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2016高考英语(江苏专用)全程复习方略 课时提升 作业二十:Unit1 Living with technology(牛津译林版选修7) Word版含解析

发布时间:2017-01-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  选修 UnitⅠ. 单项填空

  1. They disagreed with each other over this matter, and finally decided to voteit.

  A. down B. for C. against D. on

  2. Jack came from a poor family, so his parents had to a lot to pay for his schooling.

  A. accuse B. qualify

  C. purchase

  D. sacrifice

  3. The wind is too strong. Please wind the window .

  A. down B. in

  C. up

  D. back

  4. (2016·成都模拟)As is well-known to us all, the Yi nationality is mainly over Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces.

  A. divided B. constructed

  C. distributed

  D. separated

  5. (2016·济南模拟)There are undoubtedly many other important factors thatthe way people make decisions.

  A. contribute to

  B. find out

  C. bring out

  D. object to

  6.  difficulties we may face in our life, we should keep calm and take measures to get them over.

  A. Whenever B. Whatever

  C. Whichever

  D. However

  7. (2016·大同模拟)It is reported that the 60% discounts on some Beijing-Shanghai flights have now slipped back to 20% one day in advance.

  A. when booked B. when to book

  C. when booking

  D. when books

  8. (2016·台州模拟)They usually have the medicine before putting it into the market all over the country.

  A. testing out B. to be tested out

  C. being tested out

  D. tested out

  9. (2016·合肥模拟)—What shall we do this Sunday, Mary?

  — . Whatever you want to do is OK with me.

  A. All right B. It just depends

  C. It’s up to you

  D. Glad to hear that

  10. It Dr. Weeks came to China she knew what kind of a country she is.

  A. wasn’t until; that B. was until; when

  C. was until; that

  D. wasn’t until; when

  11. (2016·吉安模拟)After the professor out the project made a comment on the report, the media focused on it.

  A. was opposed to carry B. opposed to carry

  C. opposed to carrying

  D. opposed carrying

  12. The deserted island is only by boat.

  A. suitable

  B. practical

  C. available

  D. accessible

  13. (2016·南通模拟)—Can I use the telephone on the table, sir?

  —Under no circumstances to use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

  A. anyone is allowed

  B. nobody is allowed

  C. is anyone allowed

  D. is nobody allowed

  14. He never gave up his dream and achieved his goal.

  A. personally B. sincerely

  C. eventually

  D. originally

  15. (2016·北京模拟)The decision for almost a year because of the local residents’ complaint that the newly-built factory would disturb the quietness of the place.

  A. has been delayed B. was delayed

  C. would be delayed

  D. will be delayed

  Ⅱ. 完形填空

  Like many other parrots, Willie is a fine mimic(善于模仿者). He says, “Give me a kiss. ”“Come here. ”and, “I want to get out. ”But unlike most parrots, Willie has a(n) 1 remarkable tale. He saved a life.

  Last November, 19-year-old Howard 2 to watch her roommate Kuusk’s two-year-old daughter, Hannah. “I 3 she stay with me instead of going to day care, ”Howard says.

  The 4 in Denver, Colorado, was warm and bright, and Howard’s 11-month-old parrot, Willie,  5 saying something happily from his cage in a corner of the living room. Kuusk, 27,  6 for a morning class at a nearby college. Howard toasted a pie for Hannah and put it on the dining-room table. But it was too 7 to eat, so the child walked into the living room to watch television. She seemed 8 , so Howard dashed to the bathroom.

  Seconds 9 , Willie began “freaking out(强烈反应)in his cage, ”she recalls. “He was flapping his wings,  10 , ‘Mama, baby! Mama, baby!’”

  Howard 11 into the room to see Hannah’s face turning blue as she choked on her 12 . Willie kept crying, “Mama, baby!”

  Howard 13 the first aid and the food was taken out of Hannah’s throat. “The minute I took charge, Willie quit crying,  14 he knew things were under control, ”Howard says. “He calls me Mama, so he was clearly trying to get my 15 . He’s loud and talkative, but what really 16 me is that he added the word baby on his own. ”

  Arriving home shortly after the incident, Kuusk found her daughter playing 17 . “I don’t even want to think what would have happened 18 Willie, ”she says.

