(1)(6 min.)
(原创)Many women do not like strength training because 1. __________ fear that lifting weights will make them look manly and make their muscles large. This couldn't be further than the truth. Women physically cannot build up 2. __________ much muscle as men can. 3. __________ myth that keeps women from strength training properly is 4. __________, if women do lift weights, they should be light weights and they shouldn't train very 5. __________. This is also untrue. Finally, many women believe that, if they start strength training, see some results, 6. __________ then stop, the muscle they have built up will turn to fat. That is physically impossible. Of course, if you stop a weight training routine, you will probably see 7. __________ drop in muscle quality. This is only natural. 8. __________ you don't use the muscles, you lose them, but they are not turning into fat.
(2)(6 min.)
(2012·雅礼月考四)For many Englishmen there can never be any discussion 1. __________ to who is the world's greatest dramatist. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to(浮现在心头) him: 2. __________ of William Shakespeare. Every Englishman has some knowledge, 3. __________ slight, of the works of our greatest writer. All of us use words, phrases and quotations(引语) from Shakespeare's writings that have become part of the common property of Englishspeaking people. Most of 4. __________ time we are probably unaware 5. __________ the source of the words we use.
Shakespeare, more perhaps than any 6. __________ writers, made full use of the great resource of the English language. There is probably no better way for a foreigner(or an Englishman) to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language 7. __________ by studying the various ways in 8. __________ Shakespeare used it.
(3)(6 min.)
(原创)Are you a smart kid who is having a little trouble in high school? Not to fear! Using good study habits can help you make 1. __________ through this tough time and on to college.
You'll never be able to learn anything if your desk is 2. __________ of nothing but a pile of waste paper! Take 3. __________ hour a week to clean your desk. Throw away unneeded papers and notebooks. No 4. __________ students learn the same way, 5. __________ what may work for one student will actually be detrimental to another. The same goes for studying. 6. __________ students learn better with flash cards, others 7. __________ rewriting material or taking practice tests. Experiment with different methods 8. __________ you find one that works for you best. Remember, anyone is capable of success!
(4)(6 min.)
(2012·雅礼月考三)The one last piece of advice, though, that I would have that has been useful for me is the people who I admire the most and are most successful, they're not 1. __________ thinking only about themselves but they're also thinking about something larger than 2. __________. That the people who really make their marks on the world is because they have 3. __________ bigger ambition. They say, 4. __________ can I help feed hungry people? Or, how can I help to teach children who don't have an education? Or, how can I bring 5. __________ peaceful resolution of conflicts? Those are the people I think 6. __________ end up making such a big difference in the world, 7. __________ I'm sure that young people like you are going to be able to make that kind of difference 8. __________ long as you keep working the way you've been working.
(5)(6 min.)
(原创)If you want to spend more time with your children, there are actually a lot of learning activities that you 1. __________ choose from.
Reading stories with your children is 2. __________ really fun way. Doing this will create the idea that you value reading as a learning activity. Choose good reading materials 3. __________ will let them learn something 4. __________ having fun. Choose books with vivid colors and great pictures to get the attention of your child.
Riddles are really fun. Try to take turns in asking riddles with your child to develop 5. __________ critical thinking and imagination. You will be surprised with how far their imagination can go just to come 6. __________ with the right answer.
Songs are considered to be 7. __________ the most effective teaching tools for children. Kids remember things 8. __________ if they are linked to a song.
(6)(6 min.)
(原创)Parents who were fortunate enough to have a good summer camp experience themselves realize that there is 1. __________ better than to attend a good camp. Camp is a safe environment for children, which helps 2. __________ prepare for adulthood. Trained, caring adult role models help children feel loved, capable and included. The summer camp experience can lay a foundation that will serve well 3. __________ adulthood.
There are over 10, 000 camps in this country, so there 4. __________ be one for every child. The cost is sometimes a problem for families, but 5. __________ they look at this as an important part of the growing up process, most families can find the means. In the 6. __________ run, a good camp experience is going to be much more beneficial than that new 54inch television. This is 7. __________ investment in your child's future and one 8. __________ will be remembered long.
(7)(6 min.)
