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2016届高考英语二轮复习强化练:完形填空四 1

发布时间:2017-01-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  “Daily Star,sir,”called Jason,carrying some newspapers under his arm.The little boy had been running up and down the street,but there were still twenty __1__left.His voice was almost gone and his heart was __2__.The shops would soon close,and all the people would go home.He would have to go home too,carrying the papers __3__money.He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a __4__for his mother and some seeds for his bird.That was why he had bought the papers with all his money.He __5__ as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers.

  “You don't know the __6__ of selling papers.You must shout,‘Hot news!Bomb bursting!’”another newsboy Chad told Jason.“__7__it's not in the paper at all,”replied Jason.“Just run away quickly __8__they have time to see,and you'll __9__out and get your money.”Chad said.

  It was a new __10__to Jason.He thought of his bird with no __11__and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother,but was __12__that he would not tell a lie.Though he was __13__a poor newsboy,he had been __14__some good things.

  The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers __15__.Several boys were crowding around,Chad,who declared with a __16__smile that he sold six dozen the day before.He added that Jason __17__money because he would not tell a lie.The boys __18__at Jason.“You wouldn't tell a lie yesterday,my boy?”A gentleman at the office came up and patted Jason's shoulder __19__.“You're just the boy I am looking for.”A week later Jason started his new __20__.He lost the sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a lie,but got a well­paid job because he told the truth.


  1.A.shops B.coins

  C.people D.papers

  答案:D 词汇复现题。根据文章第一段第一句中的carrying somenewspapers under his arm及第五句中carrying the papers __3__

  money可知仍然有20份报纸,且最后一段最后一句中的lost the saleof twenty papers和该题呼应,故选D项。

  2.A.open B.heavy

  C.pure D.weak

  答案:B 根据文章第一段第四、五句可知商店马上关门,所有的人都将回家,但他还有20份报纸没卖完,只能把剩下的报纸带回家,因此心情沉重,故选B项。

  3.A.instead of B.in return for

  C.regardless of D.in exchange for

  答案:A 詹森还有20份报纸没卖完,只能把剩下的报纸而不是钱带回家。instead of意为“代替;而不是”;in return for意为“作为……的回报”;regardless of意为“不管;不顾”;in exchange for意为“作为……的交换”,故选A项。

  4.A.cup B.card

  C.comb D.cake

  答案:D 词汇复现题。根据文章第三段第二句中的the cake he wanted to buy for his mother可知设空处应填cake。故选D项。

  5.A.gave in B.broke down

  C.got away D.showed up

  答案:B 根据前句,詹森用他所有的钱买了报纸但没能卖完,这使得他本来想给妈妈买蛋糕、给小鸟买种子的愿望落空,故一想到没能卖掉所有的报纸他就情绪低落。give in意为“屈服;让步”;break down意为“发生故障;分解;(精神/健康)垮掉”;get away意为“离开”;show up意为“露面;出现”,故选B项。

  6.A.difficulty B.process

  C.goal D.secret

  答案:D 根据语境可知,另外一个报童查德告诉詹森他的卖报秘诀就是大声喊有最新消息和爆炸性消息。difficulty意为“困难”;process意为“过程”;goal意为“目标”;secret意为“秘密;秘诀”,故选D项。

  7.A.And B.But

  C.For D.So

  答案:B 根据第二段最后一句可知查德的卖报秘诀是趁着买报人还没来得及看内容就赶紧拿钱跑掉,这说明查德宣称的最新消息实际上是编造的,故詹森的回答与前句相反,有转折意义,故选B项。

  8.A.before B.since

  C.though D.unless

  答案:A 因查德宣称的最新消息实际上是编造的,故得在买报人发现之前赶紧拿钱跑掉,before作连词时,意为“在……之前”,故选A项。

  9.A.call B.drop

  C.sell D.reach

  答案:C 此处为查德报纸卖得又快又多的秘诀。call out意为“大声叫唤”;drop out意为“退学;退出”;sell out意为“卖完;卖光”;reach out意为“伸出”,故选C项。

  10.A.edition B.idea

  C.policy D.task

  答案:B 查德的卖报秘诀对于詹森而言是个新的主意。edition意为“版本”;idea意为“想法;主意”;policy意为“政策;方针”;task意为“工作;任务”,故选B项。

