经过高中三年的学习和相处,毕业在即。不论是同学之间还是师生之间都建立了深厚的友谊。按照学校以往的惯例,毕业之前要举行毕业晚会。现在班主任向大家征集晚会的方案,现在请你以The farewell party 为题,写一下你心中的毕业晚会。词数120-150。
内容要点:1. 参加者
2. 对晚会的设计
2) 构句:
1)As far as I am concerned, we students should play a leading role to make the party unforgettable. 使用了特殊句式As far as I am concerned。
The farewell party
As far as I am concerned, we students should play a leading role to make the party unforgettable. Because of the lifelong friendship, teachers will be
invited as well as our parents who support us so strongly.
As you know, how to plan the party is the most important question. At first, our headteacher will make a moving speech for the opening. Then, there will follow the prepared performance, such as songs, dances, cross talks and so on. Besides, party games will be included and teachers, parents and students will take part in them. At last, the party will come to an end by taking photos freely. Last, but not least, delicious food and drink can’t be left out. As you can see, the farewell party means so much that we will spare no effort to do it well. After all, it should be the highlight of our high school life.
How to View Gangs in Schools?
It must be pointed out that gangs made up of several boys or girls, the number of which sometimes even reaches up to several hundred, can be widely seen among middle school students. Not only does a gang have bad effects on students, but also it affects the normal teaching order at school.
Most of the gang members are students who are, aggressive and prefer to smoke, drink and play computer games rather than study. Some are willing to join in the gang in order to strengthen the power of their own circles; others just want to get protection from "The Elder Brother"of the gang and still some are forced to do so. Experts suggest that these students be guided correctly in order to avoid them doing harm to society.
I think that teenagers should put their time and energy mainly into study. Avoiding joining m any gang means avoiding committing crimes later on
用非常肯定的句型:It mustbe pointed out that gangs ...can be widely seen among middle school students,;第二段分析“帮派”成员特点和他们加入“帮派”的不同原因,并用一句话. Experts suggest that these students be guided correctly in order to avoid them doing harm to society.得处“帮派”现象的存在是危险的这一结论;第三段对“帮派”是否应该存在这一现象发表自己的看法。
1) Not only does a gang have bad effects on students, but also it affects the normal teaching order at school. (倒装句)
2) Most of the gang members are students who are, aggressive and prefer to smoke, drink and play computer games rather than study. (定语从句)
3)Experts suggest that these students be guided correctly in order to avoid them doing harm to society. (suggest 引导的虚拟语气的宾语从句)
4) Some are willing to join in the gang in order to strengthen the power of their own circles; others just want to get protection from "The Elder Brother"of the gang and still some are forced to do so. (并列复合句)
5) Avoiding joining m any gang means avoiding committing crimes later on (动名词短语作主语和宾语)
参考词汇:早恋puppy love
3. 在写作时要住意使用衔接成分使上下文过渡自然,
Puppy love is more and more common among middle school ,students nowadays. Concerning this, different people have different opinions.
I hold the view that puppy love is unsuitable for us student's because puppy love can lead to many problems. Firstly, it not only influences our spirit but also distracts us from our studies. Then, it also makes our parents and teachers much too worried about us. What's more, puppy love is a
waste of time. We are too young to be involved in it.
From my point of view, we should concentrate on ourstudies because we are at a stage of gaining knowledge and growth. At this stage, learning more important th,m being involved in love affairs for us middle school students. It is urgent that we should pay more attention to our studies, and only by doing so can we have a brighter future.
