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发布时间:2016-12-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Four out of ten women who diet end up heavier than when they started watching their waistline(腰围), a study revealed today. The research also showed that a large percentage of women started noticing the pounds creeping back on just 21 days after reaching their ideal weight.

  Yesterday, Dr Ian Campbell of the Jenny Craig Weight Management Program said: “In the UK 61.4 per cent of adults are overweight or obese. Successful weight management requires a long­term commitment in order to lose weight successfully and for good. Dieting can be a real challenge so setting realistic goals and remaining focused on them is important. Otherwise as this research shows, women could end up heavier than when they started.”

  The “Food, Body, Mind” report was publicized by Jenny Craig who quizzed 2,000 women aged between 18 and 65 who diet regularly on their attitudes, beliefs and behaviors around weight loss. Six in ten said they were on a diet then and one in five women said they were on a “continuous diet”.

  It found the most common triggers to start dieting was seeing their “reflection in the mirror”, preparing for a summer holiday or unflattering photos posted on social networking sites. Other popular reasons include comments by friends or relatives or their other half.

  However, the study showed that one in ten give up within one day, while almost a fifth manage to make it to a week or more. The average is ten days. Many blamed pressure they put on themselves to lose weight too quickly for the weight gain, which leaves them with a bigger appetite than normal. Others blamed colleagues, who tuck into fatty lunches and snacks unaware of the effect it has on the dieter, while mothers’ polishing off their children’s leftovers(剩饭)was another common cause of weight gain.

  ()11.Which of the following might be the best title for this article?

  A.Three reasons to fail in dieting

  B.Important things for successful diet

  C.Obesity—a problem for 61.4% adults in the UK

  D.Four in ten women gain weight on diets

  ()12.Women who go on a diet ________.

  A.are all overweight or obese

  B.are likely to gain weight again after reaching their ideal weight

  C.all fail because they are not persistent enough

  D.all end up heavier than when they start to diet

  ()13.The underlined word “triggers” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.




  ()14.Which of the following is NOT the reason that many people quit dieting very soon?

  A.The pressure they put on themselves to lose weight quickly.

  B.Colleagues who give them fatty lunches and snacks.

  C.Reflections they see in the mirror.

  D.Leftovers of children’s taken by their mothers.

  ()15.In which column of the newspaper do you probably find the passage?







  11.D 主旨大意题。本文为资讯,报道最新的研究发现,而该文的导语是第一段第一句,故根据Four out of ten women who diet end up heavier than when they started watching their waistline可知选D。

  12.B 细节理解题。根据第一段所介绍的研究结果可知,靠节食减肥的女人在达到她们的理想体重以后有可能出现反弹现象,即有可能重新增肥,故选B。

  13.C 词义猜测题。根据第四段Other popular reasons include comments by friends or relatives or their other half可推断画线词即为reasons的近义词,故选C。

  14.C 细节理解题。此题可采用排除法。 A项符合最后一段Many blamed pressure they put on themselves to lose weight too quickly for the weight gain, which leaves them with a bigger appetite than normal;B项符合最后一段Others blamed colleagues, who tuck into fatty lunches and snacks unaware of the effect it has on the dieter;D项符合最后一段mothers who polish off their children’s leftovers(剩饭)was another common cause of weight gain。由此判断余下的C项不符合文意,故选C。

  15.A 推理判断题。本文的话题是:靠节食减肥的女人在停止节食后又出现增肥现象。此话题属健康范畴,故选A。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21—40题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

  An old man lived in the suburb of London, and he would wake up every morning and go to the subway. He would get the


  right to Central London, and then sit at the street corner and beg. He would do this every single


  of his life. He sat at the


  street corner and begged for almost 20 years.

  His house was


  , and a stench (恶臭) came out of the house and it smelled horribly. The


  could not stand the smell anymore,


  they asked the police officers to clean the place. The officers


  down the door and cleaned the house. There were small bags of money all over the house that he had


  over the years.

  The police


  the money, and they soon


  that the old man was a millionaire. They waited outside his house in anticipation to


  the good news with him. When he arrived home that evening, he was met by one of the officers who told him that there was no


  for him to beg any more as he was a rich man now, a millionaire.

  He said nothing at all: he went into his house and


  the door. The next morning he woke up as usual, went to the subway, got into the train, and sat at the street corner and


  to beg.


