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2014届高三英语一轮单元复习训练:Module 3 My First Ride on a Train外研版必修1

发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 3 My First Ride on a Train


  1.An ________ (被遗弃的) baby was found in a box on the hospital steps.

  2.Does she live within walking ________ (距离) of her parents?

  3.They came here in search of new markets for their ________ (产品).

  4.The man was ________ (射杀) dead by the police during a raid on his house.

  5.I want to ________ (训练) my dog to roll over.

  6.The children's shouts ________ (惊吓) off the birds just now.

  7.All three men were hot, dirty and ________ (疲惫不堪的).

  8.The people involved in the wedding ________ (仪式) all enjoyed themselves.

  9.Life is like a ________ (旅程) of which the destination shouldn't be cared about.

  10.Sometimes they just drive slowly down the lane enjoying the ________ (风景).

  答案:1.abandoned 2.distance 3.products 4.shot 5.train

  6.frightened 7.exhausted 8.ceremony 9.journey 10.scenery



  I regret to say the information you've offered is __________ ________.


  Your dress looks all right ________.


  As soon as she saw her mother, she ________ cry ______.


  The train is travelling ________________ sixty miles an hour.


  It was in 2009 that his business really ________.


  ____________________ day it is! Let's go out for a walk.


  I don't know the person you ________ just now.


  It is hot. Would you mind ______________________ the air­conditioner?

  答案:1.out of date 2.at a distance 3.didn't; any more 4.at a speed of 5.took off 6.What a nice/How nice a 7.referred to 8.my turning on/if I turned on


  1.The plan was ________ when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost.




  答案:D 句意:当发现这个方案将耗费巨资时,它被放弃了。abandon意为“放弃”。release“解除,免除”;desert表示抛弃自己的职责或应尽的义务;resign “辞去,辞职,放弃”。

  2.(2016·铁岭六校联考)________ it is to take a rest after a long run!

  A.What a fun

  B.How fun

  C.What fun

  D.How a fun

  答案: C fun作名词时不可数,句意为:“长跑后休息一下是多么惬意的事啊!”

  3.The ________ of Suzhou and Hangzhou in spring is attractive.





  答案:B 考查名词辨析。句意:春天的苏杭,景色宜人。view表示“从高处或远处看到的风景”;scenery泛指一个地方的风景,是不可数名词;scene场景;一幕;sight指“视力;一个地方的名胜”。

  4.Ad­makers choose words and brand names very carefully in order to make a creative image of the product they are ________.





  答案:D 句意:广告制造者十分小心地选择词汇与商标的名字是为了给他们所推广的产品制造一个具有创造性的形象。process处理;produce生产;provide提供;promote促进。

  5.(2012·哈尔滨模拟)Do you begin the day by reading the newspaper, then go off to work and then return home ______ for bed?

  A.tired and ready

  B.to tire and be ready

  C.tiredly and readily

  D.tiring and ready

  答案:A 考查形容词作状语。句意:你是通过读报纸开始一天的生活, 然后去上班,回到家很累,很想睡觉吗?根据句意以及句子结构可知此处tired and ready for bed作伴随状语,表示回到家时主语的一种状况。故选A。

  6.—How much did you get about this chapter?

  —Almost nothing. The teacher explained three times but didn't ________.

  A.get on

  B.get through

  C.get across

  D.get off

  答案:C 考查get动词短语。句意:——这一章你理解了多少?——几乎一点也没理解。老师讲了三遍但没让我明白。get on进展,上车;get through打通电话,完成,通过(考试);get across让人理解;get off下车。

  7.The communication satellite ________ from Xichang Space Center has entered the orbit successfully.

  A.to be launched



  D.having launched

  答案:B 考查非谓语动词。句意:在西昌卫星中心发射的通讯卫星已经成功地进入轨道。根据句子结构以及句意可知launched from Xichang Space Center作定语修饰the communication satellite,且launch这一动作已发生并与被修饰词the communication satellite之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词。

  8.The faces of the famous American Presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a ________ of 60 miles.





  答案:B 句意: 在拉什莫尔山上的几位著名美国总统的面部雕像从60英里外就可以看到。distance “距离;远处”,符合题意。length“长度”;way“方式”;space“空间”。

  9.(2011·福建福州三中高三期中)My uncle ________ in Beijing for over 10 years. Now he lives in his hometown in Fuzhou.

  A.has worked


  C.had worked


  答案:B 根据句意可知我叔叔现在住在家乡福州,所以在北京工作是过去的事情,因此答案为B项。C项的过去完成时表示过去之过去,不符合句意。

  10.Since you have seen both runners, ________?

  A.who will win do you think

  B.whom do you think will win

  C.do you think whom will win

  D.who do you think will win

  答案:D 从句子结构看,选择的应该是特殊疑问句,可排除C项;该特殊问句中do you think为插入语,所以特殊问句应由who引导,并作主语。

  11.Some youngsters know what to ________ at the university. They have made up their minds about their future.

  A.take in

  B.take up

  C.take off

  D.take over

  答案:B 句意:一些年轻人知道大学要学什么,他们已经下定决定为将来做准备。take up“从事;开始(工作、兴趣等)”,符合题意。take in“吸收;欺骗”;take off“起飞;脱掉”;take over“接管”。

  12.How disappointing! They have finished ________ 5% of the work.

  A.no more than

  B.no less than

  C.more than

  D.not less than

  答案:A 根据句意“多么令人失望啊”可判断他们的工作完成的很少,所以选A项表示“仅仅;只有”,强调“少”。

  13.Everything is easily ________ so it's not wise to follow the fashion.