  11.A.bread B.insects

  C.seeds D.water

  答案:C 词汇复现题。根据文章第一段第六句中的some seeds for his bird可知选C项。

  12.A.concerned B.amazed

  C.excited D.determined

  答案:D but连接前后分句,表示转折意义,且第四段第三句表明詹森事实上没有撒谎,故可判断虽然詹森没钱给小鸟和妈妈买礼物,但他坚定地不愿撒谎。concerned意为“关心的”;amazed意为“吃惊的”;excited意为“激动的”;determined意为“坚决的”,故选D项。

  13.A.still B.already

  C.just D.also

  答案:C 詹森虽然只是个贫穷的报童,但他也曾受过好的家教。still意为“仍然”;already意为“已经”;just意为“只是;刚刚”;also意为“也”,故选C项。

  14.A.taught B.handed

  C.awarded D.allowed

  答案:A 句意见第13题。teach意为“教导;教授”;hand意为“传递;交给”;award意为“授予”;allow意为“允许;给予”,故选A项。

  15.A.at once B.by chance

  C.as usual D.on purpose

  答案:C 第二天下午詹森像往常一样去办公室领报纸。at once意为“马上;立刻”;by chance意为“偶然;碰巧”;as usual意为“像往常一样”;on purpose意为“故意地”,故选C项。

  16.A.proud B.gentle

  C.warm D.polite

  答案:A 根据空格后的that he sold six dozen the day before可知,前一天查德卖了72份报纸,故他是骄傲地笑着宣布自己的销售业绩,故选A项。

  17.A.borrowed B.lost

  C.made D.saved

  答案:B 查德在炫耀自己的业绩的同时还补充说到詹森因不愿撒谎而没能赚到钱。borrow意为“借”;lose意为“失去;遗失”;make意为“赚钱”;save意为“节省”,故选B项。

  18.A.laughed B.shouted

  C.nodded D.stared

  答案:A 根据前句可知,查德用其突出的销售业绩反衬詹森因不愿撒谎而业绩差,使得其他的孩子觉得詹森太傻而嘲笑他。laugh at意为“嘲笑”;shout at意为“对……呼喊;大声说”;nod意为“点头”;stare at意为“凝视;注视”。故选A项。

  19.A.bravely B.gratefully

  C.fondly D.modestly

  答案:C 根据下文可知,这位绅士很欣赏詹森诚实的行为,并给了他一份报酬高的工作,故绅士在办公室遇到他时应该是温柔地拍拍他的肩膀。bravely意为“勇敢地”;gratefully意为“感激地”;fondly意为“温柔地”;modestly意为“谨慎地;适当地”,故选C项。

  20.A.duty B.business

  C.job D.method

  答案:C 词汇复现题。根据文章最后一段最后一句中的lost the sale of twenty papers及got a well­paid job,可知他开始了一份新工作,故选C项。



  My previous home had a stand of woods behind it and many animals in the backyard.That first year,I__1__feeding peanuts to the blue jays,then the squirrels.The squirrels had no__2__coming up right to me for them.As the months went by,the rabbits saw that I was no __3__ and didn't escape.When I threw carrot slices(薄片),they even came for a nibble(啃).Slowly they came to__4__me,and by the end of the year they were eating out of my hand.

  That second year,the rabbits__5__me,and one would even sit up for slices!While I was feeding them,I__6__that a groundhog who used to run away was now taking an __7__ interest in this food situation.I carefully extended a long __8__,with a keen eye on those teeth,and __9__,there were times I would have the groundhog sitting next to a rabbit,both munching(津津有味地咀嚼) on carrots.A few months later,while __10__,she would even turn her back to me.__11__when she was facing away,I reached out and __12__ scratched(搔)her back with my finger.She didn't move.

  By year three,the rabbits and the groundhog were back.The groundhog __13__ didn't have a problem with me scratching her back,and I got an idea.I'd always __14__,while slicing up carrots,that the end looked like a cap.__15__ one day,just to see what she would do,I gently __16__ one on top of the groundhog's head.Again,not a __17__.The next time,I had my camera ready to record what you see here,one of several dozen such pictures.__18__she had a slice to eat,she never __19__ the one on her head.It was a fair __20__—I got a pleasure,and she had yet another tasty treat.




