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2016高考英语(江苏专用)全程复习方略 课时提升 作业三十:Units1、2(牛津译林版选修10) Word版含答案

发布时间:2017-01-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Units 1、2

  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. (2016·临沂模拟)I’ve promised to keep it secret so I can’t really tell you anythingwhat you have known already.

  A. for B. about C. of D. beyond

  2. Jack is not very decisive, and he always finds himself in a as if he doesn’t know what he really wants to do.

  A. fantasy B. dilemma

  C. contradiction

  D. conflict

  3. —Why did he from the company?

  —In order to get a more challenging job.

  A. leave B. resign

  C. remove

  D. retire

  4. Home-working opportunities and working hours are top concerns for the working mothers.

  A. accessible B. reliable

  C. changeable

  D. flexible

  5. (2016·南京模拟)He is eager to achieve success, but , he doesn’t want to work too hard.

  A. for one thing B. on the other hand

  C. on the contrary

  D. as a result

  6. (2016·长沙模拟)I think you need some outdoor exercise. Plenty of fresh air willyour health.

  A. contribute to

  B. devote to

  C. apply to

  D. adjust to

  7. (2016·吉林模拟)—Do you like Feng Xiaogang’s latest movie 1942?

  — . I just watch it for fun.

  A. Of course B. Not really

  C. Not likely

  D. Not a little

  8. After the long journey, we felt fine being a little tired.

  A. but for B. except

  C. apart from

  D. besides

  9. It remains to be seen whether the plan which has been approved can be . It depends on your determination.

  A. come into use

  B. put into practice

  C. taken into consideration

  D. got into trouble

  10. The castle stood the two roads meets.

  A. when

  B. what

  C. where

  D. that

  11. We missed our train, and , the next train was delayed,  we had to wait for two hours.

  A. on top of that; so

  B. as a result; then

  C. what was worse; however

  D. because; therefore

  12.  my dear teacher couldn’t understand was fewer and fewer middle school students showed interest in her lessons.

  A. What; why

  B. That; what

  C. What; because

  D. Why; that

  13. (2016·南京模拟)The number of older Americans south to states like Florida nearly 18% in the USA during the past few decades.

  A. to head; have taken up

  B. head; has accounted for

  C. head for; have accounted for

  D. heading; has accounted for

  14. (原创)Carrier Style was named after the Gangnam Style music video and rapidlyonline.

  A. took up

  B. took on

  C. took off

  D. took in

  15. If you don’t buy insurance for your car, you may losing everything when it gets destroyed in an accident.

  A. delay B. deny

  C. avoid

  D. risk

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解


   Stay in the same room for a whole day—it sounds easy. How about one and a half years? This is what astronauts will have to deal with if they travel to Mars.

  An experiment called“Mars500”was undertaken at a Moscow research institute to test whether humans could stay healthy and sane(神志正常的)for more than six months in space, according to China Daily. It began 18 months ago and finally came to an end on November 4.

  After 540 days of being locked away in small, windowless cells, the six astronauts were once again allowed to see daylight and hug their families.

  During the test, the psychological strain of a real Mars mission was recreated as closely as possible. Six male astronauts—three Russians, a Frenchman, an Italian-Colombian, and a Chinese man—lived in a fake spaceship to simulate(模拟)a return flight to the Red Planet.

  They ate the same kind of food as real astronauts would have. They rarely showered, and took urine(尿)and blood samples every day to complete more than 100 mock(模拟的)missions, including dealing with emergencies, space walking and conducting scientific experiments.

  They rarely had the chance to communicate with their families. The biggest challenges the men faced were isolation, claustrophobia(幽闭恐怖症)and boredom. Although they were firmly anchored(固定)by gravity—the only difference from the real Martian environment—this did not stop them from feeling as if they were thousands of miles away from home.

  “I really felt a physical(实实在在的)distance between our crew and the people in Mission Control. My reason knows that they’re just 20 meters away from us but my mind can’t accept it, ”Frenchman Romain Charles wrote to Reuters the night before his return.

  Participants were allowed to quit the test at any time if the stress got too much for them, but none of them did and there were only minor disagreements among the team.