  , this old man had no great plans,


  or anything significant for his life. We learn nothing from this story except staying


  on the things we enjoy doing, commitment (专心,敬业). We should remain true to our


  , although it may mean committing ourselves to things that people around us would normally


  . Just keep it in mind that commitment attracts



  21. A. bus B. car C. taxi D. train

  22. A. day B. week C. month D. year

  23. A. wide B. dark C. same D. lonely

  24. A. huge B. dirty C. pleasant D. neat

  25. A. officials B. neighbors C. onlookers D. children

  26. A. but B. so C. yet D. as

  27. A. knocked B. climbed C. jumped D. rolled

  28. A. stolen B. donated

  C. collected D. hidden

  29. A. counted B. washed C. burned D. made

  30. A. admitted B. denied C. agreed D. realized

  31. A. enjoy B. share C. hear D. announce

  32. A. doubt B. evidence C. need D. time

  33. A. locked B. opened C. cleaned D. broke

  34. A. refused B. continued C. learned D. requested

  35. A. Sadly B. Surprisingly C. Obviously D. Luckily

  36. A. cars B. friends C. jobs D. dreams

  37. A. focused B. calm C. open-minded D. silent

  38. A. course B. god C. money D. country

  39. A. agree B. enjoy

  C. disapprove D. advise

  40. A. confidence

  B. courage

  C. attention D. wealth






  Good morning. I’m Chen Hua. Here’s my culture report for today, Monday.

  A new film starts tonight at the student cinema at eight o’clock. The film is Pirates of the Carribean. It’s a fantastic adventure film. Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom are the stars. They are both very popular and famous, and they both act well in this film, and make their characters believable.

  The story is about an old ship. It sails around the Carribean islands. Depp and Bloom try to find some lost gold. Then they come face to face with some terrible men, and have to fight them. There's lots of action, and the fighting looks really dangerous. They also saves Keira Knightly. She plays Elisabeth, the daughter of a rich man. The scenes with Knightly and Bloom are beautiful and romantic.

  The film isn't true to life, but it' s very exciting, and some of it is very funny. It' s an enjoyable film, although in my opinion there's too much fighting. But except for that, it's an excellent film.

  You didn't see it when it first came out, I advise you to go and see it now. I' m sure you' 11 enjoy it. It' s showing all week.

  68. Pirates of the Carribean is__________.

  A. a tragedy B. a comedy C. an action film D. an adventure film

  69. Depp and Bloom sails around the Carribean islands because__________.

  A. they try to find some lost gold B. they try to find some gold

  C. they try to find some lost iron D. they try to find some lost iron

  70. They meet __________.

  A. some terrible men B. some terrible women

  C. some smiling men D. some smiling men

  71. There's lots of action in the film because they have to_______.

  A. fight the frightening people B. fight the terrible women

  C. make the film interesting D. make the film exciting

  72. Keira Knightly plays__________.

  A. Depp and Bloom

  B. Elisabeth

  C. Orlando Bloom

  D. Johnny Depp


  In China, more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time than before. More students sleep less than nine hours every night, because they have much homework to do. Some homework is given by their teachers, and some by their parents. Also, some students don’t know how to save time. They are not careful enough while they do their homework, so it takes them a lot of time. Some students spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games. They stay up very late. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by bike . It can be a long way from home to school. It will probably make them sleepy (困的)during school hours.

  Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that our children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health. For children, they should make the most (best use) of their time. When they have enough time for sleeping .They will find it much better for both their study and health.

  73. How many hours of sleep is good for students’ health?

  A. Less than 9 hours

  B. Over 9 hours

  C. Only 9 hours

  D. 8 hours

  74. What is most likely to happen to a student who often goes to bed late and gets up early?

  A. He would fall asleep in class

  B. He would do well in study

  C. He would finish his homework fast

  D. He would have good health

  75. Which of the following

  is NOT true?

  A. Some students are careless that they spent much time on the homework

  B. All the students stay up late for their homework

  C. Children should be given less homework

  D. Schools and parents should take care of children’s health




  Someday a stranger will read your e­mail without your permission or scan the websites you’ve visited.Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.

