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2016届高考英语全新教程一轮总复习课件:模块3Unit 2 Language(译林版江苏专用)

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Not all of them have read this story. =All of them haven’t read this story. 并非他们都看过这个故事。 (2)not与always/often/quite等词连用也表示部分否定。

  部分否定 全部否定 两者 both...not/not...both并非两者都 neither/not...either两者都不 两者以上 all...not/not...all=some 并非所有……都 every...not/not...every =some/few 并非每一个……都 the whole...not/not...the

  whole 并非全部  not...any/none 没有一个no one/nobody 没有人 nothing 没有任何事物 归纳拓展 39.完成句子 (1)并非所有的学生都去看电影了。 ________ ________ ________ ________went to the movie. =________ ________ ________ ________go to the movie. 答案:Not all the students;All the students didn’t 即境活用 (2)没有一个学生去看电影。 ________ ________ ________ ________went to the movie. 答案:None of the students (3)并非两姐妹都在这儿。 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________are here. =________ ________ ________ ________are ________here. 答案:Not both of the sisters;Both of the sisters;not

  (4)两姐妹都不在这儿。 ________ ________ ________ ________ is here. 答案:Neither of the sisters (5)我不全认识他们。 I ________know ________of them. 答案:don’t;all

  知能强化训练 本部分内容讲解结束 点此进入课件目录 按ESC键退出全屏播放 谢谢使用 * 12.

  look up (在词典或参考书中)查找 (回归课本P28)Looking up every new word will certainly be a waste of time.每个新单词都去查当然会浪费时间。 归纳拓展

  (2)look after 照顾;照料;管理 look back on 回顾;回忆 look down on/upon 俯视;轻视某人 look forward to 盼望 look into 向里看;调查 look into one’s eyes 直视某人 look up to 向上看;尊敬 look through 浏览 look on as 把……看做;认为 look out 当心 例句探源 ①(牛津P1195)She looked up from her book as I entered the room.我进房间时,她从书本上抬起头来看了看。 ②(朗文P1219)If you don’t know the word,look it up in the dictionary.如果你不认识这个词,查一下词典。 ③Kids need role models to look up to. 孩子们需要有模范人物做榜样。 ★27.(2009年高考湖北卷)Would you please________the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes? A.look around 

  B.look into C.look up

  D.look through 解析:选D。句意:请你帮我浏览一下这篇论文,看是否有明显的错误好吗?look around环顾四周;look into调查;look up查阅,抬头看;look through查看,快速浏览。本题就是“快速查看”的意义表达。 即境活用 28.(2010年高考安徽卷)No matter how low you consider yourself,there is always someone ________ you wishing they were that high. A.getting rid of

  B.getting along with C.looking up to

  D.looking down upon 解析:选C。句意:不管你多么看低自己,总有敬重你的人希望他们也(像你一样)那么高尚。look up to“尊重,敬仰”,符合语境。A项“摆脱”;B项“与……和睦相处,进展”;D项“轻视,瞧不起”。 ★29.(2009年高考江西卷)It is reported that the police will soon ________ the case of the two missing children. A.look upon

  B.look after C.look into

  D.look out 解析:选C。考查词组辨析。句意:据报道,警方将很快调查那两个孩子失踪的案件。此处look into表示“调查”。


  as a whole 总体上,作为一个整体 (回归课本P38)However,as a whole,the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms. 然而,总体上讲,汉字已经从图画发展成了标准形式。 归纳拓展 as a whole作为一个整体,总体上 on the whole总的来说,大体上,基本上 例句探源 ①(牛津P2297)On the whole,I’m in favour of the idea. 大体上说,我赞成这个想法。 ②(朗文P2342)The US population,as a whole,is very mobile compared to other countries. 与其他国家相比,美国的人口从总体上来说流动性很大。 30.完成句子 (1)Their opinions are________ ________ ________(大体上)the same. 答案:on the whole (2)You have made much progress ________ ________ ________(总体上看). 答案:as a whole