  C.canceled D.suggested

  答案:B 下文的then意为“然后,接着”,由此可知该空是开始(start)做的事情,故选B项。avoid意为“避免”;cancel意为“取消”;suggest意为“建议”。

  2.A.business B.fun



  答案:C 此句意为:松鼠毫无困难地走到我正前面吃它们。下文说随着几个月时间的流逝兔子们看出来作者不会给它们带来威胁,由此可推知松鼠吃了作者喂的花生,故选C项,have no problem doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“做某事没有困难”。business意为“商业;事情”;have no fun doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“做某事没兴趣/没意思”;privilege意为“特权,优惠”。





  答案:C 语境理解题。空后说到兔子没有逃跑,由此可推知它们明白作者对它们没有威胁。help意为“帮助”;cheat意为“欺骗;作弊”;threat意为“威胁”;exception意为“例外”。故选C项。





  答案:A 语境理解题。兔子从一开始的躲避,到慢慢地接近,甚至最后从作者手里吃东西,由此可知兔子已对作者深信不疑。trust意为“信任”;miss意为“想念;错过”;admire意为“钦佩,赞赏”;appreciate意为“欣赏;感谢”。故选A项。



  C.discovered D.remembered

  答案:D 语境理解题。过了一年后,还有兔子会直立起来吃萝卜片,可推知它们还记得作者,故选D项。fear意为“害怕”;ignore意为“不理睬,忽视”;discover意为“发现”。





  答案:C 语境理解题。根据空前的时间状语从句可知该动作发生在喂食兔子的同时,由此可推知C项符合语境。prove意为“证明”;decide意为“决定”;understand意为“理解”。

  7.A.extreme B.increasing



  答案:B 语境理解题。此句意为:在我喂它们的同时,我注意到一只过去常常逃跑的土拨鼠现在正对这个喂食的情况越来越感兴趣。根据空前的过去进行时可知此处选increasing,意为“不断增长的”。extreme意为“极端的,极度的”;additional意为“附加的;额外的”;inspiring意为“鼓舞人心的”。





  答案:D 此句意为:我小心翼翼地伸出一根长萝卜……。上文说了作者在喂兔子吃萝卜,再结合下文的both munching(津津有味地咀嚼)on carrots,可推知选carrot,意为“萝卜”。squirrel意为“松鼠”;rabbit意为“兔子”;peanut意为“花生”。

  9.A.before long

  B.long ago

  C.over and over

  D.all over again

  答案:A 该空前后讲述的是土拨鼠和作者的关系之后的变化,故选A项,before long意为“不久后”。long ago意为“很久前”;over and over 意为“反复地,再三地”;all over again意为“重新,再次”。





  答案:A 语境理解题。根据上下文语境可知动物们和作者在一起时都在吃萝卜片,故可推知答案选A项。

  11.A.Next B.Once



  答案:B 语境理解题。上文说土拨鼠在吃东西的时候背对作者,下文讲的是作者在它转过脸去后曾做过的事情,故选B项,once意为“曾经,有一次”。next意为“接下来是”;soon意为“很快,不久”;lately意为“最近”。



  C.violently D.patiently

  答案:A 语境理解题。此句意为:有一次当她转过脸去,我伸出手小心翼翼地用我的手指搔她的后背。根据句意可知作者在试探土拨鼠会有什么反应,故动作应该是小心谨慎地,故选A项。suddenly意为“突然”;violently意为“暴力地”;patiently意为“耐心地”。



  C.just D.still

  答案:D 语境理解题。此处讲的是第三年发生的事情,空后说我搔她的背她没反应,和上文情况一样,没有变化,故选D项,still意为“依旧”。also意为“也”;thus意为“因此”;just意为“仅仅,正是”。

  14.A.thought B.doubted



  答案:A 此句意为:在我切萝卜时,我总是认为末端看起来像是一顶帽子。根据句意可知此处说的是作者在切萝卜时的感觉,故选A项。think意为“认为”;doubt意为“怀疑”;admit意为“承认;允许进入”;recognise意为“辨认出;认可”。





  答案:C 上文说萝卜末端像帽子,下文作者为了看看土拨鼠的反应,把萝卜片放在她头上,由此可知空前后句子为因果关系,故选C项。while意为“尽管;当……时”;or意为“或者;否则”;for意为“因为”,常用于逗号后。





  答案:B 从下文可知作者给土拨鼠戴了一顶“萝卜帽”,由空前的副词gently(轻轻地)可推知选B项,place意为“放置”;fix意为“固定;安装”;hang意为“悬挂”;keep意为“保持”。





  答案:B 上文说到第一次搔她的背她没动,第二次也没反应,由此可推知这一次试探的结果也是没有动,故选B项。tremble意为“颤抖”;delay意为“耽搁,延误”;hesitation意为“犹豫”。

