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2016届高考英语二轮精品课件:第1部分 语法填空 专题2 无提示词类试题

发布时间:2017-01-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  答案及剖析: 41.being 考查非谓语动词的用法。根据语境可知,此处应该填动词-ing形式,作介词about的宾语。  42.and 考查连词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填并列连词and,连接两个并列的分句。 

  43.disappointed 考查派生词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填提示词的形容词形式disappointed,和形容词anxious一起在句中作表语。  44.to 考查介词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填介词to。next to意思是“与……相邻”。

  45.caught 考查谓语动词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处应该填谓语动词,根据语境用一般过去时。 46.to stop 考查非谓语动词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填动词不定式形式,作动词refuse的宾语。  47.riding 考查非谓语动词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填动词-ing形式,作动词kept的宾语。keep doing sth.意思是“继续做某事”。

  48.Did 考查助动词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填助动词did。 49.me/mine 考查代词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填人称代词me或名词性物主代词mine。 

  50.suddenly 考查派生词的用法。根据语境可知,此处应该填提示词的副词形式,在句中作状语。 对点训练 Passage 1 (2015晋中高三一模)


  Young people and old people do not always agree with each other.They sometimes have different 1. (idea) about life,work and play.But in one special program in New York State,the adults and the teenagers live 2. peace.Each summer,200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group.Everyone 3. . (work) for several hours each day.Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farm near the villages.Some learn 4. (make) furniture and to build houses.The adults teach them these skills. 

  Everyone has several free hours every day and is 5. (complete) free on weekends,too.During the free hours some teenagers enjoy photography or 6. (paint). Others sit around and just talk and sing. 

  It is necessary to make rules 7. people live together.In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together.When someone breaks the rules,8. . group will discuss the problem.They will ask the questions like “Why did it happen?”

  9. “What should we do about it?” 

  After the program,one of the teenagers said,“This program has taught me that I should stop thinking only about 10. (me).I began to think about the whole group.” 

  答案及剖析: 1.ideas 考查名词复数的用法。根据语境可知,此处填提示词的复数形式ideas。 2.in 考查介词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填介词in。in peace意思是“和平地”。 3.works 考查谓语动词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填谓语动词,根据语境用一般现在时第三人称单数形式,所以填works。 4.to make 考查非谓语动词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个非谓语动词,和后面的to build houses一起,作动词learn的宾语,所以填动词不定式to make。 5.completely 考查派生词的用法。根据语境可知,此处需要填一个副词,修饰形容词free,在句中作状语,所以填completely。 6.painting 考查派生词的用法。根据语境可知,此处需要填动词-ing形式,和photography一起,作动词enjoy的宾语,所以填painting,意思是“绘画”。 7.when/if 考查连词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个连词,引导状语从句,根据语境填连词when/if。 8.the 考查冠词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填定冠词the。 9.and 考查连词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个连词,连接介词like的两个宾语,根据语境填并列连词and。 10.myself 考查代词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处在句中作宾语,根据语境填提示词me的反身代词myself。 Passage 2 (2015山西高考考前质量检测二)


  Man has been on the earth for about one million years.He 1. (manage) to live on every part of the planet,even though some climates have made life difficult.It is thought that 2. (different) in skin color are the result of climatic

  3. (adapt).For example,people with skin colors of yellow,red,and olive, generally come from areas 4. they have had to adapt to other climates.Man’s size also seems to 5. (various) according to climate.People living in colder regions are generally 6. (large) than those living in hotter ones.This difference might be explained 7. the fact that big people have less skin compared to weight than do small people.The less skin a person has relative to his weight,the easier 8. is for him to keep warm.As part of the natural environment,climate greatly affects human activities.Climate has a significant

  9. on agriculture.Climatic factors restrict the kinds of crops that can be grown.Man changes his living habits in order to adjust to climate,but climate

  10. (change) as well,though more slowly.By learning more about his climate,man will find a way to adapt to or control it and live a more comfortable life. 答案及剖析: 1.has managed 考查谓语动词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填谓语动词,根据语境用现在完成时,所以填has managed。 2.differences 考查形容词比较级及主谓一致的用法。分析句子成分可知,此处需要填一个名词,在主语从句中作主语,根据从句谓语动词are可知用复数形式,所以填differences。 3.adaptation 考查派生词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填提示词的名词形式adaptation,作介词of的宾语。 4.where 考查关系副词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个关系词,引导定语从句,修饰先行词areas,根据语境填关系副词where。 5.vary 考查派生词的用法。根据语境可知,此处需要填一个动词,构成动词不定式,所以填提示词的动词形式vary。 6.larger 考查形容词比较级的用法。根据后面的than及语境可知,填提示词的比较级形式。 7.by 考查介词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填介词by,用于被动语态中,引出动作的发出者。 8.it 考查代词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填代词it,在句中作形式主语,构成固定句型It is+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.。 9.effect/influence 考查名词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填名词effect/influence,构成短语“have a/an +adj.+ effect/influence on”,表示“对……有……的影响”。 10.changes 考查谓语动词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处应该填谓语动词,根据语境用一般现在时第三人称单数形式,所以填changes。 Passage 3 (2015唐山二模)


  St.Patrick’s Day is one of those 1. (wonder) days in our kindergarten.Every year on March 17,a leprechaun (妖精)visits my classroom! He is a clever little character,and we have never been able to catch him. 

