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福建省长泰一中2016届高三英语一轮复习:人教版必修三《Unit 3 The million pond band-note》课件

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  8.account for :be the explanation of sth. ; explain the cause of sth. 做某事的解释;解释某事物的原因。


  请你对自己的行为作出解释。 Please account for your own conduct. His illness accounts for his absence. 9. appearance n. arrival 出现,来到 警察突然出现,小偷就逃跑了。 The sudden appearance of a policeman caused

  the thief to run away. 2) 外貌,外表 勿以貌取人——外貌不可靠。 Don’t judge by appearances----

  appearances can be misleading. 10. by accident =by chance 偶然地, 意外地 我只是碰巧找到 的。 11. to be honest = to tell you the truth=honestly speaking 类似用法 : to be frank =frankly speaking坦率地说 我认为我们取胜的可能性不大。 I only found it by accident. To be honest, I don’t think we have a chance of winning. It’ll cost a tiny bit. He’s asked for more of the same.

  The waiter leaves for the kitchen.

  那会花费稍多一点。 侍者前往厨房。 他又点了同样的一份。 the same ……that

  /the same ……as the same …that 一般指同类同物,而the same…as 指同类不同物 This is the same pen that I lost.

  这就是我丢的那枝笔(同一枝)。 This is the same pen as I lost.

  这枝笔和我丢的那枝一样(同类不同物)。 有时并无区别,而且一般认为the same 之后用as 比用that更适合。例如: He works in the same office as (that) I do. Her hair is the same colour as her mother’s.

  scream v.&n.


  She screamed (out at me )in anger.


  The hurricane screamed outside. a scream of pain, a scream of laughter, excitement It would be wrong of me not to trust a gentleman such as yourself, sir….. be +adj. +of sb. 说明某人的本质 be + adj. +for sb.对某人有好处 Having a walk after supper is good for your health. Grammar Noun clauses as the object and predicative



  表语从句 Useful structure

  ( 22m )

  名词性从句相当于名词,可分别作主句的主语、表语、宾语和同位语。因此,名词性从句可分为主语从句、表语从句 、宾语从句和同位语从句。

  1、宾语从句 宾语从句在复合句中起宾语作用,可以作动词的宾语,也可以作介词的宾语。引导宾语从句词有连词that,if,whether;连接代词who,whose,what,which;连接副词when,where,how, why等。 The Object Clause e.g.

  I think (that) women can reach very

  high achievements in many fields of science. 2) I wonder whether/if she remembered how

  many babies she had delivered. 3) Do you know who/whom Jack was speaking to? 4) He asked whose car it was. 5) Pay attention to what the doctor said. 6) Please tell me when the earthquake took place. 7) Will you tell me how I can keep fit and healthy? The Object Clause 做动词的宾语


  e.g. He doesn't know where the post office is.


  e.g. He told me what I should read. (3)如果宾语从句后面有宾语补足语,要使用形式宾语 it 而将从句放到补足语后面;

  e.g. I thought it strange that he failed to call me.

  我觉得奇怪:他没给我打电话。 (4)在think, believe, suppose, expect等动词之后的宾语从句中,如果从句谓语是否定含义,则不用否定形式,而将主句谓语动词think等变为否定形式;

  e.g. I don’t think you are right.

  我想你是不对的。 (5) 在think,believe,imagine,suppose,guess,hope等动词以及 I’m afraid 等后,可用so代替一个肯定的宾语从句,还可用not代替一个否定的宾语从句: e.g. 一Do you believe it will clear up?你认为天气会转晴吗?

  一I believe so. 我认为会这样。

  I don't

  believe so.(或I believe not.)


  (1)一般情况下,宾语从句直接跟在谓语后; e.g. Did she say anything about how we should do the work? (2) that引导的宾语从句只有在except, in, but, besides等少数介词后偶尔可能用到;

  e.g. Your article is all right except that it is too long.