1. 本篇习作基本完成了写作任务,并且文章结构合理。第一段直接点题,提出中半生早
2. 从本篇习作看。作者的语言表达能力功底深厚,例如:文章使用了一些高级词汇,增加
原因 1. 价格昂贵,而学生没有经济收入;(1). 好看,时尚;(2). 追求时尚会牵扯精力,影响学习;
2. 作为当代的年轻人不应该太保守,应适应时代的发展;
3. 学生应该穿着朴素,时髦的服饰不符合中学生身份。
4. “爱美之心人皆有之”,追求美是中学生的权力。
One day we had a discussion about whether students should wear fashionable clothes. 60% of the students are against the idea. They said, "Fashionable clothes are too expensive and we haven’t made money yet. We teenagers should put our hearts into study. Going after the fashion will waste our time and it will have a bad effect on our study. We should be dressed in a simple way, and fashionable clothes don’t fit in with the environment at school." 40% of the students said, "We can wear fashionable clothes, because they are good-looking and popular. As a young student in China, one should follow the fashion of the modern life." They also think that they have right to enjoy their beauty.教师点评: 本篇作文条理清晰,明确表达了两种观点及其原因。但也有不足之处:
1. 作者只是将写作任务中的表格提示做了字面上翻译,语言略显生硬。
1. 作者将要点整合,准确地表达了复杂的逻辑关系,条理清晰,使文章浑然一体。2. 在文章中使用了一些恰到好处的复杂句式,句型富于变化,主动被动交替使用,例如:60% of the students, who are against wearing fashionable clothes, said ... / We are expected to dress simply ... 表现出作者很好的语言功底。
实例指导5----Ought to read too many fantasy stories for teenagers?
随着科技和社会的发展,人们的想象力越来越丰富,随之而来的便是越来越多的科幻小说问世。科幻小说以其紧张、新奇、刺激的情节极大地吸引着人们的眼球,尤其是青少年和在校的中小学生,有的同学看科幻小说着了迷,甚至耽误了学习,荒废了学业。不过,有的同学也不以为然。请以Ought to read too many fantasy stories for teenagers?为题,写一篇120词左右的文章发表你的看法。注意行文连贯流畅,内容充实完整
看法 理由
不要多看,影响学业 1. 花费太多时间与精力,不利于集中精力学习;
2. 会依赖空想而不去追求现实生活;
3. 有些科幻小说写得太粗俗,影响身心健康。
应该多看, 丰富想象力 科幻能引导科学的发展方向;
你的观点 自由发挥
参考词汇:1. vulgar 粗俗;2. creativity 创造力
1. nowadays
2. as a result
3. put out
4. considering
5. aim
6. in one’s opinion
7. too many
8. absorb
9. as a consequence
10. lead to
11. mental health
12. scores of
13. base on
14. broaden
15. in terms of
16. as for
17. as well
18. personally
19. focus on
1. People develop their imagination quickly.
2. More and more fantasy stories have been put out.
3. Teenagers can’t read too many fantasy stories as they like.
4. Reading fantasy stories takes many students a great deal of time and energy.
5. Some teenagers are too ridiculous that they are completely absorbed in fantasy stories.
6. Scores of students think it right for teenagers to read fantasy stories.
7. They think that such stories are based on science fiction.
8. Reading them increases our knowledge and broadens our mind
9. It also gives us some new ways to look at old situations and makes us look at the world in terms of centuries, not just six months or five years.
10. Important as study is, it is not the only thing we can do.
Ought to read too many fantasy stories for teenagers?
Nowadays, with the development of the technology and society, people develop their imagination quickly. As a result, more and more fantasy stories have been put out. Is it right for the middle school students to read as many fantasy stories as possible?
Considering the main aim for a student, some students don’t think so. In their opinion, teenagers can’t read too many fantasy stories as they like. It's reported that reading fantasy stories takes many students a great deal of time and energy. What’s more, some teenagers are too ridiculous that they are completely absorbed in fantasy stories, as a consequence they ignore their studies. Even worse, some fantasy stories are too vulgar, which can be harmful for the teenagers’ mental health.
However, scores of students think it right for teenagers to read more fantasy stories. They think that such stories are based on the science fiction, which can lead the direction of science. Reading them still increases their knowledge and broadens their mind. It also gives them some new ways to look at old situations and makes them look at the world in terms of centuries, not just six months or five years.
Personally, although it is a good way for teenagers to develop our imagination and creativity, as middle school students, we must first focus on studies and put more effort into our schoolwork.
1. As middle school students, learning more knowledge is our first aim.
2. To read many fantasy stories will surely have much influence on their studies.
3. It’s said that the some young girls are absorbed in fantasy stories, thus they ignore their studies.
4. As middle school students, they should concentrate on their studies at present.
5. Reading fantasy stories can enrich our knowledge and broaden our mind.
6. Although it is a good way for teenagers to develop their imagination and creativity, as middle school students, they must first focus on studies and put more effort into their schoolwork.
