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2016届安徽省高考英语一轮复习提能演练:Unit 1 单元综合(人教版选修7)

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Unit 1Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  1. He was just not (适合的) for the job.

  2. The space available is not

  (足够的) for our needs.

  3. Her

  (缺席) meant that she had to give up such a good position.

  4. He didn’t get (恼怒)with you for your behavior.

  5. He makes every effort to (造福)mankind.

  6. The remote desert area is (可进入的)only by helicopter.

  7. We have had to (适应)quickly to the new system.

  8. The concert is (指挥)by a famous musician.

  9. The little boy was anxious to join his (同伴)in playing football in the playground.

  10. One of his (雄心,目标)is to become a doctor.

  Ⅱ. 单项填空

  1.— I’ve never found a better job.


  A. Sorry to hear that

  B. Too bad

  C. Congratulations

  D. Don’t worry

  2. The buttons in the lifts should be easy for a person in a wheelchair _____, and the doors be wide enough ____.

  A. to reach; to be entered

  B. to be reached; to enter

  C. to reach; to enterD. to be reached; to be entered

  3. The fall in prices will be beneficial ______small businesses.

  A. to

  B. from

  C. on

  D. for4. The new comers found it impossible to_____ themselves to the climate to make permanent homes in the new country.

  A. suit

  B. adapt

  C. regulate

  D. relate

  5. Your plan is much better than your classmate’s_____ .

  A. in the way

  B. by the way

  C. in many ways

  D. in this way

  6. Jane______ from the company and moved to her hometown to set up her own business.

  A. returned

  B. resigned

  C. escaped

  D. learned

  7. The British government often says that providing children with_____ to the information superhighway is of great importance.

  A. prevention

  B. protection

  C. allowance

  D. access8.—It’s really a surprise that the manager should have no idea about the plan.

  —Of course he doesn’t, for the plan was made in his_____.


  C.absenceD.presence9. When we climbed up to the top of the mountain, we were allbut we were very happy.

  A. out of sight

  B. out of reach

  C. out of breath

  D. out of danger

  10. I was very ____to find that the cinema was not accessible to the elderly or people in wheelchairs.

  A. annoyed

  B. annoying

  C. annoy

  D. annoyance

  11. I don’t know why you are so concerned—it isn’t your problem_____.

  A. all in all

  B. after all

  C. above all

  D. in all

  12. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people _____harm them.

  A. more than

  B. less than

  C. rather than

  D. better than

  13. _____smooth and soft, this kind of cloth made of silk _____ well.

  A.Felt; sellsB.Feeling; is sold

  C.Felt; is sold D.Feeling; sells

  14. Our neighbour hasours.

  A. as a big house as

  B. as big a house as

  C. the same big house as

  D. a house the same big as

  15.-When did he leave the classroom?

  -He leftyou turned back to write on the blackboard.

  A. the time

  B. the distance

  C. the minute

  D. the place

  Ⅲ. 阅读理解


  In today’s world of cell phones, mini laptops and MP3 players, most people have at least one time—telling tool with them. Since these devices are so common, is time running out for the 500-year-old watch? According to some consumers, yes. New Jersey teenager Charlie Wollman says a watch is “an extra piece of equipment with no necessary function. ” Many young adults agree—and use their cell phones to tell time. Louis Galie, a senior vice president at Timex, said that fewer young people wear watches today than five years ago. As a result, some people claim that the watch industry is at a crossroads.

  However, watchmakers optimistically say that watches regain popularity when consumers reach their 20s and 30s. By then, they are willing to spend money on a quality timepiece that doesn’t just keep good time. Fifty years ago, watchmakers boasted about their products’ accuracy. But in recent years, the watch industry has transformed itself into an accessory business. And for many today, the image a watch communicates has become more important than the time it tells.

  “Complications” — features that go beyond simple timekeeping —are an important part of a watch’s image. Today’s watches offer a host of features that suit almost any personality. These features include altitude trackers, compasses, lunar calendars, USB drives, and even devices that measure the effectiveness of golf swings!