  In fact,it’s likely that some of these things have already happened to you.Who would watch you without your permission? It might be a girlfriend,a marketing company, a boss,a policeman or a criminal.Whoever it is,they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen—the 21st century equal to being caught naked(裸露的).

  Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, though it’s important to reveal(透露)yourself to friends,family and lovers in stages,at appropriate times.Actually few boundaries remain.The digital breadcrumbs(面包屑)you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are,where you are and what you like.In some cases,a simple Google search can reveal what you think.Like it or not,increasingly we_live_in_a_world_where_you_simply_cannot_keep_a_secret. The key question is:Does that matter? For many Americans, the answer apparently is“no”.When opinion polls ask Americans about privacy, most say they are concerned about losing it. A survey found a majority of people are pessimistic about privacy, with 60 percent of respondents saying they feel their privacy is“slipping away, and that bothers me”.

  But people say one thing and do another.Only a small part of Americans change any behavior in an effort to preserve their privacy.Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths(收费亭)to avoid using the EZ­Pass system that contracts(跟踪) automobile movements.And few turn down supermarket loyalty cards.Privacy economist Alessandro Acquits has run a series of tests that reveal people will submit personal information like Social Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50­cent­off coupon(优惠券).

  But privacy does matter—at least sometimes.It’s like health: when you have it,you don’t notice it.Only when it’s gone do you wish you’d done more to protect it.[

  ()1.From Paragraph 2,we can infer________.

  A.criminals are easily caught on the spot with advanced technology

  B.people tend to be more frank with each other in the information age

  C.in the 21st century people try every means to look into others’ secrets

  D.people’s personal information is easily accessed without their knowledge

  ()2.What would psychologists advise on the relationships between friends?

  A.There should be a distance even between friends.

  B.There should be fewer quarrels between friends.

  C.Friends should always be faithful to each other.

  D.Friends should open their hearts to each other.

  ()3.Why does the author say“we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret”?

  A.There are always people who are curious about other’s affairs.

  B.Many search engines profit by revealing people’s identities.

  C.People leave traces around when using modern technology.

  D.Modern society has finally developed into an open society.

  ()4.What do most Americans do with regard to privacy protection?

  A.They change behavior that might disclose their identity.

  B.They talk a lot but hardly do anything about it.

  C.They rely more and more on electronic equipment.

  D.They use various loyalty cards for business deals.

  ()5.According to the passage,privacy is like health in that ________.

  A.its importance is rarely understood

  B.it is something that can easily be lost

  C.people will make every effort to keep it

  D.people don’t treasure it until they lose it(一)


  1.D 推理判断题。第二段提到,有谁会不经过你的许可就会注视着你呢?可能是女朋友、营销公司、老板、警察或者是罪犯。无论他是谁,他们都会以你从来没有意想到的方式看着你。而注视你的人自然能获取你的个人信息,故可推断,人们的个人信息很容易在他们不知晓的情况下被他人获取。故选D。

  2.A 细节理解题。第三段Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, though it’s important to reveal(透露)yourself to friends,family and lovers in stages,at appropriate times.提到,尽管在适当的时候向朋友、家人或爱人坦诚自己是重要的,但分界线是重要的,即:人与人之间还应该有适当的距离。由此判断选A。其他选项不符合文意。

  3.C 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,作者认为,与朋友之间应该有适当的距离,但实际上这种距离很少存在。因为你留下的电子面包屑(即电子痕迹)使陌生人很容易窃取你的个人资料。所以作者说,不管你喜欢或不喜欢,我们愈加生活在一个不能保密的世界里,故选C。其他选项不符合文意。

  4.B 细节理解题。根据When opinion polls ask Americans about privacy, most say they are concerned about losing it. A survey found a majority of people are pessimistic about privacy, with 60 percent of respondents saying they feel their privacy is “slipping away, and that bothers me”.可知,大多数美国人希望保留私人空间,但根据But people say one thing and do another.Only a small part of Americans change any behavior in an effort to preserve their privacy.可知,他们对保护私人空间做得少。故选B。

  5.D  细节理解题。根据最后一段But privacy does matter—at least sometimes.It’s like health: when you have it,you don’t notice it.Only when it’s gone do you wish you’d done more to protect it.可知,私人空间如同健康一样,拥有的时候不注意,失去的时候才觉得珍惜。由此判断选D。


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