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2016届高考英语阅读改错提升训练35 医学常识(阅读理解)

发布时间:2017-01-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编



维A1 阅读理解(每题2分,满分分)





First aid is the action of limited care for an illness or injury in the beginning.It is usually performed by a lay person to a sick or injured patient until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.Certain self­limiting illnesses or minor injuries may not require further medical care.It generally consists of series of simple life­saving techniques that an individual can be trained to perform with minimal equipment.

While first aid can also be performed on animals,the term generally refers to care of human patients.

Certain skills are considered essential to the action of first aid and are taught everywhere.Particularly,the “ABC”s of first aid,which focus on critical life­saving action,must be rendered before treatment of less serious injuries.ABC stands for Airway,Breathing,and Circulation.The same mnemonic is used by all emergency health professionals.Attention must first be brought to the airway to ensure it is clear.Choking is a life­threatening emergency.A first aid attendant would determine properness of breathing and provide rescue breathing if necessary.

Some organizations add a fourth step of “D” for Deadly bleeding,while others consider this as part of the Circulation step.Variations on techniques to maintain the ABCs depend on the skill level of the first aider.Once the ABCs are secured,first aiders can begin additional treatments,as required.Some organizations teach the same order of priority using the “3Bs” :Breathing,Bleeding,and Bones.While the ABCs and 3Bs are taught to be performed continuously,certain conditions may require the consideration of two steps at the same time.This includes the action of both CPR and chest compressions to someone who is not breathing and has no pulse.


①lay adj.外行的②render vt.实施③priority n.优先权

长短句分析:While first aid can also be performed on animals,the term generally refers to care of human patients.



【语篇解读】 急救是指在最后的医疗救护到来之前对病人实施的初步的救助。在实施急救过程中,我们要把握好“ABC”策略,即“气道、呼吸、循环”三要素。也有人增加了D元素,即“流血”的处理。无论怎样只要我们掌握合理的急救知识,病人就能得到救助。

1.What does “It” in the first paragraph refer to?

A.First aid.

B.Definitive medical treatment.

C.Further medical care.

D.An injury.

答案A[词义猜测题。联系第一句作者给first aid下的定义,以及“series of simple life­saving techniques that an individual can be trained to perform with minimal equipment”可知,it在这里指急救。]

2.When we talk about first aid we usually mean ________ according to the passage.

A.giving professional help

B.giving original help to humans

C.treating animals

D.any help to animals and humans

答案B[细节理解题。联系第二段中的“the term generally refers to care of human patients”可知,尽管急救可以指对动物的救助,但是一般来说,只指对人实施的最初救助。D有一定的干扰性,救助是指对病人实施的救助,而不是任何帮助都叫“first aid”。]

3.When giving first aid we must first make sure ________.

A.the airway is clear

B.the patient must breathe

C.we have necessary medical tools

D.the patient is not choked

答案A[细节理解题。从“Attention must first be brought to the airway to ensure it is clear.”可知,确保病人气道通畅,这是最重要的。]

4.While a man is choked we should ________.

A.begin additional treatments

B.make sure he has pulse

C.make him breathe smoothly

D.take two steps at the same time

答案C[细节理解题。从“Choking is a life­threatening emergency.A first aid attendant would determine properness of breathing and provide rescue breathing if necessary.”可知,对窒息病人而言,确保他呼吸是最重要的。]

维A2 阅读理解(每题2分,满分8分)





Jeremy Wirick,9,has been back in school for less than two months,but he has already had several asthma attacks.A recent attack happened on October 2,after he pushed himself too hard in gym class.Running,power walking,jogging and push­ups took their toll.When Jeremy got home an hour or two later,he was out of breath.He needed to use a nebulizer,a machine that helps send medicine quickly to the lungs,to get his breathing back to normal.

Asthma attacks like Jeremy increase in September and October.More than six times as many asthma sufferers who are elementary­school age need hospital treatment in the fall as in the summer.







to back­to­school asthma.Kids get together in close spaces,they start passing viruses around.A viral infection can cause an asthma attack.There are also certain fall allergies that can cause attacks.Exercise is another common cause of an attack.Besides,the stress of school can make asthma worse.

Parents can play a big role in helping kids with asthma start the school year right.Dawne Gee's 10­year­old son,Alexander,has had asthma since he was a baby.Before the school year starts,she tells school workers in writing about her son's asthma.

The Gees live in Kentucky,which has passed laws allowing students to carry their asthma medication with them at school.Alexander's mom makes sure he has his inhaler with him when he goes to school and that he keeps it on hand at all times.In Delaware,where Jeremy lives,kids are allowed to carry their inhalers at school.

The American Lung Association says that about 6.2 million American children suffer from asthma.Asthma is the chronic illness that causes students to miss the most days of school.There are many things that schools can do to help students control their asthma.


asthma n.哮喘②allergy n.过敏症③medication n.药物治疗④inhaler n.人工呼吸器⑤chronic adj.慢性的

【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章首先通过Jeremy Wirick向我们讲述了哮喘病的表现方式,接着讲述了它的起因以及预防措施。

1.The passage mainly deals with ________.

A.how to prevent and treat asthma

B.what asthma is and its symptoms

C.the side­effects asthma has on kids

D.the causes of asthma and its treatment


2.Which of the following statements is NOT supported by the passage?

A.Kids are likely to suffer asthma attacks in the fall.

B.Stress can add to the risk of asthma attacks.

C.Medical officials should be blamed for asthma attacks.

D.Asthma attacks will need necessary medical treatment.


3.The passage lists many factors that cause asthma attacks EXCEPT ________.

A.a viral infection

B.unhealthy habits

C.certain fall allergies

D.physical exercise


4.The following paragraph is probably going to talk about ________.

A.tips on asthma for schools

B.a survey on students with asthma

C.the effects asthma has on students

D.further understanding of asthma

答案A[推理判断题。由最后一段中的“There are many things that schools can do to help students control their asthma.”可以推测接下来要讨论学校帮助学生控制哮喘病的措施,故A项为正确答案。]

维B 短文改错(每题1.5分,满分15分)




A man

and his bored wife went on vacation to Jerusalem.While they were there,the wife past away.The undertaker(殡仪员) told a husband,“You can have her shipped home for $5,000,or you can bury her there,in the Holy Land,for $150.”The man thought about it and told him why he would just have her shipped home.The undertaker asked,“Why would you spend $5,000 shipped your wife home,when that would be wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only $150?” The man replied,“Long ago a man died here,buried here,and three days later he rose in the dead.He just can't take that chance.”


A man and his

wife went on vacation to Jerusalem.While they were there,the wife

away.The undertaker(殡仪员)told

husband,“You can have her shipped home for $5,000,or you can bury her ,in the Holy Land,for $150.”The man thought about it and told him why

he would just have her shipped home.The undertaker asked, “Why would you spend $5,000

your wife home,when

would be wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only $150?”The man replied,“Long ago a man died here, buried here,and three days later he rose

the dead. just can't take that chance.”


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