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2016届安徽省高考英语一轮复习提能演练:Unit 3 单元综合(人教版选修8)

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  选修8Unit 3

  Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  1. His proposal is thought of as (实用的).

  2. The ice is too thin to (负担,承受) your weight.

  3. It’s our

  (期望) that you will do well.

  4. We should try our best to put the enemy in a(被动的) position.

  5. As we all know, newspapers influence the (潮流) of thought.

  6. In this resort, you can enjoy all the comfort and

  (便利) of modern tourism.

  7. This ladder doesn’t seem very (稳固的).

  8. Every

  (文件)on the same desk must have a different name.

  9. He declared that he was (清白的).

  10. She (轻打)me on the shoulder, but I didn’t feel it.

  Ⅱ. 句型转换

  1. When you say or do anything, think first. And this point is important. (用before)

  you say or do anything.

  2. You can go abroad on condition that you have worked in the factory for ten years. (用only+时间状语从句)

  can you go abroad.

  3. It was a very hot day. Even the crops withered. (用so. . . that结构)

  It was

  even the crops withered.

  4. He always thought of his childhood life while he walked by the lake. (用every time短语)

  he walked by the lake, he thought of his childhood life.

  5. I wanted a drink, but the machine broke down. (用order短语)

  I wanted a drink, but the machine

  Ⅲ. 单项填空

  1. The next moment,

  she had time to realize what was happening, she was hit over the head.

  A. before

  B. when

  C. since

  D. as

  2. If you have to catch the first bus every day, choose this hotel. It is very _____ for the station—it’s only a two-minute walk.

  A. close

  B. comfortableC. convenient

  D. near

  3. _____we promise continuous increase in rural incomes ______ improve the whole people’s well-being.

  A. Only if; we can

  B. Only; can we

  C. Only if; can we

  D. Unless; we can

  4. Color blind people often find it difficult to ____ between red and green.

  A. separate

  B. tell

  C. compare

  D. distinguish

  5. My cousin is really enthusiastic about playing basketball. _____he shoots a ball, he likes to think of himself as a Kobe Bryant.

  A. At one time

  B. All the time

  C. The first time

  D. Every time

  6. What the young man can’t ____ is that his mum always treats him like a baby.

  A. support

  B. undertake

  C. hold

  D. bear

  7. I didn’t want to be _____ with politics at all.

  A. dealt

  B. associated

  C. involved

  D. consulted

  8. Their play _____ great success and brought in a large profit to the theatre.

  A. appreciated

  B. enjoyed

  C. expected

  D. seized

  9. Your mother is seriously ill; you should ____ a doctor.

  A. call inB. call off

  C. call back

  D. call up

  10. He ____ to paint the whole house but finished only the front.

  A. set out

  B. set about

  C. set in

  D. set off

  11. I meant to tell you about it earlier and called you several times, but I couldn’t _____.

  A. call on

  B. take over

  C. go by

  D. get through

  12. He waited until it was dark ____ nobody could see him clearly.

  A. so that

  B. in order to

  C. although

  D. however

  13. When we plan our vacation, mother often offers_____ suggestions.

  A. practical

  B. stable

  C. innocent

  D. bearable14. Just then, the young man dived ______his pocket and took out a sharp knife.

  A. on

  B. into

  C. for

  D. in

  15. The telephone was out of _____, but it is functional now.

  A. memory

  B. sight

  C. order

  D. mind

  Ⅳ. 阅读理解

  They are pretty essential, but you may want to drop your mobile phone forever after reading this. The average handset carries 18 times more potentially harmful germs than a toilet handle in a men’s toilet, tests have revealed.

  An analysis of handsets found almost a quarter were so dirty that they had up to ten times an acceptable level of TVC (Total Viable Count) bacteria. One of the phones in the test had such high levels of bacteria that it could have given its owner a serious stomach upset. While TVC is not immediately harmful, raised levels indicate poor personal hygiene (卫生) and act as home for other germs.

  The findings from a sample of 30 phones by which magazine suggest 14. 7 million of the 63 million mobiles in use in the UK today could have potential health risks. Hygiene expert Jim Francis, who carried out the tests, said, “The levels of potentially harmful bacteria on one mobile were off the range. That phone needs cleaning. ”

  The most unhygienic phone had more than ten times the acceptable level of TVC and seven were above the limit. This worst handset also had 39 times the safe level of enterobacteria(肠道菌), a group of bacteria that live in the lower intestines (肠) of humans and animals. It had 170 times the acceptable level of faecal coliforms (大肠杆菌),which are associated with human waste. Other bacteria were found on the phones but at safe levels.

