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发布时间:2017-01-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * 如果假设

  这类要点中常含 “如果……你会……” “假设/万一……你会……” “如果……会……” “假设……会……” 等字眼。写作时 常用虚拟语气。 晨读背诵

  常用句式 对现在情况的假设 1. 假如没有……,……将会…… If there were no…, …would….

  2. 假如有……,……将不会…… If there were…, …would not…. 3. 假如我是……,我(不)会……一方面……;另一方面…… If I were…/ Were I …, I would (not) do…On the one hand…; On the other hand,…

  4. 假如我……,我(不)会……首先……其次…… If I did …, I would (not) do… First of all…, What’s more…. 5. 假如当时我处于……,我(不)会…… If I had been…/ Had I been…, I might (not) have done…

  6. 假如我当时做了……,我(不)会…… If I had done…/ Had I done…, I might (not) have done… 对过去情况的假设 7. 假如我将成为……,我(不)会…… If I were to be/ Were I to be…, I would (not) do…

  8. 万一我……,我(不)会…… If I should do…, I would (not) do… 对将来情况的假设 9. 假如我将……,我(不)会……首先……,其次…… If I were to do…, I would (not) do…

  For one thing,… For another thing,…

  10. 假如我……,我(不)会……更糟糕的是……,最糟糕的是…… If I did…, I would (not) do… To make matters worse/ What worse…. Worst of all… 高考链接 1. 假如没有清洁工,环境会变得如何?(2016广东高考) △If there were no cleaners, an inevitable deterioration in environment would occur. For one thing, the streets would be full of disgusting rubbish with rats or flies running around. For another, with natural environment worsening, citizens would suffer from the spread of diseases.

  △ Nobody could imagine what a bad environment we would live in if there were no cleaners in the city. Wherever

  we went, there were rubbish. Maybe we would soon be drowned in the mountain of rubbish. What’s worse, if there were no change about that, diseases would spread at a very quick speed. Is there anything that can be worse than this? 2. 假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应?(2009广东高考) If I were an animal, I would undoubtedly feel unhappy and upset with the huge amounts of zoo visitors hugging me and photographing with me. What’s worse,

  I would even scare them by roaring at them. Worst of all, I would be likely to attack people or escape from the cage. I should have some private space and time to relax myself. 1. 假如你是医生,你会怎样做使你的病人信任你? 首先,直接回答,写出主题句:假如我是一名医生,我会做很多工作来使病人信任我。

  然后,列出具体做法,拓展主题:do a lot of work/be patient and kind/listen to them/to comfort them/speak in a gentle way/tell them not to worry ☆要点特训

  If I were a doctor, I would do a lot of work to make myself trusted. First of all, I would be patient and kind enough to treat them as well as listen to them, which will certainly relax them a lot. What’s more, when the patients feel upset and uneasy, I would try my best to comfort them by speaking in a gentle way and tell them not to worry.

  2. 假如你当时目击到房屋着火,你会怎么做? 首先,写出主题句:假如我当时目击到房屋着火,我不会置之不理,而是毫不犹豫地帮助受灾者。

  然后,逐项列出,拓展主题句(help the victims/dial 119 and 120/give first aid/keep intact the scene of the fire)。

  If I had seen the house on fire, I wouldn’t have ignored it but would have helped the victims without any hesitation. Firstly, I would have dialed 119 and 120 for help. Secondly, I would have given first aid to the injured people who escaped from the fire. Finally, I would have kept intact the scene of the fire. 3. 假如你将去火星,你将在那里做些什么? 首先,写出主题句:假如我将去火星,我将在那里做很多有意义的事。

  然后,逐项列出,拓展主题句(take many photos/look around to find living beings/ pick up rocks to do experiments)。

  If I were go to the Mars, I would do a lot of meaningful things. To begin with, I would take many photos, which would

  be helpful to the research of outer space. In addition, I would look around on the Mars to find whether there is living beings on it. At last, I would pick up some rocks and do many experiments with them. ☆仿真模拟

  According to the article, the author learned a great deal from a literature course, in which he enjoyed literature through discussions. He engaged himself in the stories and his way of reading also changed.

  During the three years in senior school, I did learn a lot from my teachers and fellow classmates. I knew how to discuss some hot issues and exchange opinions on them.

  Besides, I learned patience and perseverance as well as determination from my classmates. My teacher also impressed me with their sincerity and positive attitude towards life.

  I always remember my first English class in my school. My teacher asked us to describe each other with our deskmate or one of our best friends. Before we started, she discussed with us and listed out some expressions we can use to describe our friends.

  With my teacher’s help and encouragement, I managed to tell the class about my friend smoothly though I was a little nervous.

  If I were a teacher, I would first encourage my students to take an active part in my class to help them learn well. In addition, I would talk to them and know what they were eager to learn and what difficulty they faced. Then, I would not only help them to solve the problems but I would also make my class lively and humorous. *


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