  A.out of sight

  B.out of date

  C.out of reach

  D.out of memory

  答案:B 考查固定短语。句意:一切都容易过时,所以赶时髦是不明智的。out of sight看不见;out of date过期的;out of reach够不着;out of memory被忘记。

  14.It is because he ________ experience that he is rejected.

  A.is short of

  B.is short for

  C.lacks of

  D.lacks for

  答案:A 句意:正是因为他缺少经验才被拒绝了。be short of=lack缺少;be short for是……的简称。

  15.The ________ explosion ________ all the people present just now.

  A.frightened; frightened

  B.frightening; frightened

  C.frightened; frightens

  D.frightening; frightens

  答案:B 第一个空填frightening(令人害怕的),修饰explosion。根据句子结构可知第二个空考查句子的谓语,由just now可知,此处用一般过去时,所以选B。



  Three engineers and three accountants (会计) are traveling by train to a conference. At the station, the three accountants each buy tickets and watch as the three engineers buy only a single ticket.

  “How are three people going to travel on only one ticket?” asks an accountant. “Watch and you'll see,” answers an engineer. They all board the train. The accountants take their respective seats but all three engineers cram into a restroom and close the door behind them.

  Shortly after the train has departed,_the conductor comes around collecting tickets. He knocks on the restroom door and says, “Ticket, please.” The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and moves on.

  The accountants see this and agree it is quite a clever idea. So after the conference, the accountants decide to copy the engineers on the return trip and save some money. When they get to the station they buy a single ticket for the return trip.

  To their astonishment,the engineers don't buy a ticket at all. How are you going to travel without a ticket?asks one puzzled accountant. “Watch and you'll see,”answers an engineer. When they board the train the three accountants cram into a restroom and the three engineers cram into another one nearby. The train departs.

  Shortly afterward,one of the engineers leaves his restroom and walks over to the restroom where the accountants are hiding. He knocks on the door and says, “Ticket, please.”

  1. The three engineers buy only a single ticket because ________.

  A. only one of them need buy a ticket

  B. the three accountants buy tickets for them

  C. they just want to save money

  D. they are too poor to buy more tickets

  答案:C 细节理解题。由第四段第二句中的save some money可知,这三个工程师只买一张火车票也是为了省钱。

  2. The underlined word “departed” in the third paragraph means ________.

  A. started out B. separated

  C. stopped

  D. arrived

  答案:A 词义猜测题。结合故事情节的发展及本段中的“the conductor comes around collecting tickets”可推知,这里指火车“开动”了。

  3. Which one of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

  A. Only one engineer is in the restroom when the

  conductor collects the ticket.

  B. At first the three accountants know why the

  three engineers buy one ticket.

  C. On the return trip the three accountants buythree tickets again.

  D. On the return trip the three engineers don't buy any ticket.

  答案:D 细节理解题。根据第五段第一句可知,返程时三个工程师一张票也没买。

  4.We can infer from the passage that ________.

  A. the accountants are not as clever as the engineers

  B. the accountants are cleverer than the engineers

  C. the engineers are not as clever as the accountants

  D. the engineers are as clever as the accountants

  答案:A 推理判断题。根据两次买票的情况,一方面我们觉得这个故事幽默有趣,另一方面工程师确实比会计师在逃票方面技高一筹。


  Cars and airplanes changed life in the 20th century. New changes in transportation are going to make life very different in the 21st century,too. Trains and planes will be faster and more comfortable. Planes will also be bigger.


  Today the biggest planes carry about 400 passengers. Soon airlines will build larger planes. These new large planes

  will carry 600~800 passengers. Now high­speed planes travel from London to New York in 3 hours. They carry only 100 passengers. New high­speed planes will be bigger and faster. They will fly from London to New York in only 1.5 hours and they will carry 300 people. A ticket on these fast planes will be very expensive. So most people will not take them.






  new, high­speed trains instead of planes. Today most trains can go 80 miles per hour (130km/h). Japan's bullet train can go 150 mph (240 kin/h). The most watched Shanghai­Nanjing high­speed intercity (城市间的) railway opened on July 1, which






  Shanghai Hongqiao to Nanjing. The train runs at 300 to 350 km per hour. New high­speed trains will go more than 300 mph (480 km/h) twice faster than the bullet train. Germany, Switzerland and Japan will be the first countries to use these new high­speed trains. Other countries plan to have the new train, too. In the future, the trains we have today may not be used at all.

  5.Planes will travel

  ________ faster in the future than now.

  A. half

  B. twice

  C. three times

  D. four times

  答案:B 细节理解题。由第二段第四句与第六、第七句可知答案。

  6.The reason why fewer people will take the fast planes is

  that ________.

  A. they are not safe

  B. people will have their own planes

  C. the service on the planes is not satisfactory

  D. people will spend much if they take such planes

  答案:D 由第二段最后一句与第三段第一句可知答案。

  7.Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?

  A. Japan's bullet train is the fastest train in the world.

  B. The Shanghai­Nanjing high­speed train runs faster than Japan's bullet train.

  C. Trains will become smaller in the future.

  D. Trains will run faster than planes.

  答案:B 由第三段第三句与第六句可知选B。

  8.Which of the following words can't be used to describe the future trains and planes?

  A. Fast.

  B. Comfortable.

  C. Big.

  D. Cheap.

  答案:D 由第二段最后与第三段最后可知两者的共同点就是票价会更便宜。

  9.What's the passage mainly about?

  A. Predictions about the future trains and planes.

  B. Planes which will be faster and more comfortable than trains.

  C. Trains which will take the place of planes.

  D. Planes and trains which will become the main means of transport in the future.

  答案:A 主旨大意题。由第一段可知答案。


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