  Now Hannah 19 the bird with attention. “The first thing in the morning, she wants his 20 uncovered, ”says her mother, “and when she gets home in the afternoon, she runs to him. It’s ‘Willie, Willie’ everything. ”(317W)

  1. A. truly B. honestly

  C. actively

  D. carefully

  2. A. remembered

  B. refused

  C. reminded

  D. volunteered

  3. A. said

  B. suggested

  C. announced

  D. believed

  4. A. classroom

  B. bathroom

  C. apartment

  D. office

  5. A. kept on

  B. flied on

  C. working on

  D. deciding on

  6. A. searched

  B. waited

  C. left

  D. understood

  7. A. cool

  B. hot

  C. terrible

  D. tasty

  8. A. successful

  B. unhappy

  C. content

  D. serious

  9. A. later

  B. after

  C. ago

  D. soon

  10. A. whispering

  B. screaming

  C. jumping

  D. informing

  11. A. broke

  B. sank

  C. turned

  D. rushed

  12. A. toy

  B. knife

  C. food

  D. shirt

  13. A. learned

  B. mastered

  C. trained

  D. performed

  14. A. even though

  B. as if

  C. just as

  D. so that

  15. A. praise

  B. service

  C. attention

  D. prize

  16. A. amazes

  B. touches

  C. spreads

  D. respects

  17. A. secretly

  B. disappointedly

  C. patiently

  D. happily

  18. A. for

  B. to

  C. without

  D. unless

  19. A. teaches

  B. plays

  C. meets

  D. favours

  20. A. task

  B. cage

  C. room

  D. friend

  Ⅲ. 书面表达


  近年来, 随着科技的进步, 电教化网络系统在中学教学中的使用越来越广泛。下表展现的是近些年来我市各中学使用电教化网络系统教学的情况。请你向某报社写一篇报道, 阐述相关情况。报道须包括以下内容:

  1. 描述该表反映的变化并预测2016年的情况;

  2. 分析这种变化给教学带来的影响(对老师的教和对学生的学两方面的影响各一条)。

  注意: 词数150个左右。

  参考词汇: 电教化网络系统computerized teaching networks写出完形填空中词语的含义

  1. remarkableadj.

   2. recallv.


  3. uncoverv. ________________________________

  4. instead of


  5. under control



  Ⅰ. 1. 【解析】选D。考查介词。句意: 在这件事上他们彼此观点不同, 最后决定投票表决。vote on就……表决; vote down投票否决; vote for投票赞成; vote against投票反对。

  2. 【解析】选D。句意: 杰克来自一个贫困家庭, 因此他的父母为他上学牺牲了很多。sacrifice牺牲; accuse指责, 控告; qualify使具有资格, 使合格; purchase购买。

  3. 【解析】选C。考查介词。句意: 风太大了。请把窗户摇上去。wind up给……上发条; 卷上; 摇上。

  4. 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意: 众所周知, 彝族主要分布在云南、四川和贵州三省。distribute散布, 分布, 分配; divide(整体中)划分; construct制造, 建造, 修筑; separate分散, 分离, 区分。根据句意可知答案为C。

  5. 【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 毫无疑问, 促成人们做出决定的重要因素还有很多。contribute to有助于, 促成, 符合语境。find out弄清楚, 明白; bring out取出(某物), 使(某物)显现出来; object to反对。

  6. 【解析】选B。考查让步状语从句。句意: 不管我们在生活中遇到什么样的困难, 我们都应保持冷静并采取各种措施克服它们。whatever“不管什么”, 在从句中和difficulties一起作face的宾语。whenever无论何时; whichever无论哪个; however无论如何。

  7. 【解析】选A。考查省略。句意: 据报道, 如果提前一天预订的话, 北京到上海的部分航班机票打六折的优惠现在可以降到两折。本句话的主语是六折的打折优惠, 预订机票需要用被动结构, 相当于when they are booked, 主语一致时省略主语和系动词。故选A。


  Though in Germany, Henry was brought up in Jinhua by his aunt.

