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2016高考英语北师大版必修2一轮复习课件(安徽专用)《Unit 6 Design》设计

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  4(教材P46) Surrounded_by_fields,mountains_and_rivers,the Old Town of Lijiang looks like a jade ink stone in spring and summer. 被田野、山脉和河流包围着的丽江古城在春季和夏季看起来好像墨绿色的宝石. 【句法分析】surrounded是过去分词,此句中surrounded by fields作状语。分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式和伴随情况等,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致。 ①Asked why he was late,he went red. 问他为什么迟到时,他涨红了脸. ②Inspired_by_what_he_said,we are determined to study harder. 在他的话的鼓舞下,我们决心更加努力地学习. ③Faced_with_so_much_trouble,we failed to complete the task on time. 遇到如此多的困难,所以我们没能按时完成任务. 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.我出去时没锁门. I left_________________________when I went out. the door unlocked 2.这不是一个适于郊游的季节. It was a bad season __________________to have outings. 3.轮到谁回答问题了? ________________________to answer the question? in which Whose turn is it 4.对这个问题感到困惑,他决定向老师求助. ____________________________________________,he decided to turn to his teacher for help. Confused/As he was confused by the problem Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2016·滨州模拟)Alice returned from the manager’s office,________me that the boss wanted to see me at once. A.having told

  B.tells C.to tell

  D.telling 解析:选D.本题考查分词作伴随状语,伴随主句动作发生,排除A、C,tells为谓语的动词形式,故选D.

  2.________time,he’ll make a first-class tennis player. A.Having given

  B.To give C.Giving

  D.Given 解析:选D.本题考查非谓语动词作状 语.句意:如果给他一些时间,他定会成为一名一流网球选手.根据句意及主句主语与give之间为被动关系,很容易排除A、B、C三个选项. 3.—Do you think I should join the singing group,Mary? —________If I were in your shoes,I certainly would. A.None of your business.

  B.It depends. C.Why not?

  D.I don’t think so. 解析:选C.考查交际用语.句意:——玛丽,你认为我应该加入合唱队吗?——为什么不呢?如果我处于你的位置,我肯定会(加入).why not “为什么不”; none of your business “不关你的事”;it depends “视情况而定”;I don’t think so “我不这样认为”.C项正确. 4.Thousands of people________to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland. A.turned on

  B.turned in C.turned around

  D.turned out 解析:选D.考查短语辨析.句意:数千人出来观看昨天同爱尔兰队的比赛.turn out是“出动,进行,参加,结果是,证明是”的意思,而turn on “打开”;turn in “上交,上缴”;turn around“转身”.根据句意应选D项. 温馨提示 请做课时作业 必修二 Unit 6 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 ③Why can’t you just leave her alone? 你为什么不能让她一个人待一会儿? ④(牛津P995)Leaving the expense aside,do we actually need a second car? 且不说费用多少,我们真的还需要一辆汽车吗? 跟踪训练 I.选词填空 fix on,in relation to,out of breath,date back to,try out 1.We’ve not________________the date yet for the meeting. fixed on 2.Its brain is small________________its body. 3.When he dashed back,he was already________________. in relation to out of breath 4.This town________________Roman times. 5.They’re_____________a new presenter for the show.

  dates back to trying out Ⅱ.单项填空 1.The building________Roman times has been rebuilt recently. A.dates back to

  B.date from C.dating back to

  D.dated from 解析:选C.句意:建于罗马时期的那座建筑物近期又重建了.date back to=date from.分析该句可知,has been rebuilt是本句的谓语,与前面空格之间没有连接词,所填选项应为非谓语动词,动词date与名词building之间是主谓关系,所以用动词-ing形式作定语. 2.The first time he had a dinner with some high officials,he felt________uneasy. A.a sort of

  B.sort of C.of a sort

  D.all sorts of 解析:选B.句意:他第一次与高级官员进餐的时候,他感到有些不自在.sort of有点,表示程度. 3.—The murderer who killed the woman has been caught. —So he is________the law. A.at the mercy of

  B.at the middle of C.at the control of

  D.under 解析:选A.考查介词短语辨析.后句句意:因此他将受到法律的严惩.at the mercy of任由……摆布,任……处置,符合句意. 4.Tom sat in class with his eyes________on the flowers outside the window. A.fixing

  B.fixed C.looking

  D.looked 解析:选B.考查with的复合结构和fix one’s eyes on的用法.句意:汤姆坐在教室里,凝视着窗户外面的鲜花.在“with+宾语+宾语补足语”结构中,eyes与fix之间存在被动关系,故用过去分词. 5.At the sight of the headmaster,she________,not daring to raise her head. A.held her breath