  即境活用 1【教材原句】 Despite


  fact,French still had an impact on the English language.(P23) 然而,法语还是对英语产生了巨大的影响。 【句法分析】 despite this fact作本句的让步状语,意为“尽管存在这样一个事实”,despite是介词,意为“尽管,虽然”=in spite of;而though,although,while也有此意,但它们是连词,引导让步状语从句。 句型巧析 ①He is unhappy,though/although he has a lot of money. 尽管他很有钱,但他并不幸福。 ②Although/Though it was raining hard,yet they went on playing football. 尽管雨下得很大,他们仍继续踢足球。 ③Despite(=In spite of)international pressure,progress has slowed in the peace talks. 尽管面对国际压力,和谈依然进展缓慢。 ④Lucy’s a good worker,despite(=in spite of)her problems at home. 尽管露西在家有很多问题,但她是个好工人。

  31.(2010年江西南昌模拟)________ the poor living conditions,new graduates continue to gather in the suburban villages in Beijing because of low rents and easy transport. A.ExceptB.Despite C.Instead of

  D.As well as 解析:选B。考查介词。句意:尽管居住条件很差,刚毕业的学生还是继续聚居在北京郊区的村子里,因为房租低,交通便利。despite表示“尽管”,符合语意。 即境活用 ★32.(2011年浙江金华联考)Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ________ how great their achievements are. A.in spite of

  B.in charge of C.in favor of

  D.in terms of 解析:选D。考查介词短语。in spite of意思是“尽管”;in charge of意思是“负责,管理”;in favor of意思是“支持,赞同”;in terms of意思是“根据,就……而言”。根据题干内容可知,D项符合语境,即依据他们所取得的成就来评定。 2【教材原句】 After the Norman Conquest,upperclass people spoke French while common people spoke English.(P23) 诺曼征服后,上层阶级说法语,而普通百姓则说英语。 【句法分析】 (1)本句中while是并列连词,意为“……而;……然而……”,用于两件事物的对比。

  ①Some are rich while others are poor. 有的人很有钱而有的人却很穷。 (2)while还可引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然”。 ②While I have some sympathy,I don’t think they are right. 虽然我对他们有些同情,我却觉得他们是不对的。 (3)while引导时间状语从句“当……时候;在……期间,与……同时”。 ③While I was waiting at the bus stop,three buses went by in the opposite direction. 我在公共汽车站等车时,对面驶过了三辆公共汽车。 ④You can go swimming while I’m having lunch. 我吃午饭时你可以去游泳。

  ★33.(2010年高考北京卷)________ they decide which college to go to,students should research the admission procedures. A.AsB.While C.Until

  D.Once 解析:选D。once在句中引导时间状语从句,表示“一旦”。句意:一旦学生决定上哪个大学,他们就应该了解一下入学手续。 即境活用 34.(2009年高考安徽卷)—I wonder how much you charge for your services. —The first two are free ________ the third costs $30. A.while

  B.until C.when

  D.before 解析:选A。考查连词的用法。根据句意,这里表示前后句之间的对比,所以用while,表示“而”。第二句意为“前面两项是免费的,而第三项收费30美元”。 35.________ the Internet is of great help,I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it. A.If

  B.While C.Because

  D.As 解析:选B。考查连接词的用法。if意为“如果”,表示条件;while意为“尽管,虽然”,表示让步;because和as意为“因为,由于”,表示原因。根据语境,因特网虽然很有用处,但“我”认为不能在它上面花费过多的时间,前后为让步关系,于是选B。 3【教材原句】 I understand now,but the question is what

