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(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题十一 记叙文(含解析)

发布时间:2017-02-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第二部分 完形填空

  专题十一 记叙文



  A boy trembled in the cold Oslo winter,constantly rubbing his arms around himself on a bus stop bench.He wasn’t wearing a coat   1  temperatures in the Norwegian capital regularly dropped to -10 during winter. 

  What a(n)  2  scene,but the actions of the ordinary people who witnessed the difficult situation of 11-year-old Johannes were both joyous and  3 . 

  A young woman who sat  4  the boy noticed him rubbing his arms.She  5  asked him:“Don’t you have a jacket?”“No,someone stole it.”he replied.She questioned him and  6  he was on a school trip and was told to meet his  7  at the bus stop.She asked him the name of his school and where he was from as she  8  put her own coat around his shoulders. 

  Later,another older woman at first gave him her scarf,then wound him in her  9  thick jacket.Throughout the day,more and more people offered Johannes their gloves and even the coats  10  their backs as they waited for their bus. 

  All this was  11  by a hidden camera from Norwegian charity SOS Children’s Village as part of their winter  12  to gather donations to send much-needed coats and blankets to help Syrian children  13  the winter.Many of the  14  of the civil war have left their homes without winter clothing. 

  “People should  15  as much about children in Syria as they do about this boy,” Synne Ronning,the  16  head of SOS Children’s Villages Norway,told the local newspaper.She also  17  that the child was a(n) 18  who was never in any danger during the experiment. 

  This story shows human nature in a  19  manner.You are sure to feel that Human beings’ future  20  to be a hopeful one when you see something like this. 

  1.A.as   B.butC.since D.or

  2.A.heartbreaking B.breathtaking

  C.amusing D.amazing

  3.A.sad B.happy C.inspiring D.moved

  4.A.far from B.ahead of

  C.next to D.in front of

  5.A.slowly B.immediately C.hesitantly D.joyfully

  6.A.answered B.reminded

  C.caught D.discovered

  7.A.student B.friend C.teacher D.relative

  8.A.selflessly B.elegantly C.politely D.excitedly

  9.A.old B.cheap C.short D.large

  10.A.from B.off C.of D.on

  11.A.directed B.shown C.sponsored D.filmed

  12.A.campaign B.show C.course D.game

  13.A.get over B.get through

  C.take over D.break through

  14.A.survivors B.sufferers

  C.assistants D.attendants

  15.A.mind B.care C.treat D.worry

  16.A.club B.school

  C.knowledge D.information

  17.A.demanded B.commanded C.noted D.asked

  18.A.interviewer B.applicant C.guy D.volunteer

  19.A.soft B.hard C.weak D.strong

  20.A.promises B.preserves C.suggests D.indicates


  We lived in a house with a big garden, 1  we had planted different kinds of hot peppers.An African called Reeve worked for me.He  2  hot peppers,too.It was late summer and a beautiful sunny day.My son,Marcus,eight,and my daughter,Ellen,ten,picked several  3  hot peppers and entered our workroom with their  4 .They wanted to see if Reeve could  5  more hot peppers than I.After a little joking with them we agreed to the contest but they had to  6 ,too.That was not  7  terms for them so they left the room. 

  They  8  about an hour later with a new proposal and some other large hot peppers they had just picked.Somehow,they had reasoned that when a pepper was  9  in color it was the hottest kind.Marcus and Ellen would eat the green colored peppers  10  Reeve and I would eat the red colored peppers.Giving Reeve a wink(使眼色),we  11 .Showing good sportsmanship,I had the kids  12  the peppers that Reeve and I would eat.They picked the largest two red peppers.Then they picked a  13  green one for themselves. 14  what was going to  15 ,I told them I would make it  16  for them.I cut one pepper in half and removed the  17  to reduce the heat a little.The contest was one of speed rather than quantity.Each child had pepper in hand and was  18  to start. 

  Looking at my  19 ,I said,“OK,on three.One,two,three.Go.” Much happened all at once.Tears,screams and spitting running around,the children  20  their mouth with fast waving hands.A short time later,Reeve and I agreed that the red tasted better than the green. 