  This morning,we 2. (greet) with tiny,green leprechaun footprints all over the classroom.The innocence and the magic of kindergarten came out on a day like this! None of the children raised the doubt about 3. the leprechaun was real or not.Their faces were filled with wonder as they questioned how 4. had got into our classroom.They created little traps 5. (hope) to catch him during the day—even leaving one in our bathroom so that if he should appear again over night,he might just get 6. (catch) in our trap! 

  For the afternoon tea break,we had some delicious green vegetables and fruits and every child made 7. beautiful green card with wishes written on it.My favorite wish of all was the one made by Jacob,8. said,“I wish everyone was nice to each other.” Another one I liked very much was “I wish this was going to be the 9. (good) day of my life.” 

  The smiles 10. their faces as they left school this afternoon proved that it just may have been!!  答案及剖析: 1.wonderful 考查派生词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填提示词的形容词形式wonderful,作定语,修饰名词days。 2.were greeted 考查谓语动词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填谓语动词,根据语境用一般过去时的被动语态,所以填were greeted。 3.whether 考查连接词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个连接词,引导名词性从句,作介词about的宾语,根据语境用whether。 4.he 考查代词的用法。分析句子结构可知,how引导的宾语从句缺主语,根据语境填he,指代the leprechaun。 5.hoping 考查非谓语动词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个非谓语动词,根据语境用动词-ing形式,作伴随状语,所以填hoping。 6.caught 考查非谓语动词的用法。根据语境可知,此处需要填过去分词,作get的表语,所以填caught。 7.a 考查冠词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填不定冠词a。 8.which 考查关系词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个关系词,引导非限制性定语从句,根据语境填关系代词which。 9.best 考查形容词最高级的用法。根据语境可知,此处需要填提示词的最高级形式best。 10.on 考查介词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填介词on。 Passage 4 (2015山西高考考前质量检测一)


  As a man was passing some elephants,he suddenly stopped,confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope 1. (tie) to their front leg.No chains,no cages.2. was obvious that the elephants could,at any time,break 3. from their bonds but for some reason,they did not. 

  He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt 4. (get) away.“Well,”5. trainer said,“when they were very young and much 6. (small),we used the same size rope to tie them and,at that age,it was enough to hold them.As they grow up,they are conditioned to believe the rope 7. still hold them,so they never try to run free.” 

  The man was amazed.These animals could at any time escape from their bonds but

  8. they believed they couldn’t,they were stuck right where they were. 

  Like the elephants,how many of us go through life 9. (hang) onto a belief that we cannot do something,10. (simple) because we failed in it once before? Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.  答案及剖析: 1.tied 考查非谓语动词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处应该填一个非谓语动词,根据语境用过去分词,构成过去分词短语,表被动,在句中作后置定语。 2.It 考查代词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填代词it,作形式主语。 3.away/free 考查副词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填副词away/free,构成短语break away/free from,意思是“摆脱”。 4.to get 考查非谓语动词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填动词不定式,构成短语make no attempt to do sth.,意思是“不试图做某事”。 5.the 考查冠词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填定冠词the。 6.smaller 考查形容词比较级的用法。根据语境可知,此处填提示词的比较级形式smaller。 7.can 考查情态动词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填情态动词can,意思是“能够”。 8.because 考查连词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填连词because,引导原因状语从句。 9.hanging 考查非谓语动词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个非谓语动词,根据语境用动词-ing形式,表主动。 10.simply 考查派生词的用法。根据语境可知,此处需要填一个副词,作状语,所以填提示词的副词形式simply,意思是“只是,仅仅”。 【典例5】 Few people would even think of beginning a new job at the age of 76, one of America’s most famous artists just did so.  答案及剖析:but 根据句意可知两个分句之间是转折关系,所以填表示转折的并列连词but。 【典例6】 I finally succeeded not by luck through hard work.  答案及剖析:but 此处考查not...but...的用法,表示“不是……而是……”。 【典例7】 I have to catch the first bus tomorrow, I will go to bed early.  答案及剖析:so “我明天得赶首班车”与“我将早点上床睡觉”之间是因果关系,所以填so。 名师在线

  解答这类题目,关键是根据语境判断前后句子之间的关系,根据这种关系选择合适的连词。不同的并列连词有不同的意义,也折射出各个分句之间的不同逻辑关系。根据所表示的不同关系,并列连词可以分为以下几种: (1)表示递进关系的并列连词