  if I still cannot understand the meanings.(P28) 我现在明白了,但问题是要是我依然不理解将会怎样。 【句法分析】 what if“如果……将会怎样;即使……又有什么关系”,为省略结构。 What if中what可看作是what should sb.do(某人该怎么办)或what does it matter(有什么要紧)或what would happen(将会如何)的省略。 ①What if he gets angry?倘若他生气该怎么办? ②What if they do not come? 即使他们不来又有什么关系呢? 归纳拓展 What about/How about...?“……怎么样?”表示询问情况或提出建议。 What for?为什么目的/为何理由? So what?那又怎么样?(用于承认某一事实,进而对其重要性提出质疑或某人是否有必要行动) How come...?……怎么发生的?/……又怎么解释? What’s up?=What’s the matter? 什么事?怎么了? 36.完成句子 (1)如果天下雨而我们又找不到避雨的地方怎么办呢? ________ it rains when we can’t find shelter? 答案:What if (2)去上网怎么样? ________ going online? 答案:What about

  (3)你究竟为什么总不来看我? ________ you never visit me any more? 答案:How come ★37.(2010年高考山东卷)—Her father is very rich. —________ She wouldn’t accept his help even if it were offered. A.What for?B.So what? C.No doubt.

  D.No wonder.

  解析:选B。句意:——她的父亲很有钱。——________即使他给她提供帮助,她也不会接受。由上下文语境可知So what?“那又怎样?”是正确答案。 4【教材原句】 The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in_that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.(P38) 汉语与很多西方语言不同,区别在于汉语使用的基本单位汉字本身就具有意义,可以独立成词。 【句法分析】 in that在于,因为。连接状语从句,表原因。 ①The situation is rather complicated in that we have two managing directors. 由于我们有两位总经理,所以情况很复杂。 ②She was fortunate in that she had some friends to help her. 她很幸运,因为有一些朋友帮助她。

  38.完成句子 (1)吸烟是有害的,因为它损害我们的健康。 Smoking is harmful ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 答案:in that it damages our health (2)因为你没有时间吃晚饭,让我现在给你一点东西吃吧。 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________,let me give you something now. 答案:In that you don’t have time for lunch 即境活用 5【教材原句】 However,not all characters are used to describe objects.(P38) 然而,并非所有的汉字都用来描述物体。 【句法分析】 not all为部分否定。 部分否定的常见构成有: (1)not与 all/both/everything/everybody/everywhere等表示完全意义的词连用,表示部分否定。 (3)Sir,you are not to walk your pet on the lawn.Don’t you see the ________:“Keep off the grass”? 答案:sign (4)One ________ of a writer’s greatness is that different minds can get a different inspiration from his works. 答案:mark (5)A red light is a ________ of danger,which is even known to a fiveyearold child. 答案:signal


  spread vt. 传播,散布,撒;铺开,展开;涂,抹

  n. 传播,散布;涉及区域,活动范围

  vi. (消息、谣言、知识等)传播,传开;(大火、冲突、疾病等)蔓延、传染(开来);伸展;延伸 (回归课本P29)Today,the spread of borrowed words’ is due to easily accessed television and radio programmes from across the world,and the Internet. 今天,世界各地都可以方便地收看收听电视、广播节目,还有因特网的普及,使得外来词广为传播。

  归纳拓展 spread out 散开;伸展,延伸 spread over 遍布在 spread to 传到,波及 spread oneself out 舒展四肢(躺下) be spread for 摆好(桌子)准备 spread A on/ over B 在B上涂抹A,=spread B with A 用A涂抹B 例句探源 ①(朗文P1989)She spread the pages of the letter on the table. 她把那几页信摊开放在桌子上。 ②(牛津P1948)There’s more room to spread out in first class. 头等舱宽敞些,伸得开腿。 ③Small clever animals,now with hands and feet,appeared and spread all over the earth. 一些小巧聪明、长着手脚的动物出现了,它们分布在地球的各个地方。

  ④The desert spreads for hundreds of miles. 沙漠绵延数百英里。 易混辨析 extend,spread,stretch,expand (1)extend“伸出,延伸”,指空间范围的扩大,以及长度、宽度的朝外延伸,也可指时间的延长。 (2)spread“伸开,传播”,一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播(疾病),散布(信息)等。 (3)stretch“伸展,拉长”,一般指由曲变直,由短变长的伸展,不是加长。 (4)expand“展开、扩大”,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。 ①Metals expand when they are heated and contract when cooled. ②The road extends to the port. ③Flies,mosquitoes and mice spread diseases. ④She stretched across the table for the butter.

