绕月卫星 circumlunar satellite
嫦娥1号 Chang'e-1 lunar probe; Chang'e-1 lunar satellite
月球探测卫星 lunar probe; lunar exploration satellite; lunar orbiter
发射台 launch pad
发射窗口 launch window (“发射窗口”是指运载火箭发射航天器选定的一个比较合适的时间范围,即允许运载火箭发射的时间范围。)
燃料加注 fuel adding
长征三号甲运载火箭 Long March 3A launch vehicle; LM-3A launch vehicle
发射区 launch site
地月转移轨道 Earth-moon transfer orbit
现场观摩发射 watch the launch at the site
月球探测工程 moon exploration project; moon probe project
液氧 liquid oxygen
液氢 liquid hydrogen
点火 ignition
发射前的最后检查和测试 pre-launch tests
中国国家航天局 China National Space Administration (CNSA)
卫星同发射装置分离进入指定轨道:The satellite separated from the launch vehicle and entered the projected orbit; The satellite was released from the launcher upper stage and entered the projected orbit
收集月球表面数据 collect lunar surface data
拍摄和传送地球照片 capture and relay pictures of Earth
发射升空 liftoff; blastoff; take off
偏离轨道 veer off course; deviate from course
月球表面化学元素和矿物质分布 distribution of chemical elements and minerals on lunar surface
地形和地表结构 topographical and surface structures
月球的重力场和环境 gravity field and environment of the moon
主力火箭 main rockets
极轨道 polar orbit
立体摄像机 stereo camera
绘制月球表面的三维图像 map three-dimensional images of the lunar surface
观测装置 observation instruments
探测器的工作寿命 Chang’e-1 will remain in position for about one year. Chang’e-1 will orbit the moon for one year until it runs out of fuel.
科学目标:获取月球表面三维影像,分析月球表面有用元素及物质类型的含量和分布,探测月壤特性,探测40万公锛涞牡卦驴占浠肪场?The scientific objectives include: to acquire 3-D images of lunar surface, to analyze abundance and distribution of elements on lunar surface, to investigate characteristics of lunar regolith and to explore the circumstance between the Earth and the Moon.
工程目标 The technological objectives include: to develop and launch China’s first lunar orbiter, to demonstrate the technologies needed for lunar orbiting, to start scientific exploration of Moon, to build up basic engineering system for lunar exploration and gain experience for subsequent lunar exploration.
月食 lunar eclipse
有效载荷 payload
东方红 Dongfanghong (DFH); East is red
空间环境探测系统 space environment detector system
工程总指挥 chief commander of China’s lunar orbiter project
工程总设计师 chief designer of China’s lunar orbiter project
首席科学家 chief scientist of China’s lunar orbiter project
中国航天科技集团公司 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)
中国运载火箭技术研究院研制长征三号甲火箭 LM-3A launch vehicle developed by China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
北京航天飞行控制中心 Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC)
中国空间技术研究院 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)
国防科学技术工业委员会 Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)
绕月Circling the moon
登月Landing on the moon
返回地球 Return to Earth
载人飞船 manned spaceship/ spacecraft
载人航天 manned space flight
载人航天计划 manned space program
航天飞机 space shuttle
无人飞船 unmanned spaceship / spacecraft
试验太空船 Experimental Spacecraft
神舟号 Shenzhou (Divine Vessel)
多级火箭 multistage rocket
太空舱 capsule
返回式卫星 recoverable satellite
通信卫星 communication satellite
遥感卫星 remote sensing satellite
长征二号F运载火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket
有效载荷能力 payload capability
近地轨道 low Earth orbit
气象卫星 weather satellite; meteorological satellite
太阳同步轨道卫星 satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit
同步轨道卫星 geosynchronous satellite
轨道舱 orbital module
返回舱 re-entry module
推进舱 propelling module
指令舱 command module
服务舱 service module
登月舱 lunar module
紧急供氧装置 emergency oxygen apparatus
空间物理探测 space physics exploration
国际空间站 International Space Station
太阳能电池板 solar panel
太空升降舱 space elevator
哈勃太空望远镜 Hubble Space Telescope
月球车 lunar rover
外太空 outer space; deep space
银河系 Milky Way
阿波罗号宇宙飞船 Apollo
美国航空航天管理局 NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
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