  18.A.Even if

  B.Ever since

  C.As far as

  D.So long as

  答案:D 此句意为:只要她有一片萝卜吃,她绝不会费劲地要她头上那片。根据上下文语境可知此处应填引导条件状语从句的从属连词,故选D项。so long as意为“只要”;even if意为“即使”;ever since意为“自从那时起”;as far as“远至;就……而言”。

  19.A.welcomed B.required

  C.bothered D.expected

  答案:C 上下文说到作者让土拨鼠头顶萝卜配合他拍照,由最后一句可以看出他们合作成功,由此可知土拨鼠没有试图费劲地把头上的萝卜吃掉,故选C项。welcome意为“欢迎”;require意为“要求”;bother意为“费劲,麻烦”;expect意为“期待”。



  C.task D.affair

  答案:A 空后说“我得到了快乐,她也有了另一次美味犒赏”,也就是这件事让作者和土拨鼠都受益,故选A项,意为“一场公平的交易”。competition意为“比赛,竞争”;task意为“任务”;affair意为“事务,事情”。



  I was required to read one of Bernie Siegel's books in college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on.The stories of his unconventional__1__and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so__2__to me and had such a big__3__on how I saw life from then on.Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDs again to__4__my own cancer experience?

  I'm an ambitious__5__,and when I started going through chemo(化疗),even though I'm a very __6__person,I lost my drive to write.I was just too tired and not in the __7__.One day,while waiting to go in for__8__,I had one of Dr.Bernie's books in my hand.Another patient__9__what I was reading and struck up a conversation with me__10__he had one of his books with him as well.It __11__that among other things,he was an eighty­year­old writer.He was__12__a published author,and he was currently__13__on a new book.

  We would see each other at various times and __14__friends.Sometimes he wore a duck hat,and I would tell myself,he was definitely a(n)__15__of Dr.Bernie.He really put a__16__on my face.He unfortunately__17__last year due to his cancer,__18__he left a deep impression on me and gave me the __19__to pick up my pen again.I__20__to myself,“If he can do it,then so can I.”


  1.A.tastes B.ideas

  C.notes D.memories

  答案:B taste意为“味道;品味”;idea意为“观念,想法,思想”;note意为“注释,说明”;memory意为“记忆”。根据第一段第一句中的was hooked on his positivity可知“我”被他的积极思想所吸引,故选B项。

  2.A.amazing B.shocking

  C.amusing D.strange

  答案:A amazing意为“令人惊讶的”;shocking意为“令人震惊的,骇人听闻的”;amusing意为“有趣的,使人发笑的”;strange意为“奇怪的”。根据第一段第一句可知作者在大学时代就对伯尼·西格尔的书着迷了,再结合空前的程度副词so和空后的such可推断此处表示令“我”惊讶,故选A项。

  3.A.strike B.push

  C.challenge D.impact

  答案:D 根据语境可知此处表示“从此对我如何看待生活产生了巨大的影响”,have a big impact on...意为“对……产生很大的影响”,故选D项。

  4.A.learn from B.go over

  C.get through D.refer to

  答案:C 背景常识题。learn from意为“向……学习”;go over意为“复习;重新检查”;get through意为“接通电话;度过,熬过(困难时期等)”;refer to意为“参考”。根据第二段第三句末...I had one of Dr.Bernie's books in my hand.可知此处表示这么多年后,“我”会重新读他的书和CD来帮助“我”度过癌症的困难时期,故选C项。

  5.A.reader B.writer

  C.editor D.doctor

  答案:B 根据此句...I lost my drive to write.中的write可知此处表示“我”是一位作家,故选B项。

  6.A.positive B.agreeable

  C.humorous D.honest

  答案:A positive意为“积极的,乐观的”;agreeable意为“欣然同意的;令人愉快的;一致的,符合的”;humorous意为“幽默的”;honest意为“诚实的”。根据此空前even though引导让步状语从句可知。此处表示“尽管我是一个非常乐观的人,我仍然失去了写作的动力”,故选A项。

  7.A.mood B.position

  C.state D.way

  答案:A 根据空前的信息提示...just too tired...可推断此处表示“我”没有“兴致”,in the mood意为“兴致勃勃”,是固定短语,故选A项。

  8.A.advice B.reference

  C.protection D.treatment

  答案:D advice意为“建议”;reference意为“参考;涉及”;protection意为“保护,防卫”;treatment意为“治疗;对待”。根据此段第一句中的信息提示...and when I started going through chemo可推断此处选D项。