  (3)有时在介词和其宾语从句的中间加形式宾语 it;


  I’ll see to it that everything is ready.

  做介词的宾语 3. what, which, who, whom, whose引导的表语从句

  连接代词what,which,who,whom,whose除在句子中起连接作用外,还可在从句中从当主语、表语、定语,且各有各的词义。 e.g. Tom is no longer what he used to be.

  The question is which of us should come first.

  The problem is who is really fit for the hard job.

  The important thing is whose name should be put

  on the top of the list. The Predicative Clause

  that 引导的表语从句

  that 仅起连接作用,无意义,在句中不作任何成分,通常不可省略。这种从句往往是对主句主语的内容起进一步解释的作用。 e.g. The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smoking. 2. whether 引导的表语从句

  连接词whether起连接作用, 意为“是否、究竟、到底”(注意:if不能引导表语从句) 在句中也不作任何成分。 e.g. The question is whether what man will turn up in time. 2. 表语从句-在从句中作表语的从句称作表语从句。 4. where, when, why, how引导的表语从句

  连接副词where, when, why, how除在句中起连接作用外,在从句中还充当时间、地点、方式、原因状语,本身具有词义。 e.g. That’s where I can’t agree with you.

  This is why Sara was late for the meeting.

  This is how they overcome the difficulties.

  My strongest memory is when I attended an

  American wedding. 5. 其他连词as if, because, as, as though 引导的表语从句

  because引导表语从句通常只用于“This/That/It is because…”结构中。

  as if/though引导的表语从句常置于连系动词look, seem, sound, be, become等后面,常用虚拟语气,表示不存在的动作或状态。 e.g. It sounds as if/though somebody was knocking at the door.

  My anger is because you haven’t written to me for a long time. 1.Go and get your coat.It's_______you left it.

  A.there B.where C.there were D.where there

  2.The problem is_______ he has enough time.





  3.He made a promise_______ he would help me.





  4.I remember_______ this used to be a quiet village.





  5.It is generally considered unwise to give a child_______ he or she wants.

  A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.wherever B B C B B Practice – choosing ( 10m ) 高考链接

  1.---Are you still thinking about yesterday's


  ---Oh, that's_______ . (2003北京春季) A. what makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excited about

  C. how I feel about it

  D. when I feel excited

  A 解析: 这是由what 引导的一个表语从句,在从句中充当主语,这句话的意思为:那是使我感到兴奋的事。故答案为A。 2.---I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.

  ---Is that_______ you had a few days off?

  (NMET1999) A.why






  3.Perseverance is a kind of quality and that’s _______ it takes to do anything well.

  ( 2002上海春季) A. what

  B. that

  C. which

  D. why

  解析:what在表语从句中作takes的宾语,构成"It takes sth. to do sth."的句型。答案为A。

  A 4.When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden rule: Always give the monkey exactly_______ he wants . (2002上海春季)





  解析:这是一个宾语从句,wants后面缺少宾语,Always give the monkey exactly what he wants是一句谚语,意思是"永远给予他人他确实想要的东西"。故答案为A。 A 13《一轮课本复习课件 必修三 Unit 3 The million pond band-note》


  根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1.____________

  [si:n] n.景色


  [nA5reitC:,E] n.讲述者 3.____________

  [5sE:vEnt] n.仆人


  [pE(:)5mit] vt.& vi.允许 5.____________


  6._____________ [5Qn5peid]adj. 未付款 7._____________ [E5kaunt]n.说明

  8._____________ [E5piErEns]n.出现 9._____________ [5peiFEns]n.耐性

  10._____________ [in5kredEbl]adj.难以置信 scene narrator servant permit stare

  unpaid account appearance patience


  11.____________ [5simpli]adv.仅仅

  12._____________ [in5di:d] adv.真正的 13._____________[skri:m] vi..尖叫

  14._____________[5isju:] vt.& vi.发行 15._____________[5mAnE] n.礼貌

  16._____________ [5taini] adj.很少的 17._____________[5dVelEs] adj.妒忌的


  n.小说 19._____________ [5bB:bE]n.理发师

  20._____________ [ru:d] adj.粗魯的


  indeed scream issue manner tiny

  jealous novel barber rude


  根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个适当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I can’t yet tell you

