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2016高考英语(江苏专用)全程复习方略 课时提升 作业十:Unit1 Advertising(牛津译林版必修4) Word版含解析

发布时间:2017-01-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  必修 UnitⅠ. 单项填空

  1. Can’t we just live in today,  the worries of tomorrow or the regrets of the past?

  A. free from B. aware of

  C. sure of D. tired from

  2. (2016·黄冈模拟)When I came round in hospital I didn’t know where I was and my mind went .

  A. innocent B. blank

  C. fresh

  D. crazy

  3. My father my brother for driving but he wanted to pick the knowledge of the computer during his spare time.

  A. advised; up B. persuaded; out

  C. intended; up

  D. managed; out

  4. (2016·桂林模拟)The challenge Lenovo faces is to develop a global brand that willa broader consumer group.

  A. appeal to

  B. refer to

  C. relate to

  D. attach to

  5. (2016·西安模拟)—Why are you late for nearly half an hour?

  —The road for vehicles is under repair, so I had to take another route.

  A. meant B. to mean

  C. meaning

  D. being meant

  6. (2016·厦门模拟)After the boy disappeared, the anxious relatives and friends spent months trying to what had happened.

  A. look out B. figure out

  C. give out

  D. rule out

  7. It is encouraging that the government is making its effort to employment in the region.

  A. achieve

  B. permit

  C. multiply

  D. promote

  8. —Did you receive the letter the next day?


  Somehow, it was three weeks I received it.

  A. since B. when

  C. after

  D. before

  9. I have just spent a holiday in Hawaii and would like to it to anyone who is expecting one.

  A. recommend B. represent

  C. relieve

  D. release

  10. In part of China, some people still have difficulty gaining to necessary social services.

  A. approach B. help

  C. access

  D. benefit

  11. (2016·启东模拟)Little Tom didn’t get his composition test because he was not able to get to the teacher what he meant.

  A. through; across B. across; across

  C. across; through

  D. through; through

  12. (2016·孝感模拟)The outbreak of this incident has given us much for thought, forcing us to seriously on the past and the future.

  A. shapeB. reflectC. urgeD. distribute

  13. We have been the manager from drinking so much, which has done much harm to his health.

  A. discouraging B. forbidding

  C. separating

  D. protecting

  14. —Can a person enjoy the pleasure from his work?

  — he can have his interests and the work combined.

  A. Since B. Unless

  C. While

  D. Although

  15. (2016·南充模拟)It is high time he to take his daughter home now.

  A. go B. goes

  C. would go

  D. should go

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解

  Gadgets that make study fun

  Now in a world piled high with smartphones, tablets and e-readers, technology has entered the classroom in ways unimaginable. Taking classes can be fun, too. All you have to do is to swipe your fingers on your phone screen and download same Apps, which can make your study more fun and efficient. Balancing study and play in a college setting has never been easy—and with the following few Apps, it’ll be tough to tell the two apart.


  Use: note-taking

  Can be used on: Phone/iPad/iPod touch, Android, BlackBerry, PalmOS and Windows Phone 7

  Price: free

  It’s hard to imagine that with all the magical gadgets, the eager, studious types would still take out a notepad, a pencil, and a highlighter—and take notes in class. While it’s not an actual planner or a calendar App, if you take notes to stay organized, then Evernote is for you. The main thing about Evernote is that all of your notes are automatically sent into the cloud(云储存平台)—and then you can access them from any web-connected computer via the Evernote App or a web browser. Evernote also supports audio and photo notes—rather handy if you want to record your lecture or take photos of any projected notes. But, of course, ask for permission first.