  A. to be born

  B. having been born

  C. being born

  D. born

  【解析】选D。考查状语从句的省略。在表示时间、地点、条件、方式或让步等的状语从句中, 如果谓语含有be动词, 且主语与主句的主语一致, 或主语是it时, 可以省略从句的主语和be动词。完整的句子是: Though he was born in Germany. . . 。

  8. 【解析】选D。考查have sth. done。句意: 他们通常在把药投入全国市场前对药进行检验。the medicine与test out之间为被动关系, 因此应使用过去分词。


  (2016·锦州模拟)When his mother had him his homework, he decided to have the light all night to pretend he was working hard.

  A. do; burning

  B. to do; burning

  C. do; burn

  D. do; burnt

  【解析】选A。句意: 当他妈妈让他做作业时, 他决定让灯通宵亮着以假装在努力学习。have sb. do sth. 表示“让某人做某事”; have sth. doing sth. 表示“让某事物一直处于某种状态”。


  1. have sth. done

  (1)让别人做某事, 强调主语的主观意志, 相当于get sth. done。

  He had his bike repaired a moment ago.


  (2)遭受(灾害、意外、不测等), 强调宾语无意识地经历某个事件或行动。

  Niu Zuotao had his life lost while trying to rescue a girl on October 19, 2011.

  2011年10月19日, 牛作涛在试图营救一个女孩时牺牲了。

  2. have sb. do sth. 使某人做某事(指一次性的具体的动作)

  I had Tom find a house for me.


  3. have sb. doing sth. 任由某人做某事, 让某人一直做某事, 通常有很明显的持续的时间标志。

  Who had the candle burning throughout the whole night? 谁让蜡烛燃了一整夜?

  9. 【解析】选C。考查交际用语。根据答语后句“你想干什么我就干什么”, 可知这里应该是It’s up to you“你定吧”。

  【知识拓展】短语up to的八个主要用法

  1. 到达(某数量, 程度等); 至多有……

  I can take up to four people in my car.


  2. 不多于, 不迟于

  Read up to page 109. 读到第109页。

  3. 可与某事物相比, 比得上

  As a doctor, he is not up to Mr. Smith.

  作为一名医生, 他不能与史密斯先生相比。

  4. 有某种能力的, 能胜任的

  He’s not up to the part of Othello.


  5. 从事于(尤指坏事), 忙于

  What’s he up to? 他在干什么?

  6. (时间)直到

  Up to now he’s been quiet. 他直到现在还保持沉默。

  7. 后面接表示时间、日期的名词时, 意为“跟得上形势, 时髦”

  Most of her clothes are up to date.


  8. It’s not up to you to tell me how to do my job.


  be up to sb. 是……的职责(或责任); 由……来决定

  10. 【解析】选A。考查not until的强调句型。句意: 直到威克斯博士来到中国, 她才认识到中国是一个什么样的国家。强调until引导的时间状语从句时, 要把not和until从句一起放在it’s. . . that之间。

  11. 【解析】选C。考查固定搭配。句意: 反对实施这个工程的教授发表了对报告的意见后, 就引起了媒体的关注。be opposed to doing sth. 反对做某事, 此处opposed to carrying out the project为过去分词短语作后置定语。

  12. 【解析】选D。考查形容词辨析。句意: 那个无人居住的岛只能乘船到达。accessible可接近的, 可进入的; suitable合适的; practical实用的, 实际的; available可得到的, 可利用的, 根据题意可知答案为D。

  13. 【解析】选C。考查倒装。句意: ——我可以用桌子上的电话吗, 先生? ——任何人在任何情况下都不允许为私事用办公室的电话。under no circumstances决不, 无论如何都不, 置于句首时, 句子要部分倒装。


  Under the , I think we did the best we could.

