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福建省长泰一中2016届高三英语一轮复习:人教版必修三《Unit 5 Canada

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  5. Many people think it is the most beautiful city in Canada, as it is surrounded by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific. 许多人都认为温哥华是加拿大最美丽的城市,因为它的北面和东面都被大山包围。

  surround vt. 包围,环绕,围绕

  surround sb/sth with sb/sth

  sth/sb be sourrounded by/with sth




  _________________________________________ ____________.


  The fence surrounds the school They have surrounded the town with troops The house is surrounded by high walls 6. On the coast north of Vancouver some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world still remain.温哥华以北的海岸依然生长着世界上最古老,最美丽的森林。

  north of = to the north 表示“在……的北方”,其他方位词,如:east, west, south, southeast, northeast等,都有类似的用法。


  ________________________________________. He lives to the east of Los Angeles 7. That afternoon in the train the cousins settled down in their seats. 那天下午表姐妹俩才在火车上落了座。 settle down 安稳坐下,安居下来,适应起来 他爷爷手拿报纸坐在扶手椅里。 His grandfather _____________________________________ with a newspaper. 你适应新工作了吗? ___________________________________________________?

  settled down in the armchair Have you settled down in your new job yet 8. Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes. 他们中许多人都有与兽共舞的才能,他们能赢得几千美元的奖金。

  have a gift for 在…..方面有天分;有天赋





  she has a gift for learning languages.

  It seems he has a gift for music. 1.They were not leaving for Montreal until later. Not …until …表示“直到…才…”,常与表示瞬间的动词连用。如: 他们直到今天晚上才离开。 We do not ________ until _______________.

  街上的吵闹声直到深夜才停止。 The noise in the street didn't ______ until ___________.

  leave this evening stop midnight Not leave = stay 所以加延续性动词时,常与until连用。 他们直到今天晚上才离开。 We will ________ until this evening. 街上的吵闹声直到深夜才停止。 The noise in the street will ________ until midnight. until 后也可接从句: 孩子们天黑之前都不会回来。 The children won’t ______________ until ____________.

  stay go on come back it is dark 2. It’s too bad you can’t go as far as Ottawa, Canada’s capital. 遗憾的时你们不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥太华去。 as far as (习语)直到所提到之处为止 我一直走到山脚。 I walked_____________________________________. 莎拉已经读到第四册啦。 Sarah has read _________________ ____________.

  as far as the foot of the mountain

  as far as the forth volume 3. The girl told him they were on a train trip across the Canada and that they had only one day in Montreal.

  一个动词若带两个宾语从句,第二个宾语从句的引导词that 一般不能省,例如:

  I understand not only that you have studied Chinese but also that you have written Chinese poetry. What kind of noun clauses are they? 1. What it was to become was a mystery. 2. I don’t know who will help Henry to win the bet. 3. His trouble is that he doesn’t know anybody in London. 4. The fact that ships can go there surprises many people. 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 Grammar

  noun clauses subjective clause 主语从句 objective clause 宾语从句 predicative clause 表语从句 appositive clause 同位语从句

  appositive clause

  同位语从句 The appositive clause is a clause used as an appositive. The clause is an explanation to the noun before. 同位语从句属于名词性从句,大多由从属连词that引导,常常跟在fact, news, idea, thought, question, reply, report, remark, hope, belief等名词后面。同位语从句一般用来解释或说明这些名词的具体含义或内容,在逻辑上表现为同为关系。 They are familiar with the opinion that all matter consists of atoms. Where did you get the idea that I could not come. We haven’t yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vocation. The suggestion came from the chairman that the new rule should be adopted. Find out the appositive clause from the reading text. The idea that you would cross the whole continent was exciting. The idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days is just wrong. The fact that ocean ships can go there surprises many people. practice (3m) 同位语从句与that引导的定语从句 (1)从先行词看

  同位语从句与名词之间在逻辑上是“主语+be+表语”的关系。该名词是需要做特殊说明的抽象名词。例如: They were delighted at the news that their team had won. The news was that their team had won. (2)从引导词来看

