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福建省长泰一中2016届高三英语一轮复习:人教版必修一《Unit 4 Earthquake》课件

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  the ship/sink into the ocean the ship/is the most beautiful

  in the world at that time

  Titanic is sank into the ocean. Titanic is

  was the most beautiful in the word at that time. the ship that the ship that the Heart of Ocean the diamond/is worn by Rose The Heart of Ocean is

  was worn by Rose. the diamond/is dropped

  into the ocean by Rose The Heart of Ocean is

  was dropped into the ocean by Rose

  the diamond

  that the diamond that

  born in 1847/ man/ invent the

  first telephone

  Bell who was born in 1847 is the man that invented the first telephone.








  1)A plane is a machine that can fly.( 主语) 2)The noodles that I looked were delicious.(宾语) 3)Let’s ask the man that is reading the book over there.(主语) 4)The girl that we saw yesterday is Jim’sister.(宾语)

  2. Which

  在从句中作主语或宾语,指物 1) They planted the trees which didn’t need much water. (主语 ) 3. who whom 在从句中分别作主语和宾语 (口语中who也可作宾语) 1) The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada.(主语) 2) The fish which we bought were not fresh.

  (宾语) 2) The boy who broke the window is called Michael.(主语)

  4) Mr. Read is the professor to whom you should write . (宾语) 3) The person to whom you just talked is Mr. Li. (宾语)

  3) This is the book whose cover is blue. 4. whose 在从句中作定语,指人或物 1) Miss Flower

  is the teacher whose house caught fire last week. 2) This is the boy whose composition the teacher talked of .

  The boss in whose company my father worked is a very kind person.

  关系代词whose还可以在从句中与它所修饰的词一起作介词宾语 NOTE

  that和which在指物的情况下一般都可以互换, 但在下列情况下, 一般用that而不用which。 I am sure she has something (that) you can borrow. I’ve read all the books that are not mine.

  This is the first book (that) he has read. This is the very book that belongs to him. (1) 先行词为all, everything, nothing, something,

  anything, little, much 等不定代词时。 (2)先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much等

  修饰时。 (3)先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。 (4)先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时。 NOTE Are you clear now? OK . Let’s do some exercise! Function-I----practice (3m) 3.

  The house ____________ they built in 1987 stayed up in the earthquake.

  Fill in the blanks with who,




  or whose 1.

  The earthquake___________ hit the city in 1906 was the biggest in American

  history. 2.

  We don’t know the number of people ____________ lost their homes in 1906 earthquake that / which

  that / who

  which /that

  6. Harry is the boy ________ mother is our maths teacher . 4.

  A house ____________ is built on sand may fall down in a earthquake.

  5. Luckily none of the people ______________ I know were killed in the earthquake . which / that who/whom/that whose Answer keys for “Discovering useful structures”Ex. 2 on Page 28 1 who 2 that/which 3 which/that 4 whose 5 whose Function-II----practice (2m) 1.The famous basketball star, _______ tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention. (北京 2002春季)  A、where B、when C、which D、who 答案

  D 真题解析:本题考察定语从句关联词的选择,从句意可知先行词the famous basketball star(著名的篮球明星)是人,所以应用表示人的关联词who。

  高考链接 The film brought the hours back to me _____ I was taken good care of in that far-away village.(NMET 2001)  A、until B、that C、when D、where 答案


  真题解析:本题考察定语从句的连接词,主句中的先行词the hours被其它成分分割,只要考生能够认清真正的先行词,就不难得出答案,the hours表示时间,所以应该选择一个表示时间的关系副词,即when。 高考链接 3._____ is known to everybody, the moon travels around the earth once every month. (NMET2001)  A、It



  D、what 答案 B  真题解析:本题考察as引导非限定性定语从句。as引导从句的意思是“正如……..”,引导的非限定性定语从句修饰整个句子,当as在从句中充当主语时,常用下面的结构:as is know,as is said,as is reported 等,所以本题的答案是B。 高考链接 04《一轮课本复习课件 必修一 Unit 4 Earthquake》

  一﹑单词拼写 请根据给出的读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1. ___________ [bE:st] v. 爆裂,爆发 2. ___________ [ruin] n. &v.废墟,毁灭 3. ___________ [iks5tri:m] adj. 极端的,极度的 4.____________ [5indVE] v. 损害,伤害 5.____________ [dis5trCi] vt. 破坏,毁坏 6. ____________[5ju:slis] adj. 无用的,无效的 7. ____________[FCk] n. & vt.