I was very excited but also a little nervous on my first day at work. I had to report to the Human Resources Department first thing in the morning 1. __________
that they could introduce me to my colleagues. Everyone was very
nice and welcomed me to the company, and my boss took me to the canteen for lunch. I 2. __________ met the General Manager. I really enjoyed my first day, but I did not do much work! The 3. __________ day was very different. Even though I was 4. __________ a management trainee, I still had a lot of responsibility, and there was so much to learn. The work was quite interesting, but there was a lot of 5. __________. In fact, there was so much work that I had to work overtime to complete it. I felt like I was facing mountains 6. __________ paperwork. I have to learn what each department does so that I can understand 7. __________ the company works. For example, I spent one day in the Finance Department, 8. __________ the accountants take
the company's money …
(8)(6 min.)
Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life singlehandedly. We need help 1. __________, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach 2. __________ importance to relations and connections than we used to. A man of charisma has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give.
3. __________ life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help us out of difficulties. Our friends give us warnings against danger. True friends share not only joy 4. __________, more often than not, sorrow. With friendship, life is happy and harmonious.5. __________ friendship, life is sad and unfortunate. I have friends ranging from the rank and file to rich and in power. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, 6. __________ to tolerate and what to share. I will never forget my old friends 7. __________ keep making new friends. I will not be cold and indifferent (不关心的) to 8. __________ poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word.
The term, friend, covers a wide range of meanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a partner, a playmate, a brother, etc.
(9)(6 min.)
The people of La Gomera can carry on longdistance conversation
1. __________
whistling. For ordinary conversation they speak Spanish.
2. __________
when they need to speak over a distance, and ordinary speech is impossible, they used silbo,
3. __________
is the name of whistled form of speech.
La Gomera is very mountainous. Because of the island's small size, walking from one place to another may be slow and difficult. That is 4. __________ the silbo is useful to the islanders there.
5. __________
message can easily be whistled over a couple of miles, while to travel the same distance on foot might take an hour.
A good whistler can be heard and understood five miles
6. __________. His whistling can be heard even farther away when there is little or
7. __________
wind. I was informed that the record is nine miles. 8. __________ who has heard a firstclass
whistler will agree that this figure is quite possible.
(10)(6 min.)
A teacher was asking a student a lot of questions, but the student couldn't answer any of them. The teacher then decided to ask 1.__________ some very easy questions so that he could get a few right.
“2.__________ was California?” she said.
The student thought 3.__________ some time and then answered, “A city?”
“No, it was a state,” the teacher said. She was getting a little angry now, but she was trying 4.__________ to show it. Then she asked, “Who was the 5.__________ president of the United States?”
The student thought for a long time, 6.__________ didn't say anything. Then the teacher got very angry and shouted, “George Washington!”
The student got up and began to walk 7.___ _______ his seat.
“Come back!” the teacher said, “I didn't tell you to go.”
“Oh, I'm sorry,” the student said. “I thought you called 8.__________ next student.”
(11)(6 min.)
Why must we pay taxes? The answer is that the government needs money for many things, and
1. __________
the people of the country can supply the money. One of the most important taxes is income tax which a person pays according to the amount of his income,
2. __________
he is a merchant, a shopkeeper, a miner, or anything else. This is called a “direct” tax, because it is paid in money directly
3. __________
the government. 4. __________ tax is paid on goods
watches, jewellery, new clothes and tobacco when they are brought into a country. We call it “indirect” tax.
People complain about having to pay taxes,
5. __________
they forget that the money is spent on things that they and
6. __________
families need. We need policemen to catch thieves, to see that men obey the laws, to direct traffic, etc., and they must be paid
7. __________
they earn; children need education and there must be schools and teachers. Above all, the country must always be ready to defend itself against attacking enemies, and we cannot have
8. __________
army without paying for it.
Taxes, therefore, cannot be avoided.
(12)(6 min.)
Why are Americans getting fatter?
New research announced Monday found that
1. __________ human stem cells were exposed to a common virus, they turned into fat cells. They didn't just change, they stored fat,
2. __________.
While this may be reasonable for putting on weight, it doesn't explain 3. __________
or even most to America's growing obesity problem. But it adds to other recent evidence that blames huge waistlines on
4. __________ than just supersized appetites and underused muscles.
For several years, researchers have looked at a possible link between obesity and this common virus from a family of viruses that cause colds and pinkeye
5. __________ people. They had already found that
6. __________ higher percentage of fat people had been infected with the virus
7. __________
nonfat people. They had exposed animals to the virus and got
8. __________
to fatten up and even found a gene in the virus that caused animals to get fat.
2011年实用口语练习:Assignment 家庭作业
2011年实用口语练习:At the post office 在邮局
口语情景对话:走遍美国精选 当仁不让 ACT 3 - 2
2011年实用口语练习:Join a club 社团活动
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