  B.pulled down C.made up

  D.picked up 解析:选A.考查动词短语辨析.句意:一看到校长,她就屏住呼吸,不敢抬头. pull down“拆毁;推翻”;make up“弥补;化妆”;pick up “拾起;获得;收听”;hold one’s breath“屏住呼吸”,符合句意. 6.Our attention was ________ on his speech.Nobody noticed the police come in. A.fixed

  B.fixing C.looking

  D.looked 解析:选A.题干中的谓语动词fix与our attention是动宾关系,所以用过去分词. 句型巧析 1(教材P36)Qi Baishi’s style of painting often leaves_the_audience_guessing and makes them use their imagination. 齐白石的绘画风格常常给观赏者留出运用想像力解读其内涵的余地. 【句法分析】leave之后接复合宾语时需根据句意进行翻译,含有“听任,使保持某一状态”之意。充当宾补的主要有动词不定式、形容词、副词、过去分词、现在分词、介词短语和从句。 ①His parents died in the accident,leaving him an orphan. 他的父母在事故中死去了,留下他成了一个孤儿. ②They all went home,leaving_me_in_the_forest. 他们都回家了,把我留在森林中. ③The boy left much homework to be done. 男孩留下了很多作业要做. ④Don’t leave_the_medicine_where_the_children_can_reach_it. 不要把药放在孩子们可以够得着的地方. 2(教材P47)It’s_finally_our_turn_to do the wallboard in the school hall! 最后轮到我们做学校礼堂的墙板了!

  【句法分析】It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事 (1)take turns (at) doing sth.轮流做某事 take turns to do sth.轮流做某事 in turn依次,轮流;反过来;反而 by turns

  轮流地,交替地 (2)turn out

  结果是,证明是;生产;出动 turn in

  上交;交出;上床睡觉 turn down

  拒绝;关小;调低 turn up

  出现;到达;调高;拧大 ①It is our turn to decorate the classroom. 轮到我们装饰教室了. ②Mary and Helen took_turns_looking/to_look/at_looking_after their sick mother. 玛丽和海伦轮流照看她们生病的母亲. ③It_turned_out_that_they should answer for the result. 结果证明他们得对后果负责。 3(教材P36) To_emphasise_the_woman_even_more,Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress,and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black. 为了进一步突出这位女子,陈逸飞在她的扇子上和裙子的布料上加入了很多细节,并选择黑色作为女子背后的背景颜色.

  【句法分析】 to emphasise the woman even more为动词不定式作目的状语,修饰谓语adds。动词不定式作状语时常用来表示谓语动词的目的. (1)动词不定式作状语表示结果时一般应放在句子后面,且常表示出乎意料的结果. 特别,当前面有only,just等词修饰时应用动词不定式作结果状语。 (2)在动词不定式前加上in order (to),so as (to)等用以表示目的,其区别在于in order to可以位于句首或句中,so as to不能置于句首。 (3)动词不定式放在系表结构后常表示产生某种情绪或状态的原因,即动词不定式此时表示原因。 (4)动词不定式的否定形式是在to前加not。

  ①To succeed,one must first of all believe in himself. 要想成功首先必须相信自己. ②Mr Green and his wife hurried to the station only_to_be_told_that_the_train_had_left.格林先生和他的妻子匆忙赶到车站,结果却被告知火车已开走了.

  ③In_order_to_keep_warm,we shut all the windows. 为了保暖,我们把所有窗户都关上了. 解析:选C.quality意为“性质、质地、品质”,可用于人或物;characteristic作名词,意为“特性、特征、特色”;feature意为“特征、特色”,指事物突出、引人注目的特点,常专门用来说明人的容貌特征或地貌、地理特征; character意为“品性、人格、性格”,强调性格中道德品质的素养,有“品德”的意思,多为后天教育与培养的结果. 6.The old couple took________to earn more money for their disabled son. A.a pain

  B.pain C.pains

  D.painful 解析:选C.take pains to do sth.费尽全力做某事.pain作“辛苦,努力,费心”讲时要用复数形式. 7.The boat was at the________of the rapid river. A.control

  B.charge C.possession

  D.mercy 解析:选D.句意:那条船任由湍急的河流摆布.at the mercy of...是固定搭配,意思是“任由……摆布”. 短语细解 7fix one’s eyes on  注视,凝视 (教材P36)Its black eyes,which are_fixed_on the cabbage,show the creature’s interest in the vegetable. 它的黑眼睛正盯着白菜,显示出对白菜的极大兴趣. 归纳拓展 ①(牛津P711)We’ve asked the neighbours to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away. 我们已经请邻居在我们离开时照看一下房子. ②Thousands of eyes were_fixed_on Beijing in 2008. 在2008年千万双眼睛关注着北京. ③I won’t be able to look_him_in_the_eye if I lie. 我要是撒谎,我就不能直视他的眼睛. 8sort of 有几分地,有那么一点儿 (教材P112)...when you get inside it’s sort_of strange. ……当你进入里面的时候,它有点奇怪.

