例1: It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their___ . This was the beginning of another_____ day in New York City. 1. A. jobs B. homes C. buses D. offices 2. A. working
B. hot C. sameD. ordinary 分析:从信息词“early morning”和“sleepy-eyed”来判断,B. homes不符合逻辑,按生活经验,他们是去上班。这时有些考生也许会认为,既然上班,就要去“挤公交车”或“去办公室”。但上班的方式也有步行的、骑车的或坐地铁的,也有自己开车去的。人们上班有去农场的、煤矿的,还有去工厂车间的,不一定去办公室。因此,C. buses和D. offices不符合生活实际。1题只有A. jobs才是最合乎逻辑的选项,人们起床后,各自奔向自己的工作岗位。而这种情况是天天发生,是平平常常的,因此2题答案是D. ordinary
例2:(NMET1998)Every morning she would give him breakfast 29 bed and bring him the papers to 30 . 29.A. to B. at C. in D. by 30.A. check B. read C. keep D. sign 分析:29题的答案是C,bed的前面应当用介词in。至于30题,就要用到相应的文化背景知识:外国人有早上读报的习惯,句中papers即报纸(newspapers)。这是理解文章细节的关键。有了这些文化背景知识,便可迅速推断出最佳选项B. read。因为生活中过分溺爱孩子的母亲,让儿子“在床上”吃早饭,“读”早报是很自然的事情,这也正与文章的主旨相吻合。 词的固定搭配,特别是动词的搭配在完形填空题中出现的比例也是比较大的,多数题目涉及到动词的用法和各种搭配关系,这是由动词在句子中的重要性决定的。动词在搭配关系上与名词、介词、副词的用法紧密相关。 解决这类题目要求考生多读、多记,对所学习语或固定搭配牢固掌握,并能灵活运用。 例1:Dad taught me a lot about life, especially its hard times. I remembered one of his 1 one night when I was ready to quit (退出) a political campaign(运动)I was losing, and wrote about it in my diary. Tired, feeling the months of 2 , I went up to my study to make some notes. 1. A. classes B. advice C. lessons D. talks 2. A. struggle B. working C. battle D. defence 分析:class(课,班级,阶级)advice(忠告,建议,不可数名词)lesson(课程,教训)talk(谈话,讲演),根据短文中提供的信息,应该是作者准备退出一场失败了的政治活动时,父亲“教训”了他一顿,所以1题的答案是A. lessons。2题的选项B. working(工作,劳动), D. defence(防卫,辩护)明显不合乎逻辑,A. struggle意为“斗争,战争”,C. battle是指大型战役中的小规模“战斗”。作者在这次政治活动中经历了数月的艰辛,为争取某种权利而进行了艰苦的“斗争”,根据文章的情节线索我们可以确定最佳选项是A。这两个题的解决都借助了词义的辨析,同时也离不开对短文情节发展的把握。 例2:She noticed how nervous he was and suggested he should stand near the stage where he could watch and follow the play. It was a good 1 of getting rid of his nervousness, she said. She was right, it seemed to 2 . 1. A. idea B. way C. path D. plan 2. A. do B. win C. work D. act 分析:句中“她”注意到“他”很紧张,建议“他”观看表演以消除紧张。显然,“她”所建议的是一种消除紧张的“方法”。1题的四个选项A. idea(想法,意见) B. way(路线,方法) C. path(小路,路线) D. plan(计划,规划) 中只有B选项有此含义,无疑是最佳答案。紧接下来的一句话是“她说得对,这个方法似乎有效。”2 题的四个选项A.do(做,尽力) B. win(获胜,夺得)C. work(工作,起作用) D. act(行动,表演)中只有C选项有“奏效”这个含义,自然应该是最佳答案。这两个题的解答也是在考虑上下文的前提下,从词汇意义入手的。 At this moment, the air hostess ___73__. She looked pale, but was quite __74__. 73. A. showed B. presented
C. exposed D.appeared 74. A. well
B. still
C. calm
D. quiet 73中四个选项都有"出现、显露"方面的意思,但自身的语义特征构成了各自及物不及物的区别。A,B,C 都是及物动词,而这里应用不及物动词,表示"出现"之意,所以答案为D。 74除A外,三个选项意思接近,为近义词。但语义的侧重不同,与人连用时,still表示"站着不动",quiet表示"安静,不乱说,乱动",calm则表示人,"镇定、平静"。上文的"脸色苍白",说明了"恐惧"的存在,而一般在这种状态下,人们的行为会有些失常,表现出不够"镇定","不能泰然处之"。句中but的使用,所以,答案应该是C。
Summary 语篇信息 词汇手段 复现 同现 语法手段 替代 省略 逻辑手段 并列关系 顺序关系 分指 关系 转折关系
因果关系 照应 56《一轮复习— 高考完形填空解题技巧指导》
《高中英语课程标准和考试说明》 对高考完形填空的规定 语法结构
高考完形 填空考什么? 词汇手段 复现
词汇的复现关系指的是某一词以原词、同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词、概括词或其他形式重复出现在语篇中,语篇中的句子通过这种复现关系达到了相互衔接。词汇的复现关系又可分为原词复现、同义词或近义词复现、上下义词复现和概括词复现四类。 复现
1.They go to sleep in all kinds of places. Red squirrels disappear inside trees, bears use caves, frogs go deep under the mud, and many other animals dig holes in the earth.
