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2016高考英语(江苏专用)全程复习方略 课时提升 作业二十二:Unit3 The world online(牛津译林版选修7) Word版含解析

发布时间:2017-01-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  选修 UnitⅠ. 单项填空

  1. (原创)Naylor , in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict.

  A. acknowledgedB. received

  C. appreciated

  D. attributed

  2. The US government threatened that it would all its investment from the country if the country didn’t reduce the customs duties.

  A. take B. moveC. withdrawD. draw

  3. Of course, access up-to-date, accurate information is an important thing for anyone is doing research.

  A. to; whose B. of; that

  C. to; who

  D. of; who

  4. In their efforts to persuade us to buy that product, shopkeepers have made a close study of human nature and have all our little weaknesses.

  A. divided B. arranged

  C. classified

  D. separated

  5. Owing to rough weather, the coast guard was forced to the search.

  A. abolish B. refuse

  C. abandon

  D. adopt

  6. —David, keep in mind that you have to be home by 10 o’clock.

  —OK, Mom. I will.

  A. itB. meC. this D. one

  7. Would it be possible to make an early to have my hair cut tomorrow?

  A. appointment B. arrangement

  C. employment

  D. engagement

  8. I’m very sorry to have you with so many questions on such an occasion.

  A. interrupted B. excused

  C. impressed

  D. bothered

  9. (2016·西安模拟)He commanded that all the gates .

  A. should shut B. would be shut

  C. shut

  D. be shut

  10. (2016·嘉兴模拟)So seriously in the accident that he was sent to hospital at once.

  A. he was injured B. was he hurt

  C. he did injure

  D. did he hurt

  11. (原创)This exam will give me the to be a lawyer.

  A. composition B. qualification

  C. collection

  D. satisfaction

  12. (原创)Actually, all of us desire to achieve success, but sometimes our actions don’t correspond what we desire.

  A. with B. at

  C. on

  D. about

  13. (2016·成都模拟)Without Sir Tim, the father of WWW, keeping up with the latest information so convenient.

  A. would be B. wouldn’t be

  C. would have been

  D. wouldn’t have been

  14. Find ways to praise your children often,  you’ll find they will open their hearts to you.

  A. till B. and

  C. or

  D. but

  15. (2016·青岛模拟)—Which do you prefer to use, the red one or the blue one?

  —To be honest, I don’t like of them.

  A. both B. either

  C. none

  D. neither

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解


  Since the Internet has come into homes, the daily life has never been the same again.

  But the thing that worries most of us is that we can get viruses from the Internet.

  But can we catch viruses on our cell phones? A new study in the journal Science says yes, but the spread of such mobile software that can bring harm to our cell phones won’t reach dangerous levels until more cell phones are on the same operating system.

  Computers are easily attacked by viruses because they share data, especially over the Internet.

  Of course, nowadays, more people are using their cell phones more and more frequently.

  They use them for emailing, text messaging and downloading troublesome ring tones, etc.

  so it is obvious that cell phone viruses are a threat, as well.

  Scientists used nameless call data from more than six million cell phone users to help model a possible outbreak.

  And they concluded that viruses that spread from phone to phone by Bluetooth are not much concerned, because users have to be in close physical relation for their phones to “see” one another.

  However, viruses that spread through multimedia messaging services can move much faster, because they can come in disguise, such as a cool tune sent by a friend.

  The good news is that to be effective, these viruses need their victims to all use the same operating system, which not enough of us do.

  Because there is no Microsoft operating system for mobile phones, yet.

  Thank goodness. (272W)

  1. What’s the passage mainly about?

  A. The operating system of cell phones.

  B. The threat of cell phone viruses.

  C. The wide use of cell phones.

  D. Computer viruses.

  2. When , cell phone viruses can be dangerous.

  A. all the cell phones work on the same operating system

  B. Microsoft operating system for cell phones is created

  C. users can see each other on the phone

  D. Bluetooth is widely used

  3. What can we infer about Bluetooth according to the scientists?

  A. It can increase the chances of cell phone viruses greatly.

  B. It can help us to stop the spreading of cell phone viruses.

  C. It won’t possibly cause the outbreak of cell phone viruses.

  D. It can make users have close physical relation with one another.

  4. We can learn from the passage that .

  A. it is impossible to catch viruses on our cell phones

  B. cell phones are not well connected with the Internet

  C. it is dangerous for people to download ring tones to cell phones

  D. more than one operating system is available for cell phone users now

  Ⅲ. 任务型阅读

  阅读下列短文, 根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格中填入恰当的单词。

  注意: 请将答案写在相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填入一个单词。

  (原创)Cambridge University is developing computers that can detect people’s emotions by tracking their facial expressions and speech patterns.

