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2016届高考英语一轮复习课件:第二部分 语法专项突破 第4讲 动词和动词短语(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-01-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (2016·高考安徽卷)Shakespeare’s writing is still popular today. It has really ________ the test of time. A.failed

  B.stood C.taken



  栏目导引 语法精讲 考点整合 语法专练 知能闯关 第二部分 第四讲 栏目导引 语法精讲 考点整合 语法专练 知能闯关 第二部分 第四讲 栏目导引 语法精讲 考点整合 语法专练 知能闯关 第二部分 第四讲 栏目导引 语法精讲 考点整合 语法专练 知能闯关 第二部分 第四讲 栏目导引 语法精讲 考点整合 语法专练 知能闯关 第二部分 第四讲 第四讲 动词和动词短语 一、动词词义辨析 常见形近动词小结: 综观近几年高考试题对动词的考查不难发现,高考题中所给的四个选项常出现词形相似的情况,考生在平时遇到词形相近的动词应注意归纳。这里总结了一些常见的形似动词: 1.translate(翻译),transport(运输),transplant(移植),transform(改变,转变); 2.conserve(保护),preserve(保护,维护),reserve(保留); 3.commit(犯),submit(提交,呈递),permit(允许),admit

  (承认); 4.imply(暗示),apply(应用),supply(提供),reply(答复); 5.inspect(检查),expect(期待),respect(尊敬),suspect(怀疑); 6.resist(抵抗),persist(持续),insist(坚持),assist(帮助),consist(由……组成); 7.rise(上升),arise(出现),raise(提高),arouse(唤醒); 8.affect(影响),afford(买得起,提供),offer(给予,提供); 9.succeed(成功),proceed(进行),exceed(超越); 10.explode(爆炸),explore(考查,探究),export(出口); 11.require(要求),acquire(获得),inquire(询问),inspire(鼓舞); 12.contribute(捐献),distribute(分配); 13.adapt(使适应),adopt(采纳,收养); 14.consume(消耗),assume(假定)。 1.(2016·高考江苏卷)Top graduates from universities are ________ by major companies. A.chasedB.registered C.offered

  D.compensated 解析:考查动词辨析。句意:大学的优秀毕业生被各大公司追逐。chase“追逐,追求”;register“登记,注册”;offer“提供”;compensate“补偿,赔偿”。大学的优秀毕业生显然是各大公司竞相追逐(chase)的目标。 A

  2.(2016·高考天津卷)My parents always ________ great importance to my getting a good education. A.have

  B.attach C.accept

  D.pay 解析:考查动词词义辨析及固定搭配。句意:我的父母一直非常重视让我得到良好的教育。attach great importance to“认为……非常重要”,为固定搭配,符合句意。 B

  3.(2016·高考福建卷)It is widely acknowledged that students should be ________in terms of overall quality. A.supported 

  B.matched C.evaluated



  4.(2016·高考浙江卷)No matter how carefully you plan your finances,no one can ________ when the unexpected will happen. A.prove 

  B.imply C.demand 



  5.(2016·高考江西卷)I don’t believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to ________ me. A.convince




  A 二、动词短语辨析 break短语 break away from脱离;背叛;break down损坏;(化学)分解;(汽车)抛锚;垮掉;break in闯入,强行进入;插嘴,打断;break into闯入;打断,突然……(笑、唱等)起来;break off打断;折断;break out(战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发;break up(物理)分解;粉碎,破碎;结束;散开,解散The car broken down just north of Pairs.

  汽车在巴黎以北的地方抛锚了。 hold短语 bring短语 hold back隐瞒;阻碍;犹豫;控制(情感);hold out伸出;坚持,维持;hold up阻挡,使停顿;支撑得住;hold on等着;别挂断;坚持住;hold on to保留;抓住不放 I’d hold on to that house for the time being;house prices are rising sharply at the moment. 我目前要守住那套房子,这段时间房价涨得很快。 bring about引起,导致;bring back把……送回,归还;使回忆起;bring down使倒下;降低;bring in引进;挣得;bring out使罢工;阐明;出版;bring up教育,培养 The government has taken measures to bring down the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.政府已经采取措施来降低日用品的高价格,以保持市场稳定。 make短语 make sense有意义,讲得通;make it及时到达;成功;make up编造;化妆;组成,构成;补齐,凑足;铺床;和好;make up for补偿,弥补;make up of由……构成;make room for让地方;make fun of取笑;make use of利用;make way for为……开路,让路;make up one’s mind打定主意,决定 The boy is working harder than ever,hoping to make up for the time he has wasted playing online games.为了把浪费在网络游戏上的时间弥补回来,男孩比之前学习更努力。 come短语 come about发生,产生;come along跟随;come across(偶然)遇见(或发现);come off从……离开,脱落;come on来吧,赶快;come out出来;(书)出版;come to共计,达到;come up with追上,赶上;想出(主意);找出(答案)