  I will go to travel after exam. 2. The woman looked after the baby as if he________

  her child. 3. Henry

  by accident on the sea one day. (spot) 4. The teacher stared at the kid ,

  him not to be absent-minded . (warn) 5. Most students don’t know

  they should do

  themselves when parents are not at home . with


  were was spotted warning what 6.

  be honest , I have no time to argue this silly question with you now . 7.

  is not clear that you have to leave so soon . 8. It

  you that I met in the library on Sunday afternoon. 9. Do you mind my

  here ? (smoke) 10. China exported a large amount

  textile to the western countries ever since 2007 it

  .(decrease) has been decreased


  It was




  用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. We can do whatever we like now ,for we have our head teacher’s

  to do our favorite. (permit) 2. Though it was

  , everyone loved to took an active part in this activity as volunteers. (pay) 3. At last the singer appeared at the stage, and the audience were amazed at his

  .(appear) 4. You should try to

  your explanation for the children. They can only work out the

  of the math’s at this age. (simple) 5. What he said is

  ,because he often lies to his friends. (believe) permission






  6. The

  often gives me

  help. I make rapid progress under his

  .(direct) 7. Both of the countries showed a

  to finish their argument of the border. So the problem will continue to be remained. (willing) 8. The two enjoyed the

  of their life on the island and never felt



  .(lonely) 9. Rainy days are

  of March in Guangzhou and most novelist

  it as a


  different from that in the north. (character) 10. After three hours of waiting for the train, our

  ___________was finally exhausted. (patient) direction





  loneliness character

  characteristic characterize patience


  将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。 1. 处理____________________

  2. 偶然____________________

  3. 养育____________________

  4. 解释____________________

  5. 至于____________________

  6. 即使____________________

  7. 正相反____________________

  8. 盯住____________________

  stare at


  with by

  accident bring up account for as

  for even if on the contrary 9. go ahead ____________________ 10. in rags ____________________ 11. get in trouble ____________________ 12. to be honest ____________________ 13. in a rude manner ____________________ 14. be about to ____________________ 15. take a chance ____________________ 16. earn one’s passage

  _________________ 说吧 衣衫褴褛 陷入困境 说实话 以粗鲁的方式 即将要 碰运气 赚取路费 五、词组运用 词组填空

  根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。 1. He is

  ,but he is a millionaire. 2. The secret is only found


  . 3. When the thief found the police had already


  him he ran away quickly. stared at

  in rags by accident 翻译填空

  根据汉语意思,从上述短语中选一个适当的词组完成句子。 4. 没人能解释为什么他会犯如此愚蠢的错误。 No one can

  the reason why he made such stupid mistake. 5. 说到吸烟,它确实对身体有害。

  Smoking, it does do harm to health. 6. 看去天好像要下雨了。 It looked

  it was going to rain. as if

  account for As for 句子翻译

  从上述短语中选择适当的短语翻译下列句子。 7. 开车时绝不应冒险。

  8. 当我小时,我在一个小城镇生活。

  9. 他不贫穷,相反他很富有。

  10. 我正要离开时,他就打电话来了。

  I was just about to leave when he was calling to me. You should never take chances when driving a car. I was brought up in a small town when I was a child. He is not poor, on the contrary, he is very rich. Language points for Reading I Language points for Reading II

  Henry was an_________. One day he had an

  accident in a_____. Luckily he was survived by a

  ship for_______. He arrived in London by earning

  his passage without pay. He was _____in the street

  in_____. To his surprise an



  happened. Two rich brothers gave him a million

  pound bank-note because they had made a_____.

  incredible American London bay rags

  lost bet Retell the story by filling the following passage.


  him to

  go into a restaurant.

