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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编






  For many people in the West,March 13 will be scary.Millions of people will refuse  1  (get) out of bed all day!What makes this day so  2 (terrify)? 

  Being nervous  3  Friday the 13th is a superstition(迷信).The number 13 is considered unlucky in many Western countries.Many buildings don’t have a 13th floor.This is because Judas,the man who  4 (betray) Jesus,was the 13th guest at Jesus’ last meal.Jesus was crucified(钉死在十字架上) on a Friday, 5  (make) the combination of “Friday” and “13”  6  (particular) unlucky. 

  In addition to the number 13,there are other superstitions in Western culture.For example,people think  7  is unlucky to walk under ladders. 8  a black cat passes in front of you,it is also thought to mean that bad luck is coming. 

  So  9  there anything you can do to bring good luck in the West?Well,four-leaf clovers,horseshoes facing up and even rabbit  10  (foot) are said to bring good luck. 


  Friendships are built on trust.Once that trust has gone,then a friendship is to break.At times,it is difficult to fix the friendship.But if you work on trying to get along,it may turn out to be a better situation.

  Think about this question: why are you having conflicts? This is an important first step梱our apology will seem helpless if you can抰 explain what you are apologizing for,and it may lead to making the situation worse.lu

  Say you are sorry.You have to mean it,even if you consider yourself a victim in the conflict.It抯 important to apologize.It抯 the best word to use to explain your feelings.Leave it as a message on their answering machine if they have not answered your phonwae calls.Hearing you say sorry will let them know it抯 not going to hurt their pride if they apologize to you.o

  When possible,and if the friend agrees,try to sit down for coffee or something with them and talk things out.Wait at least three days to do this because the person will probably still be upset if earlier.When your friend speaks,listen with care.Tell them how you feel about what happened.Tell them that you want to be friends again.Explain how much you value and miss your friendship.

  Try to sit back and see things in your friend’s perspective (角度).It’s not simple to try to understand other people.Think about recent events that have happened in your friend’s life.Part of gaining understanding of another person’s perspective may involve speaking to mutual (共有的)friends or family members of that person.

  Friends love jokes.Jokes are fun.Life should be fun.Life is not a whole lot without your friends there.When the tension starts to ease,lighten the mood.Be careful,though.Do not make a joke referring to the conflict.This can be seen as offensive as if you do not take the person seriously.

  Learn from what happened.Never regret it,because in life you learn and grow from mistakes you have made and problems you have gone through.

  1.The passage mainly talks about  . 

  A.how to fix a broken friendship B.how to build new friendships with others

  C.how to get along with family members D.how to make an apology to your friends

  2.In order to rebuild your friendship,you should first  . 

  A.offer your apology B.find the reason for the conflicts

  C.be ready for possible questions D.turn to your mutual friends for help

  3.How will a friend probably respond if you say sorry to him/her?

  A.He/She will send a message. B.He/She will feel very proud.

  C.He/She will refuse to answer the call. D.He/She is likely to do the same.

  4.When you have a talk with your friend,you抎 better not e . 

  A.tell a joke B.refer to the conflict

  C.talk non-stop D.express your feelings


  A father of some teenage children had the family rule that they could not watch PG-13 or R-rated movies(限制级影片).His three  1  wanted to see a particularly  2  movie that was on at local theaters,rated PG-13. 

  The teens  3  friends and made a list of pros and cons(优缺点) about the movie to  4  their dad that they should be allowed to see it.The cons:three  5  words,and implied sex.The pros:a popular movie-a blockbuster,some fantastic special effects,some of the most talented  6 . 

  The father looked at the  7  and the next evening the father  8  his three teenagers into the living-room.There on the coffee table he had a plate of brownies(布朗尼蛋糕).The father told his children he had thought about their  9  and had decided that if they would  10  a brownie then he would let them go to the  11 .But just like the movie,the brownies had pros and cons. 

  The pros were that the brownies were fresh,made with the finest chocolate and other good ingredients, 12  walnuts in them.The brownies only had one  13 .The brownies contained just a little bit of dog poop(狗屎). 14 ,if any of his children could  15  to eat the brownies,then he knew they would also be able to see the movie  16  just a little bit of rubbish and not be  17 .Of course, 18  of the teens would eat the brownies. 

  Now when his teenagers ask permission to do something he is  19 ,the father just asks “Would you like me to make my special  20 ?” 

