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广东省2017届高考英语一轮复习必修模块1 unit 3-1 Celebration《Lesson 1 Festivals》课件(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-02-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【答案】 1. depend on the sun 2. depended on his small income

  7. marry v. 结婚



  Will you marry me? (vt. 后面不能带with)


  She said she would not marry until she found

  the suitable one.(vi.)

  她说她如果没找到合适的对象是不会结婚的。 marry作为及物动词时,常用被动语态。 Peter and Mary had already bought a house when

  they were married. 当彼得和玛丽结婚的时候他们已经为自己置 了一个家。 常用be married表示已婚状态。 Is she married or single? 她是已婚还是未婚? 若要表达某人与某人结婚5年,有下列句型: David and Jane married five years ago. David married Jane five years ago. Jane married David five years ago. David and Jane have been married for five years. It has been five years since David and Jane married. It was five years ago that David and Jane married. 从上面例子可以看出,marry作动词,表示的是瞬 间的动作,因此不能与for等表示段的时间状语 连用,而be married to则是形容词,所以可跟for等 表示段的时间状语连用。 再看下列句子: The greedy mother married his daughter to a businessman. Henry and Joyce are going to get married. The girl married young/well/early/late (in her life). marriage n.[C]&[U]结婚,婚姻,婚礼 Her marriage with Tom was a happy one. I have attended /taken part in four marriages this month. I was very surprised at her marriage to Bruce. wedding n. 婚礼,相当于marriage(婚礼) 1. 那个年轻人去年结婚了。 ______________________________________ 2. 那对老夫妇结婚多少年了? ______________________________________

  【答案】 1. The young man was married last year. 2. How long has the old couple been married?

  Part 1 Of 2 1. celebrate v. 庆祝,颂扬

  His victory was celebrated with music and



  People in the city held a great party to celebrate

  their victory.


  celebrate与congratulate ①celebrate表示“庆祝”时,宾语是事,常用作

  celebrate sth.,其名词celebration常构成词组

  have / hold a celebration(举行庆祝会);in

  celebration of (为了庆祝)。 ②congratulate “向某人表示祝贺,向某人道贺”,


  sb. on sth. / doing…,其名词congratulation可构

  成短语congratulations to sb. on sth. / doing… 我们去教堂庆祝平安夜。


  ______________________________________ 他们开了一瓶酒来庆祝他的成功。


  ______________________________________ We went to the church to celebrate the Christmas Eve. They celebrated his success by opening a bottle of wine. 用celebrate和congratulate的适当形式填空 We _________ the New Year with a dance party. We ____________ him on having passed the

  examination. ________________ to you on your success! celebrated congratulated Congratulations 2. include vt. (不用于进行时) 包括,包含;列入……里面

  The price includes both house and furniture.

  这价钱已包括了房子和家具。 There are six people in my family, or seven if

  you include my dog.


  contain 与 include

  ①contain意为“含有,容纳,装有”,指某物容 纳在比其大的东西之内,侧重所含的量与成分。 This book contains twelve units, including 2 revisions. 这本书共含有12个单元,其中包括两个复习单元。

  ②include意为“包括,包含……在内”,指包括 或容纳某物成为其整体的一部分,侧重整体与部 分的对比。include常以including和included的形式 出现在句子中。 Ten people were punished, me included. 10个人受罚,包括我。 1.回家的路上我发现了一个装有100美元的信封。 I found an envelope ________ one hundred dollar

  on my way home. 2. 这个篮子装有各种各样的水果。 The basket ________ all kinds of fruits. 3. 你可以把他们的建议纳入你的计划。 You can ________ their suggestions in your plan. 4. 所有的人,包括我在内都得走。 Everybody must leave, ________. 【答案】 containing 2. contains  3. include  4. me included

  3. serve

  vt. 可作……用;服务;对待 serve as 做……工作,(尤指)当佣人 serve as a gardener 做园艺工人的工作 serve in the army 服役 serve sb.(with) sth. 将(饭菜等)摆上桌;为某人提供某物 She has served the family faithfully for thirty

  years. 她为这个家忠心耿耿地操劳了30年。 We are well served with gas in this town. 这个城镇煤气供应得很好。 He served some sweets to the children. 他拿来一些糖果招待孩子们。

  service n.服务 The postal service here is very unreliable. 这里的邮政服务很不可靠。 这家旅馆饭菜很好,但服务很差。




  ______________________________________ The food is good at this hotel, but the service is poor. He has served his master for many years. 4. mark



  The wet glass left a mark on the surface of the



  The book with a black mark on its cover is mine.


  We consider this deed as a mark of bravery.

  我们认为这种行为是一种勇敢的表现。 ②vt. 做标记;指示,表明;打分;留心,注意

  The road we should take is marked on the map.


  It is not so easy to mark such an article.

  给这样的一篇文章打分不容易。 give sb. full marks 给某人打满分 on your mark (赛跑时用语)各就各位 give sb. a good / bad mark

  给某人留下好/坏印象 make a mark 做标记 mark sth. with用……给……做标记

  The active boy left ______________ (好印象)

  on the teacher. Few of the people understood _______ (符号)

  carved on the wall of the cave.

  Since you have a poor sense of direction, you

  should _______________ (做标记) where you

  have been. a good mark marks make a mark 4. The students spared no effort to study hard in

  order to get _________________ (好成绩). 5. As a responsible and hard-working teacher, she

  is always busy _______(批阅) our compositions.

  good marks marking 6. The invention of the telephone _______(标志)

  the beginning of a great age. 7. The wrinkles(皱纹) on my mother’s face are

  _________ (痕迹) of hardship.

  marked marks 5. apply

  v. 申请,应用 apply for a job/visa 申请工作/签证

  apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请 apply to 适用于 apply oneself to sth./doing sth. 致力于某事/做某事 You should apply to the publishers for permission

  to reprint an extract. 你应该向出版者申请准予重印节录。 What I have said applies only to some of you. 我所说的只适用于你们当中的一部分人。 你只有真正专心致志,考试才能及格。 You will only pass your exams if you really ____________________.

  【答案】 apply yourself to your work

  6. depend on (=count on) 指望; (=rely on) 依靠

  Children depend on their parents for food and



  It all depends on whether she likes the boss or not. 一切都取决于她是否喜欢这个老板。 1. 万物生长靠太阳。 All living things ____________ for their growth. 2. 他仅靠微薄的薪水维持生计。 He ____________ for his livelihood.


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