  The germs can end up on your hands, which are passed back to your phone. They can be passed back and forth and eventually you could catch something grubby. People need to be mindful of that by observing good hygiene themselves and among others who they pass the phone to when looking at photos, for example.

  1. According to Paragraph 2, bacteria on mobile phones _______.

  A. are easy to get rid of

  B. can’t be avoided

  C. may cause potential risks

  D. just do harm to users’ stomachs

  2. Which of the following statements does Jim Francis agree with?

  A. It is necessary for people to clean mobile phones in time.

  B. People should use mobile phones as little as possible.

  C. People have realized the harm of bacteria on mobile phones.

  D. All bacteria on mobile phones are harmful to people.

  3. The underlined word “grubby” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “_____”.

  A. seriousB. dirty

  C. acceptable

  D. harmful

  4. The author wrote this passage to______ .

  A. warn people to do their best to keep healthy

  B. explain why there are so many bacteria on mobile phones

  C. tell people about potential harm of mobile phones

  D. remind people to focus on good hygiene when using mobile phones

  Ⅴ. 任务型读写



  Being on bad terms with your neighbors can make your life frustrating day after day. But taking the time to establish a good relationship with your neighbors has a good many benefits. The community will be friendlier, the neighborhood safer, and the area a nicer place to live in. There are some suggestions to develop a good relationship with your neighbors.

  Whether you’re new in the neighborhood or new residents who have just moved into your block, introduce yourself. Say hello, offer a welcoming gift and share or ask about the local area.

  Sometimes, you can remedy (补救) problems before they even start; for example, if you do a lot of yard work, let them know in advance and mention that if it’s getting too loud, they shouldn’t hesitate to let you know.

  Be aware of the shared walls, if you and your neighbors share adjacent (相邻的) living spaces, and try to put noisy household appliances such as washing machines and tumble dryers away from the shared walls.

  Keep your pet dog on a leash (皮带) if it has a habit of running rampantly on your neighbors’ lawns, especially if they have a pet cat or a pet dog of their own, and ensure to clean up after it.

  When you park your vehicle, be sure not to block anyone’s access, or make them have to pull out of a very tight spot. Don’t slam (砰地关上) your car doors late at night.Weed your garden in a regular way, because the presence of weeds in your yard is not only unsightly but can also spread to your neighbor’s yard.

  Really good neighbors watch out for each other. They offer to help, especially on matters that impact the larger neighborhood and look for opportunities to communicate. Great neighbors make for great neighborhoods.

  Topic:To be a good neighbor

  Importance of (1)____ a good relationship with your

  neighbors ●Being on (2) ______terms with your neighbors can make you frustrated day after day.

  ●A good relationship with neighbors has numerous benefits, (3)______ a friendlier community, a safer neighborhood and a nicer and more comfortable area.

  Steps to develop a good

  relationship with your neighbors ●Introduce yourself when you are in a new place.

  ● Care about others and let them know they can point out your problems without any (4)_______.

  ●Be (5) _______of the shared walls if you and your neighbors share adjacent living spaces.

  ●Make (6)______ you clean up after your dog runs on your neighbors’ lawns.

  ●When you park your car late at night, (7)_____ slamming your car doors.

  ●Weed your garden (8)_______.

  Conclusions ●Good neighbors have a(n) (9)_______ on more people, offer to help and seek opportunities to communicate.●Great neighbors (10) ________to great neighborhoods.


  Ⅰ. 1. practical

  2. bear 3. expectation

  4. passive

  5. current

  6. convenience

  7. stable 8. file

  9. innocent

  10. tapped

  Ⅱ. 1. It is important that you think before

  2. Only after you have worked in the factory for ten years

  3. so hot a day that

  4. Every time

  5. was out of order.

  Ⅲ. 1.【解析】选A。句意:下一刻(接下来)在她有时间意识到发生了什么之前她被击中了头部。before……之前,还没来得及就……;when当……时;since自从;as因为,当……时。

  2. 【解析】选C。be convenient for sth.附近的,近便的,容易到达的。be close/near to . . . 离……近。

  3.【解析】选C。考查倒装。句意:只有保证农村收入的持续增加,我们才能提高全民的幸福感。only if后跟状语放在句首时句子要用部分倒装,即把助动词提到主语前面。

  4. 【解析】选D。句意:色盲者很难辨别红色与绿色。distinguish between . . . and. . . 在……间辨别。separate分离;tell表示“辨别”时为及物动词;compare比较。


  A tiny baby soon learns to _____ his mother’s face from other adults’ faces.