约35%的同学认为: 约45%的同学认为: 约20%的同学认为:
3.被迫学自己不感兴趣的专业是痛苦的。 1.应以社会需要为主。
3.兴趣可以培养和改变。 1.如何选择,是一难题。
2. 段落主题句:②约35%的同学认为选择志愿应以个人兴趣为主。下述展开句为:③兴趣是成功之母;④被迫学自己不感兴趣的专业是痛苦的。(展开句与主题句是因果关系)
3. 段落主题句:⑤约45%的同学认为选择高考志愿.应以社会需要为主。下述展开句为:⑥选择好的志愿将来容易找到工作;⑦兴趣可以培养和改变。(展开句与主题句是因果关系)
4. 段落主题句:⑧约20%的同学认为如何选择高考志愿是一难题。下述展开句为:⑨选择高考志愿时应听从父母或老师的意见。
第三步 分析要点及提纲,提炼关键单词和短语。
要点序号 关键单词和短语
① high school graduates, different opinions, choose their courses and universities.
② About 35%, the choice, base on, their own interest.
③ Interest, the mother of success.
④ Miserable, study, have no interest in.
⑤ Around 45%, give consideration to, the needs of the society;
⑥ A good major, easy, find jobs
⑦ Interest,cultivate, change
⑧ About 20%, difficult, make a choice
⑨ depend on, their parents or teachers, make a decision.
第四步 恰当使用句型,连词成句。
在连词成句时要尽量做到: 套用常用句型和句式多变。一篇文章在表达准确的前提下,应做到单句、并列句、复合句恰当安排,长短句有机结合,非谓语动词及介词短语恰当使用,增加文章的生动性,为文章增加亮点。同时,一定要避免些常规句法错误的出现,如:无主语或无谓语动词,时态、语态错误,滥用逗号等。将上述提炼出来的关键单词和短语连词成句为:
Chinese high school graduates have different opinions on how to choose their courses and universities.
A survey has been done to study it. We can see from the table that about 35 percent of the students believe that the choice should be based on their own interest. They say that interest is the mother of success. Besides, it is a miserable thing to have to spend most of your time studying what you have no interest in. However, more students, or rather, around 45 percent of them, insist that main consideration should be given to the needs of the society, for, they argue, not everyone can find the job they like best, but a good major can make it easy to find jobs after graduation. What’s more, interest can be cultivated and changed.
Interestingly, there are about 20% who find it too difficult to make a choice and would rather depend on their parents or teachers to make a decision.
态:用一般现在时。能够按题目的要求,涵盖所要求的内容,并适当增添了一些相关内容,如“A survey has been done to study it”,从而较好地完成了写作任务,达到了预定的写作目的。
1. My class had a heated discussion on whether....
2. The topic of ...is becoming more and more popular recently.
3. The students hold different opinions on this problem.
4. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people think that .... Besides they also think ....
5. Some students think it's a good/bad idea to ....
6. They hold their view for the following reasons. Firstly .... Besides, ....
7. On the country, some others are against the idea. In their opinion, ....
8. Some others have just the opposite opinion. They think that .... Meanwhile, .... Moreover they also think ....
9. Personally, I agree with the first (second) view/But I can’t agree with them. I think...
10. Actually I have more reasons for it. I think..., and what’s more, ....
11. In a word/To sum up, I think that....
12. We must take some measures to ....
13. On the whole , it is high time that every one ....
14. As a result , we should take some effective steps to ....
教师节将近,某英文报纸进行了一次"好老师需要具备什么样的素质"的调查活动,请根据下列调查记录内容,以"What Makes a Good Teacher ?"为题目,写一篇120词左右的英语短文,适当发表自己的观点。
学生比例 观点
47% 对学生有吸引力,并且能理解学生
31% 具有表演才能,上课生动有趣,并且有耐心
22% 乐于学习,不断提高自己的业务能力
What Makes a Good Teacher?