  A. circumstances

  B. situations

  C. cases

  D. points

  【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意: 在这种情况下, 我想我们已经尽了最大努力。四个选项中只有circumstances可以和under连用。

  14. 【解析】选C。考查副词辨析。句意: 他从未放弃梦想, 并最终实现了目标。eventually最终; personally个人地; sincerely真诚地; originally起初, 原来, 独创地, 根据题意可知答案为C。

  15. 【解析】选B。考查时态。句意: 这个决定被推迟了将近一年, 因为当地居民抱怨新建的工厂会打破这个地方宁静的生活。由同位语从句中的时态可知用一般过去时。


  Willie学起舌来惟妙惟肖, 跟别的鹦鹉没什么两样。但与别的鹦鹉不同的是, Willie救过一条人命, 这是一个真实的故事。

  1. 【解析】选A。根据下文内容可知, 跟别的鹦鹉不同的是, Willie有一个真实的了不起的故事, 救过一条人命。也就是说这是一个真实的故事。

  2. 【解析】选D。根据文章内容可知, 她是自告奋勇照看她的室友Kuusk两岁大的女儿。

  3. 【解析】选B。后面的动词stay是很好的提示, 只有suggest后接(should)do虚拟结构。句意: 我提议, 别送她去托儿所了, 跟我待在家里吧。

  4. 【解析】选C。根据语境可判断出这里指的是Howard的家。公寓位于科罗拉多州丹佛市, 温暖而又明亮。

  5. 【解析】选A。短语keep on doing sth. 表示“不停地做某事”。11个月大的鹦鹉Willie在卧室一隅的笼子里, 快乐地喋喋不休。

  6. 【解析】选C。根据语境, 把女儿交给Howard在家看管后, 27岁的Kuusk出门到附近的大学上晨课。

  7. 【解析】选B。根据上下文语境, Howard为Hannah烤好一张馅饼, 放在餐厅的桌子上。馅饼太烫, 还没法吃, 于是孩子走进卧室看电视。

  8. 【解析】选C。宝宝看起来心满意足, 所以Howard抓紧时间, 一头扎进了浴室里。

  9. 【解析】选A。结合语境可知, 几秒钟后, Willie在笼子里的举动就开始反常。

  10. 【解析】选B。他不停地拍打着翅膀, 高声尖叫: “妈妈, 宝宝!妈妈, 宝宝!”

  11. 【解析】选D。根据语境可知, 遇到这种情况他应该是冲进房间。

  12. 【解析】选C。根据下文中的the food was taken out of Hannah’s throat可知, 她脸色发青, 食物卡在喉咙里, 让她窒息了。

  13. 【解析】选D。根据语境可知, Howard马上实施了急救, 把食物从她的喉咙里取了出来。

  14. 【解析】选B。一看到我接管了宝宝, Willie就不再大叫了, 仿佛他知道事情已经得到了控制似的。

  15. 【解析】选C。根据上下文可知, Willie叫我妈妈, 这么做显然是为了引起我的注意。

  16. 【解析】选A。句意: 他嗓门大, 喜欢说话, 但令我真正惊讶的是, 他竟然自己学会说“宝宝”这个词, 而且还在关键时刻用上了!

  17. 【解析】选D。这里表示等她母亲回来时, 她已经恢复正常了。意外发生后不久, Kuusk就回来了, 她发现女儿在高兴地玩耍。

  18. 【解析】选C。此处是虚拟语气。句意: 如果没有Willie会发生什么事, 我连想也不敢想。

  19. 【解析】选D。因为小鸟是她的救命恩人, 现在, Hannah对小鸟宠爱有加。

  20. 【解析】选B。关键词为his, 指的是鹦鹉Willie的, 故答案为B。Hannah早晨起床第一件事, 就是让人打开鸟笼; 下午一回家, 马上跑去看鹦鹉, Willie比什么都重要。

  Ⅲ. 【参考范文】

  In recent years, with the development of science and technology, more and more middle schools have adopted computerized teaching networks. As the chart shows, the percentage of the middle schools in our city using computerized teaching networks has been increasing these years. In 2005 only 30% of them adopted the system, while in 2011 the figure rose to about 70%. And it is expected to go up to about 90% in 2016.

  The use of computerized teaching networks has affected the teaching and learning in several aspects. To begin with, it has become a much more convenient teaching aid for teachers so that they can get their messages across more easily. Besides, the students can also understand and take in what they are taught in a better way. What’s the most important is that more and more students begin to get interested in their studies.


  1. 异常的, 引人注目的, 不寻常的

  2. 回忆起, 回想起

  3. 揭开盖子, 拿掉覆盖物

  4. 代替, 而不是

  5. 被控制住


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