  Use: research database

  Can be used on: iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

  Price: free(Wikipanion Plus for $4. 99, or 31. 87yuan)

  Now, you don’t necessarily have to go to a library or anywhere with computer services to do research work for your paper any more. You can get access to the research databases just on your smartphone or tablet. Wikipanion gives you a simplified version of Wikipedia without leaving out any of the site’s extra features. The normal links that you’d see to each section of an article are no longer on the main screen. Instead, there’s a small icon located at the bottom of the App, which can be used to access all the sections of an article. You can also open the links in Safari(苹果浏览器). According to the developers’ site, loading Wikipedia pages with Wikipanion is a lot faster than accessing the Wikipedia site from the iPhone’ s browsers. To be honest, we agree.

  Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days

  Use: English learning application

  Can be used on: iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

  Price: For a limited time you can get the App for only $0. 99—half price.

  Still learning English with a workbook? If so, you are behind the times. Get 21st Century Newspaper’s new iPhone App, “Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days”. When you download the App on your iPhone, you can listen to the hottest bilingual news selected from the newspaper’s official website(www. i21st. cn)and read by native speakers. Users can enjoy the audio bilingual news with synchronized subtitles and fantastic pictures while immersed in an authentic language environment. With a simple tap, the sentence you choose will be repeated. “Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days”has ranked No. 1 on the Chinese education App list. (425W)

  1. The purpose of this passage is to .

  A. make your study more fun and efficient

  B. introduce some Apps used on gadgets

  C. advertise high-tech teaching ways

  D. promote new application programs

  2. According to the passage, we can know that .

  A. the three Apps all support audio and photo forms

  B. college study is undoubtedly full of ease and fun

  C. college students used to do research work in the library or via computers

  D. students can record lectures and send them to the cloud without permission

  3. Which of the following is TRUE about the Apps?

  A. They can only be used on smartphones.

  B. Evernote and Wikipanion Plus are free.

  C. Evernote can merely be used on a computer.

  D. They improve learning efficiency and pleasure.

  4. The passage is meant for .

  A. students

  B. travelers

  C. teachers

  D. advertisers

  Ⅲ. 任务型阅读

  请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填1个单词。


  If your family is like many in the United States, unloading the week’s groceries includes hauling a case or two of bottled water into your home. On your way to a soccer game or activity, it’s easy to grab a cold one right out of the fridge, right?

  But all those plastic bottles use a lot of fossil fuels and pollute the environment. In fact, Americans buy more bottled water than any other nation in the world, adding 29 billion water bottles a year to the problem. In order to make all these bottles, manufacturers use 17 million barrels of crude oil. That’s enough oil to keep a million cars going for twelve months.

  Imagine a water bottle filled a quarter of the way up with oil. That’s about how much oil was needed to produce the bottle.

  So why don’t more people drink water straight from the kitchen faucet? Some people drink bottled water because they think it is better for them than water out of the tap, but that’s not true. In the United States, local governments make sure water from the faucet is safe. There is also growing concern that chemicals in the bottles themselves may leach into the water.

  People love the convenience of bottled water. But maybe if they realized the problems it causes, they would try drinking from a glass at home or carrying water in a refillable steel container instead of plastic.

  Plastic bottle recycling can help—instead of going out with the trash, plastic bottles can be turned into items like carpeting or cozy fleece clothing.

  Unfortunately, for every six water bottles we use, only one makes it to the recycling bin. The rest are sent to landfills. Or, even worse, they end up as trash on the land and in rivers, lakes, and the ocean. Plastic bottles take many hundreds of years to disintegrate.

  Water is good for you, so keep drinking it. But think about how often you use water bottles, and see if you can make a change.

  Betty McLaughlin, who runs an organization called the Container Recycling Institute, says we should try using fewer bottles. “If you take one to school in your lunch, don’t throw it away—bring it home and refill it from the tap for the next day. Keep track of how many times you refill a bottle before you recycle it. ”

  And yes, you can make a difference. Remember this: Recycling one plastic bottle can save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for six hours.

  Title Drinking Water: Bottled or From the Tap?

  (1) situation Americans consume the(2) bottled water in the world.


   for people’s preference for bottled water Bottled water is of higher(4) .

  It’s more(5) for people to drink bottled water.