  Creativity is also a key element in today’s watches. For example, Japanese watchmaker Tokyoflash makes watches that don’t even look like watches. The company’s popular Shinshoku model uses different color lights to tell the time. It looks more like a futuristic bracelet (手镯) than a watch. Another Japanese watchmaker, EleeNo, makes a “handless” watch. Using a ring of circles to keep time, this watch makes an excellent conversation piece.

  Whether a watch communicates fashion sense, creative flair or a love of sports, consumers want their timepieces to stand out. Nowadays, everyone has the same kind of gadget(小玩意儿) in their bags, so people want to make a statement with what’s on their wrists. Will this interest in wrist fashion last? Only time will tell!

  1. Why aren’t watches popular with young people as before?

  A. Because watches cannot keep good time as cell phones, mini laptops and MP3 players.

  B. Because watches are featured by the disadvantages of simple function.

  C. Because watches are too expensive to afford.

  D. Because watches don’t have beautiful appearance as other modern time-telling tools.

  2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?

  A. Watch-making is facing a survival crisis challenge.

  B. Watch-making is faced with the developing opportunity.

  C. Watch-making becomes the sun rising industry.

  D. Watch-making has a specific development target.

  3. It can be implied that______ .

  A. people will gradually lose interest in watches as they grow older

  B. watchmakers hardly change the development strategy for watches

  C. today’s watches are better than those in the past in quality

  D. consumers used to be more concerned with the quality of a watch than with its image.

  4. What’s the best title of the passage?

  A. Watches and Teenagers

  B. The History of Watches

  C. The Accuracy of Watches

  D. Watches Tell More Than Time


  Walking with long steps on purpose, Barack Obama appears to have arrived to visit an elementary school he attended as a boy. But wait. It’s not real Obama. The US president is back in Washington DC.

  So who is this guy? He’s Ilham Anas, 34, a teen-magazine photographer who has taken advantage of his striking resemblance to Obama and turned it into his own brand of celebrity and wealth.

  Since his sister told him in 2007 that he looked like the then-presidential candidate, Anas’ face and big smile have been seen on Southeast Asian TV and the Internet, appearing in the advertisements of medicine and other products. He has also shown up on his nation’s television-talk show. Anas’ resemblance to the president has turned his life around 180 degrees. He’s even written an autobiography because of Obama.

  Anas is the first to admit that he’s an impostor(冒牌货). But he’ll also tell you that he’s in incredible demand. “I’ve got so much work I can’t handle it all, ” he said.

  But when his sister first mentioned the resemblance, he dismissed it. Then a colleague at the magazine asked him to pose as Obama in front of a US flag. He also refused. “I’m a photographer, not an object for the camera, ” he said.

  As soon as he accepted the idea, his career took off. The married father of two children is rarely home these days. Recently a group of reporters followed him on a tour of the elementary school Obama once attended. Anas sat in the classroom where the president studied. He spoke a few lines in English. The moment he opened his mouth, however, the differences became apparent. “Obama is a baritone(男中音), ” Anas said. “I’m not. I sound like a little boy. ” He is also shorter than the president. But he makes up for that by practising Obama’s typical actions. Before public appearances, he spends hours in front of the mirror posing, gesturing, flashing that smile.

  Anas said he hasn’t changed his appearance much for the role. He wears his hair just like he did in high school. But he did shape his eyebrows to look more like those of the president.

  He used to dislike looking into the mirror because of his average appearance. Now he no longer considers himself as an average guy, but a superstar.

  Now, he hopes that Obama will win a second term in the White House. “The longer he’s in office, the longer my fame will last, ” he said.

  5. Ilham Anas becomes well-known because he______.

  A. wrote a biography for President Obama

  B. looks like President Obama

  C. attended the same school as President Obama used to attend

  D. played many roles in films

  6. The underlined sentence “he’s in incredible demand” means____.

  A. his advertisement business is very booming

  B. he demands better pay from his boss

  C. he is planning to increase the production

  D. he asks for higher prices for his advertisements

  7. Ilham Anas differs from President Obama in that Anas_____.

  A. is taller than President Obama

  B. is older than President Obama

  C. is a baritone

  D. sounds like a little boy

  8. We can infer that Anas now_____.

  A. is proud of his appearance

  B. is not satisfied with his appearance

  C. often keeps in touch with President Obama

  D. intends to become a politician


  Ⅰ. 1. suitable/fit

  2. adequate 3. absence

  4. annoyed

  5. benefit

  6. accessible

  7. adapt 8. conducted 9. companions

  10. ambitions

  Ⅱ. 1.【解析】选C。句意:——我找到了一份最好的工作。——祝贺你。此题的关键是要正确理解第一句话的含义,比较级的否定表示最高级。

  2.【解析】选C。考查不定式作定语。句型:主语+be+形容词+to do, 此结构中,不定式和主语有逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式用主动而不用被动形式。