Recently a survey on "What makes a good teacher? "Was carried out in our school. Forty-seven percent of the students think a good teacher should be attractive, but it doesn’t mean he/she should be good-looking. However, thirty-one percent of the students think a good teacher should be able to make his / her classes lively and interesting as an actor or actress does and should also be patient, while twenty-two percent of them suggest a good teacher should be ready to improve himself or herself frequently. They are right, and in my opinion, a good teacher should be able to teach students how to study by themselves, which is the most important.
参考词汇:来源 source
Income Sources of College Students
【思路点拨】通过仔细阅读可以采取对比法和归纳法进行写作,其写作要点如下。时态:一般现在时;要点:中美学生主要经济来源大致相同:父母、兼职工作和奖学金,但是也有不同:美国学生只从父母那里得到50%的收入,而中国学生则高达90%,相对美国学生,中国学生独立性较差。将各项要点用英语表达出来:The income of the American and the Chinese students comes through almost the same channels: parents, part-time jobs and scholarship. But the percentage of each is quite different. Half the American students income is from their parents, thirty-five percent from part-time jobs, and fifteen percent from scholarship. Chinese students, on the other hand, get ninety percent of their income from their parents.
The Ways for Reading
To read successfully requires correct ways of reading. Here are some suggestions:
(1) Choose books which are neither too difficult nor too easy for you. If you find it too hard to go on with the book, just put it aside for the moment and change for an easier one;
(2) Choose books that not only interest you but also benefit you, for reading is not always for fun only;
(3) Some books are to be read roughly, but some must be read slowly and carefully. Don’t forget to take some notes whenever you feel it necessary;
(4) Don’t be shy to ask questions. Anyone who knows more than you do can be your teacher;
(5) Make good use of dictionaries, for dictionaries are your best teachers.
Dear friends,
May I have your attention, please? Now I’d like to make a speech here.
With the improvement of living standard, there are a lot of waste on campus. For example the students
Therefore, I’m sure, with everyone doing his bit, we will change the present situation the better.
That’s all. Thank you!
某校高三年级对如何填报高考志愿作了 一次问卷调查,结果如下图所示,请根据图中信息简要介绍这次调查结果并发表你个人看法。
约35%的同学认为 约45%的同学认为 约20%的同学认为
业是痛苦的。 1.应以社会需要为主
3.兴趣是可以培养和改变的 1.如何选择,是一难题
Senior middle school graduates of our school have different opinions on how to choose their course and universities.
Senior middle school graduates of our school have different opinions on how to choose their courses and universities.
About 35%of the students believe the choice should be based on their own interests. They say interest is the mother of success. It is a miserable thing to have to spend most of your time studying what you have no interest in.
Most student(around 45%),however, insist that main consideration should be given to the needs of the society, for, they argue, not everyone can find the job they like best. Besides, interest can be born and lost.
Interestingly, there are about 20% of the students who find it difficult to make a choice and would rather depend on their parents or teachers to make a decision for them.
Universalize 使普及;exempt 免除
Dear Mike,
Glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about free compulsory education of our country.
In 2007, according to the Ministry of Finance arrangement, free compulsory education will be universalized in central and eastern China's rural areas. As a result, tuition and incidental fees will be exempted for the entire 148 million middle and primary school students in all rural areas, and the funds needed will be brought under the umbrella of the state budget. All the students have benefited from the project, which saves about 140 yuan for
each primary school student and about 180 yuan for every middle school student per year.
In my opinion, it is necessary to carry out the reform. Most importantly, it is of great benefit to rural students, especially those who have to drop out for lack of money. In turn, the level of education of the whole nation will be greatly improved. What’s your opinion about that?
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes.
Yours sincerely
Li Ming
Dear Gabby,
I’m very happy to introduce our out-of-class activities to you. We have many kinds of out-of-class activities from 4:45 to 5:30 in the afternoon, including sports, reading, computer club, painting and handicraft making. Some students read their favorite books in the reading-room. Some play football or basketball on the playground. If you like creative activities, you can make websites in the computer club or make handicraft by
yourself in the workshop. As for students who are fond of painting, they can choose one of the art studios to learn painting, like water color. You see, most of us can develop our own interests and enjoy our school life. In addition, we strongly suggest that an English Corner should be set up so that we can talk to each other in English. It may help improve our oral English. Best wishes.
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