  1.A.which B.where C.who D.that

  2.A.ate B.liked C.sold D.studied

  3.A.heavy B.colorful C.large D.green

  4.A.proposal B.tricks C.imagination D.plans

  5.A.plant B.pick C.harvest D.eat

  6.A.taste B.participate C.contribute D.share

  7.A.acceptable B.comfortable C.profitable D.tolerable

  8.A.entered B.returned C.responded D.reached

  9.A.purple B.green C.red D.orange

  10.A.for B.or C.so D.if

  11.A.smiled B.understood C.agreed D.jumped

  12.A.prepare B.select C.cut D.cook

  13.A.fresh B.small C.delicious D.hot

  14.A.Knew B.Knowing

  C.Known D.Being known

  15.A.take in B.take on

  C.take place D.take effect 

  16.A.easier B.happier

  C.more interesting D.hotter

  17.A.seeds B.leaves C.skin D.color

  18.A.nervous B.eager C.willing D.glad

  19.A.watch B.children C.partner D.people

  20.A.opened B.covered C.fanned D.washed



  Mark was a great kid from a bad neighborhood.Crime,drugs,fighting and poverty: You name the  1  and his neighborhood had it.A scholarship fund  2  his tuition to Catholic High School,where he was a great baseball player. 

  Mark  3  in the classroom,though.He was bright,but behind,perhaps due to a  4  home environment.But there were problems  5  the time for all he needed to do.Some felt Mark should give up sports and  6  schooling.But,in reality,if he was going to attend college,he would need his  7 . 

  A fellow teacher,Mrs.Jones, 8  to tutor Mark in math.I helped Mark with other areas of work.No one  9  us.Mrs.Jones  10  it up this way:“Payday doesn’t always come on Mondays.” 

  When we were not working with Mark to  11  his skills for the ACT,Mark’s dad took him to various  12  to talk with both baseball and football program coaches.He settled on the one college that offered him  13  to play both sports.But he  14  a good ACT score. 

  It took months to receive the  15  of college entrance exams.One afternoon after school,Mark rushed into my office and yelled,“I’m going to college! I’m going to college!” 

  “I guess you got your  16 ?” I asked. 

  “Well,yeah!” he laughed.“And guess what? I got one point more than I need to be  17 .Thank you! Now,where’s Mrs.Jones? I’ve got to tell her too!” 

  Until that moment,I had  18  quite understood what the expression “Payday doesn’t always come on Mondays”  19 .But it was clear to me the instant Mark came to  20  his news.No amount of money could ever reward us as much as the news of a boy who finally had a chance at a better life. 

  1.A.problem B.condition

  C.advantage D.environment

  2.A.lent B.received C.provided D.donated

  3.A.succeeded B.struggled C.played D.competed

  4.A.difficult B.strange C.favorable D.sensible

  5.A.spending B.keeping C.wasting D.finding

  6.A.get on B.take on

  C.concentrate on D.keep on

  7.A.tuition B.sports

  C.determination D.patience

  8.A.ordered B.promised C.inspired D.offered

  9.A.praised B.helped

  C.paid D.comforted

  10.A.summed B.made C.put D.picked

  11.A.assess B.improve C.apply D.display

  12.A.clubs B.stadiums

  C.departments D.colleges

  13.A.majors B.programs

  C.scholarships D.resources

  14.A.needed B.achieved C.kept D.took

  15.A.papers B.messages C.fees D.results

  16.A.scores B.arrangements

  C.courses D.applications

  17.A.dismissed B.accepted

  C.delayed D.supported

  18.A.never B.ever C.even D.already

  19.A.changed B.overlooked C.affected D.meant

  20.A.learn B.explain C.announce D.carry



  1.B 前面一个分句和后一个分句所表达的事件为转折关系,应用but连接并列句。

  2.A 前文所描述的场景是一个男孩没有穿外套,在零下10的冬天瑟瑟发抖,这一场景当然是“令人悲伤的(heartbreaking)”。

  3.C 此处所填词应和空处前面的joyous并列形容路人的行为,happy和joyous意义重复,moved表示“感动的”,不符合语意,故选inspiring“使人深受鼓舞的”。另外,下面叙述的路人的表现也提供了解题的依据。

