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发布时间:2017-02-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

   必修2 Unit 5 Music


  1.(2017·浙江四校调研)—Tom often plays the record very loud at midnight in his apartment.


  A.Just your luckB.Better not

  C.It can’t be helpedD.That’s too much

  2.(2017·河南省实验中学月考)It is reported that a similar technique can be________to the treatment of cancer.



  3.(2017·杭州一检)She paused________over the unfamiliar word but soon continued.



  4.(2017·乌鲁木齐地区高三第一次诊断)________means that you have a positive attitude toward your abilities and life.

  A.Be confidentB.Being outgoing

  C.To be outgoingD.Being confident

  5.(2017·石家庄高中复习教学质检)I always try to be________to others when walking my pet dog along a pavement and step to the side with my dog to let them pass by.


  6.(2017·石家庄模拟)The company provides cheap Internet access.________,it makes shareware freely available.

  A.In additionB.In general

  C.In returnD.In brief

  7.(2017·福建师大附中高三质检)—I am sorry I didn’t finish the task.

  —Never mind.________,you have tried your best.

  A.Above allB.In all

  C.At allD.After all

  8.(2017·四川省南充市第一次适应性考试)My favorite writer is Mo Yan,some of ________novels have a surprising ending.

  A.whom B.his



  9.(2017·湖南邵阳市模拟)Emperor Kangxi came to this village twice,thus________it the name Huangcheng.

  A.to earnB.earning


  10.(2017·苏锡常镇四市调研)—How was your interview for going abroad to study?

  —Oh,I couldn’t feel any________.I hardly understood most of the questions they asked.


  11.(2017·江苏四校第四次考试)The flood has caused a lot of damage to that area and the figures of the missing________shortly.

  A.will be publishedB.have been published

  C.had been publishedD.are published

  12.(2017·邯郸模拟)I don’t think it right to________jokes on the disabled,especially when they are in trouble. A.putB.keep


  13.(2017·济南3月模拟)The basic design of the car is very similar to________of the earlier model.



  14.(2017·温州质检)It is________tradition for people in this country to pay in________cash when buying things.



  15.(2017·北京四中期中)The children________very well last night and the audience were attracted by their play.





  The American newspaper publisher Arthur Sulzberger Sr died at the age of 86.Mr Sulzberger led The New York Times for more than three decades,before passing the business to his son.He took over the paper in 1963 when it was in financial trouble,and transformed it into the heart of a multi­billion dollar media empire.

  His family announced he had died at his home in Southampton,New York State,after a long illness.His son,Arthur Sulzberger Jr,said in a statement that his father,whom he referred to by his childhood nickname of Punch,was “one of our industry’s most admired executives”.“Punch,the old Marine captain who never backed down from a fight,was an absolutely fierce defender of the freedom of the press,” he said.

  The New York Times was bought by Mr Sulzberger Sr’s grandfather Adolph Ochs in 1896.During Mr Sulzberger’s tenure,The New York Times won 31 Pulitzer prizes.

  Born in New York City,5 February 1926,Sr served in Marine Corps during World War Ⅱ and Korean War,joined

  The New York Times in 1951 after graduating from Columbia

  College,took over as publisher in 1963 after his brother­in­law died suddenly,stepped down in 1997 and passed stewardship to his son,Arthur Sulzberger Jr.

  He oversaw a huge circulation boost at the paper,and increased its parent company’s annual revenues (年收入) from

  $100m in 1963 to $1.7bn by the time he stepped down in 1997.He also led the paper through high­level clashes with the

  political establishment.In 1971,The Times published a series of stories saying that politicians had systematically lied over the US involvement in Vietnam.The source was thousands of leaked government documents known as the Pentagon Papers.The Nixon






  stop publishing the stories on grounds of national security.But the paper refused,and then won the subsequent court case by arguing that the First Amendment of the US Constitution (宪法) guaranteed free speech.The case is seen as a landmark in the history of free speech in the US.Mr Sulzberger said he read more than 7,000 pages of the Pentagon Papers before personally deciding to publish them. His family still holds a controlling stake (控股权) in The New York Times.He was a strong believer in family ownership

  of newspapers.He once joked:“My conclusion is

  simple.Nepotism works.”