  The owner and the waiters served him in a____

  manner. However, when they saw the note, their

  ________to Henry changed greatly .

  It was very common to_______ a stranger

  by their clothes in the capitalist countries.

  Hunger rude attitude judge Retell the story by filling the following blanks: 1.bet n.

  (1)agreement to risk money, etc on an event of which the result is doubtful赌博 Make a bet打赌 咱们赌下次大选好吗? Let’s make a bet on the next election have a bet打赌 win/lose a bet 打赌赢/输了 accept/take up a bet (2) The money, etc risked in this way (金钱等)赌注 v. 1)risk (money) on a race or some other event of which the result is doubtful打赌,赌博 布莱克夫人把她所有的钱都花在了赌马上。 Mrs. Black spent all her money betting on horses. 2)I bet……=(informal) I’m certain……我肯定… 我敢肯定他去游泳了,他喜爱这项运动。 I bet he’s gone to swimming---he loves it. 2. permit(v.) 1)permit sb to do sth.=allow sb to do sth. 允许 她的妈妈是不会允许她晚归的。

  Her mother would not permit her to come back late. Permit me to explain it.

  容我解释一下。 2) permit sth: allow sth. to exist, happen, or to be done(very formal) 许可、容许(某事物)存在、发生或被(某人)做(非常正式) 在我们的办公室里不准吸烟。 We don’t permit smoking in the office. 犯人每天允许有两个小时的户外活动。 The prisoners were permitted two hours’ outdoor exercise a day. 3.incredible(adj.)=unbelievable: incredible tale to

  a great degree; extremely or unusually 非常地;极端地;异乎寻常地。 极热的天气 incredibly hot weather 2)in a way that is difficult to believe; amazingly 难以置信;惊人地 真是难以置信,这样简单的主意竟没有人想到。 Incredibly, no one had ever thought of such a simple idea before. 4. go head :be carried out; take place执行,进行,举行 1)尽管天气不好,旅行将照常进行。 Despite the bad weather, the journey will go ahead. 新桥的修建将按计划进行。 The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned. 5. matter n.&v (1) n. affair, topic or situation being considered 事情;问题;情况 我不和同事谈私事。

  下次会议我们有几件重要的事情要处理。 I don’t discuss private matters with my colleagues. We have several important matters to deal with at our next meeting.

  (2)n.physical substance or things of a specified kind物质,材料,物品 宇宙是由物质构成的。

  (3)v. be important关系重大,要紧 他来也好去也好,那有什么关系呢?

  你做什么我都无所谓。 It doesn’t matter to me what you do. What does it matter whether he comes or goes? The universe is composed of matter. 6.stare v. (1)look at sb./sth. with the eyes wide open in a fixed gaze瞪着眼睛凝视 盯着人看是没有礼貌的 It’s rude to stare. 他们都惊讶得瞪大了眼睛。 They all stared in amazement. (2) be wide open with a fixed gaze 睁大眼睛注视 他瞪着眼睛注视着这场面。 He gazed at the scene with staring eyes. (3) bring sb. into a specified condition瞪着某人使其做出某种反应 她把他瞪得不吭声了。 She stared him into silence. 她凝视着远方。 She is staring into the distance. 我看了可是看不清楚。 I looked but couldn’t see it clear. spot

  n.&v. (1)n. small mark different in color, texture 斑点 豹和虎哪一个身上有斑点? Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger? (2)drop 滴 下了几滴雨,你感觉到了吗? Did

  you feel a few spots of rain? (3)v. pick out, catch sight of ,recognize,discover 找出,认出,发觉 杰克最终找到了他想要的衬衫。 Jack finally spotted just the shirt he wanted. 我看不出两者的区别。

  I can’t spot the difference between them. 7.passage n. (1)process of passing/freedom or right to go through通行 机动车禁止通行。 The passage of motor vehicles is forbidden. 他们被禁止穿越占领区。 They were denied passage through the occupied territory.


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