  震惊,震动 8. ____________[5reskju:] n. & v. 援救 9. ____________[5fraitn] vt. 使惊吓 10. ___________[dVQdV] v. & n. 判断,法官 burst ruin extreme injure destroy


  shock rescue frighten judge

  11. ____________ [iks5pres] vt. 表达 12. ____________ [5sQfEriN] n. 苦难, 痛苦 13. ____________ [sin5siEli] adv. 真诚地,真挚地 14. ____________ [5beri] vt. 埋葬,掩埋 15.___________[trAp] n. & vt. 陷阱,使 陷入困境 16. ______________ [sE5vaivE] n. 幸存者 17. ______________ [Ilek5trIsItI] n. 电 18. ______________ [di5zB:stE] n.灾难,灾祸 19. ______________ [kEn7^rAtju5leiFEn] n. 祝贺 20._______________ [kE5nAl] n.运河,水道 canal

  express suffering sincerely



  survivor electricity disaster


  二﹑单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词。 1. A lot of pipes ________and tens of thousands of house were ________ in the earthquake. 2. The _________ weather _____ ___the natives a lot of whom were __________ 3. Cars were _______ as almost all roads and bridges were _________. People were __________as no one came to their_______ after disaster happened. 4. The plaintiffs __________their gratitude to the __________ who extended justice for them. judges

  burst ruined extreme shocked injured useless destroyed frightened rescue

  expressed 5. He was one of the __________ in the earthquake. (survive) 6. Suez _______ is controlled by Egypt. 7. Without ___________, our world would become dark and totally different. (electrical) 8. We all show sympathy with him who has experienced so many __________ (suffer) 9. I would like to express my _________________ on you for your great success in the competition.

  10. I am _________ sorry for the trouble I have caused to you. (sincere)


  survivors Canal electricity sufferings Congratulations 三﹑词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The food smells so _______. We should throw it away. (smell) 2. The entire nation consider it a ___________

  pride to host the Olympic Games (nation) 3. Alex’s mother ____________ her dissatisfaction with his room in which all windows and floor were covered with ______. (expression/dirty) 4. Fortunately, all miners trapped in the mines survived though some ___________ suffered minor __________.

  ( survive/injure) 5. This is ____________ news to all of us as we never expected he would lose the game. (shock) 6. The conditions there are ____________ difficult. Please take more equipment, which may be very_____________

  for you. (extreme/ use) useful smelly


  expressed dirt

  survivors injuries

  shocking extremely 四﹑词组互译 将下列词组或短语翻译成中文或英语。 1.________________ 立刻,马上 2.________________

  突然 3._________________ 仿佛,好像 4._________________

  结束,终结 5._________________

  成为废墟,破败不堪 6._________________

  挖掘,发现 7.___________________ 大量的 8.______________________ 对…… 不重视 9.______________________ 成千上万的 10.____________________ 三分之二

  right away

  burst into/out as if at an end in ruins dig out a (great) number think little of tens of thousands of two-thirds of

  11. be too nervous to eat _______________ 12. rescue …from… ___________________ 13. to the north of the city ______________ 14. jump out of ____________________ 15. describe to sb ______________ 16. everywhere they look ____________ 17. useless pieces of steel ____________ 18. fall down ___________________ 19. rescue workers _______________ 20. congratulations on sb _________________ 向某人祝贺

  太紧张而不吃东西 从 中拯救出来 城市以北 从 ……跳出来 向某人描述 目光所及之处 废铁 倒塌, 倒下 救援人员 五﹑词组运用

  词组填空 根据句子所提供的语境,从第四大题中选出一个适当的词组并用其适当形式填空。 1. ________________

  spectators _________ laughter as the performance was so amusing. 2. You should leave for the meeting ____________as it is going to be __________soon. 3. The old house lay________. So the owner had to ______ his valuables in the dust with shovels. 4. ___________ of people interviewed _______________ what had happened, which led to

  ____________________ casualties. 5. It seems _________ it is going to rain again. Let’s move inside.

  A great number of burst into right away at an end in ruins dig out Two-thirds thought little of tens of thousands of as if 翻译句子 根据汉语意识,从第四大题中选出一个恰当的词组完成句子。 6 救援人员从倒塌的房子中找到了一个幸存者。 The rescue workers found a survivor ________________________________ 7 目光所及之处,所有都成为了废墟。 Everywhere we looked,___________________________ 8 他向我们描述了他是如何从废墟中被救出来的。 He described to us how ____________________________ 9 在这个城市以北是一座大型的炼油厂。 ________________________________________. There is a large oil plant to the north of this city. in the house that had fallen down. all lay in ruins. he was rescued from the ruins. 六、介词填空 ?请用恰当的介词填空。 1. No one helped me. I did it all


  2. If you keep ______, you’ll succeed

  time. 3. Judging ___________ his accent, he must come ________ Sichuan. 4. Only ______ this way can you succeed. 5. _______ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. With

  by on


  from/by from


  6. I owe thanks ______ you ______ your unselfish help. 7. She has been married _____ a young worker. 8. ----What time is it now?