  Problems with bottled water The(6) of plastic bottles uses lots of fossil fuels.

  Water bottles we use cause serious(7) .

  (8) the passage offers Use bottles(9) of glass or steel.

  Use a refillable plastic bottle as many time as(10) before recycling.



  All you have to do is to swipe your fingers on your phone screen and download same Apps, which can make your study more fun and efficient.

  【译】Ⅰ. 1. 【解析】选A。考查形容词短语用法辨析。句意: 难道我们不能只生活在今朝, 不必为明天担忧, 也不用为过去而遗憾吗? be free from没有……的, 不受……影响的;be aware of意识到, 认识到;be sure of对……有把握的;be tired from因为……而疲劳或厌倦的。形容词短语free from在句中充当状语, 说明主语的状态。

  2.【解析】选B。考查形容词辨析。句意: 当我在医院里醒来时, 我不知道自己在哪里, 大脑一片空白。innocent无辜的, 天真的, 清白的;blank(头脑、记忆等)一片空白的;fresh新鲜的;crazy疯狂的。根据句意选B。

  3.【解析】选C。句意: 父亲打算让哥哥学驾驶, 但是他想在业余时间学点电脑知识。advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事;persuade sb. to do/into doing sth. 说服某人做某事;intend sb. for doing sth. 打算让某人做某事;manage不能接复合宾语结构, 而只能接动词不定式作宾语, manage to do sth. 设法做成某事;pick up学会;pick out挑选出。

  4.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 联想所面临的挑战是形成一个吸引更多的消费群体的全球品牌。appeal to对……有吸引力, 使某人对某物感兴趣;refer to谈到, 提到, 涉及;relate to涉及, 与……有关;attach to依附, 附属;加入;使依恋。


  —Did Zhou Libo say anything that you in Mr Zhou Live Show?

  —Not really.

  Actually I slept through his performance.

  A. adapted to

  B. attached to

  C. referred to

  D. appealed to

  【解析】选D。句意:——周立波在《壹周立波秀》说的话吸引人吗?——并非真的如此。事实上他表演的时候我睡着了。appeal to对……有吸引力,符合句意。adapt to 适应于;attach to依附;refer to 参考,涉及。5.【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词用法。句意: ——你为什么迟到了将近半个小时? ——车辆专用道正在维修, 因此我不得不走另一条路。be meant for专门为……, 适用于某种用途的。句中的meant for vehicles为过去分词短语充当限制性定语, 相当于一个限制性定语从句which is meant for vehicles。

  6.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 在男孩失踪后, 焦虑的亲友花费了数月的时间试图弄清到底发生了什么事。look out当心, 小心;figure out理解, 计算出;give out分发, 发布, 精疲力竭;rule out排除, 不考虑。


  (2016·南京模拟)A lot of teams wanted me to for other positions but I told them no.

  A. try out

  B. figure out

  C. let out

  D. break out

  【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 很多队想要我参加其他职位的选拔, 而我却拒绝了他们。try out在句中意为“参加(运动员、演员等的)选拔”;figure out理解, 弄明白, 计算出;let out放出, 泄露;break out爆发。

  7.【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意: 令人鼓舞的是政府正在努力促进这一地区的就业。achieve完成, 达到, 取得;permit许可, 允许;multiply使增加, 使繁殖;promote促进, 提升, 推销。

  8.【解析】选D。考查状语从句。句意: ——你第二天收到那封信了吧? ——没有。不知怎么的, 过了三周我才收到那封信。根据句意可知, 过了三周才收到来信, 主句动作发生在从句动作之前, 故要用before。

  9.【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意: 我刚到夏威夷度过一个假期, 因此我愿意把它推荐给任何希望度假的人。recommend推荐, 建议;represent代表, 表示;relieve解除, 减轻, 缓解;release释放, 发布。

  10.【解析】选C。考查名词辨析。句意: 在中国的部分地区, 一些人依然很难享受到必要的社会福利。approach方法, 途径;help帮助;access进入, 使用权, 通路;benefit使受益。

  11.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 小汤姆没有通过他的作文考试, 因为他没能够让老师明白他的意思。get through通过, 到达, 做完, (用电话)接通;get across(使)被理解, 弄清楚。


  (2016·嘉兴模拟)—Did you make sense of what the man said just now?