  A. disapprove

  B. distinguish

  C. disbelieve

  D. differ

  【解析】选B。句意:小孩很快学着辨别母亲的脸与其他成年人的脸的不同。distinguish辨别;disapprove不赞成,反对; disbelieve不相信;differ不同于。

  5. 【解析】选D。这里指“他每次进球时,都把自己想成是科比·布莱恩特。”Every time引导时间状语从句时,表示“每次……时”。A、B项不跟从句,C项“第一次……的时候”,从句中多用过去时态。6. 【解析】选D。句意:这位年轻人不能忍受的是他母亲总把他当小孩看待。bear忍受;support支持;undertake从事;hold握住。

  7.【解析】选B。句意:我根本不想与政治活动有联系。be associated with与……有联系/关系。deal对待;involve涉及;陷入,常与in连用;consult协商;咨询。

  8.【解析】选B。句意:他们的剧本赢得成功,为剧院带来了丰厚的收益。enjoy success享受成功,为固定搭配。appreciate欣赏;expect期望;seize抓住。

  9.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意为“你母亲病得很厉害,你应该马上请医生来。”call in叫来。call back回电话;call off取消,停止;call up 打电话。

  【变式备选】As I grew up in a small village at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village ______ scenes of my childhood.

  A. called up

  B. called for

  C. called on

  D. called in

  【解析】选A。考查短语辨析。句意:因为我是在山脚下的小山村长大的,回访乡村勾起了我童年很多的画面。call up唤起,给……打电话;call for需要,要求;call on号召;call in叫某人进入。

  10. 【解析】选A。这里指他着手粉刷整个房子。set out to do sth. 着手做某事;set about doing sth. 着手做某事;set in开始,流行;set off引起,出发。

  11.【解析】选D。句意:我想早点告诉你,但给你打了很多电话,就是不通。get through在此表示“接通”。call on号召;take over接管;go by路过。

  12.【解析】选A。句意:他一直等到天黑,这样没人能认出他。so that以至于,引导目的状语从句。in order to为了……;although虽然;however然而。

  【知识拓展】so. . . that. . . 与so that的用法

  1. so. . . that. . . 引导表示结果的状语从句,so后面加形容词或副词,多意为“如此……以至于……”。如:This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it.


  I was so busy here (that) I had no time to write a letter.

  我在这里很忙,没时间写信。2. so that引导目的状语从句,其从句中的谓语动词通常和can, may, should等情态动词连用,而且主句和从句之间不使用逗号,意为“以便,为了,使能够”。

  如:They got up early so that they could catch the early bus.


  Say slowly so that I can understand you.


  3. so that句型也可以用来引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,结果”,这时其从句中的谓语动词不与情态动词连用。这种结构和so. . . that. . . 引导的结果在含义上有很大的区别。

  so that句型所表示的结果往往同主句有因果关系,而so. . . that. . . 句型所表示的结果往往表明so后面形容词或副词的程度。请比较:

  He didn’t plan his time well, so that he didn’t finish his work on time.



  It’s so hot that I can’t sleep. 天气热得我不能入睡。



  14.【解析】选B。考查dive into的用法。句意:就在那时,年轻人迅速把手伸进口袋,拿出一把尖刀。dive into迅速把手伸入。

  15.【解析】选C。考查名词辨析。句意:电话刚才坏了, 但现在可以用了。out of order出故障。out of memory失去记忆; out of sight看不见; out of mind心不在焉。

  Ⅳ. 1.【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段“While TVC is not immediately harmful. . . act as home for other germs. ”可知,答案为C。

  2. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第三段“The levels of potentially harmful bacteria on one mobile were off the range. That phone needs cleaning. ”可推断,答案为A。

  3.【解析】选B。词义猜测题。根据第五段“They can be passed back and forth. . . ”可推断,grubby意为“肮脏的”,故答案为B。

  4.【解析】选D。作者意图题。根据末段“People need to be mindful of that. . . when looking at photos, for example. ”可推断,答案为D。

  Ⅴ.答案:1. establishing/building/developing/forming

  2. bad3. including

  4. hesitation

  5. aware 6. sure

  7. avoid 8. regularly 9. impact/effect/influence

  10. lead/contribute


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