  ---- It is seven______ my watch. 9. The tables in that restaurant are so close together that there’s little space _________ them. 10. I feel that one of my main duties _____ a teacher is to help the students to become better learners.




  by between as Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. (P25) Shake : vi /vt

  (shook ,shaken) Shake hands with sb

  Shake one’s head over /at sth The whole house shook during the explosion. The explosion shook the house. Please shake the bottle before taking. The host shook hands with all the guests. Nothing can shake our determination to overcome the difficulty. He shook his head in answer to my question. right away: right now ; at once ; immediately

  I am getting in touch with him right away.

  2. For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. (Para 1, Line 1) rise(rose,risen) vi go up; get higher; (of the sun, moon, stars,etc.)

  come above the horizon; stand up ,

  get out of bed The flood has risen two feet. She usually rises early in the morning. rise & raise rise:

  升起; 上升; 上涨(不能用于被动语态) raise: 举起 ; 使升起; 提高(可用于被动语态)

  He raised a heavy box over his head. We must raise the living standard of the people . Food prices are still rising.

  3. A smelly gas came out of the cracks. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. (Para 1, Line 3) smelly

  adj. 发臭的 wind----windy



  too···to ·····=so

  that This book is too difficult for me to read. =This book is so difficult that I can not



  In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. (Para 1, L6) burst

  (burst, burst) (1).vi.

  break open or in pieces suddenly;

  e.g. When he was riding ,the tire burst. (2).vi. come or go suddenly or violently

  e.g. The house burst into flames.

  The girl burst into tear. (3).n. bursting, outbreak e.g.

  a burst of laughter/applause

  5. …went to bed as usual that night. (Para1, Line 8) as usual

  照常,惯常 As usual, it rained on my birthday. 6. It seemed that the world was at an end.(Para 2, Line 1) at an end

  世界末日 come to an end 结束 The meeting came to an end at midnight. at the end of

  在……的尽头/最后 At the end of the road you’ll find a shop. He is at the end of his patience. 7. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruin. (Para 2, Line 5) lie(lay,lain) (v.)

  to be, remain or be kept in a certain state e.g. The village lay in ruins after the war. in




  or destroyed 毁坏 e.g. An earthquake left the whole town in ruins. n.

  be/lie in ruins

  sth. left after destruction,decay or downfall

  废墟 ,遗迹 v.

  damage , destroyed 损坏,毁灭

  e.g. The fire ruined the house 8. Two-thirds of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.(para 2, Line 6) injure : v. to hurt oneself /sb /sth physically受伤 e,.g. He fell of the bicycle in car accident. Smoking will injure your health. two-thirds 分子用基数(one, two…),分母用序数词(first, second…..),当分子超过1时,分母的词尾加s 1/6



  one-third 2/3


  9.People were shocked. (Para 3, Line 7) shock :n. [U] [C] 打击;震惊, 震动

  vt. 使震惊,使惊愕

  shocking : adj. 使人震惊的 The news of his wife’s death was a terrible

  shook to him. You will get a shock if you touch the live wire. I was shocked by his rudeness. His failure in the exam was shocking to his parents. the number

  of : a quantity of people or things.


  number of : a lot of

  reach(v) to achieve or obtain sth.

  达成(某事物);达到,获得 e.g.

  At last we reached a decision.


  understand it when you reach my age. destroy: v. to damage sth severely; ruin e.g. An atom bomb would destroy a city.

  All his hopes are destroyed.

  instead of :

  in place of; rather than

  代替,而不是 e.g. He did the work instead of his father.

  I’ll go to

  the cinema this afternoon

  instead of doing my homework.

  rescue: to save or set free from harm,

  danger,or loss

  e.g. He rescued the man from drowning.


  Act of rescuing

  解救; 营救


  hope was not lost.不是所有的希望都破灭了。



  = not


  some but not all .一些,但不是全部 e.g. Not all the boys left.(=Only some of them left)






  Grammar (5m)

  Titanic is the ship that sank after hitting an iceberg. Rose and Jack are the lovers who met on the ship. Rose the lady/meet Jack on Titanic Rose is

  met Jack on Titanic Jack the young man /want to save Rose the

  man /want to kill Jack Cal Jack is

  wanted to save Rose Cal is

  wanted to kill Jack. the lady who the young man who the man who


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