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福建省长泰一中2016届高三英语一轮复习:人教版必修一《Unit 2 English around the world 》课件

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  4.southern,eastern adj.

  南方的,南部的;东方的,东部的 eastern一类的词与east一类的词辨析


  east 重点在形容方位或从哪个方向来的;而eastern则指从某一固定的地方看某一个方向,或指某物来自何方或某地朝哪个方向。 5.Recognize Vt.辨认出来,承认,公认 phrases: recognize one’s voice recognize sb to be ……被承认为…… be recognized to be…… recognize that…… 注意:recognize是一个终止性动词。是指原来很熟悉,经过一段时间的间隔或别的原因后又重新认出来。 Sentence patterns 1.believe it or not ,…… e.g.. Believe it or not, there is no such a thing as standard English .

  在应用such,so(如此)时应特别注意,如果作定语的词是no ,all,most,some,any,another,many,much,a few,few,little,a little,several,one.等词语的时候,应用such,such应放置于这些词之后;若为其他形容词,such 则应该放置于这些词之前。如果修饰名词的形容词是many,much,few,little时,不能用such,而要用so,且so 要置于这些词之前。

  2.play a part in

  1>be involved in an activity. 参加某活动. e.g. She plays an active part in local politics. 2>make a contribution to sth; have a share in sth. 对某事起作用,有贡献;参与 e.g. She played a major part I the success of the scheme. We all have

  a part to play in the fight against crime.

  3. be related with; have effect on sth. 与某事有关,对某事有影响 e.g. Geography also plays a

  part in making


  Rules and practice of

  direct and indirect speech


  祈使句 直引:主语+动词+“祈使句”

  间引:主语+动词+to Verb e.g. The teacher said to me, “Come in .” —The teacher told me to go in 。 John said to me , “Please shut the window。” —John asked me to shut the window。 The teacher said to me, “ Don’t be late again.” ---- The teacher advised me not to be late again.

  特别提醒 1.祈使句变为间接引语,主要使用动词不定式。


  表示命令,用tell,order,command等。 表示请求,用ask,beg,request等。 表示忠告,用 advise。

  Open the window. Direct speech Indirect speech Miss Hu told ** to

  open the window. Will you please

  open the window? Miss Hu asked ** to

  open the window. told to asked to Don’t open

  the window. Miss Hu told ** not

  to open the window. not “Write a letter to your parents.”

  “Don’t play games in the classroom.”

  “Can you pass on the book to Tom?”

  “Will you please not smoke here?” The teacher told me to write a letter …. The teacher ordered me not to play games …. The teacher asked me to pass on … The teacher asked me not to smoke there. Try to do this: “It is a fine day. Let’s go to the country

  for a picnic.” Peter said to me. Peter said that it was a fine day and

  asked me to go to the country for a

  picnic with him. Peter told me that it was a fine

  day and let us go to the country

  for a picnic.   感叹句


  间引:主语+动词+陈述句 e.g. He said, “ what a fine day it is !”

  He said , “

  How fine the day is !”

  He said what a fine day it was .

  He said how fine the day was .

  He exclaimed that it was a fine day.

  特别提醒 1. 间接感叹句的动词应该是cry 或exclaim 。

  2.可以仍用what,how 等词,语序不变,也可以用that 从句,把动词say 改为cry,shout,exclaim 等。

  1.He said to Tom, “Don’t do the work any more.” He told Tom not to do the work any more. Practice 2.Mrs. Green said, “Please sing us a song, Miss White.”

  3. “Be quiet, children.” said Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Green asked Miss White to sing them a song. Mrs. Wilson told the children to be quiet.

  4. All the people cried, “What magnificent clothes

  these are!”

  All the people cried what magnificent clothes these were. 高考链接: We won’t give up _______ we should fail 10 times.

  ( 1993年上海 )

  A. even if

  B. since

  C. whether

  D. until 2. — I don’t have any change with me. Will you pay the fare for me?( 2000年上海)

  ---- ________ .

  A. That’s fine

  B. Nothing serious

  C. Never mind

  D. No problem 3. ---- Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?

  ---- _______ .(2000上海)

  A. I’d rather you didn’t, actually

  B. Of course not, it’s not allowed here

  C. Great! I love pets

  D. No, you can’t

  4. The teacher asked us ____ so much noise.(2003年北京) A. don’t make

  B. not make

  C. not making

  D. not to make 5. Visitors ____ not to touch the exhibits.


  A. will request

  B. request

  C. are requesting

  D. are requested 新课标人教版课件系列 《高中英语》

  高考系列复习02 02《一轮课本复习课件 必修一 Unit 2 English around the world 》

  一﹑单词拼写 请根据给出的读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1. _____________ [5AktFuElI] adv.

