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发布时间:2016-12-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  1 --May I open the window to let in some fresh air?


  A. Come on!

  B. Take care!

  C. Go ahead!

  D. Hold on!

  2. There is no doubt ________ America is a developed country.

  A. whether

  B. if

  C. that

  D. which

  3. ________ is often the case, he didn’t study hard and failed to pass the test.

  A. What

  B. Which

  C. It

  D. As

  4. People had to deal with the lack of food, clothing, fuel and almost everything, ________ the danger from enemy action.

  A. as far as

  B. as long as

  C. as well as

  D. as soon as

  5. He said the new bridge ________ near his village the next year.

  A. built

  B. had been built

  C. was built

  D. would be built

  6. ________ crash of France Air Bus in ________ Pacific Ocean has been one of the worst disasters for years.

  A. The; the

  B. An; 不填

  C. An; the

  D. The; 不填

  7 Choosing the right dictionary depends on ________ you want to use it for.

  A. what

  B. why

  C. how

  D. whether

  8. It seems that living green is ________ easy and affordable. A small step makes a big difference.

  A. exactly

  B. fortunately

  C. surprisingly

  D. hardly

  9. No matter how patiently I persuaded her, she wouldn’t admit ________ it.

  A. to do

  B. doing

  C. do

  D. done

  10. What ________ like to lie on the soft beach enjoying the summer sun?

  A. do you

  B. is it

  C. are you

  D. does it

  11. I got caught in the rain and my suit ________.

  A. has ruined

  B. had ruined

  C. has been ruined

  D. had been ruined

  12. The weather was ________ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room.

  A. really

  B. such

  C. too

  D. so

  13. The medicine really ________ his health. It seemed to have an ________ on him.

  A. effect; effect

  B. effect; affect

  C. affected; affect

  D. affected; effect

  14.Thank you for helping me out, John. I really ________ it.

  A. thank

  B. appreciate

  C. celebrate

  D. congratulate

  15.The dress I ________ 500 yuan was made in Linhai.

  A. spent on

  B. paid for

  C. cost

  D. bought for


  在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。’an is ______ beautiful city and people throughout the world like to have a visit to her.

  A. most

  B. a most C. the most

  D. most a

  2. According to recent reports, one of the rare animals, ______ crocodile, is in ______ danger of dying out.

  A. a; the

  B. /; a C. /; the

  D. the; /

  3. Whom would you rather ______ the washing, Nancy or Rose?

  A. have do B. do C. have had D. have done

  4. – What do you think of that tea set as a gift for Mary’s birthday?

  – _______, but I don’t particularly care for the design.

  A. It’s the right thing

  C. Not so bad B. I think it’s a Chinese style

  D. Let me think it over once again

  5. All countries need ______ , timely and reliable climate information as well as high quality climate services, as they will benefit the whole humankind.

  A. positive

  B. accurate C. particular

  D. abstract

  6. I ______ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year.

  A. will play

  B. have played C. played

  D. play

  7. My sister, as well as one of her classmates who_____ late for class, _____ criticized by Mr. Hunt.

  A. were; was B. was; were C. was; was

  D. were; were

  8. Military helicopters dropped food and medicine to the earthquake survivors that remained ______ in remote mountain villages.

  A. laid off

  B. paid off C. put off

  D. cut off

  9. My book was here a second ago but now it’s missing. Someone ______ a joke on me.

  A. must be playing

  C. can’t have played B. must play

  D. can’t play

  10. So clearly ______ that I was able to understand much of what he said.

  A. did he say

  B. he told

  C. did he speak

  D. he talked

  11. The result of the entrance exams was not made ______ to the public until last Thursday.

  A. knowing B. to know C. known D. to be known

  12. The order came that the medical supplies ______ to the disaster areas.

  A. would be sent

  C. be sent

  B. should sent

  D. must be sent

  13. Do you think the bridge ______ 2000 meters long? It doesn’t appear ______ long.

  A. measures; that

  C. is measured; such B. is measured; so

  D. measures; much

  14. Tom is a warm-hearted man. He is ______ willing to help others.

  A. such B. much C. too

  D. so

  15. Anyway, the evening, _______ I’ll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel’s place.

  A. when B. where C. what

  D. which


  1---5 BDACB

  6---10 DADAC

  11--15 CCACD




  1. Well, that’s enough. ______ price will be beyond my reach.

  A. The higher B. A highest C. The highest D. A higher

  2. 桵um, I*’m feeling nervous.

  ?To take a deep breath will ______.

  A. calm B. change C. work D. count

  3.hThe physics problem remained confusing to the boy although ______ over and over.

  A. explaining B. being explained C. explained D. having explained

  4. When people talk about the most popular new Chinese Internet word in 2010, the first ______ comes into their mind is “Geili”.

  A. which B. that C. one D. of them

  5. 桱im, how often do you visit your grandparents in the countryside?

  ?I**’m really ashamed. ______.

  A. Now and then B. From time to time C. Once in a while D. By and by

  6. After the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, people need to be helped ______.

  A. anxiously B. confidentially C. urgently D. seriously

  7. I was going to do some shopping in Golden Eagle, but ______ watching TV at home because of tiredness.

  A. ended up B. took up C. got down D. settled down

  28. You ______ lose the chance of taking the examination of this kind in the next three years if you dare to cheat!

  A. can B. shall C. should D. may

  9. Unfortunately, kids in contemporary society are robbed of most of their spare time ______ a large percentage of children are forced to participate in various art classes.

  A. so that

  B. as long as C. so far as D. in that

  10. My next-door neighbor the Wangs’ house has been broken into three times in the past two years, ______ resulting in their great loss.