  16.英译汉: (1)Water began to spread across the floor. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:水开始漫过地板。 (2)A smile spread slowly across her face. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:微笑慢慢在她脸上绽开。

  即境活用 (3)We have 10,000 members spread all over the country. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:我们有一万名成员分布在全国各地。 (4)The disease spreads easily. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:这种疾病容易传播。 (5)She spread her arms and the child ran towards her. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:她张开双臂,孩子向她跑来。


  pick up 拾起,捡起;认出,挑出 (回归课本P22)This is because many pairs of words and phrases have similar meanings in English,for example,pick up and lift up. 这是因为在英语里许多对词汇和短语有相似的意义,例如“pick up”和“lift up”。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①(牛津P1492)She went over to the crying child and picked her up.她走到啼哭的孩子身边,把她抱了起来。 ②(朗文P1535)Luckily,Maggie was able to pick up where she left off at work,even though she’d been in the hospital for two months. 幸运的是尽管玛吉住了两个月院,她仍能拾起放下的工作。 ③I’ll drive over and pick you up at the weekend. 我周末开车过去接你。 ④You’ll soon pick up health when you get to the seaside. 到了海滨,你就会很快地恢复健康。 ⑤The train picked up speed.火车加快了速度。 ⑥But her writing experience was something she picked up by herself.但她的写作经验是她无意间培养的。 ⑦My radio can pick up BBC very clearly. 我的收音机能清楚地收听到BBC。

  ★17.(2010年高考山东卷)Sam ________ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. A.brought up B.looked up C.picked up

  D.set up 解析:选C。由语意可知,Sam是在看别人用电脑的时候,无意间获得了一些电脑知识。表示偶然学到的技能或知识,要用pick up。bring up提出,养育;look up查阅;set up树立,建立。 即境活用 ★18.It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly ________ my friend. A.turn out

  B.bring out C.call out

  D.pick out 解析:选D。考查短语辨析。turn out后来是,结果是;bring out使表现出,使显出,阐明,生产,出版等;call out要求某人来,召唤出动(尤指处理紧急情况);pick out认出(某人),精心选择(某物)。 19.(2010年安徽“江南十校”联考)While large numbers of residents in this area ________ the H1N1 flu,very few suffered death. A.picked up

  B.took up C.brought up

  D.caught up 解析:选A。考查词组辨析。pick up表示“搭乘,接某人,感染”;take up表示“从事,占据”;bring up表示“抚养,养育”;catch up则表示“赶上”。 20.You’d better fly somewhere in the west.Then you can ________ a rental car and travel around. A.take up

  B.get up C.pick up

  D.turn up 解析:选C。考查动词词组辨析。take up“拿起,占据”;get up“起床”;pick up“捡起,学会,搭载”;turn up“出现,开大,扭亮(灯等)”。句意:你最好乘飞机去西部,然后,租一辆汽车四处观光。只有pick up符合语境。 10.

  contribute to (回归课本P22)Many factors contributed to the development of this new type of English. 很多因素使得英语发展成这种新的类型。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①(牛津P433)We contributed £5,000 to the earthquake fund. 我们向地震基金捐赠了5000英磅。 ②(朗文P437)Yellow fever contributed to Mudd’s early death at age 19.黄热病导致马德19岁便早早去世。 ③He contributed an article to China Daily. 他为《中国日报》撰写了一篇文章。 ★21.Some blood types are quite common,others are regionally ________,and still others are rare everywhere. A.distributed B.contributed C.obtained