  (2016·高考新课标全国卷Ⅱ)Would you like to come along with us to the film tonight? 今晚你愿意和我们一起去看电影吗? put短语 put aside放在一边;put away收起来放好;储蓄;put back放回原处;拨回;推迟;put down放下;平定,镇压;记下;put forward提出(计划、建议等);拨快;提前;put off延期,推迟;使分神;put out扑灭;生产;公布;put through接通电话;put up提出;建造;举起;张贴,公布;留宿,过夜;put up with容忍 He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of putting up at a hotel for the night. 他决定当晚直接开车回家,而不住旅馆。 get短语 get across被理解;get along/on with进展;与……和睦相处;get down下来;记下;get down to开始认真干;get off出发;下车;get over克服;get through通过;打通(电话);用完,耗尽 (2016·高考江苏卷)Team leaders must ensure that all members get over their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.团队领导者必须要确保所有的队员克服本能的欲望以避免犯错误带来的尴尬。 set短语 give短语 set about着手干;开始做;set aside暂时不考虑;把……放到一旁;省出,留出;set off动身;引爆;引起,激发;set out开始;动身;陈述,阐明 Both sides agreed to set aside the question of independence. 双方同意把独立的问题搁置不提。 give away泄露;颁发;赠送;give back归还;使恢复;give in屈服;呈交;give off发出,放出(气味、光、热等);give out用尽,耗尽;分发;公布,发表;发出(光、热等);give up放弃 He said he wasn’t disappointed at the result of the final exam,but the look on his face gave himself away.他说他对期末考试的结果不失望,但是他脸上的表情出卖了他。 take短语 turn短语 take charge of负责,掌管;take in吸收;欺骗,蒙骗;改小,改瘦;take off(飞机)起飞;脱下;休假;迅速流行;(事业)腾飞;take on呈现;雇用;承担(责任);take over接管,接任;take the place of代替;take up从事;拿起;占据(时间或空间) His life had taken on a new dimension. 他的生活呈现出新的面貌。 turn away转身,走开;打发走;turn down拒绝;调小;turn off关掉;turn on打开;turn out结果;证明是;关掉;生产,制造;turn over打翻;仔细思量;移交;turn to求助于;翻到,转到;turn up调大;出现 —You look upset.What’s the matter? —你看起来很沮丧,怎么了? —I had my proposal turned down again. —我的提议再次遭到了拒绝。 其他 常考 的动 词短语 account for解释,说明;answer for对……负责,担保……,担忧;consist of包括,由……组成;contribute to有助于,导致;figure out想清楚,弄明白,算出;focus on/upon集中(精神、注意力)于……;insist on坚持要求;object to反对;point out指出;refer to提到,指的是,查阅;meet with偶遇;result in结果是,导致;see to照看;处理;负责;show off炫耀;stick to坚持,不放弃;use up耗尽,用尽;wear out耗尽,使筋疲力尽 Can you account for your movements on that night? 你能解释一下那晚的活动吗? 温馨提示 多词动词短语 多词动词短语多由三个单词构成,因词数多、构词巧而备受高考命题者的重视。常见的多词动词短语有: 动词短语 意义 动词短语 意义 keep up with end up with catch up with get rid of 赶上 以……告终 赶上 消灭 get away with get away from date back to look back to/on 做错事而不受处罚 脱离 追溯至 回顾 动词短语 意义 动词短语 意义 look up to look out for look down upon look forward to live up to dress oneself in 尊敬 do harm/good to 给……带来坏/好处 警惕 do wrong to 委屈 瞧不起 do away with 废除 期盼 do damage to 给……造成损坏 不辜负 devote oneself to 献身于 穿着 seat oneself on 坐在 (2015·浙江杭州二中、学军中学等五校联考)As winter gives way to spring,students are looking forward to outdoor activities. 冬去春来,学生们正期待着户外活动。 B 2.(2016·高考湖北卷)Is this your necklace,Mary? I ________ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning. A.came across

  B.dealt with C.looked after

  D.went for

  解析:考查动词短语意义辨析。句意:玛丽,这是你的项链吗?我今天早上打扫浴室的时候看到的。come across意为“(偶然)遇到”,符合句意。deal with“处理”;look after“照看”;go for“想要获得,争取得到”。 A

  3.(2016·高考湖北卷)I’ve been trying to phone Charles all evening,but there must be something wrong with the network;I can’t seem to ________. A.get through 

  B.get off C.get in

  D.get along


  4.(2016·高考大纲全国卷)Caroline doesn’t have a gift for music,but she ________ it with hard work.

  A.goes back on

  B.takes away from C.makes up for

  D.catches up with


  5.(2016·高考安徽卷)Terry,please________ your cellphone when Grandma is talking to you. A.look up from

  B.look into C.look back on

  D.look through


  6.(2016·高考江西卷)Anyway, we’re here now,so let’s ________ some serious work. A.come up with

  B.get down to

  C.do away with

  D.live up to

  B 栏目导引 语法精讲 考点整合 语法专练 知能闯关 第二部分 第四讲 栏目导引 语法精讲 考点整合 语法专练 知能闯关 第二部分 第四讲 栏目导引 语法精讲 考点整合 语法专练 知能闯关 第二部分 第四讲 栏目导引 语法精讲 考点整合 语法专练 知能闯关 第二部分 第四讲 栏目导引 语法精讲 考点整合 语法专练 知能闯关 第二部分 第四讲


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