  A team in the university’s Computer Laboratory led by Prof Peter Robinson hopes the software could improve interactions between humans and computers. “We’re building emotionally intelligent computers, ones that can read my mind and know how I feel, ”said Robinson. “Computers are really good at understanding what someone is typing or even saying.

  But they need to understand not just what I’m saying, but how I’m saying it. ”

  The scientists are closely working together with the university’s Autism Research Centre, whose study into the difficulties that some people have understanding emotions is helping to solve the same problems in computers.

  One system tracks features on a person’s face, calculates the gestures that are being made and infers emotions from them.

  It gets the right answer more than 70 per cent of the time, which is as good as most people.

  Other systems analyze speech intonation(语调)to infer emotions from the way that something is said, and analyze body posture and gestures.

  Ian Davies, one of the research members in Robinson’s team, is looking at the use of these technologies in command and control systems. “Even in something as simple as a car we need to know if the driver is concentrating and confused, so that we can protect him from distractions(干扰)from a mobile phone, the radio, or something else, ”he said.

  Robinson wants computers to understand emotions and express them, whether through cartoon animations or physical robots.

  PhD student Tadas, another team member, is working on animating figures to copy a person’s facial expressions, while Laurel Riek is experimenting with a robotic head based on computer pioneer Charles Babbage.

  “Charles has two dozen motors controlling “muscles”in his face, giving him a wide range of expressions, ”said Robinson. “We can use him to explore empathy, harmony building, and co-operation in emotional interactions between people and computers. ”

  Topic The computer(1) can detect people’s emotions

  The team leader and (2)? ·Prof Peter Robinson

  ·Ian Davies


  ·Laurel Riek

  Reasons to develop the software ·To improve emotional interactions(3)______ humans and computers

  ·To(4) our mind and know how we feel

  ·To understand the(5) we are saying it

  How this software(6)? One system ·Tracking(7) features or expressions

  ·Calculating the gestures

  ·Inferring emotions

  Other systems (8) speech intonation and body posture and gestures to detect emotions

  The(9) of this software ·In the command and control systems of the(10)?

  ·In cartoon animations and physical robots



  1. n. 病毒


  n. 资料, 材料


  adj. 引起麻烦的, 令人讨厌的, 令人烦恼的




  伪装, 化装

  Ⅰ. 1. 【解析】选A。句意: 在一封写给法官的信中, Naylor承认他是一个吸毒成瘾的人。acknowledge承认; receive收到; appreciate感激; attribute归因于, 根据句意可知答案为A。

  2. 【解析】选C。考查动词的辨析。句意: 美国政府威胁说, 如果这个国家不减少海关关税, 它将会从这个国家撤回所有投资。withdraw撤回; take拿走; move移动; draw提取。

  3. 【解析】选C。access to sth. 对……的利用权利; 先行词为anyone而定语从句中又缺少主语, 故用who。

  4. 【解析】选C。句意: 为了说服我们购买那种产品, 店主们仔细研究了人的本性, 并分类总结了我们所有微小的弱点。classify分类, 分等级; divide划分, 分开;

  arrange安排, 排列; separate分开, 隔离。

  5. 【解析】选C。句意: 由于恶劣的天气, 海岸警备队被迫放弃了搜寻行动。abandon放弃, 符合句意。abolish废除; refuse拒绝; adopt采用。

  6. 【解析】选A。考查代词。句意: ——戴维, 记住10点前你必须到家。——好的, 妈妈。我会的。it为形式宾语, that从句作真正的宾语。


  动词find, think, believe, feel, consider, make等后跟不定式短语、动名词短语或that引导的宾语从句作宾语时, 常用it作形式宾语。

  After experiencing some difficult times in my life, I find it really important to have several true friends.

  经历了生活中的一些艰难时期之后, 我发现拥有几个真正的朋友真的很重要。

  Don’t you think it no use quarrelling with him?


  Yesterday the teacher made it clear that everyone should hand in his homework on time.

  昨天, 老师清楚地指出每个人都应该按时交作业。

  7. 【解析】选A。考查名词的辨析。句意: 我可以早点预约明天理发吗? make an appointment预约, 约定; arrangement排列, 安排; employment雇用, 使用;

  engagement约会, 订婚。

  8. 【解析】选D。考查动词的辨析。句意: 很抱歉在这么一个场合麻烦你这么多问题。bother打扰, 麻烦; interrupt打断; excuse原谅; impress使印象深刻。


  Don’t your father about it now, for he’s very tired after a day’s work.