  D.convinced 解析:选A。句意:一些血型很普遍,另外一些只分布在局部地区,另外还有一些哪儿都很罕见。distribute“分散,分布”;contribute“贡献,投稿”;obtain“得到”;convince“使确信,使信服”。 即境活用 ★22.(2011年江苏启东中学预测题)Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names ________them which turn us ________walking advertisements. A.attached to;into B.attaching to;to C.appealed to;into

  D.contributed to;to 解析:选A。attach to 贴在……上;appeal to 吸引;contribute to 捐赠,是……的原因。根据题意可知,应该用attach to,而attach to 和brand names 之间是动宾关系,因此要用过去分词(这里的过去分词短语attached to them 作names 的定语)。因此答案是A。

  23.完成句子 (1)良好的天气促成了那次航行的成功。 The fair weather ________ ________the success of the voyage. 答案:contributed to (2)他的懒惰是他失败的原因之一。 His laziness ________ ________his failure. 答案:contributed to

  (3)她捐助巨款给那家孤儿院。 She ________a large sum of money ________the orphanage. 答案:contributed;to (4)移民在许多方面丰富了英国文化。 Immigrants have ________ ________British culture in many ways. 答案:contributed to


  depend on 依靠;依赖;确信;相信;指望;受……的影响;取决于 (回归课本P25)There are many different dialects of English depending on where people live. 根据人们居住地点的不同,英语有许多不同的方言。 归纳拓展 depend on sb.for sth.依赖、依靠某人获得depend on sb.doing/to do sth.依靠/相信某人做某事 depend on it 常用于句首或句末,意为“请放心,没问题” It/That (all)depends.看情况而定 depend on it that...指望……,对……不疑,dependable adj.可靠的,可信赖的 dependence n.依靠,依赖,信赖 dependent adj.依靠的,依赖的;视……而定的be dependent on/upon 依靠;随……而定 例句探源 ①(朗文P541)Admission to the university depends only on a student’s performance. 这所大学的录取只依据学生的成绩。 ②(牛津P535)Can we depend on you coming in on Sunday? 我们能指望你星期天来参加吗? ③He is a man to be depended upon.他这人靠得住。 ④He depends on you to help

  him.他要依靠你的帮助 。 ⑤He depended up on a small incom



  livelihood.他依靠微薄的收入维持生活。 24.一句多译 你不能指望他能按时来。 ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:(1)You can’t depend on him to come on time. (2)You can’t depend on his coming on time. (3)You can’t depend on it that he can come on time. 即境活用 ★25.Asia is important to America because America’s prosperity ________trade with Asia’s growing economies. A.depends on B.takes off C.sets up

  D.breaks out 解析:选A。depend on 依靠,依赖;take off 脱下,取消,(飞机)起飞,(事业)腾飞;set up 建立,架起,创(纪录),提出;break out (战争/火灾等)突然爆发。 ★26.(2011年安徽蚌埠高三模拟)—How long are you staying? —I don’t know.________. A.That’s OK

  B.Never mind C.It depends

  D.It doesn’t matter 解析:选C。句意:“你要呆多久?”“我不知道,视情况而定吧!”It depends.视情况而定。

  (5)Does anyone have any points to raise? ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:有人想要提出什么问题吗?(raise提出)

  (回归课本P28)I always wondered when I would get the English novel my parents had promised to give me. 我总在想父母到底什么时候会把他们答应我的英文小说给我。 归纳拓展 (1)promise sb.sth. 答应某人某事promise(sb.)to do sth./that­clause 答应(某人)做某事 promise+to be +n./adj. 给人以……的指望;有……的可能 (2)give/make a promise 许下诺言,keep/carry out a /one’s promise 遵守诺言 break a /one’s promise 违背诺言 (3)promising adj. 有前途的;有希望的;有出息的 【温馨提示】 (1)“I promise to go”这种句型的否定式有三种表达方式,但意义不同。 I don’t promise to go.我没有答应要去。 I promise not/never to go.我答应不去。 I don’t promise not to go.我并没有答应不去。 (2)名词promise也可以和to do不定式及thatclause连用。 例句探源 ①(朗文P1630)You made a promise,so you have to keep it. 既然你已经许诺了,就要做到。 ②(牛津P1587)The college principal promised to look into the matter.学院院长答应研究这个问题。 ③You promised me that you’d be home early tonight. 你曾向我保证今晚会早回家的。 ④He’s promised her daughter to buy her a new bike. 他已经答应女儿给她买辆新自行车。 ⑤He promised his grandchildren the money. 他答应给孙子们钱。 ⑥It promised to be an exciting few days. 那可望是兴奋刺激的几天。

