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【三维设计】2017版(江苏专用)二轮复习练习:选修8 Unit 4《Films and film events》课时跟踪检测A卷(含解析)

发布时间:2016-12-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Films and film events 课时跟踪检测A卷


  1.(2015·鄂西示范高中质检)An annual study found that 2% of South Koreans aged 10-19 needed

  treatment for excessive online gaming or were at risk of ________.

  A.addiction B.administration



  2.(2015·马鞍山高三模拟)Speaking ________ the proposal, he pointed out how much cheaper it would be.

  A.in honor of

  B.in need of

  C.in control of

  D.in defence of

  3.(2015·南京高三模拟)When ________ to danger and conflict, men tend to increase blood pressure, ________ nervous and anxious.

  A.exposed; felt

  B.exposed; feeling

  C.exposing; feeling

  D.exposing; felt

  4.(2015·南京市高三学情调研)Schools often ________ the diversity of students’ talents because they typically focus on a narrow view of academic ability.





  5.(2015·盐城高三模拟)Don’t be afraid of difficulties. They can help you ________ experience, and experience can, in return, broaden your horizons.





  6.(2015·衡阳六校联考)— The experiment is of particular importance.

  — I see. We will carry on with it ________ we can get enough money or not.





  7.(2015·泰州高三一模)The course about Chinese food attracts over 100 students per year, ________ up to half are from overseas.

  A.in which

  B.for whom

  C.with which

  D.of whom

  8.(2015·南京金陵中学高三检测)— John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.

  — Oh, ________!

  A.cheer up

  B.well done

  C.go ahead


  9.(2015·安徽合肥名校实验部高三三模)It was not the word you said ________ angered Mr. Zhang, but ________ you said it.

  A.that; how

  B.which; what

  C.that; that

  D.which; why

  10.(2015·黄山高三二模)Ill give ________ to your suggestion that we ________ a party in honor of the experienced professor.

  A.much thought; hold

  B.many thoughts; should hold

  C.much thought; will hold

  D.some thought; would hold

  11.(2015·宿迁高三模拟)What he has done is really ________. Now his parents are________ him.

  A.disappointing; disappointed at

  B.disappointed; disappointing about

  C.disappointing; disappointed with

  D.disappointed; disappointing by

  12.(2015·安徽江南十校联考)________ each other, the twin sisters are difficult to distinguish.

  A.To resemble




  13.(2015·扬州高三二模)As the spokeswoman said, ________ we should take action against them depends on what they will do.





  14.(2015·蚌埠高三质检)She ________herself.She said she would never marry young, but she did.

  A.did contradict

  B.didnt contradict

  C.wasnt contradicted

  D.was contradicted

  15.(2015·永州市高三期末)________ more consumers, many online shops provide great discounts on Singles Day.


  B.To attract


  D.Having attracted




  Hungry For a Win

  A victor is, by definition, someone who wins a struggle or contest. However, that doesnt mean he or she will live a proud and happy life ever after, as Katniss Everdeen is about to discover in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

  Catching Fire, out in Chinese theaters on Nov. 21, is set in a futuristic society called Panem. Every year its government holds a televised fight to the death. Two teenagers from each of the 12 districts of Panem are chosen to compete.

  In the new film, last year?s victors Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) and her partner Peeta are back home after winning the 74th Hunger Games. Katniss just wants to live a normal life.








  has nightmares, which remind her that she is a killer.

  Her worst nightmare comes true when the annual Hunger Games arrive again.

  The teenager finds herself back in the competition along with Peeta.

  Since Katniss brings hope to Panem through her courage, President Snow plans to use this year?s Games to kill off Katniss and Peeta and in turn dampen the fire of rebellion.

  “This is the next step of Katniss’ heroism and the next part of her journey to finding out who she is really going to be,” Lawrence told Reuters.

  Fast­paced and full of action, Catching Fire looks to outdo the success that the first film had in 2012. With a 97 percent rating on the movie review website Rotten Tomatoes, it is enjoying positive reviews.

  Critics have praised it for being faithful to


  book written by


  author Suzanne Collins.


  Hollywood Reporter said



  Fire outshines the first movie a lot.

  Jennifer Lawrence, who won a best actress Oscar this year for her 2012 movie Silver Linings Playbook, has helped Catching Fire find success, Forbes pointed out. The 23­year­old actress does well in playing a young lady who hates what she was forced to do to stay alive yet is determined not to give up.

