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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  When I was in my teens,I knew my mother had problems seeing.Although she had a white cane (拐杖),she  1  to use my sister and me as sighted guides.We were often  2  by other kids and often I found myself  3  why me. 

  When I reached my sixteenth year,I started having sight problems  4  my own.As I struggled with my impending (即将发生的) sight loss,I gained a new and better  5  of my mother.As a single parent she did things I used to consider  6 ,but now I understand.For example, 7  my sister went out,I had to stay home to help my mom.She  8  to be alone. 

  As the years passed and I became a parent,my sight  9 ,but I refused to believe that I would go  10 .It wasn’t until my oldest son  11  the same illness and needed my support that I accepted my  12 . 

  Since then I have been actively using the  13  of the CNIB (Canadian National Institute of the Blind).I now use a white cane and I carry a card showing I am a registered  14  blind person.Without the services of the CNIB,I feel I wouldn’t have had the  15  to do the things for myself that keep me independent. 

  Having the love and support from my husband and children has  16  my determination and independence.It has allowed me to pursue my love of writing and to make a  17  for myself.I am very  18  for it. 

  Going blind is an awful affair, 19  with love and support you can find your inner  20  and overcome it. 

  1.A.hated B.preferred C.stopped D.began

  2.A.made fun of B.looked up to C.knocked down

  D.cheered up

  3.A.wandering B.wondering

  C.discussing D.telling

  4.A.in B.for C.on D.of

  5.A.understanding B.view C.look


  6.A.unimportant B.necessary C.unfair D.favorable

  7.A.while B.if C.although



  B.liked C.appreciated D.hesitated


  B.lessened C.deepened


  10.A.deaf B.dumb C.blind D.lame

  11.A.developed B.infected C.became D.formed

  12.A.situation B.difficulty C.condition D.decision

  13.A.help B.services C.support D.suggestion

  14.A.carefully B.rudely C.frankly D.legally

  15.A.opportunities B.luck C.ability D.ambition

  16.A.won B.achieved C.strengthened D.solved

  17.A.plan B.career C.promise D.mistake

  18.A.sorry B.helpful C.grateful


  19.A.and B.so C.thus D.but

  20.A.strength B.energy C.force D.weakness


  ( A )


  The Beijing International Marathon has acquired a new name among some disappointed participants:Smogathon.

  About 30,000 runners,many from other parts of China or abroad,awoke in the Chinese capital on Sunday to an orange sun glowing weakly through a dirty haze(雾霾).Some ran anyway.Some ran away.But no one cancelled on the advice of the organizers,the Chinese Athletic Association and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Sports,because those organizations did not call it off.That has made participants call the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF),which has approved the 26-mile,or 42-kilometer race,to set air quality standards in the future to avoid damaging the runners?health.The association could not be reached by telephone on Sunday.l

  揇oes the IAAF have guidelines??asked Chas Pope,a British engineer who took part in the marathon on Sunday.揑f they don抰,they should consider it,?said Mr.Pope,who has lived in Beijing for 11 years and runs several long-distance races each year.揑t抯 meaese Athnt to be fun and good for your health,?Mr.Pope said of the marathon.揃ut in such air,it抯 just ridiculous to be running,攈e said.He abandoned the course.揗ost of my overseas friends pulled out,?he said.揂nd quite a few of my Chinese friends too,but a lotese Ath didn抰.I think they don抰 know as much about the health impact.?th

  Images on Twitter and Chinese social media showed Chinese runners wearing a variety of face protections,from light cloth masks to World War Ⅰ-style gas masks.Still many completed the race without masks.“Today’s race should definitely have been called off or rescheduled,” said Zhang Kai,Beijing—based campaigner with Greenpeace East Asia.“What happened today to this sports event is just another reminder to the government that much remains to be done to China抯 energy and industrial structure to solve pollution,?said Mr.Zhang.揑f the battle against pollution is a marathon,it is now time to catch up on speed.?day

  In the end,the race was won by two Ethiopians: Girmay Birhanu Gebru won the men抯 race in 2 hours,10 minutes and 42 seconds while Fatuma Sado Dergo won the women抯 in 2 hours,30 minutes and 3 seconds,breaking Chinese women抯 advantage of the race for the lAthast 22 years.