  事实上 2.______________ [beis] vt.

  以……基础 3. ____________[5^rAdjJElI] adv.

  逐渐地 4. _____________ [ai'dentəti]n. 本身, 身份 5. _____________ ['f lu;ənt] adj. 流利的 6. _____________ [5fri:kwEnt] adj. 频繁的,经常的 7. _____________ [ri'kwest] vt. n. 要求,请求 8._________ [5rekE^naiz] vt. 认出,承认 9. ______________ [streit]adj. 直的 10. _____________ ['lætə] adj. n. 后者 actually base gradually identity fluent frequent request recognize straight latter

  11.____________[in'riʧ] vt.

  使充实, 使丰富 12. ____________[5eliveitE]

  n. 电梯 13. ____________[5kCNkE] vt. 占领,征服

  14. ____________[5AksEnt] n. 口音

  15. _________[vE5kAbjulEri] n. 词汇 16 .____________[ 'ju;zidʒ]n. 使用,用法 17._______[E5fiFEl] adj. 官方的,正式的 18. __________ [iks5preFEn]

  n. 词语,表达 19. __________ [5mid5westEn] adj.中西部的 20. ____________[kE5mB:nd] vt./n. 命令,指令


  elevator conquer




  official expression Midwestern


  二﹑单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Our school has organized a lot of activities in order to

  our school life. 2. He

  knew this city with ___________

  visits throughout the year. 3. Can you

  these twin sisters? 4. I showed two books to you just now. Which one do you prefer, the former or the

  ? enrich Gradually

  frequent recognize latter

  5. The chairman

  that we should show our

  card when leaving here. 6. This stick looks as if it were bent in the water, but

  it is

  . 7.

  English is

  on frequent practice. 8. The date for the celebration has been __________ announced. (official) 9. The general gave a __________ that all soldiers should go to the front. 10. Mastering words and ____________ is a very important part in English learning. requested identity actually straight Fluent

  based officially command expressions

  三﹑词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Some ____________ came to our _________ yesterday. (office) 2. The ______________ thought they won after they conquered this land but in fact, they could not conquer people’s mind. (conquer) 3. We should base the ways of our behaviors on some

  ________ moral principles. (base) 4. We go camping from time to time to enrich our life. And these ______________ bring a lot happiness to us indeed. (enrich) 5. These two tigers ______________ accepted each other after the keepers had taken gradual and effective steps. (gradual) officials






  6. The police failed to____________ that criminal’s identity, which led to his release. (identity) 7. _________ in English may contribute to fluent French as they share a lot of similarities. (fluent) 8. I would like to express my gratitude to you all though some more feelings are beyond _________________. (express) 9. If you want to use these words, you should first master their __________. (use) 10. Most of the dead were recognized by their relatives but some were beyond _____________ as the explosion was too strong.( recognize)






  四﹑词组互译 将下列词组或短语翻译成中文或英语。 1. __________ _____

  由于 2. ________________

  提出,走近 3. _________________ 现在,目前 4. _______________

  利用 5. _____________ 例如 6. _______________ 扮演…角色,充当…作用 7. ________________

  在…尽头 8.__________________ 即使 9. ________________ 以…为基础 10. _________________ 起初,开始 11. ___________________________ 从一个地方到另外一个地方 because of come up at present make use of such as play a part in at the end of even if be based on at first from one place to another 12. without a second thought _________________

  13. make voyages to a place ______________ 14. English as an international language __________________ 15. a large number of ____________ 16. enrich the English language___________ 17. believe it or not______________ 18. neighboring towns _______________ 19. recognize sb as ___________ 20. become less like German __________ 没有经过深思熟虑 乘船到一个地方 英语作为一门国际语言 大量的 丰富英语这门语言 信不信由你 邻近的市镇 公认某人为 变得没有那么像德语了