  归纳拓展 ①(2011·高考安徽卷)They are the sort of friends who are so close they trust each other with their lives.他们是这种类型的朋友:他们如此亲密在生活中相互信任. ②I sort_of like him,but I don’t know why. 我有点儿喜欢他,但不知道为什么. ③No other college graduates were doing that sort of work at the company in Hefei,Anhui.其他的大学毕业生在安徽省合肥市的公司里没有做那种工作的. ③No other college graduates were doing that sort of work at the company in Hefei,Anhui.其他的大学毕业生在安徽省合肥市的公司里没有做那种工作 的. 9date back to 追溯到 (教材P40)Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date_back_to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty! 在南北朝时期的坟墓里动物剪纸已经被发现! 归纳拓展 ①This church dates back to 1173. 这座教堂可追溯到1173年. ②To_date,we have gained fifty gold medals. 到目前为止,我们已获得五十枚金牌. ③Should we set_a_date_for the next meeting? 我们是不是该定一下下次会议的日期 呢?

  【重点提示】 date back to=date from,不可用于被动语态. 这一风俗可以追溯到明朝. 误:This custom can be dated back to/dated from Ming Dynasty. 正:This custom can date back to/date from Ming Dynasty. 10relate

  to 把……联系起来,与……相关,关系到…… (教材P40)People to whom the dead person was_related would make these offerings on special days and during festivals. 死者亲属会在特殊的日子和节日里剪这些祭祀用的剪纸. 归纳拓展 ①(2011·高考北京卷)I love technology and try to keep up with it so I can relate to my students. 我热爱科技并且试图去紧跟它的步伐以便能与我的学生相联系. ②Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind? 你能否把你童年时的遭遇同目前的心境联系起来?

  ③(朗文P1928)Police now believe that the three crimes could be_related.目前警方认为三个案件相互有关联.

  11try out 试用,试验 (教材P40)I was also ready to try_out paper-cutting for myself. 我自己也想尝试一下剪纸.

  归纳拓展 ①(2011·高考北京卷)It began when a teacher suggested I try_out_for the basketball team. 当一位老师建议我参加篮球队选拔的时候就开始了. ②(朗文P2489)I decided I must try_for some paid work. 我下决心一定要找份有报酬的工作. ③Try the shoes on before you buy them. 鞋子要先穿上试试再买. 12leave out 删掉,漏掉;不理会,忽视;使不受欢迎 (教材P41)When can we leave_out who,whom,that,which? 什么时候可以省略who,whom,that,which?

  归纳拓展 ①(朗文P863)You’ve left out the most important word in this sentence.你在这一句中漏掉了最重要的一个词. ②No one speaks to him;he’s always left_out. 没人跟他讲话,他总是被人冷落. ②(朗文P1649)He has taken great pains to improve his image.他煞费苦心地改善自己的形象. ③She was at_great_pains to stress the advantages of the new system.她极力强调新制度的优点. 【重点提示】 当pain指精神上的痛苦时常用作不可数名词;但当指肉体上的疼痛、痛苦时,既可作可数名词也可作不可数名词;当用作“辛苦,努力,操心,费力”解时,常用其复数形式. 2emphasise  vt.强调 (教材P36)To emphasise the woman even more,Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan... 为了更加突出那位女士,陈逸飞在她的扇子上加入了许多细节……

  归纳拓展 ①He emphasised the importance of daily practice. 他强调了日常训练的重要性. ②The teacher emphasised that students must not smoke. 老师强调说学生一定不要抽烟. 3purpose n.目的,意图 (教材P40)...paper cuts for decoration,for religious purposes and for design patterns. ……剪纸用于装饰,用于宗教目的以及用于设计图案.

