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山东省2016届高三外研版英语单元测试Book4 Module5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Word版含解析

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  山东外研版2016届一轮复习单元检测必修4 Module 5


  1.________ has finished the work ahead of time will be rewarded with a one­month holiday.

  A.Those whoB.Anyone


  D.No matter who

  2.Most of the local restaurants were fully booked more than a month ________.

  A.in return

  B.in caseC.in advance

  D.in time

  3.The old house is regarded as a part of local history, so it should be ________.




  4.She earns only 600 yuan a month and has little money for ________.




  5.Young people prefer to live in big cities, where there are lots of ________, like convenient transportation, more opportunities and better environment.




  6.At first the experiment went on well, but ________ problems we hadn't expected turned up later and it failed.




  7.Campbell has made health care a central ________ in his campaign.




  8.Rather than discuss all of these questions ________, we focus on a few of them.

  A.at length

  B.at lastC.at best

  D.at most

  9.Most of the boys in our class ________ playing football; only a ________ likes playing basketball.

  A.like; majority

  B.likes; majority

  C.like; minority

  D.likes; minority

  10.—How do you often spend your summer holidays?

  —I often go hiking, for I like ________ nature.

  A.getting close to

  B.getting away from

  C.getting along with

  D.getting together with

  11.—Mr. Smith has got a very good job in the famous company.

  —________ he looks so happy.

  A.It's certain

  B.That's because

  C.No doubt

  D.No wonder

  12.The computer doesn't ________ until it is connected to other parts of the system.

  A.come to life

  B.come to harm

  C.come to light

  D.come to hand

  13.As he pushed her, sitting on a swing, she ________ higher and higher.




  14.I've been told that our teacher has ________ the deadline for the composition by two days and we have to hand it in tomorrow morning.




  15.Han Hong is famous ________ a pop singer ________ her unique voice.

  A.as; as

  B.as; forC.for; as

  D.for; for


  Many Chinese have been greatly shocked by the traffic accident caused by the drunk driver Sun Weiming, who has killed five and injured some others in Chengdu, Sichuan. However, such a case is not rare.

  Today, traffic accidents may have been regarded as a social problem. The car has killed and disabled more people in its brief history than any bomb or weapon ever invented. Much of the blood on the street flows actually from rude behavior of drivers who refuse to respect the legal and moral rights of others. In fact, the enemies of society on wheels are rather harmless but just ordinary people acting carelessly, you might say. But it is a principle both of law and common morality that carelessness is no excuse when one's actions could bring death or damage to others. A minority of the killers go even far beyond carelessness that can be imagined.

  Researchers have estimated that as many as 80 percent of all automobile accidents can be attributed to the psychological condition of the driver. Emotional upsets can change drivers' reactions, slow their judgment, and make them blind to the dangers that might otherwise be evident. The experts warn that it is vital for every driver to make a conscious effort to keep his/her emotions under control.

  Yet the irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem isn't only put upon drivers. Street walkers regularly ignore or break traffic regulations. They are blamed in most vehiclewalker accidents, and many cyclists even believe that they are not subject to the basic rules of the road.

  Significant legal advances have been made towards safer driving in the past few years. Safety standards for vehicles have been raised both at the point of manufacture and through regular road inspections. In addition, speed limits have been lowered. Due to these measures, the accident rate has decreased. But the accident experts still worry because there has been little or no improvement in the way drivers behave. The only real and lasting solution, say the experts, is to make people believe that driving is a skilled task requiring constant care and concentration. Those who fail to do all these things present a threat to those with whom they share the road.

  16. Traffic accidents may be regarded as a social problem because ________.

  A. auto driving has become dangerous and harmful in today's society

  B. people usually pay no attention to law and morality when driving

  C. they have caused serious psychological problems among drivers

  D. the car has killed and disabled more people than any weapon in history

  17. Who are NOT mentioned to be responsible for the road accidents in the passage?

  A. Careless bicycle­riders.

  B. Careless people walking in the street.

  C. Irresponsible auto drivers.

  D. Irresponsible auto manufacturers.

  18. By discussing solutions to traffic accidents,

  the author seems to be ________.