  9.A.viewed B.knew

  C.noticed D.wondered

  答案:C 句意为:另一个病人注意到了我读的书,和我聊了起来,因为他也有一本伯尼·西格尔的书。view意为“看待;考虑”;know意为“知道”;notice意为“注意到,留心”;wonder意为“想知道”。根据此空后的what I was reading...可推断他“注意到”“我”读的书,故选C项。

  10.A.while B.because

  C.although D.providing

  答案:B 根据此空前的struck up a conversation with me和本句末的aswell可推断此处是因果关系,故用because引导原因状语从句,故选B项。

  11.A.came out B.worked out

  C.proved out D.turned out

  答案:D 句意为:原来除了别的之外,他还是一位80岁的作家。comeout意为“出版,发行;(事实)暴露,显露”;work out意为“计算出;锻炼”;prove意为“证明是,结果是”,无prove out结构;turn out意为“原来是,最后是,结果是”。根据语境可知D项正确。

  12.A.naturally B.merely

  C.hopefully D.actually

  答案:D 句意为:事实上,他是一位已经发表过作品的作家,而且目前他正着手写一本新书。naturally意为“自然地”;merely意为“仅仅,只不过”;hopefully意为“有希望地,有前途地”;actually意为“实际上,事实上”。根据此空后的a published author和on a new book可推断选D项。

  13.A.deciding B.investing

  C.working D.relying

  答案:C decide on意为“决定,选定”;invest意为“投资”,无invest on结构;work on意为“从事于”;rely on意为“依靠,依赖”。根据语境和搭配可知此处表示他目前正着手写一本新书,故选C项。

  14.A.became B.helped

  C.missed D.visited

  答案:A 背景常识题。句意为:我们常常在不同的时间相见,并成为了朋友。根据前半句We would see each other at various times...可推断两人慢慢成了朋友,故此处选A项。

  15.A.patient B.operator

  C.fan D.publisher

  答案:C 背景常识题。patient意为“病人”;operator意为“操作员”;fan意为“迷,爱好者”;publisher意为“出版者,出版商”。上文中提到这位老人因为看到“我”拿着伯尼·西格尔的书而开始与“我”交谈,并且老人自己也有伯尼·西格尔的书,由此可知老人很喜欢伯尼·西格尔,故选C项。

  16.A.sign B.smile

  C.mark D.mask

  答案:B 根据上文可知他80岁仍然在创作,也喜欢伯尼·西格尔的作品,肯定对生活也是乐观积极的,故此处可推断他给“我”带来了很多的“笑容”。故选B项。

  17.A.showed up B.set off

  C.fell down D.passed away

  答案:D show up意为“(使)变得明显;(使)显现出来”;set off意为“动身;引爆(炸弹);触发,激起”;fall down意为“有不足;失败”;pass away意为“去世,逝世”。根据此空前的unfortunately和空后的due to his cancer可知他不幸“去世了”。故选D项。

  18.A.since B.but

  C.so D.for

  答案:B 根据空后的he left a deep impression on me and gave me the...可知前后两个分句间是转折关系,即虽然他因为癌症不幸去世了,但是却给“我”留下了很深的印象,故选B项。

  19.A.guidance B.trust

  C.opportunity D.inspiration

  答案:D guidance意为“指引,引导”;trust意为“信任,信赖”;opportunity意为“机会”;inspiration意为“鼓舞;灵感”。根据此空后的pick up my pen again可推断此处表示“他激励我重新拿起笔写作”,故选D项。

  20.A.promised B.swore

  C.thought D.replied

  答案:C 根据此空后的“If he can do it, then so can I.”可推断此处表示我内心的想法,think to oneself意为“盘算,心里想”,为固定结构,符合语境。故选C项。



  My fiancé(未婚夫)and I were excited about shopping for our first home.But our funds were __1__,and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory.

  One agent __2__a house in particular.Although her description sounded wonderful,the price was __3__our range,so we declined.But she kept urging us to have a look __4__.

  We finally did and it was __5__at first sight.It was Our Home,small and charming,overlooking a quiet lake.Walking through the rooms and talking with the owners,a nice elderly couple,we felt the warmth and __6__ of the marriage within that home.As perfect as it was,the price remained too high for us.But every day,we would sit by the lake,looking at the house and dreaming of __7__it would be like to live there.

  Days later,we made a(n) __8__—far below the asking price.Surprisingly,they didn't __9__us.They renewed their offer __10__.It was also much more than we could afford,but far __11__than the original asking price.