  1.When did Arthur Sulzberger Sr die?

  A.In 1997.B.In 2017.

  C.In 1963. D.In 1971.

  2.Punch,the old Marine captain was actually________.

  A.Arthur Sulzberger Jr

  B.Adolph Ochs

  C.Arthur Sutzberger Sr’s father

  D.Arthur Sulzberger Sr

  3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Arthur Sulzberger Sr took over The New York Times from his brother­in­law.

  B.Arthur Sulzberger Jr’s grandfather bought The New York Times.

  C.Arthur Sulzberger Sr resigned when The New York Times was in financial trouble.

  D.Arthur Sulzberger Jr took over The New York Times after graduating from Columbia College.

  4.In the political case in the 1970s,Mr Sulzberger________.

  case in the end

  B.lost the controlling stake in The New York Times

  C.gave in to the government

  D. succeeded in guarding free speech of the paper

  5.What does the underlined word “Nepotism”

  probably refer to?


  C.Family ownershipD.Freedom of speech.



  [1]There is a sign in the subway that explains New York completely.“NYC:tolerant of your beliefs,judgmental of your shoes.” We are open to many walks of life,but your shoes...well,that’s another story.Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 30 percent of a stranger’s personality simply by looking at the person’s shoes.

  [2]The study involved volunteers filling out a personality questionnaire and providing photos of ____________________that they most frequently wear.Then 63 students looked at the photos and were able to accurately guess the volunteers’ gender,age,social status,and even whether the owner was extrovert or introvert,liberal or conservative,and their degree of emotional stability and openness.[3]Here are some interesting findings from the study.Practical and functional shoes generally belong to agreeable people.Ankle boots belong to those with more aggressive personalities.Uncomfortable looking shoes are usually worn by those with calm personalities.Those who are most worried about their relationships wear brand new or well­kept shoes.This is because they are worried about what others think of their appearance.Liberals wear less expensive shoes.The more boring the shoes are,the harder it is for the owner to form relationships.This is because he doesn’t care about what others think of his appearance. [4]“Shoes convey a thin but useful slice of information about their wearers,” the researchers of the study said.“Shoes serve a practical purpose,and also serve as non­verbal cues with symbolic messages.People tend to pay attention to the shoes they and others wear.”

  [5]The researchers noted that some people would choose shoe styles to hide their actual personality traits,but they also noted that volunteers were likely to be unaware that their footwear choices were revealing deep insights into their personalities.

  1.What is the main idea of the text?(no more than 9 words)


  2.What type of shoes do agreeable people favor according to this text?(no more than 5 words)


  3.What can you know about a person if he often wears brand new or well­kept shoes according to this text?(no more than 10 words)


  4.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 3 words)


  5.What does the word “they” (Line 2,Paragraph 5) probably refer to?(no more than 6 words)



  1.解析: 考查交际用语。第一个说话人说汤姆经常半夜播放唱片且声音很大,第二个说话人认为这种做法“太过分”了,因此选D。Just your luck常不走运,就这运气;Better not最好不;It can’t be helped没办法。

  答案: D

  2.解析: 考查动词辨析。句意为:据报道一项类似的技术能被应用到癌症的治疗中。apply意为“应用,适用”,符合句意;attach意为“附加,使依附”,add意为“加,增加”,compare意为“比较,对照”,均不符合句意。

  答案: A

  3.解析: 考查副词辨析。句意为:她碰到不熟悉的词稍微停顿了一下,但很快又继续了。frequently频繁地;briefly短暂地,暂时地;anxiously焦急地;casually随意地,偶然地。