  表示递进关系的并列连词有and,not only...but also...,neither


  要对前一句子作补充或引申,包括肯定和否定两方面的意义。 (2)表示选择关系的并列连词

  表示选择关系的并列连词有or,either...or...等。 (3)表示转折或对比关系的并列连词

  表示转折或对比关系的并列连词有but,yet,whereas,while等。 (4)表示因果关系的并列连词

  表示因果关系的并列连词有so,for等。 考点八 状语从句 【典例1】 I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table I went to answer the phone.(2016新课标全国样卷) 答案及剖析:when 根据语境可知,此处填连词when,引导时间状语从句。 【典例2】 The written examination,where all students are tested on the same questions,was probably not known the nineteenth century.  答案及剖析:until 此处考查not...until...句型,表示“直到……才……”。 【典例3】A small car is big enough for a family of three  .   you need more space for baggage.  答案及剖析:unless 根据语境可知,此处引导条件状语从句,表示“除非”,应该填连词unless。 【典例4】 If you work with a strong will,you will overcome any difficulty, great it is.  答案及剖析:however 根据句意并分析句子成分可知,此处引导让步状语从句,表示“无论多么”,在从句中修饰形容词great,因此填however。 【典例5】 The boys stared at the pot they wanted to eat it.  答案及剖析:as if/as though 此处引导方式状语从句,表示“好像”,应该用as if/as though。 名师在线 (1)引导时间状语从句的从属连词主要有when,while,as,whenever,before,after,since,

  until,till,as soon as,the moment,immediately,once,no sooner...than,hardly

  ...when,every time,each time,(the)next time,any time,(the) last time,the

  first time等。 (2)引导地点状语从句的从属连词主要有where,wherever,everywhere等。 (3)引导原因状语从句的从属连词主要有because,as,since,now (that)等。 (4)引导结果状语从句的从属连词主要有so that,so...that...,such...that...等。 (5)引导条件状语从句的从属连词主要有if,unless,as (so) long as,in case等。 (6)引导目的状语从句的从属连词主要有so that,in order that,in case。 (7)引导让步状语从句的从属连词主要有though,although,as,while,even if,even though,

  whether...or...,以及“疑问词+-ever”和“no matter+疑问词”等。 (8)引导方式状语从句的从属连词主要有as,as if,as though,the way等。 (9)引导比较状语从句的从属连词主要有as...as,not as/so...as,than,the more...

  the more等。 易混易错 一、“疑问词+-ever”与“no matter+疑问词”的区别

  “疑问词+ever”可以引导让步状语从句,还可以引导名词性从句;“no matter+疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句。 One can always manage to do more things,no matter how full one’s schedule is in life.一个人不论他生活中的日程表有多么满,他总是能设法做更多的事情。(no matter how引导让步状语从句) He knew the files could be of help to whoever took over the job. 他知道这些文件可能对接管这项工作的任何人都有帮助。(whoever引导名词性从句,作介词to的宾语,whoever在宾语从句中作主语) 【变式训练】 句型转换 1.You may give this to anyone who is in the office.

  →You may give this to is in the office.  2.Whoever is in the office,you may give it to him/her.

  → is in the office,you may give it to him/her.  答案:1.whoever  2.No matter who 二、such...as...与such...that...的区别

  such...as...中的as引导的是定语从句,而such...that...中的that引导的是结果状语从句。当as引导定语从句时,as 在从句中一般作主语、宾语或表语,也就是说as后面的句子实际上是不完整的。而that引导结果状语从句时,that在从句中不作任何成分,即从句是完整的。如: This is such a difficult problem as none of us can work out. 这是一个我们所有人都不能解决的难题。

  (从句中的work out缺少宾语,前面的as是关系代词,充当 work out的宾语。) This is such a difficult problem that none of us can work it out.这个问题很难,我们中无人能解决它。

  (从句是完整的句子,前面的that只起引导从句的作用,在从句中不作成分。) 【变式训练】 完成句子 1.我们有他们想看的有趣的故事书。

  We have got such interesting storybooks .

  .   2.我们有非常有趣的故事书,他们想看看。

  We have got such interesting storybooks .

  .  答案:1.as they want to read 2.that they want to read them 考点九 名词性从句

  名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 【典例1】As natural (nature) architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.(2015新课标全国Ⅱ) 答案及剖析:how 考查连接词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个连词,引导宾语从句,根据语境填连接副词how。 【典例2】One day,he came up with an idea he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches.  答案及剖析:that 分析句子结构可知,idea后面跟的应该是同位语从句,所填单词连接同位语从句,本身无意义,不作句子成分,所以填that。 【典例3】 In 1931,Jane Adams was awarded the Nobel Prize for

  she had done for society.  答案及剖析:what 分析句子结构可知,所填单词引导名词性从句作介词for的宾语,并在从句中作宾语,所以填连接代词what。 名师在线

  引导名词性从句的连接词有: (1)连词that,只起连接作用,没有任何意义,不作任何句子成分,在宾语从句

  中有时可以省略。 (2)连词whether有“是否”之意,但不作句子成分;引导宾语从句时还可用if。 (3)连接代词who,whom,whose,which,what等均有各自的意义,在从句中作主

  语、宾语、表语、定语等。 (4)连接副词when,where,why,how等,有意义,在从句中作状语。 (5)whoever,whatever,whichever等也可引导名词性从句,意为“无论/不

  管……”。 易混易错 一、whether和if的用法区别



  He asked if/whether we wanted a drink.