  According to Alexander Suvorov, one of the project’s top officials, the mission had been a resounding(令人瞩目的)success. He said it proved that human beings are strong enough for long-distance space travel. (391W)

  1. The“Mars500”experiment is intended to .

  A. collect data about Mars

  B. send people to live on Mars

  C. select qualified astronauts for a mission to Mars

  D. find out the effects of living for a long time in space

  2. According to Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4, in this experiment the astronauts .

  A. were exposed to sunshine in their small cells

  B. lived in conditions similar to those of a real mission to Mars

  C. were less stressed than they would have been on a real mission to Mars

  D. killed time by checking their emails and reading the latest news updates

  3. Which of the following problems may have been the biggest for the astronauts?

  A. They couldn’t shower regularly.

  B. They were far away from home.

  C. They were isolated from society for a long time.

  D. Language barriers existed between them.

  4. What conclusion can be drawn from the experiment?

  A. Human beings can live on Mars.

  B. Human beings have learned enough about Mars.

  C. Astronauts can stand any conditions during space travel.

  D. Human beings have the potential to travel long distances in space.


  Fluency in another language is one of the most important aims of a newcomer to another country.

  In addition, understanding the culture and learning to communicate comfortably with people of that culture are as important as learning the rules of the language.

  Language learning and culture learning go together and may take a long time.

  People do learn a lot when they first begin living in another culture, but this is only the first stage of learning.

  It usually involves(包含)things like learning everyday activities and some basic customs.

  Culture is like an iceberg.

  Picture in your mind a huge iceberg in the ocean.

  The only part of the iceberg that you see is the tip. You don’t see the rest of the iceberg because it is hidden from sight in the water. When you meet someone from another culture, certain culture differences are obvious: You hear another language or you hear your own language spoken with an accent. You see different foods, clothes and sometimes physical characteristics of people. You observe new customs or habits, such as the use of chopsticks, and, bowing or kissing on both cheeks as a greeting.

  These differences are interesting and important, but they are usually not too difficult to understand.

  They are visible so they are seen easily and quickly.

  The part of culture that is like the underwater part of the iceberg consists of assumptions(设想), communication styles, values, and beliefs about what is right and wrong.

  The hidden part of culture affects much of a person’s way of thinking and communicating.

  It is the meaning behind his or her verbal(语言的)and non-verbal languages.

  Learning to communicate well with people from another culture involves becoming aware of the hidden part of culture. (395W)

  5. What’s the subject of this passage?

  A. Learning about culture.

  B. Language learning.

  C. The hidden part of the iceberg.

  D. Fluency in another language.

  6. How should we learn about culture?

  A. Learning the hidden part of the iceberg, which is underwater.

  B. Learning everyday activities and some basic customs.

  C. Learning the culture of an iceberg.

  D. Learning the visible as well as the hidden differences of culture.

  7. The underlined word “visible” in the third paragraph means .

  A. 重要的B. 有趣的

  C. 看得见的 D. 有价值的

  8. What conclusion can we draw after reading this passage?

  A. Values and beliefs are like the tip of the iceberg.

  B. People often become aware of the hidden part of culture.

  C. The tip of the iceberg is larger than the hidden part.

  D. The hidden part of culture has a great effect on people’s communication styles.


  请结合阅读理解(A), 用英语概括段落大意

  段 落 段落大意

  Para. 1

  Paras. 2、3

  Paras. 4~8 _______________________________

  Para. 9 _______________________________


  Ⅰ. 1.【解析】选D。句意: 我许诺对其保密, 所以我不会告诉你任何超出你已经知道的东西。beyond超出。

  2.【解析】选B。句意: 杰克不果断, 总是发现自己处于困境之中, 好像不知道他真正想要做什么。dilemma困境;fantasy幻想;contradiction矛盾;conflict冲突。

  3. 【解析】选B。句意: ——他为什么从公司辞职? ——为了找一份更有挑战性的工作。resign辞职;retire退休;remove移动;leave离开, 及物动词, leave someplace离开某处, 不用介词。故选B。


  —Why did he the company?

  —In order to get a more challenging job.

  A. leave

  B. resign

  C. remove

  D. retire

  【解析】选A。由句意可知此处为离开公司, 故用leave。

  4.【解析】选D。句意: 在家工作的机会和灵活的工作时间对职业母亲们来说是最重要的事情。flexible灵活的;accessible可以靠近的;reliable可信赖的;changeable变化的。

  5.【解析】选B。句意: 他渴望获得成功, 但是另一方面, 他又不想工作太努力。on the other hand另一方面, 符合题意。for one thing一方面;on the contrary相反;as a result因此。

  6.【解析】选A。句意: 我认为你需要一些户外锻炼。充足的新鲜空气有利于你的健康。contribute to导致, 有助于;devote to奉献于;apply to申请;adjust to适应。


  Your hard work your great progress in English.