  答案: B

  4.解析: 根据句中的means可知空处在句中作主语,首先可排除A项;再根据“that you have a positive attitude toward your abilities and life”可知应该是对自己有信心(confident)。

  答案: D

  5.解析: 句意为:当我带着宠物狗走在人行道上时,我总是尽力为他人着想,当有人经过时,我和狗就让到一边。considerate为(他人)着想的,考虑周到的,符合句意。flexible灵活的,有弹性的;devoted挚爱的,忠诚的;sensitive敏感的。

  答案: B

  6.解析: 考查短语意义。in addition另外;in general总的说来;大体上;in return作为回报;in brief简言之。

  答案: A

  7.解析: 考查短语意义。下句意为:不要紧,毕竟,你已经尽了最大努力。after all毕竟,终究,与句意相符。

  答案: D

  8.解析: 考查定语从句。此处为“不定代词+of+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,关系代词在从句中作定语,所以用whose。

  答案: C

  9.解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意为:康熙皇帝两次驾临这个村庄,这个村庄也因此赢得了“皇城”的美名。主句句子结构完整,也是earn的逻辑主语,故用earning这一现在分词作结果状语。

  答案: B

  10.解析: 考查形容词辨析。句意为:——你出国深造的面试怎么样?——哦,我感觉非常糟糕。我几乎无法理解他们问我的大部分问题。not和比较级连用表示最高级的含义,故选A。

  答案: A

  11.解析: 考查时态。shortly不久,不多时,在句中作时间状语,表示将来,所以空处应该用将来时。句意为:这场洪水给那一地区造成了很大损失,失踪人数很快就会公布。

  答案: A

  12.解析: 句意为:我认为拿残疾人开玩笑是不对的,尤其是当他们遇到困难时。play a joke/jokes on sb.开某人的玩笑。

  答案: D 13.解析: 考查代词。句意为:这款车的基本设计与之前车型的设计非常相似。此处用that指代前面提到的the basic design。

  答案: A

  14.解析: 根据前半部分句意“用现金付钱对这个国家的人来说是一个传统”可知,第一空是泛指“传统”;第二空为固定短语in cash(用现金)。

  答案: B

  15.解析: 句意为:孩子们昨晚表演得很好,观众都被他们的话剧吸引了。perform表演,符合句意。permit允许;pretend假装,假扮;present颁发,赠送。

  答案: B

  .阅读理解语篇解读 本文介绍了《纽约时报》前总裁Arthur Sulzberger Sr的生平。

  1.解析: 考查细节理解。根据第一段第一句中的“Arthur Sulzberger Sr died at the age of 86” 和第四段第一句中的“Born in New York City,5 February 1926”可知,他出生于1926年,去世时86岁,由此可知他在2017年去世。

  答案: B

  2.解析: 考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“His son,Arthur Sulzberger Jr,said in a statement that his father,whom he referred to by his childhood nickname of Punch,was ‘one of our industry’s most admired executives’”.可知Punch,the old Marine captain指Arthur Sulzberger Sr。

  答案: D

  3.解析: 考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Sr served in Marine Corps...took over as publisher in 1963 after his brother­in­law died suddenly”可知,A项正确。B项中的“Arthur Sulzberger Jr’s grandfather”错误;根据第一段最后一句可知C项错误;根据第四段可知D项错误。

  答案: A

  4.解析: 考查细节理解。根据倒数第三段中的“national security.But the paper refused,and then won the subsequent court case”可知,D项符合题意。

  答案: D

  5.解析: 考查词义猜测。根据画线词前面的“He was a strong believer in family ownership of newspapers.”可推测,画线词指的应是family ownership。

  答案: C


  1.People’s personalities can be judged by their shoes.

  2.Practical and functional shoes.

  3.He is worried about what others think of his appearance./He is worried about his relationships with others.

  4.their shoes

  5.The researchers of the study.


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