  He didn’t tell me if/whether he would come.


  注:若是引导条件状语从句,则只能用if意为“如果”。 2.通常用if的情况

  当引导一个否定的宾语从句时,通常用 if而不用 whether。如:

  I don’t care if it doesn’t rain.我不在乎天是否下雨。

  注:在个别词语 (如 wonder,not sure等)后的从句否定式有时也可能用


  I wonder if/whether he isn’t mistaken.

  我想知道他是否弄错了。 3.通常用whether的情况 (1)与or连用引导两个从句时。如:

  I don’t know whether he is wrong or she is wrong.


  注:若or后不是从句,而是词或短语,则也可用if (但不如用whether常见)。如:

  He didn’t know if/whether we should write or phone.

  他不知道我们是写信好还是打电话好。 (2)用于不定式之前时。如:

  I’m not sure whether to stay or leave.我不知是留还是去。

  I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.我真是哭笑不得。 (3)用于介词之后时。如:

  It depends on whether the letter arrives in time.


  They said nothing as to whether they intended to marry.

  他们没有提及他们是否打算结婚。 (4)直接与or not连用时。如:

  I will write to you whether or not I can come.


  注:若不是直接与 or not用在一起,则有时也可用 if。如:

  I don’t know whether/if he will win or not.

  我不知他是否能赢。 (5)在某些动词后(如 discuss等)通常只用 whether。如:

  We discussed whether we should hold a meeting.

  我们讨论了是否要开一个会。 【变式训练】 单句改错 1.If the new plan can be carried out will be discussed at the

  meeting tomorrow.

    2.I worry about if I hurt her feelings.  

    答案及剖析: 1.If→Whether 此处需要一个连词引导主语从句,用在句首,表示“是否”,应该用whether。 2.if→whether 此处需要一个连词引导宾语从句,放在介词后面,表示“是否”,应该用whether。 二、that与what的用法区别

  许多考生在学习复合句和特殊句式时,都会为that和what的选择而头疼,that一词非常活跃,在定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句和强调句中都有使用;而what常常引起干扰,因此,要想辨清that和what这两个词,就要注意: 1.定语从句的关系代词中没有what,因此要牢记what不会引导定语从句。


  ①The thought of going back home was all that kept him happy

  while he was working abroad.




  ②You can only be sure of what you have at present; you cannot

  be sure of something that you might get in the future.



  行词为something,关系代词that作get的宾语,that也可以省略)。 2.在名词性从句中同时存在,从其语法地位和意思上来辨别that和what。




  ①The mountain is no longer what it used to be.


  ②There is much chance that Bill will recover from his injury

  in time for the race.



  His plan was such a good one that we all agreed to accept it.

  It is what you do rather than what you say that matters. 【变式训练】 用that或what完成句子 1.But I still remember the story,believe it or not, we

  got lost on a rainy night.  2.I still remember the big names in the stories my

  mother told me when I was young.  3.A modern city has been set up in was a wasteland ten

  years ago.  答案及剖析: 1.that that引导同位语从句,解释说明story的内容。 2.that that引导定语从句,修饰名词stories,that在定语从句中作told的宾语。 3.what 考查名词性从句连接代词what的用法。句意:十年前是一片荒地的地方建起了一座现代化的城市。连接代词what引导一个宾语从句,作介词in的宾语,what在宾语从句中作主语。 考点十 定语从句

  定语从句就是在复合句中充当定语的从句,通常跟在所修饰的名词或代词后面。引导定语从句的关系代词有which,that,who,whom,whose,as,可以在从句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语等;关系副词有when,where,why等,在从句中作状语。 【典例1】I’d skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River are pictured by artists in so many Chinese paintings (painting).(2015新课标全国Ⅰ) 答案及剖析:that/which 考查关系代词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个关系代词,引导定语从句,根据语境填that/which。 【典例2】Maybe you have a habit is driving your family crazy.(2016新课标全国Ⅰ) 答案及剖析:which/that 考查关系词的用法。分析句子成分可知,此处引导定语从句,修饰先行词habit,填关系代词which/that在从句中作主语。 【典例3】 Jane paused in front of a counter some attractive ties were on display.  答案及剖析:where 分析句子结构可知,a counter是先行词,空格处引导定语从句并在从句中作地点状语,所以填关系副词where。 【典例4】 Behind him were other people to he was trying to talk.  答案及剖析:whom 此处是定语从句,先行词为other people,所以用关系代词whom作介词to的宾语。 【典例5】 was usual,he arrived at school just before class began.  答案及剖析:As 分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句的内容,放在句首,有“正如”的含义,所以填as。 名师在线

  关系词的选用关键是看关系词在定语从句中所作的成分:关系词在定语从句中作主语、宾语、表语,用关系代词;关系词在定语从句中作状语,用关系副词;关系词在定语从句中作定语,用关系代词whose或which。 (1)先行词是occasion(表示时间)常用when,先行词是occasion(表示地点),point,


  (2)关系副词when和where有时可用“介词+which”代替,why可用for which代替。 (3)以下情况只能用that引导定语从句:


  none,the one等时,或先行词被all,little,few,much,any,every,no等



  形容词最高级及the only,the very等修饰时。


  ④当主句是以who或which开头的疑问句,为了避免重复时。 (4)不能用that引导定语从句的情况:





  people,he 等时,只能用who。

  ④当先行词与关系代词之间有较复杂的短语或从句隔开时。 (5)在非限制性定语从句中,表示“部分与整体”的关系时,用...of

  which/whom 或者of which/whom...都可以。  (6)as引导的非限制性定语从句,指代主句内容时,可以放在句首,有“正


  放在句末,常译为“这”。 易混易错

  关系代词as与which的用法区别 1.as和which的相同点



  Tom has found a good job,as/which we all hope.