  The favored Chinese woman runner,Gong Lihua,told China News Net that the smog didn抰 affect her too much but it interfered with many people抯 ability to sweat,affecting their performance.nd

  1.The underlined sentences 揝ome ran anyway.Some ran away.?mean

  t . 

  A.Some runners who dropped out returned to run B.Some runners gave up after running a short distance

  C.Not all runners continued to run D.Most runners quit the race

  2.Why did participants call the IAAF?()

  A.To tell it the Beijing International Marathon was also named Smogathon.

  B.To appeal to it to set air quality standards in the future.

  C.To tell it the 42-kilometer race should be cancelled.

  D.To appeal to it to make some laws to prevent pollution.

  3.Which of the following statements does Chas Pope agree to?()

  A.A dirty haze is harmful to health. B.Running in any air is good.

  C.The marathon in China should be cancelled. D.Friends should learn from each other.

  4.Zhang Kai thinks the battle against pollution  . 

  A.will be the most urgent thing in China

  B.should be got rid of immediately

  C.is connected with China’s unreasonable energy and industrial structure

  D.will remind all the Chinese to reduce pollution

  ( B )


  “Clean your plate! ” and “Be a member of the clean-plate club!” Just about every kid in the US has heard this from a parent or grandparent.Often,it抯 accompanied by an appeal: 揓ust think about those starving orphans in Africa!擲ure,we should be grateful fAthor every bite of food.Unfortunately,many people in the US take a few too many bites.Instead of saying 揷lean the plate?perhaps we should save some food for tomorrow.?n

  According to news reports,US restaurants are partly to blame for the growing stomachs.A waiter puts a plate of food in front of each customer,with two to four times the amount recommended by the government,according to a USA Today story.

  Americans traditionally associate quantity with value and most restaurants try to give them that.They serve large portions to stand apart from competitors and to give the customers value.They prefer to have customers complain about too much food rather than too little.

  Barbara Rolls,a nutrition professor at Pennsylvania State University,told USA Today that restaurant portion sizes began to grow in the 1970s,the same time that the American waistline began to expand.

  It抯 not that working-class Americans don抰 want to eat healthily.It抯 just that after long hours at low-paying jobs,getting less on their plate hardly seems like a good deal.They live from paycheck to paycheck,happy to save a little money for next year抯

  thaChristmas presents.

  5.What does the underlined sentence really mean?

  A.Wash dishes after meals. B.Don抰 save food for the future.h

  C.Don抰 eat too much food. D.Eat all the food on the plate..

  6.Why do American restaurants serve large portions?

  A.Because Americans have big stomachs. B.Because Americans associate quantity with value.

  C.Because Americans are greedy. D.Because Americans are good eaters.

  7.What can we infer happened in the US in the 1970s?

  A.Health experts persuaded restaurants to serve smaller portions.

  B.The United States produced more grain than needed.

  C.Many of the Americans started to become fat.

  D.The restaurant portion sizes became larger and larger.

  8.Which of the following is NOT true about working-class Americans?

  A.They don’t want to be healthy eaters. B.They want to save money for their children.

  C.They live from paycheck to paycheck. D.They work long hours but get low pay.