  五﹑词组运用 (1)根据句子所提供的语境,从第四大题中选出一个适当的词组并用其适当形式填空。 1. He ______________a good idea and shared with us at the meeting. 2. The accident happened _____________ his carelessness. 3. ______________, we have to focus on our study as the exams are coming. 4. If you want to succeed, you must _____________________ your time. 5. There are many kinds of books on the shelf, _________ novels, poems and so on. such as

  came up with because of At present make good use of 6. Computers are ___________________________ our society. 7. Mr. Li gave a speech _____________conference. 8. I will not go to the wedding party ____________I am invited. 9. My guess _________________what I had seen. 10. He took the action _________________________ and so he deserved the failure. 11. The beggar went __________________________ to try his luck. 12. __________, we did not know each other. But now we have become good friends. At first playing a very important part in at the end of even if was based on without a second thought from one place to another (2)根据汉语意识,从上述短语中选出一个恰当的词组完成句子。 13. 不管你信不信,他已经放弃了他毕生追求的事业了。 __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 14. 他是这个领域的权威。 ________________________________________ 15. 我们航行到了邻近的一个城市。 __________________________________________ We made an voyage to a neighboring city. Believe it or not, he has given up the career to

  which he has devoted his whole life. He is recognized as leading specialist in this field. 六、介词填空 请填入恰当的介词填空。 1. It’s quite hot today ______ May.

  2. I’m used to going to bed _____ midnight. 3. He is still _______ his forties but looks like a man of sixty. 4. I only know him _____ name. 5. Last week, I was at home _____ sick leave. 6. My uncle has a house ______ the sea coast _____which he often lives during his holidays with his family.


  at in by on on


  7. There is an island 200 metres ______the shore.

  8. They began their party _______ a song and it end______ great success. 9. The price of rice has increased ________ 6 Yuan a kilo, which means it has increased _____ one Yuan since last month. 10.______his arrival at the airport, he was arrested _______ the policemen waiting for him. On



  with in to

  by Language data bank Language points for Reading I.

  2. Language points for Reading II.

  1. include

  1)用作及物动词,意为“ 包括;包含”,不能用于进行时态。 Eg: Your duties will include putting the children to bed.

  2)include 还可作“ 包含于、、、里面;算入”讲,常与in, on, among 介词等连用。 Eg: He includes me among his friends.

  I’m included in the team.

  Language points for Reading I 2. play a role / part ( in )

  意为“ 在、、、中担任角色;在、、、中起作用”。

  Role习惯搭配 take (on) /perform a role 扮演角色,hand out roles 分派任务(角色)

  a leading/starting role 主角


  He filled the role of a manager.

  The UN plays an important role in international relations.

  She’s been offered a leading role in a new film.

  3.Nearly all of them lived in England. Nearly


  almost 用法明辨: (1)两者通用的场合。


  b.修饰all, every, always 等时。


  (2)只用 almost


  a.和any, no, none, nothing, nobody, nowhere, never 等连用时。

  b.和too, more than 等连用时。



  a.被 very, not, pretty等修饰时。

  b.和具体数字连用时(nearly常用)。 4. than ever before 比以往任何时候更…… You’ll speak English much better than ever before. than ever before 可看作是

  than they ever speak English before 的省略形式。在比较级结构中,副词 ever 与比较级和最高级连用,用来加强语气,意为“比以往任何时候更……”。




  3)曾经(用于if 从句)



  5.Native English speaker can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.

  (1) even if ( = even though ): in spite of the fact; no matter whether 即使;尽管


  (2) even if 从句所说的不那么肯定。

  even though 从句是事实。

  E.g: Even if he is poor, she loves him.

  (=He may be poor, yet she loves him.)

  ( Even ) though he is poor, she loves him.

  ( = He is poor, yet she loves him.) 6. Only time can tell


  tell 此处用作不及物动词,意为“显示出”,还可作“发生影响;起作用;判断”等讲。 1.standard n.&adj.标准,规格;标准的,规格的 phrases: come up to the standard

  meet standards

  set a standard

  standard of living

  by international standards

  from the standards

  on a standard

  a car of standard size

  a standard composer Language points for Reading II 2.expect Vt.(理所当然)期望,预料,认为,预期 usage: expect sb to do sth expect +that-clause expect sth expect to do sth I expect so.

  我想是这样。 I expect not.

  I don’t expect so. 我想不是这样。 expect & wait for expect

  主要指心理状态(a state of mind),含有期盼的意味。 wait for

  则指另一种行动(a sort of activity),特别指什么都不干而专门等待。 3.specially & especially

  adv.尤其,特别地(可缩写为esp.) specially: 指为某一特殊目的而专门采用的某一个方式。 especially:指有意突出到显眼或例外的程度,表达某事不寻常,过分或特别重要。


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