  —No, his meaning didn’t . Would you explain it to me?

  A. get through

  B. get off

  C. get across

  D. get out

  【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意: ——你弄懂刚才那个人说的什么意思了吗? ——没有, 他没表达清楚。你给我解释一下好吗? get through通过, 到达, 完成任务, (用电话)接通;get off下车;get across(使)被理解, 弄清楚;get out离开, 出去, 泄露, 出版。根据句意可知答案选C。

  12.【解析】选B。考查动词用法。句意: 这一事件的发生给我们带来了很多的思考, 迫使我们认真对过去和未来进行反思。shape形成, 塑造;reflect与介词on搭配, 意为“反思, 思考”;urge力劝, 催促;distribute分配, 分布。

  13.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 我们一直在劝阻经理不要喝那么多酒, 这已经对他的健康造成了很大的伤害。discourage sb. from doing sth. 劝阻某人不要做某事;forbid sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事;separate sb. from把……和……分开;protect sb. from保护某人免受……。

  14.【解析】选B。考查连词用法。句意: ——一个人能不能享受工作的快乐? ——除非他能把兴趣和工作结合起来。本题实际上是一个交际语境条件下第二句省略了主句。完整结构应为: He can’t enjoy the pleasure from his work unless he can have his interests and the work combined。

  15.【解析】选D。考查句型用法。句意: 现在到了他接女儿回家的时间了。It is high time(that)从句中要用虚拟语气, 即“一般过去时或should+动词原形”的结构。故本题正确答案为D。


  (1)It’s time that sb. did/should do sth. 到了某人做某事的时间了

  It’s time that we paid/should pay attention to the environmental protection.


  (2)the first time +从句第一次……的时候

  The first time I performed, I felt so nervous that I completely forgot my lines.

  我第一次演出的时候非常紧张, 结果把台词全忘光了。

  (3)It was/There was a time when. . . (其中when引导定语从句)

  It was a time when the black people were looked down upon by the white people in history.


  (4)by the time +从句到……的时候

  By the time he met her again, she had been married for ten years. 到他再次见到她时, 她已经结婚十年了。

  By the time we graduate, the trees we plant will have grown taller than us.

  到我们毕业时, 我们种的树将长得比我们高了。

  Ⅱ.高科技渗透到生活中的各个领域, 就连校园课堂也不再那么单调乏味。智能应用程序的诞生使学习者能够更加轻松、高效地汲取知识。

  1.【解析】选D。主旨大意题。本篇为广告文体, 主要向学生客户推销几种可以在课堂上应用的应用程序, 故正确答案为D。

  2.【解析】选C。细节理解题。从文中的“Now, you don’t necessarily have to go to a library or anywhere with computer services to do research work for your paper any more. 可知, 大学生过去通常是在图书馆或电脑上进行研究工作的。而其他选项的内容均与原文细节不符。

  3.【解析】选D。细节理解题。从广告的标题及第一段可知, 这些新的应用程序不仅可以帮助提升学习效率, 同时也能为学生带来快乐;而这三款应用程序可用于不同的操作平台, 故A项和C项不正确;同时虽然Evernote是一个免费应用程序, 但Wikipanion Plus for$4. 99, or 31. 87yuan则表明该程序是要付费的, 故B项也不正确。

  4.【解析】选A。从本文的标题及所叙述的三个应用程序的应用对象可知, 这则广告主要针对在校的学生, 故正确答案为A。


        1. Present 

  2. most 

  3. Reasons  

        4. quality

  5. convenient6. production/manufacturing

  7. pollution

  8. Suggestions/Tips 

  9. made10. possible


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