  引导词that在同位语从句中是连词,只起连接作用,无具体词,that不可省略;that在定语从句中是关系代词,它在从句中充当一定成分——主语或宾语,有具体词意,作宾语时还可以省略。 The factory (that) we visited yesterday is a chemical one. The news that he will leave for Shanghai is true. (3)同位语从句的简易判断方法

  同位语从句与其先行词在逻辑上是“主语+be+表语”的同位语关系。所以,可以在名词和从句之间加系动词be,使之构成一个新句子,如果合乎逻辑,句子通顺,则原句为同位语从句;定语从句是不能够用系表结构把先行词与从句连接起来的。 The belief that the earth is flat is still held in some countries. The belief is that the earth is flat. 能用于名词性从句的名词有:ability, patience, anxiety, answer, order, report, wish, decision, suggestion, belief, doubt, fact, hope, message, news, promise, question, reply等等。 15《一轮课本复习课件 必修三 Unit 5 Canada--The True North》

  Find out the location of Canada Warming-up

  Which is the national flat of Canada?






  Warming-up 2.

  Which is the national flower of Canada?

  A cherry.

  B. rose

  C. maple

  D. daffodil


  5. What is the national animal of Canada?

  A. Beaver

  B. Grizzly bear

  C . Polar bear

  D. Penguin


  4. What is the capital of Canada? A. Vancouver

  B. Toronto

  C. Calgary

  D. Ottawa


  Fill in the blank and retell the story

  Li Daiyu and Liu Qian took the train in Canada from _____ to

  _____ . Their cousins’ friend, Danny Lin, took them to the train station to catch “____ _____ _______” . Canada is the ________ biggest country in the world. It is 5,500 kilometers from ______ to _______. As they go ___________, they saw beautiful scenery as well as cities. Vancouver is ______________ by mountains on the north west east

  The True North second coast coast eastward surrounded Retell


  and east. When the cousins ________ _______ in the seats, they looked out of the window. They saw mountain goats and even a _______ bear. Calgary is famous for its competition. Many of the cowboys from all over North America ______ _____ _____ ______ working with animals. Then they ______ __________ a wheat-growing province. Thunder Bay is a busy port. It is ______ ____ the center of the country.

  settled down grizzly




  for went through


  to 一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1____________

  [5ministE] n. 大臣;部长 2____________ [kwi:n] n. 女王;王后 3____________ [5kCntinEnt] n. 大陆;陆地 4____________ [5i:stwEd] adv.向东; adj.向东的 5____________ [sE5raund] vt.& vi.包围; 环绕 6____________ [iks5tri:mli] adv.极端地 7____________ [5setl] vt.& vi 定居;解决;平静下来 8____________ [wiT5in] prep.在......之内; 不越出 9____________ [5bC:dE] vt&vi n.边界;国界与...接壤 10____________ [5slaitli] adv.稍稍;轻微地 minister queen continent eastward surround


  settle within



  11____________ [pC:t] n. 港口;舱门

  12____________ [5fi^E] vt.& vi. 想;估计;计算 13____________ [5terifai] vt.使恐怖;恐吓 14____________ [flEu] n. 流程;流动 vi.流动 15____________ [5meipl] n. 枫;枫树;淡棕色 16____________ [E5fiFEl] n. 官员;公务员 17____________ [frC:st] n. 霜;霜冻 18____________ [5welWi] adj.富有的n.富人;有钱人 19____________ [5distEns] n.

  距离;远方 20____________ [brC:d]adj.宽阔的;广泛的;主要的 port figure


  flow maple official


  wealthy distance broad 二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1 Vancouver is s_____________ by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific Ocean on the west. 2 It is so wet there that the trees are e____________ tall. 3 A

  ________ is a place where water is calm and ships can be safe. 4 To go to Russia from China you must cross the ______. 5 The idea that there will be an earthquake t________ many people. surrounded extremely harbour

  border terrifies

  6The water f_________ into the Niagara River and over the falls on its wy to the sea. 7 I should phone her from a telephone b___________ . 8 A

  __________ is a kind of tree with five-pointed leaves. 9 Someone who is ___________ has a large amount of money . 10 The two __________ languages in Canada are English and French. flows maple booth wealthy official

  三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1 The accident happened on a cold __________ (frost ) morning. 2 The students live happily in these beautiful _______________ ( surround). 3 This is a _____________ (extreme) difficult task. 4 Early to bed, early to rise, make a man healthy, _____________ ( wealth), and wise. 5 Although the new road is being used , it has not yet been ____________ (official ) opened.






