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发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2016高考英语单选题分类汇编 定语从句

  【2016全国卷II】⒏ That evening, ___ I will tell you more about later, I ended up

  working very late.

  A. that B. which C. what D. when


  【2016安徽】29. Alot of language learning,

  has been discovered, is happening

  in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that


  A. as

  B. it

  C. which

  D. this


  【2016重庆】29. Sales director is a position ______communication ability is just as important as sales skills.

  A. which

  B. that

  C. when

  D. where


  【2016北京】26. When deeply absorbed in work, ______ he often was,he would

  forget all about eating or sleeping.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. where

  D. when


  【2016福建】23. The air quality in the city, _____ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months.

  A. that

  B. it

  C. as

  D. what


  【2016陕西】14. It is the third time that she has won the race, ____ has surprised us all.

  A. that

  B. where

  C. which

  D. what


  【2016山东】23. Maria has written two novels, both of ___ have been made into television series.

  A. them

  B. that

  C. which

  D. what


  【2016湖南】34. Care of the soul is a gradual process ____ even the small details of life should be considered.

  A. what

  B. in what

  C. which

  D. in which

  【2016天津】7. I wish to thank Professor Smith, without ____ help I would never have got this far.

  A. who

  B. whose

  C. whom

  D. which


  【2016江西】28. By 16:30, ____ was almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold.

  A. which

  B. when

  C. what

  D. that


  【2016四川】13. In our class there are 46 students, _____ half wear glasses.

  A. in whom

  B. in them

  C. of whom

  D. of them


  【2016浙江】9. We live in an age ______ more information is available with greater ease than ever before.

  A. why

  B. when

  C. to whom

  D. on which


  【2016浙江】17. Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, _____, for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society.

  A. which

  B. who

  C. where

  D. whom


  【2016江苏】22. After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, ____ urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter to survive.

  A. which

  B. who

  C. where

  D. what



  1【2016全国卷II】⒒ I had hardly got to the office ______ my wife phone me to go back home at once.

  A. when B. than C. until D. after

  2【2016安徽】30. When

  for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.

  A. asking

  B. asked

  C. having asked

  D. to be asked

  3【2016重庆】30.—Coach, can I continue with the training?

  —Sorry, you can’t _____ you haven’t recovered from the knee injury.

  A. until

  B. before

  C. as

  D. unless

  4【2016全国】25. I don't believe we've met before,

  I must say you do look


  A. therefore

  B. although

  C. since

  D. unless

  5【2016北京】21.—Look at those clouds!

  —Don’t worry. ______ it rains, we’ll still have a great time.

  A. Even if

  B. As though

  C. In case

  D. If only

  6【2016北京】35. Don’t handle the vase as if it ______ made of steel.

  A. is

  B. were

  C. has been

  D. had been

  7【2016福建】30. It is hard for Greek government to get over the present difficulties ______ it gets more financial support from the European Union.

  A. if

  B. unless

  C. because

  D. since

  8【2016陕西】18. Hot ___ the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.

  A. although

  B. as

  C. while

  D. however

  9【2016陕西】25. All the photographs in this book, _______ stated otherwise, date from the 1950s.

  A. unless

  B. until

  C. once

  D. if

  10【2016山东】27. He smiled politely ______ Mary apologized for her drunken friends.

  A. as

  B. if

  C. unless

  D. though

  11【2016山东】32. A number of high buildings have arisen ______ there was nothing a year ago but ruins.

  A. when

  B. where

  C. before

  D. until

  12【2016湖南】28. ______ I always felt I would pass the exam, I never thought I would get an A.

  A. While

  B. Once

  C. If

  D. Until

  13【2016湖南】32. ______ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.

  A. However

  B. Whatever

  C. Whichever

  D. Whenever

  14【2016天津】14. Everything was placed exactly ______ he wanted it for the graduation ceremony.

  A. while

  B. when

  C. where

  D. though

  15【2016江西】31. You can borrow my car ______ you promise not to drive too fast.

  A. unless

  B. if

  C. in case

  D. as long as

  16【2016辽宁】30. Leave your key with your neighbor ______ you lock yourself out one day.

  A. as long as

  B. even though

  C. in case

  D. as if

  17【2016四川】10. If you happen to get lost in the wild, you’d better stay ______ you are and wait for help.

  A. why

  B. where

  C. who

  D. what

  18【2016江苏】30. One’s life has value ______ one brings value to the life of others.

  A. so that

  B. no matter how

  C. as long as

  D. except that



  1.(湖南,30)It was not until I came here_____ I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.

  A. who

  B. that

  C. where

  D. before

  2.(辽宁,32)Not until he retired from teaching three years ago_______ having a holiday abroad.

  A. he had considered

  B. had he considered

  C. he considered

  D. did he consider

  3.(天津,6)Only after Mary read her composition the second time _____ the spelling mistake.

  A. did she notice

  B. she noticed

  C. does she notice

  D. she has notice

  4.(江西,32)Never before____ seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert.

  A. had she

  B. she had

  C. has she

  D. she has

  5.(四川,5)This is not my story, nor ____ the whole story. My story plays out differently.

  A. is there

  B. there

  C. is it

  D. it is

  6.(重庆,32)It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic ___ Zheng He sailed to East Africa.

  A. when

  B. that

  C. after

  D. since

  7.(重庆,33)The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor ____ it a thought.

  A. does he even give

  B. he even gives

  C. will he even give

  D. he will even give

  8. (上海,29)Only with the greatest of luck ____ to escape from the rising flood waters.

  A. managed she

  B. she managed

  C. did she manage

  D. she did manage

  9.(上海,37)-- Was it by cutting down staff ___she saved the firm?

  -- No, it was by improving work efficiently.

  A. when

  B. what

  C. how

  D. that

  Suggested answers:




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