  A. disappoint

  B. bother

  C. interrupt

  D. prevent

  【解析】选B。考查动词的辨析。句意: 现在别拿它去打扰你父亲, 因为他工作了一天很累了。bother sb. about/with sth. 为某事打扰某人。disappoint使失望; interrupt打断; prevent阻止。

  9. 【解析】选D。考查虚拟语气。句意: 他命令关上所有的门。command后接宾语从句时, 从句使用虚拟语气, 即should+动词原形, should可以省略。宾语从句的主语gates与shut为动宾关系, 因此使用被动语态。

  10. 【解析】选B。考查倒装句。句意: 他在事故中伤得如此严重以至于被立刻送往医院。so. . . that. . . 如此……以至于……。so+形容词/副词置于句首时, 主句用倒装语序。

  11. 【解析】选B。句意: 通过这次考试, 我就有资格做一名律师。qualification资格, 资历; composition作文; collection收集; satisfaction满意。根据句意可知, 答案为B。

  12. 【解析】选A。句意: 事实上, 虽然我们都有成功的欲望, 但是有时候我们的行动却并不与我们想要的相一致。固定搭配correspond with与……一致。

  13. 【解析】选B。考查虚拟语气。句意: 如果没有万维网之父蒂姆先生, 了解最新的信息就不会这么方便。与现在事实相反的虚拟语气, 句子使用would/could/should/might +动词原形。


  (2016·永安模拟)But for the metal cage to pull the miners to safety, the miners in Chile in less than twenty-four hours.

  A. would not be rescued

  B. would not have been rescued

  C. would be rescued

  D. would have been rescued

  【解析】选B。考查虚拟语气。句意: 要不是金属笼子把矿工拉到安全地带, 智利的矿工就不会在不到24小时的时间内获得营救。与过去事实相反的虚拟语气, 主句用would/could/should+have done。


  【解析】选B。考查特殊句式。句意: 找到经常表扬你孩子的方法, 你就会发现他们会对你敞开心扉。“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”为固定句式, 根据句意, 前后是顺承关系, 所以用and, 不用or。


  Follow your doctor’s advice,  your cough will get worse.

  A. or B. and

  C. then

  D. so

  【解析】选A。考查特殊句式。句意: 遵医嘱, 否则你的咳嗽会更厉害。祈使句+and/or/otherwise+陈述句为固定句式, 根据句意, 前后是转折关系, 所以用or, 不用and。

  15. 【解析】选B。句意: ——红的和蓝的, 你更喜欢用哪一个? ——说实话, 我哪个也不喜欢。not. . .

  either相当于neither, 根据句意可知答案为B。


  —Which of the three pens do you prefer to use?

  —To be honest, I like of them.

  A. both B. either

  C. none

  D. neither

  【解析】选C。根据the three pens可知, 能用于三者的只有C。


  现在网络的普及给我们带来的烦恼是电脑经常中毒, 可是我们手机上网也会感染病毒吗? 研究发现这是确定无疑的, 但统一的操作系统是手机病毒大规模爆发的重要条件。

  1. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。概括全文可知, 文章主要探讨的是手机病毒会不会爆发的问题, 所以其关键词为viruses和cell phones。

  2. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。由文章第一段最后以及文章末尾可得出答案: 统一的操作系统是手机病毒爆发的条件。

  3. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。由文章最后一段第二句可知, 病毒通过蓝牙在手机间传播是不太可能的, 故推断蓝牙技术不会导致病毒爆发。

  4. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后和文章末尾的信息可推断出: 手机不像电脑一样, 都使用一个操作系统, 这是万幸的。因此推测现在手机操作系统不止一个。

  Ⅲ.科学家对人机互动研究的脚步未曾停止过, 英国剑桥大学的研究人员目前正在开发新的能感知人类情感的软件, 进展相当顺利。相信不久后这一软件就能实际应用于现实生活。

  1. 【解析】software 通读全文可知, 本文主要谈的是英国剑桥大学的科学家们目前正在开发新的能感知人类情感的“软件”。

  2. 【解析】members 根据右边的信息再结合文章内容Ian Davies, one of the research members in Robinson’s team等, 可知是这个科研小组的领导人和“成员”。

  3. 【解析】between 根据第二段第一句可得出答案。

  4. 【解析】read 根据第二段中的We’re building emotionally intelligent computers, ones that can read my mind and know how I feel可得出答案。

  5. 【解析】way/means 根据第二段中的But they need to understand not just what I’m saying, but how I’m saying it. 可知是说话的“方式”, 也就是这里要把how变成the way/means。

  6. 【解析】works/functions 根据右边的信息可知是这一软件的“工作”原理。

  7. 【解析】facial 根据上下文信息可判断出是“面部”表情。这里需要把features on a person’s face转换一下。

  8. 【解析】Analyzing 根据第五段可得出答案。注意这里要用动名词与前面保持一致。

  9. 【解析】use/application 根据右边的信息再结合第六段可知是对这一软件的“应用”。

  10. 【解析】car 根据第六段的举例可得出可用在“汽车”的指挥与控制系统中。这个空需要对文章内容进行全新组合。


  1. virus

  2. data

  3. troublesome

  4. operating system

  5. in disguise


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