recognize 强调通过对记忆的搜索而认出;辨认出(某人的声音、字迹、方位等);承认。是一时的动作,因此是非延续动词。
know 强调持续的状态,是延续性动词,表示“认识;知道;了解”。 ⑬ recognize vt. 句型 It's recognized that…
人们公认为…… 辨析
I had known her well, but I couldn't recognize her at once because she had changed that much.
完成句子 (1) The moment I picked up the phone, I _______ (听出来他是谁). (2) He has changed so much that I ________ (几乎认不出来他了). (3) __________(人们一直认为) that environment pollution has become one of the most serious problems that people face.
⑬ recognize vt. 答案
(1)recognized him (2) can hardly recognize him (3) It is recognized ⑬ recognize vt.
完成句子 — Hello, can you recognize me? — Sorry, I can't see you at all. How can I know who you are? 在这个对话中,他们之间为什么会产生这一误会呢? ⑬ recognize vt. 答案
他们误会的根源在于:对方误解了recognize是“认出”,而实际上,这是打电话的一个情景,对方的recognize 的意思是“听出我是谁”的意思。原来英语中还有小品啊!
⑭ However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.(P13)
这是the way作为先行词后接定语从句的特殊句式。当我们不能把the way直接代入到定语从句时,我们就用that, in which或省略(此时一定当心别受汉语的影响而误用how,因为定语从句连接词中没有how);当the way代入从句中作主语或宾语,我们就要用that或which,作宾语时,也可省略。 单项填空 (1)Can you tell me the way ______ I can improve my English?
A. that
B. which
C. what
D. how
(2)Can you tell me the way ______ helps me improve my English?
A. what
B. that
C. in which
D. how B
由一个主语和一个谓语动词所组成的句子是简单句。谓语动词有及物动词、不及物动词和连系动词之分。正是谓语动词的特点决定着句子的不同结构。学习这些基本句型要从动词入手,因为不同类型的动词要求不同的句型。根据各类动词的不同结构,简单句分为以下五种基本类型: 1.主语+谓语(S +Vi.)
Things change. 事物是变化的。
2.主语+连系动词+表语(S+V.+ P)
She became a lawyer. 她当了律师。
3.主语+谓语+宾语(S+Vt.+ O)
We never beat children. 我们从来不打孩子。
4.主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+Vt.+ IO+DO)
He gave the book to his sister.他把这本书给了他的妹妹。 ⑥ more than
根据语境猜词义 (1) There are more
than 100 students in our class.
(2) I'm more
than pleased with you.
(3) He is more than our teacher. He is our closed friend.
(4) The book is more
than you can read.
根据语义找匹配 A.不只是;不单单是 B. 超过;多于 C. 十分地 D. 超出……的范围 答案
(1) B (2) C (3) A (4) D ⑥ more than 链接 ⑥ more than +数词(=over)超过 +名词不只是;不单是 +形容词 十分地 +句子超出……的范围 (1)more than (2)less than
more than
more than
少于 仅仅 不超过,不多于 + 数词 不只是 只不过是;就是 (3) more than
no more than
+ 名词
⑥ more than 链接 (4)more A than B 与其说是B,倒不如说是A; 是A, 不是B
He is so easy-going and warm-hearted. He is
more our brother than a teacher.
他是那样的随和和热心。与其说他是我们的老 师,倒不如说是我们的兄弟。
单项填空 (1)In that case, there is nothing you can do _____ wait.
A. more that
B. other than
C. better than
D. rather than (2)“Life begins at forty” is more often an expression of
hope ______ a state of fact.
A. instead of
B. than
C. rather than
D. other than ⑥ more than
单项填空 (3)The Nato's bombing the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia is ______ a mistake, it's a big crime.
A. more than
B. no more than
C. not more than
D. less than ⑥ more than (4)We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style ______ in a personal one.
A. rather than
B. better than
C. more than
D. less than (5)The population of many Alaskan cities has ______ doubled in the past five years.
A. larger than
B. more than
C. as great as
D. as many as ⑥ more than
单项填空 ⑦ at present=at the present time
根据语境猜词义 (1)There were 200 people present at the meeting.
(2)Levels of pollution present in the atmosphere are increasing.
(3)What can get him for a birthday present?
(4)You've got to forget the past and start living in the present. (5)He has presented all he has to the students who are too poor to go to college. ⑦ at present=at the present time
根据语境猜词义 (6)Are you presenting your paper at the conference?
(7)It is essential that we present a more modern image.
(8)She used to present a gardening program on TV.
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