  1.A.sons B.daughters C.teens D.fans

  2.A.popular B.childish C.documentary D.instructive

  3.A.persuaded B.made C.visited D.interviewed

  4.A.advise B.convince C.warn D.inform

  5.A.dirty B.sweet C.magical D.merciful

  6.A.actors B.lawyers C.professors D.writers

  7.A.pros B.cons C.list D.plan

  8.A.called at B.called up C.called off D.called in

  9.A.feeling B.request C.suggestion D.situation

  10.A.find B.make C.eat D.smell

  11.A.concert B.play C.circus D.movie

  12.A.burnt B.normal C.smelly D.yummy

  13.A.colour B.shape C.disadvantage D.taste

  14.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.On the other hand D.In addition

  15.A.help B.continue C.forget D.refuse

  16.A.for B.with C.in D.without

  17.A.blamed B.moved C.terrified D.affected

  18.A.none B.one C.two D.three

  19.A.eager for B.familiar with C.opposed to D.supportive to

  20.A.dishes B.cakes C.walnuts D.chocolates




  1.to get 考查非谓语动词的用法。由空格前的refuse可知此处应用to get。

  2.terrifying 考查非谓语动词的用法。由语境和空格前面的副词so可知,此处应用terrifying,意为“令人害怕的”。

  3.about 考查介词的用法。be nervous about sth.对某事感到紧张,为固定搭配。

  4.betrayed 考查动词的时态。由下文的was the 13th guest...可知应用一般过去时betrayed。

  5.making 考查非谓语动词的用法。此处making...在句中作结果状语。

  6.particularly 考查副词的用法。此处副词particularly修饰形容词unlucky。

  7.it 考查代词的用法。此处it为形式主语,指代后面真正的主语to walk under ladders。

  8.When/If 考查连词的用法。由语境可知,此处when/if引导状语从句。

  9.is 考查there be结构。由空格后面的there和句意可知此处应用is。

  10.feet 考查名词的用法。由空格前面的clovers和horseshoes可知,此处应用名词复数形式。



  1.A 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲当我们和朋友发生争吵或冲突时,该如何修复我们的友谊,所以答案为A项。

  2.B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的Think about this question: why are you having conflicts? This is an important first step可知,B项正确。

  3.D 推理判断题。根据文章第三段最后一句Hearing you say sorry will let them know it’s not going to hurt their pride if they apologize to you.可知, 当你的朋友听到你说抱歉时,他们会觉得如果他们给你道歉也不是什么丢人的事,故朋友也会和你一样做出道歉。

  4.C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段的When your friend speaks,listen with care.可知,当你和朋友聊天时,应该多倾听,而不是滔滔不绝地讲个不停。所以答案为C项。


  1.fix v.修理(某物)

  My watch has stopped.It needs fixing.


  2.conflict n.


  There was a long and bitter conflict between employers and workers.劳资双方进行了旷日持久的激烈争执。


  There was a lot of conflict between him and his father.


  3.refer to 提到、说到或涉及

  When I said some people are stupid,I wasn’t referring to you.我说有些人很愚蠢时,并不是指你们。

  Don’t refer to this matter again,please.


  This incident in his childhood is never again referred to.



  ...your apology will seem helpless if you can’t explain what you are apologizing for,and it may lead to making the situation worse.





  1.C 由第二段的前两个单词The teens可知C项正确。

  2.A 由下文内容可知,他们想看一部特别受欢迎的(popular)电影。

  3.D 由下文内容可知,那三个孩子与他们的朋友面谈(interviewed)并列出了那部电影的优缺点。

  4.B 他们那样做是为了说服(convince)他们的父亲允许他们去看电影。

  5.A 由空格前的The cons可知,此处指的是电影的缺点,故选A项符合语境。

  6.A 由语境可知,那部电影中有一些最有才华的演员(actors)。

  7.C 由上文中的made a list of pros and cons可知,父亲看了孩子们列出的关于电影优缺点的单子(list)。

  8.D 第二天晚上,父亲把三个孩子叫进(called in)了书房。

  9.B 由语境可知,父亲说他考虑了孩子们的请求(request)。

  10.C 11.D 如果他们愿意吃(eat)一块布朗尼蛋糕,他就让他们去看电影(movie)。

  12.D 由空格前面的other good ingredients可知,这种蛋糕有好吃的(yummy)胡桃果仁。

  13.C 由下文的The brownies contained just a little bit of dog poop可知,此处填C项符合语境。

  14.A 由语境可知,前后为因果关系,故用therefore。

  15.B 16.B 17.D 如果孩子们(在知道蛋糕中有狗屎后)还继续(continue)吃这些蛋糕的话,他就会明白孩子们也能去看有(with)一点垃圾的电影,而且不会受到影响(affected)。

  18.A 由下文内容可知,没有(none)一个孩子愿意吃那些蛋糕。

  19.C 20.B 现在,当他的孩子们请求他允许他们做他反对的事情时,他就会问“你们愿意让我做一些特别的蛋糕(cakes)吗?”。be opposed to反对,为固定短语。


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