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2016届安徽省高考英语一轮复习提能演练:Unit 5 单元综合(人教版必修1)

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  必修1Unit 5

  Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  1. It was (慷慨的,大方的)of her to contribute such a large sum of money.

  2. He intends to take (法律的)action.

  3. There is a newspaper article (抨击) the Prime Minister.

  4. The little boy

  (乞求)his father to stay at home.

  5. People’s (观点)differ on this matter.

  6. We should take an (积极的) part in after-class activities.

  7. He examined the (质量)of the furniture carefully.

  8. The (暴力)and bad language in the program shocked many of the viewers.

  9. The world is a

  (舞台), and everyone has their part.

  10. It is not the way to (教育)a child by making him do things against his will.

  Ⅱ. 单项填空

  1. Elias went to see Nelson Mandela, a black lawyer then, for advice when he was . A. in trouble

  B. in addition

  C. in charge

  D. in doubt

  2. The plan was that the two parties should first reach an agreement on the basic _________ , the details to be worked out later.


  3.—Why has he been staying at home these days?

  —He since a month ago.

  A.has been out of workB.was out of work

  C.has lost his workD.had left from his work

  4. As

  matter of fact,beauty of _______ nature there made an excellent impression on me.



  5. The government has

  a committee to examine the fishing industry.

  A.set upB.set aside

  C.set downD.set off

  6. The new law to punish the drunk driver has come intosince it passed.

  A. effect


  7. Fully

  to looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club.

  A. attached

  B. occupied

  C. contributed

  D. devoted

  8. Stella was disappointed to find her new plan ______ and fell into great depression.

  A.put awayB.carried out

  C.turned downD.left out

  9. The year 2016the success of the London Olympic Games.

  A. saw

  B. watched

  C. noticed

  D. looked10. Tom’s father made a promise that he would give him a(n) ______ if he passed the college entrance examination.


  11.I think our education should give all children opportunities to develop their special gifts.


  C. flexibleD.convenient

  12. I toured Zhangjiajie,I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery.

  A.For the first timeB.At first

  C.It was the first timeD.The first time

  13. Mike often attempts to escapewhenever he breaks traffic regulations.

  A.having been finedB.to have been fined

  C.to be finedD.being fined

  14. The owner of the mine was

  to twenty years because he had broken the law to employ children as miners.


  C.sheltered D.buried

  15. Now their talks have reached a key stage one side must give in to the other.

  A.whichB.thatC.whereD.howⅢ. 完形填空

  I was talking with a friend a few days ago, who is pregnant with her first child. We were talking about

  1— how our parents raised us, what we would do


  with our children, what we would keep the same. She was a little anxious about being a parent, about being


  for a child and his or her life.

  I remember saying to her that regardless of how perfectly she may try to


  her child, the child will be screwed up (搞糟) anyway simply by his or her own interpretation and


  of everything that happens in his or her life.

  I told her a story that I heard at one of Tony Robbins’ events. A story about two Vietnam war veterans(老兵) who had


  their friends and fellow soldiers in the Vietnam war. Both fought in the same


  , both witnessed the loss of their fellow countrymen, both experienced the frightening act of taking someone else’s


  . And yet, after the war was over, both led very different lives. 30 years


  the war ended, one was depressed, lonely and suicidal; the other was happy and healthy,


  by a loving family and close friends. So what is the difference?


  on his experience of the war in Vietnam, one man thought, “What is the


  of being close to someone? I’ll lose them


  . ” So he lived his life in bitterness and resentment(怨恨), 14

  of being close to anyone to avoid having to feel the pain of losing them.

  The other man,


  , thought, “Life is precious. I have to live it to the


  and cherish(珍爱) every moment of it. ” So he lived his life in gratitude, 17

  every moment he has with his loved ones. What a big difference that made!

  Nothing has meaning except the


  you give it. You are responsible for giving meaning to everything that has happened in your life. So, the question is, would you rather be like the first war veteran who lived his life with


  , anger and fear? Or would you rather be like the second, who saw the lessons the war had


  him and created a more empowering meaning for it?

  1. A. cooking

  B. nursing

  C. parenting

  D. working

  2. A. differently

  B. perfectly

  C. directly

  D. separately

  3. A. respectable

  B. responsible

  C. acceptable

  D. accessible

  4. A. prepare

  B. keep

  C. support

  D. raise

  5. A. association

  B. expectation

  C. adaptation

  D. addiction

  6. A. missed

  B. betrayed

  C. killed

  D. lost

  7. A. unit

  B. war

  C. army

  D. country

  8. A. money

  B. courage

  C. life

  D. account

  9. A. since

  B. before

  C. until

  D. when

  10. A. surrounded

  B. protected

  C. gathered

  D. understood

  11. A. Reflected

  B. Advised

  C. Depended

  D. Based

  12. A. grade

  B. point

  C. mark

  D. result

  13. A. though

  B. too

  C. anyway

  D. somehow

  14. A. hopeful

  B. skilful

  C. careful

  D. fearful

  15. A. in contrast

  B. in conclusion C. in general

  D. in total

  16. A. richest

  B. wisest

  C. closest

  D. fullest

  17. A. treasuring

  B. measuring

  C. spending

  D. playing

  18. A. moment

  B. meaning

  C. responsibility

  D. difference

  19. A. sickness

  B. kindness

  C. bitterness

  D. darkness

  20. A. left

  B. taught

  C. given

  D. brought

  Ⅳ. 任务型读写



  There are many people who are interested in knowing how to become a better person in life. Though there’re many people who can guide you to becoming a better person, you can become one only if you’re eager enough to bring about a change in yourself.

