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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  It was a terribly rainy day.While I was  1 

  from the dining-hall at the end of my lunch break,a man was walking  2 

  me with two huge boxes of booklets.I thought,“What on earth is that man trying to do,carrying all that stuff?” Then all of a sudden he  3 

  it all! It was a terrible mess with hundreds of booklets all over the  4 

  in front of me! “Oh no,”I thought.The man got down and started trying to pick all of the booklets up.I couldn’t  5 

  how many people passed by without even  6 

  in the least. 

  I thought,“I’m not going to be one of those people.I’m going to help him.” So, 7 

  it was the end of my lunch break from work and I would be  8 

  if I stopped to help him,I didn’t mind in the least.If I explain what happened I’m sure my  9 

  wouldn’t mind too much.So,I  10 

  beside him and helped him pick them all up.Then I asked if he would like a  11 

  in carrying a box to where he was headed.He said that would be much  12 . 

  So,I carried one box.I tell you,the box I had to carry was very  13 

  as I’m quite petite (娇小的)but I didn’t  14  .I just helped him with a big smile  15 

  my face.We got there and he thanked me very much for helping him  16  .He even gave me one of these lovely booklets. 

  What a good way to spend my  17 

  helping someone! And I wasn’t even that late back to work  18 

  nobody minded at all! 

  Helping others is so much  19 ! 

  No person was ever honored for what he  20  .Honor has been the reward for what he gave. 


  1.A.struggling B.jumping C.driving D.walking







  C.kicked D.lifted



  C.library D.university

  5.A.admit B.prove C.believe


  6.A.celebrating B.greeting C.arguing D.caring

  7.A.in case B.even though C.as if D.if only

  8.A.late B.dangerous C.smart D.active

  9.A.friend B.boss C.family D.teacher

  10.A.lay down B.broke down C.bent down D.stayed up

  11.A.plan B.result C.rope D.hand

  12.A.appreciated B.compared C.praised D.persuaded

  13.A.valuable B.heavy C.expensive D.beautiful

  14.A.pretend B.explain C.lie D.complain

  15.A.before B.inside C.on D.under

  16.A.out B.off

  C.in D.forward

  17.A.childhood B.holiday C.lunchtime D.weekend

  18.A.although B.so C.unless D.if

  19.A.tiring B.convenient C.success D.fun

  20.A.received B.donated C.promised D.served


  ( A )


  Stress is what you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about something.This worry can make your body feel bad.You may feel angry,frustrated or afraid—which can give you a stomachache or a headache.When you are stressed,your body responds as though you are in danger.

  Plenty of things can cause stress in a kid抯 life.Some types of stress are good and others are bad.Good or normal stress might show up when you抮e called on in class or when you have to give a report.Have you ever got butterflies in your stomach or sweaty

  yhands? Those can be signs of good stress.For example,you may do a better job on your book report if the anxiety inspires you to prepare well before you get up and read it to the class.

  If you抮e feeling tired because you have too much going on,you might feel better if you drop something.Sometimes lots of activities-even if they抮e all fun- can make you feel stressed by keeping you busy all the time. b

  There are also relaxation exercises you can use.The easiest one is to inhale (吸气)slowly and deeply through your nose,and then exhale slowly through your mouth.Do this two to four times,but don’t take in too much air too quickly because it can make you feel lightheaded.

  The best way to keep stress away is to have a balanced life.Think about which things are the most important,and do those first.That means making good decisions about how to spend your time.Eat well.If you take care of yourself and get enough sleep and food,and if you exercise and leave time for fun stuff,you抣l probably be less stressed out!r

  1.What would you feel when you are under stress?

  A.Angry and frustrated. B.Excited and restless. C.Sleepy and exhausted. D.Afraid and guilty.

  2.Which of the following won抰 cause stress in a kid抯 life according to the passage?d

  A.Being called on in class. B.Having to give a report.

  C.Preparing for a book report. D.Doing too many activities.

  3.According to the passage,what should you do if you feel stressed?

  A.Do lots of activities. B.Get some sleep right away.

  C.Find something to eat. D.Do deep-breathing exercises.

  4.The passage is mainly written for  . 


  B.kids C.reporters D.advertisers

  ( B )


  An experiment was carried out at British school into the performance of new pupils.At the start of the year,the pupils were each given a rating,ranging from “excellent prospect?to 搖nlikely to do well?These were totally untrue ratings and did not reflectood how well the pupils had previously performed.However,these ratings were given to the teachers.At the end of the year,the experimenters compared the pupils?performance with the ratings.Despite their real abilities,there was an astonishingly high connectiodn between performance and ratings.It seems that people perform as well as we expect them to.

