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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:Module5 Unit 3《Science versus nature》(2)(译林版湖南专用)

发布时间:2017-02-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  A 此题容易误选B,认为until 是介词,后接动词时用动名词形式。其实,此题应选A,until spoken to 为 until he is spoken to 之省略。句意“他是个沉默寡言的人,别人不同他说话,他很少同别人说话”。按英语习惯,一些表示时间、地点、条件、方式、 让步等的状语从句,若其主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语包含动词be, 那么可将从句的主语和动词be省略。 2. ________ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.

  A. Found

  B. Founded

  C. Founding

  D. Being founded B 此题应选B,但容易误选A。比较:find 意为“发现”,其过去式和过去分词均为 found;found意为“建立”,其过去式和过去分词均为 founded。 3. I found I could easily make myself ________ by using sign language.

  A. understood

  B. understand

  C. to understand

  D. being understood A 但容易误选B,即硬套“make + 名词或代词 + 动词原形”这一结构。但是对于该结构同学们忽略了一点,就是该结构中的名词或代词应与其后的动词有逻辑上的主谓关系,而对于此题,myself 与其后的动词 understand 显然不是主谓关系,而是动宾关系,或者说是被动关系,故此时的动词应用过去分词表被动。 M5·Unit 3

  Science and nature(2) 1、on the one hand, …on the other hand… 一方面……,另一方面……。常用来陈述相反的两种意见或情况。 ◆On the one hand, some people believe in the existence of the monster. On the other hand, there is still no proof.

  一方面,一些人相信有怪物存在,另一方面,又没有证据。 英语中用来表示意见不同或相对时,常用:however, on the contrary(恰好相反), while, whereas等。 ①D 这里是两种相对立的情况。A项用于for one thing, …for another (thing)… “其一,……,其二……”,表示递进关系;B项的意思是“换句话说”;而C项不与but连用。 ①I would like a job which pays more, but ______ I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment.

  A. for another thing

  B. in other words

  C. however

  D. on the other hand ②On the one hand, I would like to go to the cinema with him, but on the other hand, I have to stay at home to look after my sister. ②一方面我想和他一起去看电影,而另一方面我又不得不待在家里照看妹妹。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2、 Not everything that is best for nature is good for people.并非所有对自然有益的东西都对人类有益。 ①not every… / every…not…也是部分否定句型,表示“并非每个都……”。 ◆Not every film directed by Zhang Yimou is interesting. Every film directed by Zhang Yimou is not interesting.

  并非张艺谋导演的每一部电影都有趣。 此外,not all… / all…not… 并非所有的都……,构成部分否定句式。 ◆Not all the students will go to the movies tonight./All the students will not go to the movies tonight.

  并非所有的学生今晚都去看电影。 同时,not both… / both…not…也是部分否定句型,表示“并非两者都……”。 ◆Not both of your answers are right. / Both of your answers are not right.

  并非你的两个答案都正确。 如果要表示全部否定,则常用以下句型:none of…, no one / nobody / nothing…,或neither… ①Not all the girls like beautiful clothes. ②We haven't enough books for everybody; some of them will have to share. ①并非每个女孩都爱漂亮的衣服。 _____________________________________________ ②我们没有足够的书给每一个人,有些人将共用。 _____________________________________________ 1.C 句意:“当被问及他们对校长的意见时,许多老师都希望看到他让位给年轻人。”in terms of 谈及; in need of 需要; in favor of 支持; in praise of 歌颂。根据句意可知应该选择C。 1.When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside ______ younger men.(2011·湖北)

  A. in terms of

  B. in need of

  C. in favor of

  D. in praise of 2.D 句意:错误在所难免,找出错误的原因,那么所犯的错误就有价值。所以选worthwhile。 2.Mistakes don't just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason, and then making the mistake becomes ______.(2010·湖北)