  4.C 这个年轻女子注意到那个男孩在搓着胳膊,故她坐的位置应该“靠近(next to)”男孩。

  5.B 女士注意到了男孩在搓着胳膊,“立刻(immediately)”询问他是否有夹克。

  6.D 通过询问,女士“发现(discovered)”了那男孩在去学校的路上……

  7.A 由第6个题空后面的he was on a school trip及下文可知,这个男孩是一名学生。

  8.A 女士把自己的外套披在男孩的肩上,故她的行为是“无私的(selflessly)”。

  9.D 年龄较大的女子的厚夹克应该是“大的(large)”,这从wound(缠绕)可得到暗示。

  10.B 许多人都为男孩提供了衣服、手套之类的,衣服要提供给男孩子,自然需要脱下(off)。

  11.D 所有这一切都被一架隐藏的照相机“拍摄(film)”下来。

  12.A 偷偷拍摄是Norwegian charity SOS Children’s Village这一组织进行的冬季“运动(campaign)”。

  13.B 这项运动旨在收集捐赠物,送出急需的外套和毯子,来帮助叙利亚儿童“度过(get through)”冬季。

  14.B 由have left their homes提供的暗示可知,此处应用sufferers 表示战争的“受害者”。

  15.B 由人们对这一个男孩的帮助扩展到叙利亚的所有孩子,人们应该“关爱(care about)”他们。

  16.D 由下文told the local newspaper可知此人负责和媒体沟通,她应该属于“信息(information)”部门。

  17.C 后面的内容是她所“说明(note)”的其他内容。

  18.D 由后面的during the experiment可知,这个男孩是一个“志愿者(volunteer)”。

  19.A 根据前面这个例子的说明,作者认为人类的天性是“有柔情的(soft)”,具有同情心的。

  20.A 正因人类有同情心,所以人类的未来“有望(promise)”成为有希望的未来。


  1.B 此处考查定语从句,先行词为garden,且在从句中作地点状语,所以答案为B项。

  2.B 根据后面的too可知,里夫和我们一样喜欢辣椒。答案为B项。

  3.C 根据第二段中的“They picked the largest two red peppers.”可知,马库斯和埃伦挑选了最大的辣椒给作者和里夫吃。答案为C项。

  4.A 根据第二段首句中的“with a new proposal”可知答案为A项“建议,提议”。B项“戏法,诡计,伎俩”;C项“想象(力)”;D项“计划”。

  5.D 由第二段第三句中的“Reeve and I would eat the red colored peppers”可知,两个孩子想知道是不是里夫能够比作者吃更多的辣椒。答案为D项。

  6.B 由第二段第三句中的“Marcus and Ellen would eat the green colored peppers”可知,作者和里夫同意了孩子们的提议,但是条件是两个孩子也要参加。答案为B项,意思是“参加,加入”。A项“品尝,尝起来”;C项“致力于,做贡献”;D项“分享,分担”。

  7.A 孩子们无法接受这个条件,所以离开了房间。A项“合意的,可接受的”;B项“舒适的,安逸的”;C项“有益的,有利可图的”;D项“还不错的,可容忍的”。答案为A项。

  8.B 根据后文可知,两个孩子带着新的提议和刚刚采摘的辣椒折返回来。A项“进入”;B项“返回,归还”;C项“回应,回答”;D项“达到,伸出,达成”。答案为B项。

  9.C 孩子们认为红色的辣椒是最辣的。答案为C项。

  10.D 孩子们的新提议是:如果里夫和作者吃红色的辣椒,那么他们两个就吃绿色的辣椒。答案为D项。

  11.C 根据后文可知,作者和里夫同意了孩子们的要求。答案为C项。

  12.B 作为大人要展示一下良好的体育精神,作者让孩子们选择自己和里夫要吃的辣椒。A项“准备”;B项“挑选,选择”;C项“切,割”;D项“烹调,烧煮”。答案为B项。

  13.B 给大人挑选最大的辣椒,孩子们自己当然要选择最小的,所以答案为B项。

  14.B 作为大人当然知道吃辣椒会发生什么。主句的主语为I,且和动词know之间构成主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式作状语。答案为B项。

  15.C 根据第14题分析可知答案为C项take place,意思是“发生,产生”。A项“摄取,欺骗,理解”;B项“呈现,雇用,从事”;D项“生效,起作用”。

  16.A 根据后文可知,作者将孩子们要吃的辣椒切成两半,并把辣椒籽去掉,这样对孩子们来说比赛就变得不那么困难了。答案为A项。

  17.A 根据第16题分析可知答案为A项。因为辣椒籽是导致辣椒辣的主要因素。

  18.B 根据前面一句“The contest was one of speed rather than quantity.”可知,吃辣椒比的是速度,而不是细嚼慢咽,所以两个孩子都急于开始比赛。答案为B项,be eager to do sth.“急于/渴望做某事”。A项“紧张的”;C项“心甘情愿的”;D项“高兴的”。