  归纳拓展 ①I didn’t meet him for the mere purpose of talking. 我并不是仅为了谈话才见他. ②Sorry,I didn’t do it on_purpose. 很抱歉,我不是故意的. ③His explanation was not to_the_purpose. 他的解释不得要领. 4mercy n.慈悲,怜悯,同情心;宽恕;幸运 (教材P42)He had no mercy so we had to leave fast. 他没有同情心所以我们不得不快速地离开. 归纳拓展 ①(牛津P1262)They showed no mercy to their hostages. 他们对人质丝毫不讲仁慈. ②We are at_the_mercy_of the weather. 我们拿天气毫无办法. ③(牛津P1262)It’s a mercy she wasn’t seriously hurt. 幸运的是她伤势不重. 5ruin vt.毁坏,毁灭 n.毁坏,破产, (pl.)废墟 (教材P112)The castle was in ruins for 200 years until it was rebuilt in 1932. 这座城堡被毁坏了200年直到1932年重新建造. 归纳拓展

  助 记

  ①(2011·高考北京卷)Where are the children?The dinner’s going to be completely ruined.孩子们在哪?这顿饭将被完全破坏了. ②After the storm,the whole city lies in_ruins. 暴风雨过后,整个城市成为一片废墟. ③Everything has gone to ruin. 一切都崩溃了. ④The divorce brought him to_ruin.离婚使他破产了. 6conclusion n. 结论,推断;终结,结局 (教材P44)conclusion—why you want to live there 结论——为什么你要住在那里

  归纳拓展 ①In conclusion,I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today. 最后,我想说我今天过得很开心. ②You sometimes jump_to_conclusions too soon. 你有时过快地做出结论. ③The policemen concluded that the murderer was hidden in the village.警察断定凶手藏匿于小村中. 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.品句填词 1.The teacher_____________________ the importance of making notes in the class yesterday. 2.It was ___________of him to come late.

  emphasised/emphasized typical 3.An __________is a person who designs buildings and supervises their construction. 4.Wet weather is a __________of life in Scotland. 5.The crocodile is a strange-looking __________. architect feature creature 6.The full__________(细节) of the agreement have not yet been made public. 7.The general showed no________(怜悯) and killed all the prisoners. 8.She was an__________(优雅的) woman,so many gentlemen loved her. details mercy elegan 9.What was the__________(目的) of her visit? 10.The gateway is too________(窄的) for a car to get through. purpose narrow Ⅱ.单项填空 1.Deeply________his unhappy childhood,the boy’s________ seemed quite odd and strange. A.relating to;characters B.associated with;personality C.linked by;virtues D.connecting to;morality 解析:选B.句意:因为他不幸的童年生活,这个男孩的性格看起来很古怪.此处第一空为过去分词作原因状语,be associated with(=be related to/linked to/connected to) 与……有关;第二空personality性格. 2.—Look!The telephone is broken.Someone damaged it ________ purpose. —That may be right.But perhaps it was broken________accident. A.on;byB.by;by C.on;on

  D.by;on 解析:选A.on purpose故意地;by accident偶然地,意外地,都是固定短语. 3.He forbade his children from eating sweets beacuse he didn’t want their teeth to________. A.ruin

  B.be ruined C.break

  D.be broken 解析:选B.所填选项动词与宾语teeth是动宾关系,所以排除A、C两项;break意为“折断”;ruin意为“毁坏”,符合句意“他不准孩子们吃糖,因为他不想让他们的牙齿坏掉”. 4.________with me and give me a straight answer. A.Straight

  B.Be straight C.Do straight

  D.To be straight 解析:选B.句意:对我要诚实,给我个诚实的答案.句中and后面是动词give,故前面应与之并列,也应该是动词原形构成的句子,即祈使句,所以排除A、D两 项.而C项中do不能与straight连用,故用be加形容词构成祈使句. 5.Madam

  Curie,for whom life was hard at college,was a woman of strong________and that’s why she made her mark in history. A.quality

  B.characteristics C.character

  D.feature 栏目导引 基础盘点?自测自评 考点串讲?讲练互动 必修二 Unit 6 Design——设计 必修二 1.in case of...(+n.)“以防;万一”;in case that...“以防,万一……”(谓语动词用一般现在时态或should+动词原形) In case of fire,what should we do?一旦发生火灾,我们该怎么办? 句型公式?妙笔生花 Please remind me about it in case I forget/should forget.万一我忘了,请提醒我. 2.强调句型It is/was+被强调的部分+who(主要指人时)/that+其他部分 It wasn’t until his father came back from work that he did his homework. 直到他父亲工作回来他才做作业. It is only when you nearly lose someone that you fully realize how much you value him. 只有你快要失去某个人时,你才意识到你是多么重视他. It was because the traffic was very heavy during the rush hour that I was late again. 正是因为交通高峰期交通拥挤我才又一次迟到了.