  A. favourable

  B. precious

  C. essential

  D. worthwhile v.­ed形式 过去分词兼有动词、副词和形容词的特征,可以带宾语或受状语修饰。过去分词和宾语或状语一起构成过去分词短语。及物动词的过去分词一般表示完成和被动含义,不及物动词的过去分词只表示完成的含义。 1.v.­ed形式的句法功能: (1)作定语 Our company needs more qualified staff. 我们公司需要更多合格的员工。 (2)作表语 The child looked very excited. 这个孩子看起来很激动。 (3)在表示希望或要求等动词之后作宾语补足语。这些动词有want, like, wish, prefer, need, declare, report, order, acknowledge等。 I don't want the children taken out in such weather. 我不希望在这种天气把孩子们带出去。 (4)当过去分词作宾语补足语的句子变为被动语态时,分词就变成了主语补足语。 The tape recorder was found stolen. 我们发现磁带录音机被偷了。 2.v.­ed形式的两种用法比较: 过去分词用作表语时,相当于形容词,表示状态;过去分词用于被动语态时则表示动作。 The road is completed. 道路已竣工。 My grandfather was buried here last year. 我的祖父去年葬在此地。 高考湖南卷的单选题中v.­ed形式必考,每年一题,总计1分。 1.v.­ing形式与v.­ed形式的用法比较: (1)在语态上v.­ing形式表示主动的意思(表示它所修饰的人或物的行为);v.­ed形式则表示被动的意思(表示它修饰的人或物是动作的承受者)。 This country is a developing country. 这个国家是一个发展中国家。 That country is a developed country. 那个国家是一个发达国家。 (2)在时间上v.­ing形式一般表示正在进行的动作;v.­ed形式则往往表示已经完成的动作。 This is Mr. Smith speaking. 我是史密斯先生。 This machine part is broken. 这个机器零件坏了。

  (3)v.­ed形式可以作定语,表示被动,表示已经完成的动作;v.­ing形式的被动式也可以作定语,表示被动,但表示正在进行的动作。 The bridge being built will be important in this area's traffic. 正在建造的这座桥在该地区的交通中将起到重要作用。 The bridge built last year has played an important part in this area's traffic. 去年建造的这座桥在该地区的交通中起了重要作用。

  (4)v.­ed形式可以作宾语补足语,表示被动,有时表示已经完成的动作,有时并不表示已经完成;v.­ing形式的被动式也可以作宾语补足语,表示被动,表示正在进行的动作。 I'll have my bike repaired after school. 放学后我要去修自行车。 The students found their school being decorated. 学生们发现学校正在装修。 (5)过去分词作表语通常表示主语所处的状态或感受,而­ing分词作表语多表示主语所具有的特征。英语中这样的分词还有很多:amusing, amused; encouraging, encouraged; disappointing, disappointed; exciting, excited; puzzling, puzzled; satisfying, satisfied; worrying, worried; tiring, tired; pleasing, pleased; interesting, interested; astonishing, astonished等。 Hearing the news, we felt very surprised. 听到那个消息,我们感到很惊讶。 The news is very surprising. 这个消息很令人惊讶。

  2.过去分词作状语时,它的逻辑主语一般必须和句子的主语相一致。如果过去分词的逻辑主语和句子主语不一致,必须使用过去分词的独立主格结构。 When asked why he came here, the boy kept silent. 当那个男孩被问到为何来这里时,他沉默不语。

  Born and brought up in the countryside, he was interested in biology.



  (1)have somebody/something do sth. 不定式作补语必须省去to, 不定式动作由宾语发出,表示一次性的动作。 I had the workers do the job for me. 我让工人们替我完成了工作。

  (2)have somebody /something doing something­ing分词作补语,分词动作也由宾语发出,强调动作的延续或正在进行。 They had the tractor working all the time. 他们让拖拉机一直工作着。

  (3)have somebody/something done 过去分词作补语,宾语和补足语之间有逻辑上的被动关系,通常有两种情况:

  ①主语让别人做某事,强调主语的意志。 He had his hair cut yesterday.他昨天理发了。

  ②主语遭到某种不幸或陷入恶劣的环境,说明宾语的一种无意识的被动行为。 He had his leg broken in the match last month. 他在上星期的比赛中摔断了腿。

  He had one eye lost in the war. 在战争中,他失去了一只眼睛。 4.分词的独立主格结构:



  Supper finished (=After supper was finished), we started to discuss the picnic.


  All the tickets having been sold out (=As all the tickets having been sold out), we had to wait for the next week's show.



  The football match (being) over, crowds of people poured out into the street.


  Nobody (being) in, I didn't enter the hall. 里面没有人,我没进大厅。


  He lay there thinking, his hands behind his head (with his hands behind his head).


  The river looks more beautiful, flowers and grass growing on both sides(=with flowers and grass growing on both sides).



  The children looked at us, with their eyes opening wide. 孩子们眼睛睁得大大地看着我们。

  I would miss the train, with no one to wake me up. 没人叫我,我会错过火车的。

  With the examinations over, we had a long time to rest.


  6.垂悬结构。有些惯用的分词短语在句里可以没有逻辑上的主语而独立存在,它们往往作为句子的独立成分来修饰全句。如: generally/strictly/roughly/broadly/narrowly speaking, judging from/by, considering, supposing, providing, provided等。

  Talking of the computer, I like it very much. 谈到电脑,我非常喜欢。

  Considering the time, we have decided to start early tomorrow morning.

  考试到时间,我们已经决定明早一早出发。 1. He is a man of few words, and seldom speaks until ________ to.

  A. spoken

  B. speaking

  C. speak

  D. be spoken


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