  The man was a teacher,as was evident from his way of



  He has made great progress,which makes us very happy.

  他进步了,这使得我们很高兴。 2.as与which的不同点

  (1)当先行词前面有so,such,the same等词修饰时,引导词通常只能用


  She is so nice a girl as we all like.


  It is such an interesting book as we all want to read.





  As is planned,we got there before eight.

  正如计划的那样,我们在8点前到达了那儿。 (3)as常用于一些固定结构以及被动结构中。如:

  as is well known/as we all know众所周知;

  as is said above正如上面所说;

  as might be imagined正像所想象的那样;

  as is reported如报道所说;

  as has been pointed如所指出的那样;

  as is expected正如所料;

  as is mentioned above正如上面所提到的;

  as is often the case正如往常的情况一样 (4)当非限制性定语从句的引导词前面有介词时,只能用which,而不可用


  He has a new computer,for which he paid nearly ten thousand






  He speaks English very fluently,which I can’t.

  他的英语说得非常流利,这我可不行。 (6)关系代词作定语修饰后面的名词时,一般只用which,而不用as。如:

  He suggested going swimming in the river,which idea we

  agreed with.

  他提议去河里游泳,我们就同意了他的想法。 【变式训练】 用which或as完成句子 1.Don’t talk about such things you are not sure about. 2.On my birthday I got a watch from my uncle, was made

  in Japan.  3. is known to all,the earth goes around the sun. 答案及剖析: 1.as 先行词things被such修饰,所以关系代词用as。 2.which 关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,指代名词watch。 3.As 非限制性定语从句放在句首,用关系代词as。 体验真题 Passage 1 (2015新课标全国Ⅱ)


  The adobe dwellings(土坯房)41. (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even 42. most modern of architects and engineers.In addition to their simple beauty,what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their 43. (able) to “air condition” a house without 44. (use) electric equipment.Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat 45. (slow) during cool nights,thus warming the house. When a new day breaks,the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough

  46. (cool) the house during the hot day;47. the same time,they warm up again for the night.This cycle 48. (go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset(抵消)for the outside temperatures.As 49. (nature) architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly 50. thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.   答案及剖析: 41.built 考查非谓语动词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个非谓语动词作后置定语,根据语境用过去分词,表被动,所以填built。 42.the 考查冠词的用法。形容词modern之前有most修饰,构成最高级,因此此空应该填定冠词the。 43.ability 考查派生词的用法。根据前面的物主代词their可知,此处应该填名词,所以填ability。 44.using 考查非谓语动词的用法。根据语境可知,此处用动词-ing形式,作介词without的宾语,所以填using。 45.slowly 考查派生词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处应该用副词,在句中作状语,所以填slowly。 46.to cool 考查非谓语动词的用法。根据语境可知,此处应该用动词不定式,构成“adj./adv.+enough to do”结构,所以填to cool。 47.at 考查介词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填介词at,构成短语at the same time,表示“同时”。 48.goes 考查时态。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填谓语动词,根据语境用一般现在时第三人称单数形式,所以填goes。 49.natural 考查派生词的用法。根据语境可知,此处需要填一个形容词作定语,所以填natural。 50.how 考查连接词的用法。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个连词,引导宾语从句,根据语境填连接副词how。 Passage 2 (2016新课标全国Ⅱ)


  One morning,I was waiting at the bus stop,worried about 41. (be) late for school.There were many people waiting at the bus stop,42. some of them looked very anxious and 43. (disappoint).When the bus finally came,we all hurried on board.I got a place next44. the window,so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike 45. (catch) my attention.He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver,but he refused 46. (stop) until we reached the next stop.Still,the boy kept 47. (ride).He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.Finally,when we came to the next stop,the boy ran up to the door of the bus.I heard an excited conversation.Then the driver stood up and asked,“48. anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted,“Oh,dear! It’s 49. (I)”.She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully.Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done,and the crowd of strangers 50. (sudden) became friendly to one another.  专题二 无提示词类试题 考点一 冠词  

