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发布时间:2017-01-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  感激答谢 晨读背诵 相关短语

  1. all the best一切顺利 2. have a great influence on my life对我

  人生中有很大影响 3. contact me与我联系 4. express my thanks/gratitude to sb for

  sth感谢某人某事 5. get through sth完成某事

  6. thank sb. for (doing) sth感谢某人(做了)

  某事 7. help sb. (to) do sth帮助某人做某事 8. be thankful/grateful to sb. for sth感谢某

  人某事 9. help sb. with sth帮助某人某事 10. offer sb. help =provide sb. with help给

  某人提供帮助 11. the turning point of my life我人生的转

  折点 12. show my appreciation for sth对……表

  示感谢 13. make continuous progress不断进步 14. play an important part (in) (在……中)

  起重要作用 15. thanks to your encouragement多亏你的


  16. make up my mind to study hard下

  决心努力学习 17. knock down撞倒 18. fall off my bike 从自行车上摔下来 19. without hesitation毫不犹豫地 20. cheer sb. up使某人振作/高兴 相关句式

  1. 我写信是要感谢你归还我的钱包和手机。 I’m writing to thank you for returning me my wallet and mobile phone.

  2. 我写信的目的是感谢你为养育我所付出的巨大努力。 I’m writing to express my thanks to you for your great efforts to bring me up. 3. 我写信是要感谢你帮助我学英语。 I’m writing to show my gratitude for your help with my English.

  4. 非常感谢你的鼓励,我写信就是要告诉你,我在数学方面取得了巨大进步。 I’m grateful to you for your encouragement and I’m writing to tell you that I have made great progress in maths. 5. 由于有了你的帮助,我克服了困难,在这次比赛中得了第一名。 Thanks to your help, I overcame the difficulty and came first in the competition.

  6. 如果不是有你的帮助,这次实验我就不会成功。 If it were not for your help, I would not have succeeded in the experiment. 7. 你热心助人,请再次接受我真诚的感谢。 You are so helpful and warm-hearted, and please accept my sincere thanks again.

  8. 非常感谢你的支持。 Your support is greatly appreciated. =I really appreciate your support. =I’m very grateful to you for your support. = Thank you so much for your support. = Many thanks for your support. 技巧点拨

  1.感谢信作为书信的一种形式,态度客气,字里行间充满感激之情,通常也是开篇点出写信的目的,可用“I am writing to…”句型开头。

  2.积累该类写作常用的表示“感激”和“帮助”的词组和句式(见上表)。 3.为了充分说明道谢原因,感谢信通常涉及对某件事情的陈述或对某人性格的描写和赞美。描述事件时,可使用连词:when,be about to do… when…, before, after,as soon as等。描述人物时,可使用“so + adj. /adv. + that” 句型或“a person with + n.”结构。

  如: You were so kind that you showed me all the way to the canteen.你非常友好,一路带着我去餐厅。

  You were a person with kindness, showing me all the way to the canteen.你是一个非常友好的人,带我去餐厅。 4.在句中适当增加表示褒义的短语和句型,以避免平铺直叙,如: To my delight,

  you were so helpful that you gave me advice and helped me solve the problem.

  使我高兴的是,你非常乐于助人,给我提建议,助我解决问题。 典型例题

  写信目的:感谢小明在事故后及时救了你的弟弟。 回顾经过: ⑴ 看到小华被小车碰倒,从自行车上摔下来时,小明及时打电话报警; ⑵ 立刻致电120急救中心,把小华送入医院; ⑶ 小明去医院看望小华,让小华振作起来,身心得到康复。 表示感激:没有小明的帮助,我兄弟就不会得以获救并快速康复。 假如你是李华,你的弟弟小华是在遭遇事故后由于小明的及时帮助才顺利得救的。 [写作内容]

  请给小明写一封感谢信,内容包括: Dear Xiaoming,

  I am writing to thank you for your great kindness to save my brother Xiaohua after the accident. I still remember that it was you who noticed my brother knocked down by a car and fall off his bicycle and called the police without hesitation. What is more, you immediately called 120, which took my brother to hospital in time.

  Not only did you go to the hospital to visit him, but also cheered him up, which helped him recover mentally as well as physically. Had it not been for your help, my brother would not have been saved successfully and recovered so quickly.

  Please accept my warmest thanks!


  Li Hua

  Dear Xiaoming,

  I am writing to thank you for giving me such a wonderful birthday party yesterday and I was really surprised and moved. The party was so well prepared with various kinds of food and drinks, and the room was also well decorated. Besides, your special

  gift and the beautiful and delicious cake

  are the best ones I have ever received. More importantly, I met a lot of new friends in the party, which made me feel so happy.


  To my amazement, you and several other friends performed such an interesting play, which made everyone laugh happily, and I just really had a great time!

  Please accept my warmest thanks!


  Li Hua 亮点点击:本文是向朋友或同学表示感谢,文中wonderful, well prepared,decorated, the best, amazement等词的恰当使用,充分表达出写信人的感激之情。


  Dear Mr Mo,

  I am writing to express my sincere thanks for your help in my high school. I still remember that it was you who had a friendly talk with me when I felt upset because I didn’t adjust myself well to the new school. What’s more, you encouraged me to make more friends and told me how to get along with my classmates.

  For my study, you not only asked me to reflect on it after each examination, but also

  urged me to continue to work hard in order to make more progress. In addition, you were always willing to give me a hand whenever I was in trouble in life.

  Please accept my sincere thanks!


  Li Hua 亮点点击:本文是向老师致谢的书信,范文中It was you who…(强调句), you not only…but also…, be willing to, whenever I was in trouble 等句型的使用很准确,充分地表达出了作者的感激之情。What’s more, In addition的使用也让文章更加流畅。 * *


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