  A. contributed to

  B. resulted from

  C. depended on

  D. lied in

  【解析】选A。句意: 你的努力促成了你在英语方面的巨大进步。contribute to促成, 促进;result from由于, 由……而产生;depend on依赖;lie in在于。

  7. 【解析】选B。考查交际用语。句意: ——你喜欢冯小刚最新的电影《一九四二》吗? ——不怎么喜欢, 我看它仅仅是为了娱乐。Of course当然了;Not really不怎么喜欢;Not likely不可能;Not a little一点儿也不。根据句意, 选B。

  8.【解析】选C。考查词汇辨析。句意: 经过长途旅行之后, 我们感觉很好, 除了有点儿累。but for要不是;except除了, 指同类事物的总体除去部分;apart from除去(细节);besides除了……之外, 还……。

  9.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 通过的计划是否能付诸实践还有待于观察。它取决于你的决心。put. . . into practice实施, 把……付诸实践;come into use开始使用, 无被动语态;take. . .

  into consideration把……考虑在内;get into trouble陷入麻烦。

  10.【解析】选C。考查状语从句。句意: 那座城堡曾位于两条道路交接的地方。where引导地点状语从句, 并在从句中作地点状语, 符合句意。其他选项均不可引导地点状语从句。故选C。

  11.【解析】选A。句意: 我们错过了火车, 除此之外, 下一趟火车又延误了, 因此我们不得不等两个小时。on top of除……之外;so因此;as a result因此;then那么;what was worse更糟糕的是;however然而;because因为;therefore因此。

  12.【解析】选A。第一空what引导主语从句, 且在主语从句中作understand的宾语, 第二空只有填why“为什么”才符合句意, why引导表语从句。

  13.【解析】选D。句意: 在美国, 过去的几十年中去南方各州如佛罗里达州的美国老人的人数几乎占了18%。head在此表示“向……前进”, 与older Americans之间为主动关系, 故用动词-ing形式作定语。account for在此表示“占”。during the past few decades作状语, 谓语动词多用现在完成时。

  14.【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意: “航母style”用了“江南style”的命名风格, 并在网上迅速流行起来。take up拿起, 从事, 占据;take on雇用, 呈现;take off起飞, 脱衣服, 成名, 流行;take in吸收, 改小, 理解, 欺骗。

  15.【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意: 如果你不为你的车买保险, 当车在事故中被毁坏时, 你可能冒着失去一切的风险。risk doing sth. 冒险做某事;delay推迟;deny否决;avoid避免。


  (1)at risk处于危险状态

  at the risk of(doing sth. ) 


  at one’s own risk


  put one’s life at risk


  run/take the risk of doing sth.


  (2)risk doing sth.


  risk one’s life to do sth.


  ①All residents around were at risk when the volcano erupted.

  当这座火山爆发的时候, 所有附近的居民都处于危险之中。

  ②These soldiers took the risk of losing their lives to save the people trapped in the buildings.

  =These soldiers risked their lives to save the people trapped in the buildings.


  Ⅱ.人类能否承受到火星的长期旅行? 人们为此做了一次成功的试验。

  1.【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的. . . to test whether humans could stay healthy and sane. . . in space可知, 该试验的主要目的是想了解人类长期生活在太空中的健康状态及工作能力状况等, 故选D。

  2.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第四段中的During the test, the psychological strain of a real Mars mission was recreated as closely as possible. 可知, 这次模拟试验尽量做到和真正的火星任务一样, 故选B。

  3.【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据倒数第四段中的The biggest challenges the men faced were isolation, claustrophobia and boredom. 可知, 四个选项中, C项符合isolation这个问题, 故选C。

  4.【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一句He said it proved that human beings are strong enough for long-distance space travel. 可知, 这次试验表明人类具备在太空中长期旅行的潜力, 故选D。

  异国文化如同一座冰山, 学习时, 不能只看到冰山一角, 也就是不仅要学习表面, 而且要学习文化深层的知识。

  5.【解析】选A。主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句Language learning and culture learning go together and may take a long time. 及第二、三、四段都是谈异国文化的学习, 可知本文主要讲述了学习异国文化。

  6.【解析】选D。细节理解题。第三段提到文化就像是冰山。由You don’t see the rest of the iceberg because it is hidden from sight in the water. 可知, 学习异国文化, 既要学习外在的, 也要学习内在的。所以答案选D。

  7.【解析】选C。词义猜测题。从第三段的最后一句话中体会单词visible的上下文, 从而猜测因为是“看得见的”, 所以容易被看到。

  8.【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的The hidden part of culture affects much of a person’s way of thinking and communicating. 可以看出, 隐含的异国文化会影响一个人的思维和交际。


  段 落 段落大意

  Para. 1 Can astronauts bear the long travel to Mars?

  Paras. 2、3 The success of an experiment.

  Paras. 4~8 The description of the astronauts’ life and feelings during the test.

  Para. 9 The experiment proved that the long-distance space travel can come true.


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