  冠词是语法填空题的常考点,所以掌握冠词的用法显得尤为重要。 在语法填空题中,空格后的名词或者 “形容词+名词” 前没有形容词性物主代词、不定代词等限定词时很可能填冠词。 【典例1】The adobe dwellings(土坯房)built (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even most modern of architects and engineers.(2015新课标全国Ⅱ) 答案及剖析:the 考查冠词的用法。形容词modern之前有most修饰,构成最高级,因此此空应该填定冠词the。 【典例2】Now,years later,this river is one of most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.(2016新课标全国Ⅰ)  答案及剖析:the 根据语境可知,此处应该填定冠词the,用在形容词最高级之前。 【典例3】Besides,shopping at this time of the year was not

  pleasant experience.  答案及剖析:a 考查不定冠词表示泛指的用法。根据语境可知,句中experience表示“经历,体验”,为可数名词。句意:另外,在每年的这个时候购物不是一种愉快的经历。 【典例4】We had amazing conversation.  答案及剖析:an 考查不定冠词的用法。句意:我们进行了一次令人惊异的谈话。have a conversation为固定搭配。因为 amazing以元音音素开头,所以用an。 【典例5】A young man,while traveling through a desert,came across a spring of clear water.water was sweet.  答案及剖析:The 考查定冠词表示特指的用法。根据语境可知,后句中的water指上文提到的“泉水”,故填The。 【典例6】Don’t lose heart.Please have second try.  答案及剖析:a 根据语境“不要灰心,请再试一次。”可知,此处序数词second表示“再一,又一”,其前应填不定冠词a。 名师在线


  (1)翻译法:可译作“一个(本/座/杯……)”的,一般填a/an; 可 译作“这,这些,那些”的,一般填the。 (2)理解法:泛指填a/an,特指填the。 (3)观察法:若名词后有作定语的介词短语、不定式或从句,可能填 the。 考点二 名词 语法填空题有时考查根据语境填适当的名词,特别是固定搭配中的名词。 【典例1】 Unbelievable!Oh...,if you don’t mind,I’ll stop and take a deep .(2016辽宁)   答案及剖析:breath 根据语境可知,此处填名词breath,构成短语take a deep breath,意思是“深吸一口气”。 【典例2】Oh,dear.I really must be losing my .Now,why did I put on my coat?(2016新课标全国样卷)   答案及剖析:memory/mind 空格设在形容词性物主代词my之后,而及物动词losing缺少宾语,所以判断填名词;再根据语境确定填memory/mind,构成固定搭配lose one’s memory/mind,表示“丧失记忆力,脑子有毛病”。 【典例3】 Don’t make me laugh!I’m not working hard,I’m going to take of it and have relaxation for two weeks without the boss here!   答案及剖析:advantage 空格设在及物动词take后,根据语境可知填名词advantage,构成固定搭配take advantage of,意为“利用”。 名师在线 (1)根据名词的功能来判断是否需要填名词。

  名词在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语、同位语、宾语补足语等。 (2)根据语境来判断是否需要填名词。


  此判断空格处是否需要填名词。 (3)有时要求根据固定搭配填适当的名词。 (4)填名词时,一定要注意单复数及拼写。 考点三 介词

  语法填空题中,如果空格后是名词、代词、限定词或动词-ing形式,且它们不是在句中作主语,也不是作动词的宾语时,这个空格就很可能是填介词。这是因为: 1.介词必须要接宾语,其宾语可以是名词、代词、动词-ing形式或 what从句。 2.名词、代词或动词-ing形式在句中通常作主语、动词的宾语或介词的宾语。

  既然不作主语,也不作动词的宾语,就应该是作介词的宾语,所以填介词。 【典例1】For those who fly to Guilin,it’s only an hour away car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city. (2015新课标全国Ⅰ) 答案及剖析:by 考查介词的用法。根据语境可知,此处表示交通方式,所以填介词by。 【典例2】When a new day breaks,the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough to cool (cool) the house during the hot day; the same time,they warm up again for the night.(2015新课标全国Ⅱ)   答案及剖析:at 考查介词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填介词at,构成短语at the same time,表示“同时”。 【典例3】I got a place next the window,so I had a good view of the sidewalk.(2016新课标全国Ⅱ)   答案及剖析:to 考查介词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填介词to。next to意思是“与……相邻”。 【典例4】 Don’t laugh me.I may look funny.(2016辽宁) 答案及剖析:at 根据语境可知,此处构成短语laugh at,意思是“嘲笑”,填介词at。 【典例5】 But I didn’t like leaving himhis own either.  答案及剖析:on 句意:但我也不想让他一个人待着。on one’s own独自。 【典例6】His teacher took a deep drink,smiled warmly,and thanked his student very much for the sweet water.The young man went home a happy heart.  答案及剖析:with 根据句意“这个年轻人高高兴兴地回家了”可知填with。 【典例7】 When Jane got home,her parents were already table having supper.  答案及剖析:at 根据语境及介词的固定搭配可知用at,at table表示“坐在桌边吃饭”。 名师在线

  在判断可能填介词之后,要根据具体的语境来确定填哪个介词,特别是根据空格所在句子的意思来选择一个恰当的介词。 (1)由介词(空格)与前面的动词或名词之间的搭配关系,或者介词 (空格)