  A. doubtful and hopeless

  B. angry and disappointed

  C. objective and concerned

  D. anxious and annoyed

  19. The author writes this passage to ________.

  A. show his worries about drunk driving

  B. help protect street walkers from car accidents

  C. discuss traffic problems and possible solutions

  D. warn auto drivers to refuse drunk driving

  III.请以 Gains from Growing Pains 为题,写一篇120词左右的短文。

  要求:1. 描述成长过程中的一件令你烦恼的事情。2. 说说此事最终带给你的启示和收获。

  C 句意:那些提前完成工作的人将享受一个月的假期。分析题干可知,空白处引导一个主语从句,排除选项B和D;若选A则主语是those,其后who引导的定语从句的谓语动词应用复数形式,故排除A;whoever相当于anyone who,故C项正确。

  C 句意:当地的大多数饭店一个多月前就被预订完了。in return“作为回报”;in case“假使”;in advance“预先”;in time“及时”。故C项正确。

  A 句意:这座旧宅被视为当地历史的一部分,因此应加以保护。preserve“保护,保存”;defeat“击败”;shelter“庇护”;deserve“值得”。故A项正确。

  C 句意:她每月只赚六百元,因此几乎没钱去娱乐。imagination“想象”;delight“高兴”;amusement“娱乐活动”;achievement“成就”。故C项正确。

  B 句意:年轻人更乐意住在大城市里,那里有许多吸引人的东西,比如便捷的交通,更多的机会和更好的环境。association“联合,协会”;attraction“吸引人的事物”;collection“收藏”;section“部分”。故B项正确。D 句意:起初实验进展顺利,但后来各种我们未曾料到的问题便出现了,最终实验失败了。outstanding“杰出的”;curious“好奇的”;powerful“强大的”;various“各种各样的”。故D项正确。

  B 句意:Campbell把健康护理作为他活动的一个主题。title“标题”,指书、绘画等作品的名称,也指“头衔”;theme“主题”,指为进行某方面的活动而选取的主题,暗示效果等方面的比较;topic“话题”,指可供讨论的题目或作品主旨;opinion“观点”。故B项正确。

  A 句意:与其详尽讨论所有这些问题,我们倒不如重点讨论其中几个。at length“详细地”,符合句意。at last“最后”,at best“充其量,至多”,at most“最多”,均不符合句意。

  C 句意:我们班大多数男孩子喜欢踢足球,只有一小部分人喜欢打篮球。第一空根据主谓一致排除B项和D项;再通过句意可知C项正确。

  A 句意:——你经常怎么度暑假?——我经常远足,因为我喜欢亲近大自然。get close to“靠近,接近”;get away from“远离”;get along with“与……相处”;get together with“与……在一起”。故A项正确。

  D 句意:——史密斯先生在一家著名的公司谋到了一份非常好的工作。——难怪他看起来这么高兴。no wonder意为“难怪”,符合题意。A 句意:直到与系统的其他部分连接起来,计算机才能活跃起来。come to life“苏醒过来,活跃起来”;come to harm“遭受不幸”;come to light“显露,为人所知”;come to hand “到手中”。故A项符合题意。

  A 句意:随着他推她,她坐在秋千上越荡越高。swing“摇摆”;wander“徘徊”;sweep“打扫”;whisper“低语”。

  C 句意:据说我的老师将交作文的期限提前两天,我们必须在明天上午把作文交上。B be famous as表示“作为……而出名”;而be famous for表示“因为……而出名”。句意:韩红作为一名流行歌手因为她独特的嗓音而出名。


  16.D 细节理解题。根据第二段前两句的内容可知交通事故被看做社会问题是因为车辆对人们造成的伤亡多于历史上任何武器对人类的伤害。注意B项与第二段第三句的表述不符,将不遵守法律的司机扩大为所有开车的人了。

  17.D 细节理解题。文章中没有提到不负责任的汽车生产商需要对道路事故负责。

  18.C 作者态度题。文章最后一段讨论交通事故的解决办法时,作者只是客观地陈述了某些观点,字里行间也透露出对此问题的关心。作者并没有过多地发表自己的看法,所以其余选项不正确。

  19.C 作者意图题。文章先从一个司机的案例引出对话题的讨论,接着分析了交通事故多发的各种原因,随后叙述了可行的解决方法,所以C项最能表达作者的意图。


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