  3.祈使句(表条件)+or/or else/otherwise+主句(表结果)“否则……,要不然……” Please call me up before you come,otherwise/or else/or we might be out.你来之前打个电话,否则,我们也许会出去. 4.祈使句(表条件)+and+主句 (表结果) Work hard and you will make progress every day.好好学习,天天向上. One more effort and you will succeed.再努力些,你会成功的. 基础盘点?自测自评 核心单词 1.__________adj.直的;adv.直接地 2.__________n.展览会 3.__________adj.抽象的,深奥的 4.__________n.画家,艺术家 5.__________adj.典型的 straight exhibition abstract artist typical 6.__________vt.强调 7.__________n.细节,详情 8.__________n.特征,特色 9.__________vt.毁灭,毁坏 10.__________n.目的,意图 11.__________n.字,字体 emphasise detail feature ruin purpose character 12.__________n.怜悯,慈悲,同情心→merciful adj.宽大的,仁慈的 13.________adj.狭窄的 14.__________adj.市区的;adv.在市区,往市区 mercy narrow downtown 15.What the boss___________(强调) was that we should put ________(重点,强调)on quality rather than on quantity. 16.His works are full of ___________ (想像力),which you can hardly ________(想像). emphasised emphasis imagination imagine 高频短语 1.________________注视,凝视 2.________________有几分地 3.________________追溯到 4.________________把……与……联系起来 5.________________试用,试验 fix one’s eyes on  sort of  date back (to) relate to try out 6.________________屏住呼吸 7.________________因……而出名 8.________________以高速 9.________________陷入沉思 10.________________迄今为止 hold one’s breath be famous for at high speed be deep in thought so far 11.________________张贴 12.________________在……的另一边 13.________________梦想 14.________________根本不,一点也不 15.________________空调 put up on the other side of dream of not at all air conditioner 典型句式 1.leave sb.doing sth.听任/让某人做某事 Qi Baishi’s style of painting often__________________________ (让观者猜想/想像) and makes them use their imagination. leaves the audience guessing 2.wish宾语从句的虚拟语气 I wish I______________________(能够买) a painting,but they are too expensive for me! 3.so that 以至于,以便于 It’s at the front________(以至于) it gets the sun. could have bought

  so that 4.that引导定语从句 Out back is a small garage for the car we don’t own yet and a small yard__________________________(看起来更小的) between the two buildings on either side. that looks smaller 5.It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事 _________________________ (终于轮到我们) to do the wallboard in the school hall! It’s finally our turn 单元语法 介词和定语从句(Ⅰ) 1.You can’t wear a blue jacket________that shirt.It’ll look terrible. A.onB.above C.up


  解析:选D.on表示接触;over表示在某物的上面,一部分或全部把某物覆盖着;up则表示“向上”;above表示位置的高矮,故应用over表示“覆盖”. 2.He suddenly saw Sue go________the room.He pushed his way________the crowd of people to get to her. A.across;across

  B.over;through C.over;into

  D.across;through 解析:选D.across强调“横穿”,而through侧重于表示“从人群内部穿过”. 3.(2016·郑州毕业班质量预测)The first snow didn’t fall until February in our province this year,________was unexpected. A.it

  B.which C.that

  D.what 解析:选B.句意:我们省今年的第一场雪直到二月才下,这令人非常意外.第二个分句为非限制性定语从句.关系代词which指代前面的整个句子,在定语从句中作主语. 4.(2016·沈阳六校联合诊断)We stayed in a quiet hotel,________. A.next to it was a thick wood B.next to which was a thick wood C.next to it there was a thick wood D.next to which a thick wood was 解析:选B.考查定语从句和倒装.句意:我们待在一个安静的旅馆,旅馆附近是一片茂密的树林.后半句是定语从句,句中的which代指hotel,从句是倒装句. 5.(2016·吉林部分重点中学质检)—What does the notice say? —All the storytellers should meet at the same hall________won the first three prizes. A.what

  B.as C.who

  D.which 解析:选C.根据句法,这是个分隔式定语从句,从句“________won the first three prizes”缺少主语,先行词“All the storytellers”指人,所以用关系代词who或that,且不能省略. 考点串讲?讲练互动 单词精研 1pain n.痛苦,疼,痛;辛苦,努力(用复数) vt.使痛苦 vi.感到疼痛 (教材P112)They show violence and pain. 它们体现了暴力与痛苦. 归纳拓展 ①(2011·高考上海卷)There is clear evidence that the most difficult feeling of all to interpret is bodily pain. 有明确的证据表明:最难诠释的感受是身体上的痛楚. 栏目导引 基础盘点?自测自评 考点串讲?讲练互动 必修二


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