  与后面名词之间的搭配关系来确定。 (2)由所处句型的特殊需要来确定。 (3)由特殊的结构关系来确定。如能接复合宾语(宾语+宾补) 的介词只能

  是with或without。 考点四 代词

  语法填空题对代词的考查主要是人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、不定代词以及it的特殊用法等。 一、人称代词、物主代词和反身代词的用法。 【典例1】 Besides/Anyway,he couldn’t carry a plate of

  sandwiches as well as all his tennis stuff,so I’m sure wasn’t him. (2016新课标全国样卷)   答案及剖析:it 根据语境可知,此处填人称代词it,用来确定一个人的身份。 【典例2】 Behind him were other people to whom he was trying to talk,but after some minutes walked away and sat near me,looking annoyed.  答案及剖析:he 此处仍然指的是那名男子,所以用人称代词的主格he在句中作主语。 【典例3】 She first painted only to please ,and then began to sell her works for a little money.  答案及剖析:herself 此处表示“她刚开始画画仅仅是为了自娱自乐”,因此填反身代词作宾语。 名师在线



  用法的不同选出符合语境的某个代词填空。 (2)注意掌握和正确使用各类人称代词的主格、宾格的拼写形式及用法。

  人称代词的主格在句中作主语,宾格在句中作宾语或表语。 (3)物主代词分为名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词。形容词性物主


  形容词性物主代词+名词”,在句中作主语、宾语或表语。 (4)反身代词在句中可用作宾语、表语或同位语。 二、指示代词this,that,these,those的用法。 【典例】 The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than in the newspaper.  答案及剖析:that 此处替代前面出现过的不可数名词information,应该填代词that。 名师在线

  (1)指示代词在句中可用作主语、宾语、定语、表语等。 (2)this/these常用来指代时间上或空间上较近的人或物,that/those则

  用来指代时间上或空间上较远的人或物。 (3)this/these一般指后面要说的事物,而that/those则指前面讲过的

  事物。 (4)that/those可用来替代前面出现过的名词。that替代单数名词或不



  (the)others,none,no one,(the)one,(the)ones等不定代词的用法。 【典例1】 After the student left,the teacher let . student taste the water.  答案及剖析:another 根据语境“这个学生离开后,老师让另一个学生尝这些水”可知,此处用another表示“又一,另一”。 【典例2】 —Do you want tea or coffee?

  —.I really don’t mind.  答案及剖析:Either 根据问句中的tea or coffee(茶还是咖啡)可知,此处表示两者中任何一个,填不定代词either。 【典例3】 It’s an either-or situation—we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can’t do .  答案及剖析:both 考查代词的用法。根据题干中的“either-or” “or”可知,此处填不定代词both。both用于否定句表示部分否定。 名师在线

  有的不定代词如another,the other,many,much,either, neither,both,all,any,each等还可以在名词前作定语。如果名词前缺定语,根据意义和用法,以及主谓一致等,填入一个恰当的代词。 易混易错

  代词one,it,that,those的用法不易掌握。在日常学习中考生可以按如下规律掌握上述词的指代含义:one—同类泛指;it—同一特指;that—同一但不同范围;those—that的复数。 【变式训练】 完成句子 1.There are many good story-books in the shop.I .

  (我想买一本).  2.Excuse me,but there’s only one TV set. .

  (你还想要吗/买吗)?  3.The weather of Beijing is colder than (上

  海的天气).  4.Buildings in Shenzhen are taller than (济

  南的楼房).  答案及剖析: 1.want to buy one 此句中one指众多同类故事书中的一本。 2.Do you want it 此句中it指上文提到的同一台电视机。 3.that of Shanghai 本句中 that 指代 weather,但此处的 weather指“上海的天气”,而不是北京范围内的。 4.those in Jinan 此句中those指buildings,但不是深圳范围内的buildings,而是济南的。 四、代词it的用法。 【典例1】 Raise your leg and let stay in the air for seconds.(2016辽宁)  答案及剖析:it 根据语境可知,此处指代上文的your leg,在句中作宾语,因此填代词it。 【典例2】 Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder,but didn’t help.  答案及剖析:it 根据语境可知,此处指代前面提到的“汤姆的母亲总是告诉他要更努力”这件事,应该填代词it。 【典例3】 is good manners to knock at the door before entering the teachers’ office.  答案及剖析:It 分析句子成分可知,句中缺形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式,所以填代词it。 【典例4】 was at the railway station that I met Li Ming.  答案及剖析:It 分析句子结构可知,此处为“It is/was+被强调部分+that...”强调句型,被强调部分是at the railway station,因此应该填代词It。 名师在线

  代词it的用法很多,主要考查以下几点: (1)指代时间、距离、自然现象等; (2)指代前面提到过的事物、想法、性别被认为不重要的人或动物、未指明

  但谈话双方都明白的事情或情况等; (3)用作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放在后面,真正的主语