  A. all B. which C. either D. both

  11. Yaoming has a place ______ basketball and he was drafted ______ the Houston Rockets in 2002.

  A. in; into B. at; in C. for; into D. on; to

  12. We all wish there______ no wars and no violence in the world.

  A. being B. are C. to be D. had

  13. The rising house price and food security have become the biggest ______ of people in China today.

  A. impact B. breakthrough C. occupation D. concern

  4. Mr Li was out of touch last week. The police _______ for him since.

  A. have been searching B. were searching

  C. had searched

  D. has searched

  15. 桳ily, you ’re playing the violin! But last time you told me you were playing the erhu and last time the guitar.

  梂ell, I just want to learn more.

  桾hat h’s good , but ______.

  A. Clothes don’t make the man

  B. Jack of all trades and master of none

  C. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body

  D. Let’s cross the bridge when we come to it


  1-5 DCCBC

  6-10 CABDA

  11-15 ACDAB



  31. Some of the exercises appear to be ____ ones that you have done, but after taking ____ second look, you will find that they are different.

  A. /; the

  B. the; the

  C. the; a

  D. /; a

  32. MSN, as well as telephones, _____ an important role in our everyday communication.

  A. is playing

  B. play

  C. have played

  D. have been playing

  33.Could you tell me ____ you have bought this fur coat?

  A. by whom

  B. for whom

  C. through which

  D. in which

  34. Can you tell me when _____back ?

  A. will he be

  B. does he come

  C. he will be

  D. did he come

  35. _____ where to go, the foreign woman called 110 for help.

  A. Having lost her way and not knowing

  B. Losing her way and didn’t know

  C. Lost her way and knew

  D. Lost her way and not knowing

  36. Rabbits make their homes in fields and prairies _____ they can hide their young under bushes or grasses.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. where

  D. when

  37. The launch of Chang’e I has ______ a success.

  A. turned

  B. proved

  C. come out

  D. changed

  38. That pudding was the most delicious dessert we ______.

  A. have had

  B. had never had

  C. would

  D. had ever had

  39. don like the way ___ he looks at me.es

  A. in that??????? B. which??????? C. of which?????

  D. /

  A. have had


  40.on call me between 12 olock and 1 olock, ____ I am usually having lunch.ad n

  A. during which time?????????

  B. at which, ____ I

  C. by which time????????????

  D. by whichh, ____ I am

  41. - Do you know where David is? I couldn't find him anywhere.   -- Well. He _______ have gone far , for his coat is still here.   

  A. shouldn't      

  B. mustn't    

  C. can't     

  D. wouldn't 42. _____ Tracy found she had left her handbag in Bob’s car.

  A. Hardly did she get home

  B. It was until she got home

  C. No sooner she got home

  D. It was not until she got home that

  43. --Do you mind if I keep my dog here?


  A. I’d rather you didn’t, actually.

  B. You are welcome.

  C. Great! I love pets.

  D. No, you can’t

  44. Mike’s interests include playing basketball and surfing the Web _____ studying his favorite subjects.

  A. instead of

  B. as well as

  C. rather than

  D. less than

  45. The girl put on a snow-white dress and became quite _____person.

  A. the other

  B. other

  C. each

  D. another








  31. ----_______________ the film?

  ----oh, that’s a real thriller.

  A. How about seeing

  B. What about seeing

  C. How do you like

  D. Both A and B

  32. I don’t think he will pass the exam, _________?

  A. do I

  B. don’t I

  C. will he

  D. won’t he

  33. All the students were eager to know what the future may have __________ for them when they graduated from the school.

  A. in store

  B. in common

  C. in all

  D. in particular

  34. Our town _____ poor in the past, but great changes _______ in the town in the past three years.

  A. was, had taken place

  B. was, have taken place

  C. has been, had taken place

  D. has been, have taken place

  35. The company _______ the job ________ someone else. Which of the following is NOT right?

  A. supplied, to

  B. provided, with

  C. offered, to

  D. provided, for

  36. ________ else in the world ________ in London can you experience 4 seasons in a single day.

  A. Everywhere, rather than

  B. Everywhere, other than

  C. Nowhere, rather than

  D. Nowhere, other than

  37. ___________ from the outside by the flood for months, the villagers are short of everything.

  A. Cut away

  B. Cut down

  C. Cut off

  D. Cut out

  38. Newspaper reporters made ________ in the news conference which embarrassed the president.

  A. question

  B. the question

  C. a question

  D. many a question

  39. ----Honey! Can’t you remember Aunt Betty? She is my mum’s youngest sister!

  ----Oh, my dear, you must know I don’t know_________ of your relatives.

  A. anyone

  B. anybody

  C. every one

  D. none

  40. ________ the economy and people’s life will become better and better.

  A. Develop

  B. Developing

  C. Developed

  D. To develop

  41. Brian is such an excellent scientist that we shouldn’t be surprised if he _______ the Noble Prize one day.

  A. is awarded

  B. had been awarded 

  C. have been awarded  D. would have been awarded

  42. How did it _________ that the ancient building was burnt down in an hour?

  A. happen

  B. occur

  C. take place

  D. come about

  43. When a storm is just _________, we must fix up the roof to prevent it from ________.

  A. around the corner, blowing away

  B. around the corner, being blown away

  C. in the corner, blowing away

  D. in the corner, being blown away

  44. ---- “Where have you been?”

  ---- “I got caught in traffic; otherwise _______ sooner.”

  A. I would be here

  B. I have been here

  C. I had been here

  D. I would have been here

  45. Do you still remember the chicken farm_______ we visited three months ago?

  A. that

  B. when

  C. where

  D. what


  31-35 CCABB

  36-40 DCDCA

  41-45 ADBDA



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