  “Lawrence?s down­to­earth personality in real life won the hearts of the public. So given a wildly popular first film that blew everyone away, a rising fan base and a lead performer beloved by the mainstream press and viewers, the sequel (续集) was always going to be big,” Forbes noted.

  1.The underlined word “dampen” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to “________”.





  2.Which of the following is TRUE about the film’s story according to the article?

  A.Every year 12 teenagers in total are chosen to join in the televised fight.

  B.Despite having won the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss doesnt feel much joy.

  C.Katniss and Peeta are chosen once again to make the TV show more appealing.

  D.Jennifer Lawrence won a best actress Oscar this year for the first The Hunger Games movie.

  3.What are some reasons why Catching Fire will probably be


  a.The previous film was successful.

  b.It is true to the original books story.

  c.Most of the reviews of the movie are positive.

  d.It has many famous stars in addition to Jennifer Lawrence.





  4.In which column of a newspaper can readers find this article?

  A.Beautiful Mind.

  B.Campus Trends.

  C.Culture Discovery.


  5.After reading the passage, we can infer that ________.

  A.President Snow thinks highly of Katniss and Peetas victory

  B.Katniss decides to fight in the 75th Hunger Games because she loves it

  C.critics hold a negative attitude to the first movie of The Hunger Games

  D.the personality of the leading actress contributes to the success of Catching Fire


  (2015·江苏五市联考)He is one of the most charming young heroes since Harry Potter. Like Potter, he is chosen by fate to carry out a_mission,_but unlike the boy wizard, he doesn’t get any chances to have fun or hang out with friends because he’s a little too busy preparing to lead during an upcoming war to save the Earth.

  Meet Ender Wiggin, 15, the main character of the hit US sci­fi movie Ender’s Game(《安德的游戏》),which will come out on Jan. 7 in China.

  The story opens in 2086 — 50 years after an insect­like alien race, called the Formics, attacked the Earth and killed tens of millions of people before being driven back to their home planet. Since then, human beings have been in a state of fear, awaiting a second attack.

  Earth’s military leaders seek young warriors to risk going into space for battle, and children are taught to compete for these positions. As the film explains, youths can make leaps of logic and intuition, devising effective attack strategies more quickly than adults.

  So here comes Ender, the savior (救世主) of all mankind. Though Ender is a skinny kid, smaller than most, he is also smarter than average. He tends to analyze situations and easily find ways to achieve the most positive outcomes. This rare gift makes him stand out in the program and get promoted to the Battle School, where he is directed to plan and carry out a series of virtual attacks on the Formics.

  Can he use his military talents to wipe out Earth’s enemies?

  Despite the obvious “be all you can be” subtext (潜台词), the movie “explores complex issues, including the consequences of violence and maintaining humanity and morality during wartime with intelligence and insight,”commented Yahoo.

  According to The Hollywood Reporter,the film best presents the power of empathy (感情移入), which is what makes Ender a good leader. “The reason Ender succeeds is because he understands what makes his opponents tick (有某种行为) on the battlefield,” explained the entertainment news site.

  6.The underlined words “a mission” in the first paragraph probably refer to “__________”.

  A.having fun and hanging out with friends

  B.being a boy wizard to save the Earth

  C.working to save all of mankind

  D.acting as a leader of the Formics

  7.Earth’s military leaders want to choose youths to be warriors because they think__________.

  A.youths are smarter and more fearless than adults

  B.youths are more willing to take risks in space

  C.youths have sharper intuition and quicker reactions than adults

  D.youths adapt to new battle environments more quickly than adults

  8.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

  A.The movie intends to encourage people to try to be what they want to be and never give up.

  B.Ender is able to defeat Earths enemies because he possesses a super power that enables him to read his enemies’ minds.

  C.Enders success proves that a good leader should have intelligence and insight and make full use of his or her teammates’ talents.