  8.完成句子 (1)父母允诺我生日时送我一辆新的自行车。 My parents ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ for my birthday. =My parents ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ for my birthday. 答案:promised me a new bike;promised a new bike to me 即境活用 (2)你答应过每星期和朋友们打网球的,可你并不是很擅长啊。 You have ________ ________ ________ ________ with your friends every week,but you are not very good at it. 答案:promised to play tennis

  (3)她答应一有空就来看我。 She ________ ________ she would come to see me as soon as she was free. 答案:promised that (4)你若作出承诺去做什么事,你就应该遵守诺言而不食言。 If you ________ a promise to do something,you should ________ it instead of ________ it. 答案:make;keep;breaking

  ★9.The young man made a ________ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation. A.prediction B.promise C.plan

  D.contribution 解析:选B。句意:年轻人向他的父母许下诺言,毕业后要努力自谋生计。prediction预言,预测;promise诺言,保证;plan计划,打算;contribution贡献。由句意可知B项正确。 ★10.(2010年高考福建卷)Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the moneymaking jobs they ________ before leaving their hometowns. A.promised

  B.were promised C.have promised

  D.have been promised 解析:选D。句意:每年都有大批农民到深圳打工赚钱,在离开家乡之前他们已被承诺可以获得这些工作机会。本句中含有定语从句,修饰jobs。promise sb.sth.答应某人某事,此处应用被动语态,并且该动作发生在主句中的动作之前,应选D项。


  set vt. 确定(标准等),判定(规则等)

  n. (一)套,(一)部;装置,设备 (回归课本P29)A standard was first set for the English language when Henry Ⅶ was King of England. 亨利七世当英国国王时,首次为英语设定了一个标准。 归纳拓展

  例句探源 ①(朗文P1863)She smiled and set down her cup of coffee. 她笑了笑,把手中的那杯咖啡放下了。 ②(牛津P1822)Her remarks set me thinking. 她的话引起了我的深思。 ③The novel was set in London in the 1960s. 这部小说以20世纪60年代的伦敦为背景。 ④Set the alarm for 7 o’clock.把闹钟设在7点。 ⑤They haven’t set a date for their wedding yet. 他们还没有确定婚礼日期。

  ⑥Could you set the table for dinner? 你把餐具排好,准备开饭好吗? ⑦I rely on you to set a good example. 我指望你来树立一个好榜样。

  11.完成句子 (1)于是我就着手研究蛇的习性,以便能用最简易的方法来捕蛇。 I ________ ________ ________ ________/________ ________ ________ the habits of snakes so I could trap them in the easiest way. 答案:set out to research/set about researching 即境活用 (2)那么每天都留出一点时间来写作,哪怕五分钟也行。 So ________ ________ some time each day to write,even if it is only five minutes. 答案:set aside (3)我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账…… I don’t want to ________ ________ a series of facts in a diary as most people do... 答案:set down

  (4)我认为我们应该7点出发,趁那时道路畅通无阻。 I think we ought to ________ ________/________ ________ at 7∶00,while the roads are empty. 答案:set off/set out (5)于是,1995年这个组织在北京设立了办事处。 Then,in 1995,the organization ________ ________ an office in Beijing. 答案:set up (6)他为我们树立了好榜样。 He ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 答案:set us a good example ★12.(2011年北京海淀高三检测题)Einstein liked Bose’s paper so much that he ________ his own work and translated it into German. A.gave off B.turned down C.took over