  或宾语由动词不定式、动词-ing形式或从句充当; (4)用在不能直接跟宾语从句特别是表示好恶的动词(词组)后,如enjoy,

  like,love,hate,see to,appreciate,can’t stand等; (5)用在强调句型中。 特别提示

  解答语法填空题有关代词的题目需要注意以下几点: ①代词指代的是人还是物; ②代词指代的是可数名词还是不可数名词; ③是特指还是泛指; ④代词指代的概念是表示两者还是三者或三者以上; ⑤代词表示的是肯定还是否定概念。 考点五 情态动词和助动词 作主语的名词或代词与动词原形(包括被动式、进行式、完成式等)之间设空,特别是与上下文时态不一致或主谓不一致时,考虑情态动词或助动词。 【典例1】 Then the driver stood up and asked,“anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” (2016新课标全国Ⅱ) 答案及剖析:Did 考查助动词的用法。此处构成一般疑问句,且lose表示过去发生的动作,因此填助动词did。 【典例2】 You haven’t eaten anything since morning; you  .   be hungry.  答案及剖析:must 根据语境可知,此处表示肯定的推测,所以填情态动词must。 【典例3】 Are they there? Oh,my goodness.I have put them there when the phone rang.(2016新课标全国样卷)   答案及剖析:must 根据语境可知,此处表示对过去事情肯定的推测,所以填情态动词must。 【典例4】 He like English,but he isn’t hard-working.  答案及剖析:does 根据语境可知,此处填助动词does,用来加强语气,意思是“的确”。

  【典例5】 Oh,dear!Are you still doing your homework? You  .   have finished your homework yesterday.  答案及剖析:should 根据语境可知,此处填情态动词should,表示“你本该昨天完成作业”,含有责备的意思。 【典例6】 I go if I should have the chance.But I have to go home to stay with my mother because she is badly ill in bed.  答案及剖析:would 考查虚拟语气的用法。句意:如果我有这个机会,我是会去的。if条件句中用了should do,表示与将来事实相反的假设,主句中应该用would do。 名师在线

  解答语篇型语法填空题有关情态动词和助动词的题目需要注意以下几点: (1)情态动词和助动词不能单独作谓语,必须和另一个动词一起构成谓语。常见的情态动词

  有must,can/could,may/might,need,should/ought to等;常见的助动词有do,be,have等。 (2)must表示推测用在肯定句中,意思是“必定,一定”,其否定形式是can’t(不可能);must

  have done只用在肯定句中,表示对过去发生的动作的有把握推测,具有很大的可能性,它

  的否定形式是can’t/couldn’t have done。 (3)should have done可以用在肯定句、否定句和疑问句中,表示该做而实际未做(或不该

  做却做了),含有责备的意思。 (4)助动词do可以用来构成疑问式和否定式、加强语气或代替前面刚出现的动词以避免

  重复。 (5)注意含有情态动词的习惯用法。

  答题时注意含有情态动词的习惯用法,如cannot/can never...too/enough表示“无论怎

  样……也不过分”,cannot wait to do表示“迫不及待地做”,cannot (help) but do表

  示“不得不做,只好做”,cannot help doing表示“情不自禁做”,may/might as well表

  示“最好,不妨”等。 考点六 副词

  语法填空题有时考查副词的用法。 【典例1】They gave money to the old people’s home either .  

  (person) or through their companies.(2015安徽,31改编) 答案及剖析:personally 考查副词的用法。根据句中表示并列关系的短语“either...or...”可知,空格处需填表示“以某种途径”的副词,故填personally。 【典例2】 That’s not a big problem.I have saved some money. ,I can always find a part-time job.  答案及剖析:Besides 考查副词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填副词besides,表示递进关系。 【典例3】 In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken,not written.,modern examinations are mostly written.  答案及剖析:However/Nevertheless 考查副词的用法。根据上下文可知,前后句子之间存在转折关系,所以填表示转折的副词however/ nevertheless。 名师在线


  表示因果、转折、递进等逻辑关系的副词,常见的有therefore,besides, otherwise,however,moreover,still,thus,meanwhile等。这类副词的性质类似于并列连词,使用时其前通常用分号或句号;若其前用逗号,则通常带有并列连词(如and):

  I don’t like it; besides,it’s too expensive.


  We all tried our best; however,we lost the game./We all tried our best.However,we lost the game.



  He may,however,come later.不过,他也许晚一会儿来。

  We all tried our best.We lost the game,however.

  我们都已尽了最大的努力,不过我们还是输了。 考点七 并列连词  


  常见的并列连词有and,both...and...,not only...but also...,as well as,neither...nor...,or,either...or...,but,while,not...but...,for,so等。 【典例1】 But the river wasn’t changed in a few days even a few months.(2016新课标全国Ⅰ)  答案及剖析:or 考查连词的用法。此空前后是两个并列成分,由于本句是否定句,所以用并列连词or表示“或者”。 【典例2】There were many people waiting at the bus stop, some of them looked very anxious and disappointed (disappoint).(2016新课标全国Ⅱ)  答案及剖析:and 考查连词的用法。根据语境可知,此处填并列连词and,连接两个并列的分句。 【典例3】He not only speaks good English writes well in English.  答案及剖析:but  考查not only...but (also)...的用法,意思是“不但……而且……”,在本句中用来连接两个并列谓语。 【典例4】 Either say you are sorry get out!   答案及剖析:or 此处考查either...or...的用法。


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