  1.B 尽管她有一个白色的拐杖,她更愿意(preferred)把姐姐和我当作看得见的向导。

  2.A 由语境可知,我们经常被其他孩子取笑。make fun of取笑;look up to尊敬;knock down撞倒;cheer up高兴起来,只有A项符合语境。

  3.B 因为其他孩子的取笑,我发现自己不知不觉地在想(wondering)“为什么是我”。

  4.D 我16岁时,开始有了自己的视力问题。of one’s own某人自己的,为固定短语,在句中作定语。

  5.A 在我自己即将失去视力的时候,我对于母亲的情况有了新的更好的理解(understanding)。

  6.C 作为一个单身母亲,她做了很多我曾经认为不公平的(unfair)事情,但现在我明白了。

  7.B 如果(if)我姐姐外出,我不得不待在家里帮妈妈。

  8.A 由语境可知,妈妈讨厌(hated)独自待着。

  9.D 由语境可知,随着时间的流逝,我的视力更糟了(worsened)。

  10.C 但我不愿意相信我会失明(blind)。

  11.A 由语境可知,我的儿子也有了同样的病。develop发展;infect感染;become变得,成为;form形成。只有A项符合语境。

  12.C 直到我儿子有了同样的病,而且我也需要帮助时我才接受了我失明的状况(condition)。situation形势,情境;difficulty困难;decision决定,均不符合语境。

  13.B 由下文的Without the services of the CNIB可知,我一直积极使用由CNIB给我提供的服务(services)。

  14.D 我随身带着一张卡片,它能证明我是一个合法(legally)注册的盲人。

  15.A 如果没有CNIB提供的服务,我就没有机会(opportunities)亲自做让我独立的事情。

  16.C 来自丈夫和孩子们的爱和支持增强(strengthened)了我的决心和独立。

  17.B 它让我追求对写作的热爱并以此为我的事业。make a career以……作为职业,谋求发迹,为固定词组。

  18.C 对此我充满了感激(grateful)。

  19.D 由语境可知前后为转折关系,故用but。

  20.A 失明是一件可怕的事情,但有了爱和支持,你会发现内心的力量(strength)并克服自己的缺陷。energy能量,精力;force力,武力;weakness缺点,均不符合语境。


  ( A )


  1.C 句意理解题。由第三段的He abandoned the course和Most of my overseas friends pulled out可知,有很多选手退出比赛,故选C项。

  2.B 细节理解题。由第二段的That has made participants call...,to set air quality standards in the future to avoid damaging the runners可知选B项。

  3.A 推理判断题。由第三段的But in such air,it’s just ridiculous to be running和I think they don’t know as much about the health impact可知,Chas Pope认为雾霾对健康有害,故选A项。

  4.C 推理判断题。由第四段的What happened today to this sports event is just another reminder to the government that much remains to be done to China’s energy and industrial structure可推知,他认为同污染作斗争与中国的能源与产业结构有关,故选C项。

  ( B )


  5.D 句意猜测题。根据语境可知,此处“Clean your plate”的意思是“吃光盘子里的食物”,所以答案为D项。

  6.B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一、二句“Americans traditionally associate quantity with value and most restaurants try to give them that.They serve large portions to stand apart from competitors and to give the customers value.”可知,答案为B项。

  7.C 细节理解题。根据第四段“...restaurant portion sizes began to grow in the 1970s,the same time that the American waistline began to expand.”可知,20世纪70年代,餐馆每份食物的分量开始增加,与此同时,美国人的腰围开始增长,所以答案为C项。

  8.A 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,并不是美国工人阶级不想吃得健康,只是他们工作时间长,工作报酬低,过着仅能糊口的生活,很乐意攒一点儿钱以便明年买圣诞节礼物,所以答案为A项。B、C、D三项都符合文意。


  1.associate sb./sth. (with sb./sth.) 将(人或事物)联系起来; 在头脑中联想(主意等)

  Whisky is usually associated with Scotland.


  I always associate him with fast cars.



  She cut the pie into six portions.她把馅饼切成六份。

  Do you serve children’s (i.e. smaller)portions?



  A waiter puts a plate of food in front of each customer,with two to four times the amount recommended by the government,according to a USA Today story.

  本句是一个简单句。句子主干为A waiter puts a plate of food,in front of each customer为地点状语,介词短语with two to four times the amount recommended by the government作后置定语,修饰句子的宾语a plate of food,其中recommended by the government为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰名词the amount。


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