  D.set aside

  解析:选D。句意:爱因斯坦如此喜欢波斯的论文以至于他把自己手头的工作放置一边来把波斯的论文翻译成德语。本题是在语境中考查动词短语意义的辨析。选项A.gave off“发出(气味、光、热、声音等)”,不符合句子内容。选项B.turned down有两个意思:①调低(机器的热度、音量等);②拒绝(提议、请求、邀请),这两个意思都不符合句子内容。选项C.took over“接管,接手;接住”,从整个句子内容看C项不合适。选项D.set aside“放下、放置”,符合句意,是正确答案。


  access n.[U] (使用或见到的)机会,权力;通道,入口

  vt. 接近;使用;到达;进入 (回归课本P29)Today,the spread of ‘borrowed words’is due to easily accessed television and radio programmes from across the world,and the Internet. 现在,外来词的传播主要是通过世界各地都可以方便地收看、收听的电视,收音节目以及网络。

  归纳拓展 (1)have access to...能够使用/见到/享有…… the access to a building到达/进入大楼的通道 (2)accessible adj.可见到的,可使用的 be accessible to sb.某人可使用的,可看到的 例句探源 ①(牛津P10)The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.去那农舍的唯一通路是穿过田野。 ②Students must have access to good resources. 学生必须有机会使用好的资源。 ③(朗文P11)Healthcare should be made accessible to everyone.应该让每个人都能获得医疗保健。

  13.(2009年高考浙江卷)The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ________ to the digital resources of the library. A.access

  B.passage C.way

  D.approach 解析:选A。考查名词辨析。句意:设计这个系统是为了让学生能便捷、容易地使用图书馆的电子资源。这里give...access to...是固定词组,表示“使……能得到,能进入”,所以选A。 即境活用 14.(2009年高考江西卷)Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be ________ to the kids. A.accessible

  B.relative C.acceptable

  D.sensitive 解析:选A。考查形容词辨析。句意:Frank把药放在顶层抽屉中,以确保孩子们够不到。accessible表示“可以得到的,可以接近的”,通常与to搭配。后三项分别表示“相关的”“可接受的”“敏感的”。 7.

  symbol n. 符号,象征 (回归课本P38)The character ‘prisoner’was formed with the symbol for a man inside a square. “囚”这个汉字就是将表达“人”的这个符号放在一个方格中所形成的。 归纳拓展

  例句探源 ①(朗文P2090)A hammer is often used in art as a symbol of authority.在艺术里,锤子经常被用作权威的象征。 ②(牛津P2048)What’s the chemical symbol for copper? 铜的化学符号是什么? 易混辨析 symbol,sign,mark,signal (1)symbol“象征,符号”,指被人们选出的物体或图案,用来代表另一事物,作为该事物的象征。 (2)sign“符号,标记”,指具体的用于识别或指示的标志,如指标牌,卡片等。借喻时指“征兆,迹象”。 (3)mark“标志,标记”,指事物留下的深刻印迹或某物上用于辨别该物品的附属物。 (4)signal“信号”,常指约定俗成,用于传达某些信息的信号,也指灯光,声音或信号标志。 15.用symbol,sign,mark和signal填空: (1)George was responsible for the accident because he didn’t give a ________ to other drivers. 答案:signal (2)In the picture the tree is the ________ of life and the snake is the symbol of evil. 答案:symbol