  The next day,we got a __12__message that another buyer had offered a much higher price.Even so,we decided to talk with the __13__ directly.We made our final offer,which __14__was thousands of dollars less than the other buyer's bid.We knew it,__15__ we had to try.

  “Sold!” said the owner.Then he __16__:He'd seen us sitting by the lake all those times;he knew how much we loved the place and that we'd __17__the years of work they had put into their home;he realized he would take a __18__by selling it to us,but it was worthwhile;we were the people they wanted to live there.He told us to consider the __19__in the price “an early wedding present”.

  That's how we found our home and how I learned that when people are __20__,they are not strangers, only friends we haven't yet met.


  1.A.needed B.limited

  C.enough D.large

  答案:B 根据第三段中的...the price remained too high for us.可知夫妇二人资金有限,limited意为“有限的;被限制的”,符合语境。needed意为“被需要的”;enough意为“足够的;充分的”;large意为“大的”,均不符合语境。

  2.A.recommended B.decorated

  C.sold D.rented

  答案:A recommend意为“推荐”;decorate意为“装修”;sell意为“销售”;rent意为“租赁”。根据下文she kept urging us to have a look可知这位房产经纪人是给“我们”推荐房子,故选A项。

  3.A.below B.within

  C.beyond D.between

  答案:C 上文提到作者夫妇资金受限,这里说房产经纪人对房子的描述听起来很不错,但空后提到so we declined,可知此价格超出了作者的承受范围,故用beyond,意为“超出”。

  4.A.at least B.at most

  C.at times D.at hand

  答案:A 句意为:不过她劝我们至少看一看。at least意为“至少”;at most意为“至多”;at times意为“不时;偶尔”;at hand意为“在手边;即将到来”。只有A项符合语境逻辑。

  5.A.relief B.concern

  C.love D.curiosity

  答案:C 根据该句后面Our Home以及charming等描述可知作者夫妇一眼就喜欢上了这套房子,故选C项。relief意为“缓解;解脱”,concern意为“关心;关注”,curiosity意为“好奇心”,均不符合语境。

  6.A.pride B.happiness

  C.challenge D.desire

  答案:B 根据上文的描述可知作者对房子非常满意,设空处所填词应与and前的并列成分warmth的感情色彩一致,故选happiness。pride意为“自豪”,challenge意为“挑战”,desire意为“渴望”,均不符合语境。

  7.A.which B.why

  C.that D.what

  答案:D 分析句子结构可知,dreaming of后的宾语从句中介词like后缺宾语,故此处用连接代词what引导宾语从句。句意为:但是我们每天都会坐在湖边,看着这套房子,梦想着我们住在那里会是什么样子。

  8.A.effort B.offer

  C.promise D.profit

  答案:B 根据破折号后面的far below the asking price可知作者夫妇给出了报价。make an offer是固定搭配,意为“出价”。

  9.A.come across B.look after

  C.depend on D.laugh at

  答案:D 由上文可知作者夫妇出价很低,根据surprisingly以及下文的They renewed their offer...可知,这对老夫妇并没有因为作者夫妇出价低而嘲笑(laugh at)他们,而是重新定了房价。come across意为“偶然碰到”,look after意为“照顾,照料”,depend on意为“依靠,依赖”,均不符合语境。

  10.A.instead B.indeed

  C.aside D.apart

  答案:A 上文提到老夫妇没有嘲笑作者夫妇的价格,而是重新要价,可知此处的副词表示转折的意义,故用instead,意为“反之;而是”。

  11.A.worse B.better

  C.less D.higher

  答案:C 背景常识题。根据转折连词but可知第二次的要价比第一次低很多,故选C项。句意为:这个价格仍然远远超出我们能够负担得起的价位,但是它远远低于最初的要价。

  12.A.relaxing B.disappointing

  C.pleasant D.regular

  答案:B 根据message的同位语从句that another buyer had offered a much higher price可知有人出价比作者夫妇高得多,对于他们来说,这当然是一个令人失望的(disappointing)消息,故选B项。relaxing意为“令人放松的”,pleasant意为“令人愉快的”,regular意为“有规律的”,均不符合句意。

  13.A.agents B.buyers

  C.managers D.owners

  答案:D 根据下文“Sold!” said the owner.可知作者夫妇是与房主直接谈的,故选D项。

  14.A.already B.still

  C.generally D.ever

  答案:B 根据设空处后面的thousands of dollars less than the other buyer'sbid可知作者夫妇的最终报价仍然比另一位买主的出价少,故用still,表示强调。