2. Indeed without Einstein’ s theory,which was the resul to many complicated mathematical calculations,there would never have been any practical application of nuclear power. 3. At that moment,however,he felt strangely unwilling to do so.Instead of moving backward as planned,he took a step forward ,and then another!
(概括和同义复现) 上下义词复现
反义复现 _______ _______ _______ _______ ____ _______ ____ _______ ____ ① It can be said that foreign __74__ that makes the faculty member from abroad an asset also (creates) problems of adjustment, both for the university and for the individual.………fessor and his students (lack) background in each others‘ culture. 74. A. situation
B. background
C. circumstances D. condition
② As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. ……… Moving the pilot (aside), the man took his seat and listened carefully to the (urgent) instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport (below). The plane was now dangerously close (to) the ground, but to everyone‘s (relief), it soon began to climb. The man had to __84___ the airport several times in order to become (familiar) with the controls of the plane. ……… Following __88___, the man guided the plane toward the airfield. 84. A. surround B. circle C. observe D. view 88. A. impressions B. information
C. inspections D. instructions
从上文中的circled可以推断84"在机场上盘旋"应该是B。从上文中listened to the instructions可以判断88为D。这样,84为上文中circle的复现;follow instructions 为listen to instructions的复现。 ① Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students.………… It is the __80__responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. A. student‘s
B. professor's
C. assistant‘s
D. librarian's 从前面的responsibilities for learning lie with the students可以判断查找材料也应该是"学生"的责任,所以答案为A。
2) 同义词、近义词复现
① Forcing yourself to recall (almost) never helps because it doesn't ____ your memory; it only tightens it. 81. A. loosen B. weaken C. decrease D. reduce ② There are four types of blood. __67__ types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. 67. A. All B. Most C. No D. Some
前后两部分互为解释,一为肯定,一为否定,为反义复现。从下文的tighten可以判断,上文应该是选loosen。并列连词and说明前后语意一致,那么,前后应该是反义复现,与no 反义的自然是A(all) 。 ① Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students. If a long reading assignment is given, the instructors expect students to be familiar with the (information) in the reading …………When research is __78__, the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with (minimum) guidance. 78. A. collected B. assigned
C. distributed D. finished
该部分作者通过两个例子说明,应该有学生负责自己的学习,都是从"布置作业"方面解释。说明布置阅读作业时要求学生如何;布置研究作业时又该要求学生如何。两个例子概念复现,借助于give reading assignment的表达方式,可以确定78应该是B,构成assign research的结构
3) 同源词复现
② (Although) these wide modern roads are generally (smooth) and well maintained, with (little) sharp curves and many straight (sections) ………… others are uneven road __85__ through the country. 85. A. driving B. curving C. crossing D. travelling
① Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a __85__ result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of (man) other objectives. 85. A. single B. sole C. specialized D. specific ② Consider the everyday English __87__ "Goodbye". 87.A. expression
B. statement
C. proverb
B是特殊的 Goodbye为所填之词的同位语,goodbye 为下义词,其上义词应该是A,expression。
4) 上义词复现
1)场所同现 ① This is thought to be a __89_ where further study is called (for). 89. A. a scope B. field C. range D. district
研究"就有研究的"领域"、研究的"课题"、从事研究的"人员"。所以" 研究"与"领域"是同现,答案自然就是B。 ② Another (way) to divide the study of __80__ is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the _81__ starts with human beings and _82___ how human beings and their environment act (upon) each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject, __84__ branch can neglect the other. 80. A. world B earth C. globe D. geography 81.A. second B. next C. later D. latter 82.A. learns B. studies CrealizesD.understands 84. A. neither B. to C. one D. by
从文章主题(也就是话题)来看,本短文所谈论的是"地理"。地理作为一门"科学"有其"研究"的内容。所以,geography, science, study是同现词汇, 80答案为D,这从下文分述中的复现也可证明;82答案为B,是同现动词。 从上文former的使用可以推断82答案为D,因former与latter为结构同现。 最后the other的使用说明只有两个,况且这一段所讨论的就是两种地理观的区别,那么两者都不自然就是neither, 也就是说neither与the other本来是同现关系。
2)修饰同现 ③ (Although) these wide modern roads are generally __72__ and well maintained, with (little) sharp curves and many straight __74__, a direct route is not always the most (enjoyable one). 72. A. stable B. smoothC.splendidD.complicated 74. A. selections B. separations
C. series D. sections 本题涉及到名词同现和形容词同现。与高速公路同现的形容词自然应该是"平坦",有高速公路同现的名词自然有路段。由此来判断可知72答案为B,74答案为D。
语法手段 照应 替代 省略 2、语法结构方面 对语法结构的考查集中在 1)虚拟语气; 2)定语从句(连接词,限定与非限定定语从句的区别,定语从句与其它主从复合句的区别); 3)状语从句; 4)非谓语动词(动词不定式,现在分词,过去分词,动名词);5)主谓搭配一致 (时态,语态,语气,人称,数); 6)并列句,省略句,倒装句及割裂的复杂句子 ;7) 逻辑主语(主要是非谓语动词的逻辑主语),在句法上不是主谓关系,但在语义上为施动者与动作的关系;8)词类之间的搭配要求,如名词需要形容词,名词,冠词,非谓语动词,词组及定语从句修饰;动词需要副词词组修饰;及物动词后应加宾语等。做这一类题除了要有系统准确的语法知识之外,还要注意上下文的逻辑关系和语篇内容,这样才能确保答案的正确。
eg: (1) In addition to, there
words from Spanish in
many American Indian words and names;even Chineses and Japanese words have found their way into the English language.This borrowing of words from_____is one the key reasons for some of the difficulties that people meet with when they are learning English.