  The Self-fulfilling Effect is also known as the Pygmalion(皮格马利翁) Effect.This comes from an old Greek story.The story was also the basis of George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion,later turned into the musical My Fair Lady.In Shaw’s play,Professor Henry Higgins claims he can turn a Cockney flower girl,Eliza Doolittle into a duchess(女公爵).But,as Eliza herself points out to Higgins’ friend Pickering,it isn’t what she learns or does that determines whether she will become a duchess,but how she’s treated.

  The implication(含义) of the Pygmalion Effect for leaders and managers is massive.It means that the performance of your team depends less on them than it does on you.The performance you get from people is no more or less than what you expect,which means you must always expect the best.As Goethe said,“Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is.Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be.”

  5.The underlined word “rating” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “ ”. 

  A.program B.classification C.correction D.regulation

  6.The experiment was made in order to  . 

  A.give each pupil a proper assessment B.try out a new teaching method

  C.pick out the most excellent pupils D.learn if expectations affect performance

  7.According to the Pygmalion Effect,if you want a man to finish a hard task in a short time,you should say “ ”. 

  A.It is as easy as pie B.I’m sure you can make it

  C.It doesn’t matter if you fail D.I will help you any time

  8.What’s the passage mainly about?()

  A.Shaw’s play Pygmalion. B.The Self-fulfilling Effect.

  C.An improved teaching method. D.A new scientific experiment




  1.D 根据下文我帮他捡小册子的事实可知:我正从餐厅步行出来。所以答案为D项。

  2.C 根据下文in front of me可判断,此时一个人搬着两只大箱子向我走来。所以答案为C项。

  3.B 根据下文pick all of the booklets up得出:突然,他失手把东西掉落在地上。所以答案为B项。

  4.A 根据上文walking可知,他的小册子散落在路上。所以答案为A项。

  5.C 在他遇到了麻烦的情况下,我难以相信竟然有这么多人漠然地走过去。所以答案为C项。

  6.D 他们对此漠不关心。所以答案为D项。

  7.B 所以,即使我的午休时间快要结束了,我也决定要帮他。所以答案为B项。

  8.A 显然,我要是帮他的话,我就会迟到。所以答案为A项。

  9.B 根据上下文多处work可判断出如果我讲明缘由,我的老板也就不介意了。所以答案为B项。

  10.C 我要帮他捡小册子,那么我就得弯下腰。所以答案为C项。

  11.D 根据本空后carrying可知,我问他是否需要我帮忙。所以答案为D项。

  12.A 很明显,他对我的帮助很感激。所以答案为A项。

  13.B 与本空后的petite构成对比关系,句意:说真的,我所搬的那只箱子太重了。所以答案为B项。

  14.D 尽管箱子很重,但是我却没有丝毫的抱怨。所以答案为D项。

  15.C 在帮助他时,我脸上自始至终挂着笑容。所以答案为C项。

  16.A 他感谢我帮助他摆脱了困境。所以答案为A项。

  17.C 上文多处lunch break有提示:我把午饭时间用在了助人为乐上。所以答案为C项。

  18.B 因为回去得不是太晚,所以也没人在意。所以答案为B项。

  19.D 帮助别人真是一件快乐的事儿。所以答案为D项。

  20.A 与下句中gave构成对比:一个人不会因为得到多少而受人尊敬,而是因他付出多少才受人尊敬。所以答案为A项。


  ( A )


  1.A 细节理解题。根据第一段的描述可知,当你有压力的时候你会感到愤怒、沮丧或害怕。所以答案为A项。

  2.C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的Good or normal stress might show up when you’re called on in class or when you have to give a report和第三段中的Sometimes lots of activities — even if they’re all fun —can make you feel stressed描述可知,在课堂上被叫发言、发表演讲和过多的活动都可能使孩子们产生压力,而C项是对第二段中...you may do a better job on your book report if the anxiety inspires you to prepare well before...的误解,所以答案为C项。

  3.D 细节理解题。根据倒教第二段中的There are also relaxation exercises you can use.The easiest one is to inhale slowly and deeply through your nose,and then exhale slowly through your mouth可知缓解压力最简单的办法就是进行深呼吸。所以答案为D项。

  4.B 写作意图题。根据第二段中的Plenty of things can cause stress in a kid’s life可知,本文是为了解决一些孩子们的压力问题,故其目标读者主要应该是孩子们。所以答案为B项。

  ( B )


  5.B 词义猜测题。由画线部分后面的ranging from “excellent prospect” to “unlikely to do well”可知rating意为“等级”,故选B项。

  6.D 推理判断题。由第一段的最后两句话可知,无论学生的真实能力如何,他们的学习成绩和等级有着密切的联系。人们的表现像我们期望的一样好,故D项正确。

  7.B 推理判断题。由文章最后一句话Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be可知选B项。

  8.B 主旨大意题。由全文内容可知,本文讲述了“皮格马利翁影响”的作用,并在英国一家学校做了实验来进行验证,故选B项。


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