  19.A 根据后文可知,作者在看表数秒,所以答案为A项。

  20.C 根据后面“with fast waving hands”可知,孩子们用手快速地给嘴扇风,所以答案为C项。此处fan为动词,意思是“扇,扇风”。


  1.A 马克来自一个不良社区,只要你能说出来的问题那里都有。A项“问题”;B项“条件,状况”;C项“优点,长处”;D项“环境”。故答案为A项。

  2.C 一项奖学基金为马克提供学费。provide sth.to sb.“为某人提供某物”。

  3.B 虽然马克是一名棒球运动员,但是他在教室学习文化课也非常努力。A项“成功”;B项“奋斗,挣扎”;C项“玩耍,打比赛,扮演,演奏”;D项“竞争,比赛”。故答案为B项。

  4.A 马克很聪明,但是成绩落后,可能是因为不良的家庭环境。A项“困难的,不易相处的,难对付的”;B项“奇怪的”;C项“有利的,顺利的,良好的,赞同的”;D项“明智的,合情合理的”。由前文叙述可知答案为A项。

  5.D 根据后文可知,有人觉得马克应该放弃体育而集中精力于文化课的学习上。学习和他的专业爱好在时间上形成冲突,所以答案为D项。

  6.C 根据上题分析可知答案为C项concentrate on“集中注意力于……”。A项“进展,进步”;B项“呈现,雇用,从事”;D项“继续,反复做”。

  7.B 根据前文及句中的But可知,马克不会因为文化课而放弃体育,即便是上大学也要从事体育专业。故答案为B项。

  8.D 下文提到作者在其他方面帮助马克,由此可知琼斯夫人应该是主动帮助马克学习数学。offer to do sth.“主动要求做某事”。故答案为D项。

  9.C 根据后面Payday doesn’t always come on Mondays.可知,老师们给马克辅导功课是没有薪酬的。故答案为C项。

  10.A 老师们无偿为马克辅导功课,琼斯夫人总结成下面的一句话。sum up“总结,归纳”;make up“化妆,组成,编造,虚构”;put up “建造,供给……住宿”;pick up“回复,捡起,收听到,用车接某人”。故答案为A项。

  11.B 给马克辅导功课当然是为了提高他应对美国大学入学考试(ACT)的技能水平。A项“评定,评估,估算”;B项“改善,提高”;C项“申请,应用”;D项“展示,陈列,显示”。故答案为B项。

  12.D 根据后文可知,马克的父亲带他去各个大学找教练进行面试。故答案为D项。

  13.C 因为家庭贫困,所以马克一家最关心的应该是大学能否提供奖学金,所以C项正确。A项“主科,必修学科”;B项“计划,节目,项目”;C项“奖学金”;D项“资源”。故答案为C项。

  14.A 虽然马克选定了一所大学可供他完成体育专业的学习,但是这所大学需要他提供优异的大学入学成绩。故答案为A项。

  15.D 过了几个月的时间才收到大学入学考试的最后结果。A项“论文,试卷,文件”;B项“信息,口讯”;C项“费用”;D项“结果,后果”。故答案为D项。

  16.A 根据上文马克的表现可知,作者猜测马克已经达到了进入大学的分数线,所以答案为A项,意思是“分数,成绩”。B项“安排”;C项“课程,过程,路线”;D项“申请(书),应用”。

  17.B 马克比大学录取分数线高了一分。A项“解散,遣散,开除”;B项“接纳,接收,录取”;C项“耽搁,延误”;D项“支持,养活,赞成”。

  18.A 到那时作者才明白琼斯夫人的那句话的含义。该句用到的结构应该为not/never...until...,意为“直到……才……”。故答案为A项。

  19.D 根据上题分析可知答案为D项。A项“改变,变换”;B项“俯瞰,远眺,忽视”;C项“影响”;D项“意思是,意味着,打算”。

  20.C 马克一宣布他被录取的消息,琼斯夫人的那句话意思就全清楚了。该句用到the instant引导时间状语从句,意思是“一……就……”。故答案为C项。


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