(2) Unfortunately there are a large number of people in my family;some wanted to see one
programme_______others preferred another. 〖分析〗填other language,这里的other
languages与前边的English language对照。 〖分析〗 填:while,表示some与others对照。 (1) For example,if consumers buy only small cars,manufactures will keep on making_____If consumers buy only large automobiles, manufacturers will make these instead. Sometimes,the quality of the service that is available will decide which cars are bought. A.which
C. ones
D.them (2) Of course he did not understand a thing,but he nodded his head as_______he. A.did
D.could (3)The strange Dr had been loved by someone:he had given his life,as Charley_____,for a cause he believed right.
B.had been
D.had done 〖分析〗选them,代替cars。 [分析]选did,代替understood [分析]选had,代替had given his life。 Fill in the forms
below in proper words. (4) Brayton rose to his feet and prepared to back softly away from the snake.At that moment,however,he felt strangely unwilling to do_1__.Instead of moving backward___2___ planned,he took a step forward,and then another!
[分析]1.填so,代替前边的back softly away from
the snake 2.填as,代替后边的take a step forward do. eg:Choose the best answer to the question A philosopher said that we have no right to oppose a position until we can state that position in a way that fully satisfies those who hold; until,indeed,we can make out a better case for it than the proponent himself_____. A.can do
分析:填can,是前边can make out a better case for it的省略。
逻辑手段 逻辑手段 并列关系 顺序关系 转折关系
分指 关系 因果关系 Never ask a child (whether )he likes and dislikes a food and never (discuss) in front of him or allow 6 else to do so. A) everybody B) anybody C) somebody D) nobody It is always satisfying to do something_____no one else has done. A.which
本题考查语法结构,此空要求填一个不定代词。这是一个由never开头的否定句,只是never在并列分句中承前省略,改为由or连接,故选anybody,形成never allow anybody else to do so的结构。 Choose the best answer to questions below: (1)Among many people there is uneasy mood-a suspicion that change is out of contro1.Not everyone,_____,shares this anxiety. A.but
D.however (2) He appeared calm,____inside his heart was beating wildly with fear. A.and
分析: (1) 填however,表示前一句与本句的转折。 (2) 填but,表calm 和fear对照。
1 I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was 1 and the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad 2 a step and fell, sending my new suitcase 3 down the stairs. 1). A. helpless B. lazy C. anxious D. tired 2.) A. took B. minded C. missed D. picked 3). A. rolling B. passing C. dropping D. turning 分析:在把握上文“我提着衣箱缓慢地上楼梯”的情况下,可知1题答案为D. tired,即当我到达三楼时,已经很累了;再从爸爸“提着两只衣箱跟在我后面”以及下文的信息词“fell”可知此句的意思是:爸爸少跨了一步摔倒了,衣箱滚下了楼梯。因此2、3题的答案分别为C、A,尽管其它选项在语法上均无错误。
2.That “something special” was men--- ___individuals who could invent machines, find new (sources) of power, and establish business organization to reshape the society. The men who ____ the machines of the (came )from many backgrounds and many occupations. 4 A) generating B) effective C) motivation D) creative 6 .A) employed B) created C) operated D) controlled 第4题选D) 。句中creative individuals是后面定语从句who invent machines…在意义上的同现,符合上下文。第6题选B) created。Created是上一句中creative individuals who could invent machines的近义复现。其他选项均与上下文不符。
1.It took Charlie Mui several months to save up seven dollars . He wanted to ______ a model plane and went to the shop with the money .
A sell B. buy C. hold D. bring
2. Tom wants to learn more about the British political system, but he doesn’t know where to get the _______.
A. situation
B. information
C. conversation
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