  6 Travel has _______________ (broad) my vision and knowledge of the world.

  7 I’m __________ ( terrify ) of flying. I’d rather go by sea. 8 __________ ( distant) , to her right, she could make out the city of Shanghai. 9 There is a _____________ ( continent) climate in that place. 10 Many people suffered from ____________ ( culture ) shock when they came abroad. broadened





  四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。 1. go on a tour to …________________ 2. rather than _____________________ 3. speed up

  _______________________ 4. the second biggest country__________ 5. in the downtown __________________ 在市区

  去某地旅行 不愿, 不要 加速 第二大国 6. 在远处___________________________ 7. 远到;直到.______________________ 8. 估计_____________________________ 9. 定居,专心于_____________________

  10. 对……有天赋____________________ have a gift for

  in the distance

  as far as figure out settle down 五、词组运用 根据汉语意思,从第四题中选出适当的词组填空。 1. 我的爸爸下个星期去纽约旅行。 My father will

  ______________ New York next week? 2. 我想喝柠檬,不想喝可乐。 I’d like lemonade ___________________ a coke. 3. 他们一直走到湖边。 They walked _________________________________. 4. 如果我们想按时的话,最好加速。 We had better______________ if we want to be on time. 5.他想结婚并安居下来。 He wants to get married and ______________________.

  settle down

  go on a tour to rather than as far as the lake speed up 6. 他有音乐天赋。 He _______________ music. 7. 她正在尽力想办法解决这个问题。 She is trying to _______________ to solve the problem. 8. 他一直看着火车,直到火车变成远方的一个点。 She watched the train until it was only a dot __________________. 9. 加拿大是世界上的第二大的国家。 Canada is ___________________________ . 10. 汤姆住在市区。 Tom lives ________________ .

  in the downtown has a gift for figure out a way in the distance the second biggest country Language points for Reading I Language points for Reading II Canada is a multicultural country like China. 加拿大像中国一样是一个多元化国家。










  多层的 多种形式的 多通话线路的, 多波段的 多种用途的











  multiparty multinational multidirectional multicolored multimedia 2. Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast. 李黛予和她的表妹刘倩去加拿大大西洋海岸看望她们的表兄妹们。

  trip: usually short journey, esp. for pleasure (通常指短途的)行走,旅行(尤指娱乐性的)


  be on a trip to

  make a trip to

  take a trip to

  海滨之行 _______________________




  He is _____________________.


  My father will ______________________________ next week. a trip to the seaside

  a honeymoon trip to Paris on a business trip

  make a trip to New York 3. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly from China to Vancouver and to take the train from west to east across Canada in September.

  rather than (prep.): in preference to (sb/sth); instead of


  他不愿惹麻烦,宁可离去. ________________________________, he left.


  I’ll _____________________________________.


  He was busy _______________________________ __________________________.

  Rather than cause trouble have a lemonade rather than a coke

  writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper 4. It is the second biggest country in the world and as you go eastward, you will see mountains, and pass by thousands of lakes, forests and wide rivers as well as cities. 它是世界第二大国家,当你一路向东行时,除了城市你还会看到山脉,会经过上千个湖泊,森林,大河等以及城市.


  -ward(s)=in a direction

  向前 ___________

  向后 ____________

  向外 ___________

  向南 ____________

  向西 ___________

  向北 ____________

  forward(s) backward(s) northward(s) outward(s) southward(s) westward(s) 他们向东航行。 ________________________.

  我们难以决定是向东走还是向西走。 We couldn’t decide ______________ _________________________. They sailed eastward

  whether to go eastward or westward thousands of 成千上万的 注意:million, billion, thousand, hundred, score, dozen之前有确定的数字时,不论后面是有无of, 词尾都不加s.

  如果前面没有确定的数字而后接of时,词尾都加s. 300名学生

  ____________________________ 这些鸡蛋里的3打



  _______________________ three hundred students three dozen of these eggs dozens of eggs


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