  3.【解析】选A。考查固定搭配。句意:物价下跌将对小型企业有利。be beneficial to. . . 对……有好处/有益。


  Who is most likely tothe old lady’s death?

  A. benefit

  B. benefit from

  C. be beneficial

  D. be beneficial to

  【解析】选B。句意:谁最有可能从老妇人的死中得到好处?benefit from 从……中获益。

  4.【解析】选B。考查词义辨析。句意:这些新来者发现,在这个国家要适应这儿的气候并永久定居下来是不可能的。adapt (oneself) to sth. 适应某物,符合句意。suit适合某人;regulate(用法律)管制;控制(机器、设备); 调节;relate. . . to. . . 把……同……联系在一起。


  Compared with adults, children _____the new surroundings better.

  A. come to

  B. turn to

  C. adapt to

  D. contribute to

  【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。句意:和成年人相比,孩子们能更好地适应新环境。come to谈到,提到;turn to转向,求助于;adapt to适应;contribute to有助于,促使。

  5.【解析】选C。句意:你的计划在很多方面要比你同学的好很多。in many ways在很多方面;in the way挡道,碍事;by the way顺便说;in this way按照这种方法。结合语境,C项为正确答案。




  9.【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。out of breath上气不接下气;out of sight看不见;out of reach够不着;out of danger脱离危险。


  11.【解析】选B。句意:我不明白你为何如此在意——这毕竟不是你的问题。after all毕竟,符合题意。all in all总的说来;above all最重要的是;in all总共,共计。

  12.【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。more than多于、不仅;less than少于;rather than而不是;better than比……好。

  13.【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词和主动表被动。第一空考查非谓语动词作状语,cloth与feel构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以选feeling形式;第二空考查主动表被动,某些可以和well, easily, smoothly等副词连用的不及物动词如read, write, wash, clean, draw, burn, cook, sell, lock, open, shut,且主语是非生命的名词或代词,用主动结构表被动意思,再如:The pen writes smoothly. 这支钢笔很好用。

  14.【解析】选B。考查as+adj. +a/an+名词+as结构。句意:我们邻居有一个和我们的一样大的房子。

  15.【解析】选C。考查连词词组。句意:——他什么时候离开的教室?——你转身在黑板上写字时他就离开了。四个选项中只有the minute可以充当连词词组。

  Ⅲ. 1.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第四、五句话可知, 年轻人之所以不喜欢戴手表, 主要是因为手表的功能过于单一, 故B项正确。

  2.【解析】选A。句意理解题。根据第一段内容可知, 现在越来越少的年轻人使用手表, 即手表制造产业面临着生存危机, 故A项正确。其他几项均与原文内容不符。

  3.【解析】选D。推理判断题。文章第二段第三句话提到, 五十年前制造手表的厂家会吹嘘他们手表时间的精确度, 而接下来的两句话告诉我们, 现在生产的手表更注重手表的款式而不是它报时的准确度。故D项正确。

  4.【解析】选D。主旨大意题。D项的意思是“手表不仅能报时”,符合语境。文章告诉我们, 以前人们戴手表只是为了报时, 他们追求的是手表报时的精确性, 而现在的年轻人戴手表更多的是在乎手表的款式, 而不太关注它报时是否准确, 因为手表可以展示人的个性。由此可以推知D项作为标题最贴切。

  5.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二段的“. . . who has taken advantage of his striking resemblance to Obama and. . . wealth. ”可知。

  6.【解析】选A。句意理解题。根据上文,他频繁在广告、电视上露面,以及下文“I’ve got so much work I can’t handle it all, ”可推测出该句意思是A项。

  7.【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第六段中的“Obama is a baritone. ”和“I sound like a little boy. ”可知D项正确。



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