  15.A.so B.or

  C.for D.but

  答案:D 背景常识题。设空处前后两个分句之间是转折关系,故用转折连词but。

  16.A.apologized B.complained

  C.criticized D.explained

  答案:D 根据冒号后面房主说的一系列内容可知,房主在“成交”后向作者夫妇说明了他之所以这样做的原因。explain意为“解释”,符合语境。apologize意为“道歉”,complain意为“抱怨”,criticize意为“批评”,均不符合语境。

  17.A.check B.analyze

  C.appreciate D.ignore

  答案:C 句意为:……他知道我们有多爱这个地方,他知道我们会感激(appreciate)他们这些年为这所房子的付出。check意为“检查”,analyze意为“分析”,ignore意为“忽略”,均不符合语境。

  18.A.loss B.risk

  C.chance D.lead

  答案:A 因为房子是低价卖给作者的,所以说是一个损失(loss)。risk意为“风险”,chance意为“机会”,lead意为“引导”,均不符合语境。

  19.A.increase B.difference

  C.interest D.average

  答案:B 句意为:他告诉我们就把价格的差异看成是提前送给我们的结婚礼物吧。根据上文内容可知房价的变化是“减少”,或者说是“不同”,但不是增加(increase)。interest意为“利润;兴趣”,average意为“平均水平”,均不符合语境。

  20.A.kind B.polite

  C.smart D.energetic

  答案:A 根据空格后面的they are not strangers,only friends we haven't yet met以及上文中对于房东夫妇的描述,可知这类人应该用kind(好心的;善良的)形容。而polite(礼貌的),smart(聪明的)与energetic(精力充沛的)均不适合。



  A Welcome Gift

  Dario and his mother loved their new apartment.The living room was large enough for their piano.That night, the two of them__1__side by side at the piano.They played jazz music to celebrate their new home.The loud__2__filled the room and made them feel very happy.

  The next morning,__3__, their happiness disappeared.Someone had left a__4__under their door during the night.One of their neighbors had written to complain(抱怨) about the sound of the piano.Dario's mother asked the building superintendent(管理员) if he knew anything about it.But he said that they were all__5__people and he couldn't imagine any of them had done that.Later that morning, Dario suggested that they write a letter to their__6__and apologize for their playing.

  “Maybe we could go and__7__everyone in person.” his mother said.

  “What if we invited them to come here for a__8__instead?” Dario asked.

  They both loved the__9__.Over the next few days, they sent out invitations and prepared desserts__10__ their guests.They decorated the apartment with streamers(彩带) and party lights.

  Finally, the day of the party__11__.Some guests brought presents.Others brought flowers.Some even brought desserts to__12__.One woman, Mrs.Gilbert,__13__Dario's mother with a book of piano music by Chopin.

  “I heard you playing the other night,” she said.“The sounds woke me out of bed.I__14__ that you might play like this every night.So I wrote a short note.I hope you don't think I disliked the playing.”

  Dario's mother smiled at Mrs.Gilbert.“I think maybe we__15__you an apology,” she said.“I didn't__16__how late it was when we were playing.Maybe we should play some quieter music at night.”

  “You play, you play!” Mrs.Gilbert said.“I like what you play! Just not so loud at night.” She pointed to the book she had given them.“These songs are not such__17__music.”

  “These songs are beautiful music,” Dario's mother said.“We will be__18__to play them in the evening.”

  “And we won't play so loud or late!” Dario said.He was already looking forward to__19__the new music.More than that, however, he was happy to see the big smile on his mother's face.It gave him a feeling of__20__and made him feel that they were home at last.


  1.A.sat B.stood

  C.lay D.walked

  答案:A 句意为:那天晚上,母子俩并排坐在钢琴前。下文说到他们弹奏音乐,结合常识此处应该是坐(sat)在钢琴旁。stand意为“站立”,lie意为“躺;位于”,walk意为“行走”,均不符合语境。

  2.A.voice B.ring

  C.music D.cry

  答案:C 由前句他们弹奏爵士乐可知,此处是说高声的音乐(music)充满整个房间。voice意为“说话声”,ring意为“铃声;钟声”,cry意为“哭声;叫喊”,均不符合语境。

  3.A.therefore B.however

  C.otherwise D.instead

  答案:B 逻辑推理题。根据空后的their happiness disappeared与前段中的made them feel very happy可知,上下文之间是转折关系,故选however,意为“然而,但是”。therefore意为“因此,所以”;otherwise