  If you wish to learn to become a better person, then you should first of all learn to recognize your mistakes. Think of what are those things which you do in your day-to-day life and aren’t liked by other people around you. Then analyze(分析)them and try to avoid them as far as possible. However, it requires a lot of patience and courage to change yourself.

  Then you should also apologize for your past mistakes. If you don’t apologize, then you’ll always be ridiculed(奚落) in the society for being a person who is badly-behaved. By apologizing to those whom you’ve hurt, you can hope to get a second chance from them to prove that you’re as good as the others.

  Forgetting the past misbehavior and thinking about the present and the future is one of the best ways to become a better person. This is because it’s impossible for you to change the past. Start your life again and make sure to go on the path of honesty. You can keep a personal diary in which you can write the dos and don’ts for yourself.

  Having a role model is also very important. A role model is someone you respect. You should study the thoughts and sayings of these great people and try to understand what they actually mean. Read informative books on these people and this will definitely change the way you think and look at things. However, just reading about the great people won’t help you. You’ll have to practically carry out their thoughts to earn respect for yourself in the society.

  So actually becoming a better person isn’t difficult.

  Title How to become a better person

  (1) _________on becoming a better person (2)_________ your mistakes. ●Think of your daily performances others dislike.

  ●Analyze them and try to avoid them.

  ●Be (3)________ and brave to change yourself.

  Making an (4)_____ for your past mistakes. ●To avoid being ridiculed for being a person with bad (5)________.

  ●To prove you are as good as the others.

  Forgetting the past, thinking of the present and the future. ●Be (6)_______ in your future life.

  ●Write the dos and don’ts for yourself in your (7)________.

  Having role models. ●Study the great people’s thoughts and sayings to understand their actual (8)__________.

  ●Read informative books on them to change your way of (9)________ and viewing.

  ●Carry out their thoughts to earn respect for yourself.

  (10)___________ It’s not difficult to become a better person.


  Ⅰ.1. generous

  2. legal

  3. attacking

  4. begged

  5. opinions/views

  6. active

  7. quality

  8. violence

  9. stage

  10. educate

  Ⅱ. 1.【解析】选A。考查介词短语辨析。由句中的for advice可知,只有遇到困难、处于困境时才会向人求助,故in trouble符合语境; in addition 除此之外;in charge 负责;in doubt 怀疑,不确定。

  2. 【解析】选D。考查名词词义辨析。句意:计划是两党首先在基本原则上达成协议,细节以后再说。on the basic principle在基本原则上。

  3. 【解析】选A。考查时态。答句句意:他自一个月前就失业了。since 就决定了句子中的动词为持续动词,并用现在完成时态。

  4. 【解析】选A。考查冠词用法。as a matter of fact是固定搭配,意为“实际上”;beauty后面有限定成分要用定冠词表特指,而nature是抽象名词,不表特指时不加冠词,故答案为A。

  5.【解析】选A。考查短语辨析。set up设立,建立。句意:政府已成立了一个委员会来检查渔业。set aside将……放在一边,为……节省或保留(钱或时间);set down记下,放下,登记;set off出发,动身,使爆炸。

  6. 【解析】选A。考查短语的用法。句意:惩治酒驾的新法规通过后已经开始生效。come into effect实施,生效;come into use开始使用,come into being形成,come into power=come to power上台,执政。

  7. 【解析】选D。句意:因为完全专注于在家照看三个孩子,她不再有时间到俱乐部去尽享各种各样的活动。be devoted to 专注于,此处为过去分词短语在句中作状语;attach to附属于,依恋于;occupy oneself in 忙于;contribute to 有助于,为……做贡献。

  8. 【解析】选C。句意:发现她的新计划被拒绝,Stella非常失望并陷入深深的沮丧中。put away放好;carry out开展,实施;turn down拒绝;leave out省去,遗漏。


  ①—How will she behave in case of our failure?