  D.The movie discusses a variety of issues such as the effects of violence and the importance of morality and humanity during wartime..1.选A 句意:一份年度调查显示,年龄在10至19岁的韩国人中有2%的人需要接受网络游戏过量的治疗或有成瘾的危险。addiction“上瘾”;administration“管理”;association“协会”;attraction“吸引人的人/事”。

  2.选D 句意:在为这项提议辩护发言时,他指出这项提议实施起来将经济得多。in defence of“为……辩护”,符合句意。in honor of“向……表示敬意”;in need of“需要”;in control of“掌管,控制”。

  3.选B expose和feel的逻辑主语都是句子的主语men。men是expose的承受者,而feel是men的感觉,所以第一个空用v.­ed形式表示被动,第二个空用v.­ing形式表示主动。

  4.选C 句意:学校经常忽视学生才能的多样化,因为它们通常狭隘地关注学生的学业能力。oppose“反对”;applaud“鼓掌”;overlook“忽略”;promote“提升,晋升”。

  5.选B 句意:不要害怕困难。困难能帮助你积累经验,经验进而能开拓你的眼界。accumulate“积累”,符合语境。

  6.选B 句意:“这个实验特别重要。”“我明白。无论我们能不能得到足够的钱,我们都会继续进行下去。”whether ... or ...表示“不管是……还是……”。

  7.选D 句意:这门关于中国饮食的课程每年都吸引100多个学生,其中一半是留学生。of表示“……的一部分”,关系代词whom指代100 students,在从句中作介词of的宾语。

  8.选D 句意:“我和约翰下个月将庆祝我们结婚四十周年纪念。”“噢,恭喜恭喜!”cheer up“打起精神”;well done“做得好”;go ahead“开始吧”;congratulations“祝贺,恭喜”。

  9.选A 句意:不是你说的话激怒了张老师,而是你说话的方式(激怒了他)。第一空填that,与It was构成强调句型;第二空填how,how表方式,在此引导名词性从句。

  10.选A give much thought to sth.“充分考虑某事”;由suggestion可知,that从句应用“(should) do”结构。

  11.选C 第一空表达的是“他所做的事是令人失望的”,应用disappointing;“对某人失望”应用be disappointed with sb.,故选C。

  12.选B 句意:这对双胞胎姐妹长得十分相像,很难辨认。此处非谓语动词作状语,resemble与句子主语是主动关系,故选B。动词的不定式表示将来的动作;动词过去分词表示被动关系。

  13.选C 句意:正如女发言人所说的那样,我们是否应该针对他们采取行动取决于他们将会怎么做。本空需要用连词引导主语从句,表示“是否”,因此用whether引导。注意:if引导主语从句时不能置于句首。

  14.选A 句意:她的确自相矛盾。她说她绝不会早结婚,但她却这样做了。contradict“与……相矛盾”,此处did用于动词前表示强调。

  15.选B 句意:为了吸引更多的顾客,许多网店在“光棍节”提供很大的折扣。此处为目的状语,因此使用不定式,应选B。


  1.选C 词义猜测题。画线词所在句说Katniss通过自己的勇气给Panem带来希望,而总统Snow则计划利用这一年的游戏杀死Katniss和Peeta以“dampen”这座城市里的反叛之火。由此推断画线词的含义是“抑制,减弱”。

  2.选B 细节理解题。第二段说该比赛中12个地区每个地区选两名青少年,故A项错误;第三段说第74届比赛中Katniss获得“饥饿游戏”的冠军,但从此一直做噩梦,故B项正确;第四段谈到这一年度的“饥饿游戏”中,总统希望借此机会把他们消灭掉,故C项错误;从第七段首句可知D项不正确。

  3.选A 推理判断题。第六段说,这部影片有望超越2012年第一部影片所取得的成功;它的收视率达到97%;评论家赞扬这部影片忠实于原作,故abc是这部影片将会获得成功的原因,因此选A。

  4.选C 文章出处题。本文介绍了一部影片的相关情况,电影属于文化范畴,因此选C。

  5.选D 推理判断题。根据第七段中的“Jennifer Lawrence ... has helped Catching Fire find success”可知选D。


  6.C “because he’s a little ... to save the Earth”可知,他忙于准备拯救地球,由此结合选项可推知,“a mission”C。

  7.选C 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句可知,年轻人可以使逻辑与直觉产生飞跃,比成人更快地制定出有效的攻击策略,也就是说,年轻人比成年人有更敏锐的直觉,而且反应更快。故选 C。

  8.选D 正误判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“the movie explores complex issues ... intelligence and insight’”可知,这部电影探讨了复杂的问题,如暴力行为影响与在战争时期维护人性和道德的重要性等,因此 D 项正确。故选 D。


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