  4.A.note B.poster

  C.bill D.report

  答案:A 根据第七段中So I wrote a short note.可知此处应选note,为原词复现。poster意为“海报;招贴画”,bill意为“账单”,report意为“报道;报告”,均与文意不符。

  5.A.proud B.rich

  C.lucky D.nice

  答案:D 逻辑推理题。根据空前的but和空后的he couldn't imagine any of them had done that可知,管理员认为邻居们都是友善的人。proud意为“骄傲的”;rich意为“富有的”;lucky意为“幸运的”;nice意为“友善的”。根据语境可知应选D项。

  6.A.neighbors B.friends

  C.relatives D.audiences

  答案:A 上文提到是有一个邻居抱怨他们,此处应是儿子建议给邻居们(neighbors)写道歉信。friend意为“朋友”,relative意为“亲戚”,audience意为“听众;观众”,均不符合语境。

  7.A.blame B.instruct

  C.question D.visit

  答案:D 此句意为:也许我们可以亲自去拜访每一个人。blame意为“责备”;instruct意为“教导,指导”;question意为“质疑;询问”;visit意为“拜访”。根据语境可知应选D项。

  8.A.party B.concert

  C.show D.play

  答案:A 此句意为:相反地,我们邀请他们来这儿参加聚会,怎么样?由下文中的party lights以及Finally,the day of the party...可知应选A项。

  9.A.experience B.idea

  C.performance D.action

  答案:B 上文提到达里奥提出办一个聚会,由下文可知,他们确实办了聚会,故此处是说他们都喜欢这个主意。experience意为“经历;经验”;idea意为“想法,主意”;performance意为“表演;表现”;action意为“行为;行动”。根据上下文语境可知应选B项。

  10.A.to B.with

  C.for D.from

  答案:C 此句意为:在接下来的几天里,他们发了请柬并为客人准备了甜点。prepare...for...意为“为……准备……”,for在此处表示对象。

  11.A.continued B.arrived

  C.passed D.finished

  答案:B 逻辑推理题。此句意为:终于,聚会的这天到了。由finally和下文内容可知,此处是说他们准备的聚会到来了(arrived)。continue意为“继续”;pass意为“经过;过去”,finish意为“完成”,均不符合语境。

  12.A.order B.sell

  C.share D.advertise

  答案:C 客人们带甜点来参加聚会,应该是为了分享(share),而不是为了售卖(sell)和做广告(advertise),更与订购(order)无关。故选C项。

  13.A.treated B.presented

  C.helped D.served

  答案:B 此句意为:吉尔伯特夫人赠给达里奥的妈妈一本肖邦的钢琴音乐书。present sb. with sth.意为“赠送某人某物”,为固定搭配,故选B项。treat sb. with sth.意为“用某物招待某人”,help sb. with

  sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”,serve sb.(with)sth.意为“用某物招待某人”,均与文意不符。

  14.A.promised B.admitted

  C.agreed D.worried

  答案:D 逻辑推理题。由上文“钢琴声把我吵醒了”可知,此处是指吉尔伯特夫人是担心(worried)他们会每天晚上这样弹奏。promise意为“承诺;答应”;admit意为“承认”;agree意为“同意”。

  15.A.give B.send

  C.offer D.owe

  答案:D 逻辑推理题。根据上文可知母子俩想要向邻居道歉,可知此处表示欠邻居一个道歉。owe sb.sth.是固定搭配,意为“欠某人某物”。

  16.A.realize B.remember

  C.understand D.accept

  答案:A 此句意为:我没有意识到我们弹钢琴的时候是那么晚了。realize意为“认识到;意识到”,符合语境。remember意为“记得”;understand意为“理解;懂得”;accept意为“接受”。

  17.A.sweet B.strange

  C.funny D.loud

  答案:D 根据上文的Just not so loud at night.可知,此处吉尔伯特夫人是说这些歌曲不太吵。故选loud。



  C.happy D.afraid

  答案:C 逻辑推理题。由前面提到的beautiful music可知,达里奥的妈妈是说将会很高兴(happy)能在晚上演奏这些音乐。

  19.A.changing B.practicing



  答案:B 此句意为:他已经期待着能练习这些新乐曲了。结合语境可知,拿到新的音乐书,达里奥当然想要练习或者演奏了。practice意为“练习;实践”,符合语境。

  20.A.equality B.freedom

  C.warmth D.sympathy

  答案:C 逻辑推理题。根据空后的...made him feel that they were home atlast。可知,此处是说达里奥感到温暖。equality意为“平等”;



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