  即境活用 Unit 2 Language

  重点难点研析 知能强化训练 Unit 2 基础知识自采 基础知识自采 核心词汇 1.Research ____________(表明)that men find it easier to give up smoking than women. 2.Our music class ____________(组成)of 12 Chinese and 8 American students. 3.There are two ____________(官方的)languages in Canada:English and French. 4. I’d like to say that his ____________(发音)is much better than before. 5.It is certain that the ____________(进程)will be slower than expected. 6.It is said that the situation in Iraq is out of __________ now. 7.A new ____________ will be set to guide this business. 8.He has made an important ____________ to the company’s success. 9.She found that she had great ____________ in understanding him. 10.The economic sanctions(制裁)could not prevent the____________ of that country. c s c d

  d 11.At the sound of the gun,all the birds in the tree flew away in all____________. 12.Our ____________(origin)plan was to go to Spain,but it was too expensive. 1.indicates 2.consists 3.official 4.pronunciation 5.process 6.control 7.standard 8.contribution

  9.difficulty 10.development 11.directions 12.original

  d 高频短语 1.____________________由……组成 2.____________________

  对……有影响 3.____________________

  总体上 4.____________________

  当仆人 5.____________________

  因……而困惑 6.____________________

  向……抱怨…… 7.____________________

  采取行动做…… 8.____________________

  拿起,举起 9.____________________

  控制 10.____________________

  (使)变成 11.____________________

  代表,象征 12.____________________

  在整个历史进程中 1.consist of/be made up of 2.have impact on 3.as a whole 4.work as a servant 5.get confused with 6.complain to sb.of/about sth. 7.take action to do 8.lift up... 9.take control of 10.turn into 11.stand for 12.throughout history

  重点句式 1.(回归课本P23)________ ________ ________,French still had an impact on the English language. 尽管如此,法语对英语还是产生了巨大的影响。 2.(回归课本P23)After the Norman Conquest,upper class people spoke French ________ common people spoke English. 诺曼征服后,上层阶级说法语,而普通百姓则说英语。 3.(回归课本P28)I understand now,but the question is ________ ________ I still cannot understand the meanings. 我现在明白了,但是问题是如果我仍然不明白意思我该怎么办? 4.(回归课本P38)The Chinese language ________ ________ many Western languages ________ ________ it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words. 汉语与很多西方语言不同,区别在于汉语使用的基本单位汉字本身就具有意义,可以独立成词。 5.(回归课本P38)However,________ ________ characters are used to describe objects. 然而,并非所有的汉字都用来描述物体。 1.Despite this fact 2.while 3.what if 4.differs from;in that 5.not all

  重点难点研析 1.

  rule vt.& n. 统治 (回归课本P22)That is why English is a language with so many confusing rules. 正因为如此,英语才成了一种具有许多令人困惑不解的规则的语言。 词汇精研 归纳拓展 (1)vt.控制,统治,支配 n.规则,规章,条例 (2)常用短语: ①rule sb./sth.out 把……排除在外 ②rule sb.out of声明某人不能参赛,阻止某人参赛 ③as a (general)rule一般来说,通常 ④make it a rule to do...照例要做……,通常

  例句探源 ①(牛津P1747)It’s against all rules and regulations. 这违背了所有的规章制度。 ②(朗文P1787)African tribal societies were traditionally ruled by a council of elders. 非洲部落社会传统上由长老会控制。 ③His injuries rule out a return to the field before the end of the season. 伤病使他无法在本赛季结束前重返运动场。 1.(2010年高考江苏卷)The experiment has ________ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet,but it does not mean there is no life on other planets. A.found outB.pointed out C.ruled out

  D.carried out 解析:选C。句意:试验排除了那个星球上存在生命的可能,但是这并不意味着其他星球上没有生命。rule out表示“排除”。A项“查明”,B项“指出”,D项“实行”。 即境活用 2.完成句子 (1)我通常七点起床。 ________ ________ ________,I get up at seven. 答案:As a rule (2)如果你犯规,你会受到惩罚。 If you ________ ________ ________,you’ll be punished. 答案:break the rules

  (3)他照例每天要吃一个苹果。 He ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ an apple every day. 答案:makes it a rule to eat


  replace vt. 替换;取代;把……放回原处 (回归课本P23)After the earlier invasion Celtic had been r


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