  —She’ll put the blame on us if it


  A. turns up

  B. turns down

  C. turns off

  D. turns out

  【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意:——万一我们失败了她会怎么样呢?——如果结果很糟糕的话,她会把责任推到我们身上。turn out结果是,证明是;turn up 开大,出现;turn down 关小,拒绝;turn off 关掉。

  ②Unsuccessful in mathematics, the student


  A. turned to

  B. adapted to

  C. replied to

  D. led to

  【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:在数学上一事无成,这个学生转而从事生物学的研究。此处turn to表示“转向”。adapt to 适应;reply to 答复,回答;lead to通向,导致,均不合语境。

  9. 【解析】选A。考查动词用法。句意:公元2016年见证了伦敦奥运会的成功举办。为使句子生动常用表示时间或地点的名词作主语,动词用see, find或witness, 故选A。

  10. 【解析】选C。reward表示“酬谢;奖赏”, 指做某事而得到的酬谢或奖赏;award意为“奖品”,指为鼓励工作表现突出的人而颁发奖励,往往强调荣誉而不在乎奖品或奖金的多少;prize表示“奖品”、“奖金”,多指在竞争、竞赛或抽彩中获得的奖;profit“益处”。


  12.【解析】选D。the first time用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“第一次……的时候”。for the first time作时间状语,不引导从句。

  13. 【解析】选D。动词escape后接名词或动词-ing形式,不接不定式。fine是及物动词,意为“罚款”,需用被动语态。

  14. 【解析】选A。be sentenced to. . . “被判处……”。句意:这个矿主因为非法雇用童工被判处二十年的徒刑。

  15. 【解析】选C。考查定语从句。当先行词为stage,case,position,situation,degree等词,且关系词在定语从句中作状语时,关系词通常用where。


  ①The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point

  he can walk correctly and safely.

  A. when

  B. where

  C. which

  D. that

  【解析】选B。句意:治疗将一直持续到病人能正确而安全地走路。point也与case,stage, degree等一样,其后可接where引导的定语从句。

  ②I don’t want a job

  I’m chained to a desk for eight hours a day.

  A. which

  B. where

  C. what

  D. when

  【解析】选B。句意:我不想做这样的工作:一天8小时都要把自己绑在办公桌旁。句中的job为抽象地点名词,此后加where引导的定语从句,where也可换成“in which”。

  Ⅲ. 【文章大意】前几天和一个怀孕的朋友谈父母如何养育子女时,我给她讲了两位越战老兵的故事。两位老兵战后不同的生活现状,使我们体会到了一个人生活好坏取决于他对生活的态度。

  1.【解析】选C。考查名词。此题属于同义复现。此处的破折号是用来解释说明的,how our parents raised us意为“我们的父母是如何养育我们的”,此空要填parenting(父母对子女的养育)。

  2. 【解析】选A。考查副词。后一句是谈我们如何才会与父母做法一致。此句是谈我们在教育子女方面与我们的父母相比会有哪些不同。

  3. 【解析】选B。考查形容词。作为母亲,对子女及其生活负责时,朋友有点紧张。be responsible for. . . 对……负责。

  4.【解析】选D。考查动词。此题属于原词复现。第1空后有our parents raised us,所以此处应填raise一词。

  5. 【解析】选A。考查名词。不管父母如何尽心尽力地去抚养小孩,但是孩子们自己的理解方式和对生活中事情的联系,可能会把情况搞糟。

  6.【解析】选D。考查动词。此题属于原词复现。两位越南老兵在战争中均失去了朋友和战友。这从下文的the loss of their fellow countrymen和第14空后的losing them可知。

  7.【解析】选B。考查名词。此题属于原词复现。前面提了两次Vietnam war。



  10. 【解析】选A。考查动词。越战30年后,一位老兵抑郁、孤独且自暴自弃,而另一位老兵快乐、健康,被可爱的家人和好友围在身边。

  11. 【解析】选D。考查动词。其中一位老兵以自己越战的经历为基础,想到:“与人关系密切有什么意义?”be based on意为“以……为基础”,在此符合语境。




  15. 【解析】选A。考查介词短语。然而,相比之下,另一位老兵却很乐观。in contrast意为“相比之下”;in conclusion意为“总之”;in general意为“一般来说,通常”;in total意为“总共”。

  16.【解析】选D。考查形容词。to the fullest意为“最充分的”。这位老兵认为生命是宝贵的,必须最充分地去享受生命,珍爱每一分钟。

  17. 【解析】选A。考查动词。此题属于近义复现。此空前有cherish every moment of it,此处的treasure与cherish意思相近。

  18. 【解析】选B。考查名词。此题属于原词复现。此空前有meaning,此空后meaning一词又出现了两次。

  19.【解析】选C。考查名词。此题属于原词复现。上文中有lived his life in bitterness,和此处的lived his life with bitterness意思相同。

  20.【解析】选B。考查动词。teach sb. a lesson为固定词组,意为“给某人一个教训,给某人上了一课”,而give sb. a lesson指“(老师)给某人上课”。

  Ⅳ. 答案:1. Suggestions/Tips/Advice2. Recognizing

  3. patient

  4. apology

  5. behavior

  6. honest

  7. diary

  8. meaning(s)

  9. thinking

  10. Conclusion/Summary


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