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江苏省高邮市界首中学高三英语一轮复习学案:《Unit4 Law and Order1》

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Period 1

  Welcome to the Unit

  Learning aims(学习目标):To know something about crimes, especially cybercrime

  2. Discuss cybercrime and interview a parent

  Important and difficult points(重点难点):1. How to describe the pictures on P.49

  2. How to discuss the questions below with partners

  3. Make a proposal for protecting intellectual property


  1. Do you know what ‘order’ refers to?


  2. Speaking of crime, what can you think of?



  Group work. Look at the four pictures on P.49 and discuss them.


  (1)What is the man trying to do with the hook?


  (2)How long ago did this happen? How do you know?


  (3)Do you think this often happen nowadays?



  Have you ever heard about cybercrime? What do you know about it?



  (1)Do you know anything about what the police do for society?


  (2)What is your opinion about their work? Do you think our society would be safe without them?


  (3)Do you want to be a policeman or policewoman? Why or why not?


  Some people copy artist’s music or lyrics without telling or paying them. They do this for either personal or commercial use. This is called ‘piracy’.

  (1)What is your opinion about it?


  (2)Have you ever seen pirate books, CDs or DVDs for sales?


  (3)Do you think it is OK to pirate them?



  Since we have got a good understanding of the crimes, now let’s have a futher discussion of thecrimes.

  1. Why do you think people break the law? What do you think of people who break the law?



  2. As a student, what do you think you can do to make our society safer?



  3. Have you ever happened to see or experience any crimes? What did you do then?




  1. Police have described the man as a violent and dangerous c_________.

  2. The hotel is not responsible for any loss or damage to guests’ personal p__________.

  3. Even though c________ is perhaps the fastest-growing industry of the new economy, most businesses are not taking adequate precautions(防范,预防).

  4. These stars are barely v________ to the naked eye.

  5. As he was under 20 years old, he could not be employed without the p________ of his parents.


  1. In the past, criminals committed obvious crimes like robbing someone, injuring someone or destroying property. (P49)


  rob: verb 抢劫

  rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人的某物

  He robbed the bank of a lot of money.

  注意比较:steal sth. from sb./steal sb.’s sth. 偷某人的某物

  He stole a lot of money from me.

  He stole my wallet several days ago.

  2. More and more crimes are less visible and involve the Internet. (P49)


  involve: verb 使卷入, 包括

  The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning.

  She's been involved with animal rights for many years.

  It would be difficult not to involve the child's father in the arrangements.

  be involved in trouble: 卷入纠纷

  3. The police help keep order and protect us from crime. (P49) 警察帮助维持秩序,保护我们免遭犯罪分子的袭击。

  order: noun 秩序 The collapse of Communism at the end of the 1980s encouraged hopes of a new world order.

  keep order: 维持秩序

  law and order:治安There is a complete breakdown in law and order.

  noun 有条理,整齐,正常状况The children lined up in order of age/height.I can't find the file I need because they're all out of order

  (= they are no longer arranged in the correct way).

  in(good)order: 井然有序

  in order of: 以…顺序 out of order: 出毛病,没有条理

  4. Copying films and music without permission is a crime, too. (P49) 拷贝电影和音乐也是一种犯罪。

  permission: noun 允许

  If someone is given permission to do something, they are allowed to do it:You will need permission from the council to extend your garage. Official permission has been granted for more building near the river.

  The authorities have refused permission for the demonstration to take place.

  without permission: 未经许可

  You can get into the lab without permission.

  ask (for) one’s permission: 请求某人的许可permit: verb 允许

  [+ ing form of verb] The prison authorities permit visiting only once a month. [+ object + to infinitive] The security system will not permit you to enter without the correct password.

  permit sb. to do sth.:允许某人做某事 =allow sb. to do sth.

  permit doing sth. 允许做某事 = allow doing sth.


  Read the following introduction to the history of Cyberspace and answer the questions below.

  A Brief History of Cyberspace

  Although it may seem like a new idea, the net has actually been around for over 40 years. It all began in the US during the Cold War, as a university experiment in military communications. By linking lots of computers together in a network, rather than serially (in a straight line), the Pentagon(五角大楼) thought that in the event of a nuclear attack on the US it was unlikely that the entire network would be damaged, and therefore they would still be able to send and receive intelligence.

  At first each computer was physically linked by cable to the next computer, but this approach has obvious limitations, which led to the development of networks utilizing the telephone system. Predictably, people found that nuclear strike or not, they could talk to each other using this computer network, and some university students started using this network to do their homework together.

  It seems a natural human characteristic to want to communicate, and once people realized that they could talk to other people via this computer network they began to demand access, although initially the users were only from the university and government sectors. But more and more people could see the potential of computer networks, and various community groups developed networks separate from the official networks for the use of their local communities.

  The sum of all these various local, regional and national networks is the Internet as we experience it today, an ever expanding network of people, computers and information coming together in ways the Pentagon never dreamed of 40 years ago. So what began as an exercise in military paranoia has become a method of global communication.

  "Cyberspace" is a term coined by William Gibson in his fantasy novel Neuromancer to describe the "world" of computers, and the society that gathers around them. Gibson's fantasy of a world of connected computers has moved into a present reality in the form of the Internet. In cyberspace people "exist" in the ether--you meet them electronically, in a disembodied, faceless form.

  1.How did the Internet come into being?

  2.What was the Internet like at first?

  3.Why did the word “cyberspace” come into use?


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