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2017届江苏省淮安市新马中学高考牛津译林版英语一轮复习活动单:模块6 Unit 2《What is happiness to you》

发布时间:2016-12-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Unit 2 What is happiness to you?

  1.The ________(生动的)description struck the readers of different countries .

  2.Good health can make you old age the _________ (黄金般的)years of you life.

  3.The terrible smell in the workshop is___________(无法忍受的), how can the workers work there?

  4.His wound caused him great 


  5.He used to live in a village

  (环绕)by mountains, which was cut off from the outer world.

  6.She started as a

  (地位低的)clerk in the office, but now is the manager of the company.

  7.Environmentalists launched a campaign,

  (提倡)a low-carbon life, which definitely helps save our earth.

  8.Do you like the pop song being

  (播放) on the radio?

  9.If trained, you can have a better

  (欣赏力) of music.

  10. Could you look after my baby

  (临时地) when I go and fetch some money?








  4.毁了她未来的幸福 _____________



  6.把……紧急送往…… _____________





  9.朝……方向/地方行进,前往 _____________





















  20.在……方面获得成功 _____________



















  30.想到所取得的成绩 _____________


  In 1998, a small accident during one of her practice vaults at the Good will Games.


  She also believes that.


  I allocating for each is just not practical.


  and a few hours when I came home.


  when you are ill, or when you are old and your body aches.



  词汇-1. mean v. & adj.

  【教材原句】To others, happiness means achieving success in something, such as meeting a goal. (P18)


  (1)I came to realize what you meant.

  (2)If we want to catch the 7.30 train, that will mean leaving the house at 6.00.

  (3)I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot.

  (4)I didn’t mean to hurt you.=I mean you no harm.

  (5)I mean you to work as our guide.

  (6)He is not meant for a soldier and will always be unhappy in the army.

  (7)The magazine was meant for young girls.

  (8) Her husband is very mean about money. 









  (1)In some parts of London, missing a bus means______ for another hour.   

  A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting (2)If you think that treating a woman well means always_______ her permission for things, think


  A. gets            

  B. got            

  C. to get             

  D. getting

  (3)Being put into use in April 2000, the hotline

  residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.

  A. meant for

  B. meant to

  C. was meant for

  D. was mean about

  词汇-2. cost v.& n.

  【教材原句】In 1998, a small accident during one of her practice vaults at the Good will Games could have cost her future happiness. (P19)


  (1)The man’s rude behavior cost him his job.

  (2)Careless driving cost him his life.

  (3)The book cost me 5 dollars.

  (4)We made two mistakes that cost us dearly.

  (5)We must reduce the production cost. 

  (6)The soldier saved the little girl from the fire at the cost of his life.







  (1)— Oh , you painted the walls yourself?

  — Yes. It was not hard . The whole work didn’t

   much .

      A. want   

  B. cost   

  C. spend   

  D. pay

  (2) He earned a lot of money but

   his health .

  A. at the end of

  B. at the thought of

  C. at the cost of

  D. at the foot of

  词汇-3. adapt v.

  【教材原句】And how has Sang Lan adapted to her new life? (P19)


  (1)We should adapt our thinking to the new conditions.

  (2)It took me quite a while to adapt myself to the new surroundings.

  (3)When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.

  (4) The movie was adapted from a novel.

  (5)The play had been adapted for children.

  【自主归纳】adapt, adjust, adopt的区别


  adapt  使适应;使适合

  adjust 调整;调节;使适应

  adopt 收养;采取;采用

  (1)You must

  yourself to the new situation.  (2)After much deliberation, the president decided to 

   her suggestion.

  (3)Mr. Kern will

   the orphan as his own son.  (4)Will you please

  the clock ? It is too slow.


  adapt to=adjust to 适应/适合

  adapt oneself to=adjust oneself to使自己适应

  be adapted for使适合于;为……改编(改写)

  adapt from


  be adapted from 由……改编,修改


  (1) This novel has been

  as a radio program from the Russian original.

  A. adopted

  B. adapted

  C. adjusted

  D. attached

  (2)The new tax would force companies to________ energy-saving measures.

  A. adopt

  B. adjust

  C. adapt

  D. accept

  (3)Some people can never go above 4,000 meters because their body is unable to ________ to those extreme conditions.

  A. adopt

  B. adjust

  C. addict

  D. access

  词汇-4. arrange v.

  【教材原句】He thinks that I need to arrange to spend even more time working on my basketball skills. (P26)


  (1)Can I arrange an appointment for Monday?

  (2)Have you arranged to meet him?

  (3)We’ll arrange for an experienced teacher to coach you.

  (4)I have arranged with my classmates for hike this weekends.

  (5)We arranged that the meeting be put off till the next Friday.






  We arranged that the meeting (should)be put off till the next Friday.= We arranged for the meeting to be put off till the next Friday.



  Mum has

  my journey to Beijing.



  her at the entrance to the park.



  Jerry to pick you up at the station.



  their team to play a game of basketball.


  The manager________________ the meeting be put off for a week..

  词汇-5.company n.

  【教材原句】Then families will be able to spend the maximum amount of time enjoying each other’s company and the minimum amount of time doing housework. (P31)


  (1)The foreign friends looked around our campus in the company of our schoolmaster.

  (2)I went to London in company with my husband.

  (3)I will keep you company while you are waiting.

  【自主归纳】company与 accompany的区别




  on that trip.

  熟记下列词组:keep sb. company=keep company with sb. =accompany sb.陪伴某人

  in company with sb.陪伴某人

  in the company of 在……陪伴下



  She arrived

  the captain.


  She paid a visit to the ship

  the captain.


  While she was in hospital,


  词汇-6. catch v.

  【教材原句】I felt caught between what I want, what my parents want and what my basketball coach wants.(P26)


  (1)I’m sorry I didn’t catch what you said.

  (2)He has caught a bad cold and can’t go to school today.

  (3)He caught me by the hand and held it tightly.

  (4)I tried my best to run faster and faster to catch up with others ahead of me.

  (5)Some boy students were caught smoking in the toilet between classes.

  (6)He felt caught to decide which school to choose.






  (1)He told me that he _________between further study and looking for a job.

  A. felt like

  B. felt caught

  C. caught up

  D. was caught choosing

  (2) — why was he fined?

  — He happened to_________ several flowers in the park.

  A. catch picking

  B. be seen pick

  C. be caught to pick

  D. be caught picking

  词汇-7.assist v.

  【教材原句】We will have robots and computers to assist us with the things that are boring.(P31)


  (1)Good glasses will assist you to read.

  (2)He assisted me with good advice.

  (3)We all assisted in mending the roof.


  assist v.





  (3)If you let me make a choice between Jane and Anne, I would say Jane is the better one to be my _______.

  A. assistance B. importance C. appreciation

  D. assistant

  词汇-8.apart from

  【教材原句】Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents, she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics.


  【例句研读】翻译句中的划线部分,注意apart from的意义

  (1)While living apart from her husband, she can manage everything well on her own.

  (2)Apart from you and me ,I don’t think there was anyone there under thirty.

  (3)Apart from some spelling faults, your composition is pretty good.

  (4) Apart from English, he have a good command of Russian.

  【自主归纳】与except, except for和besides的关系

  apart from表示“除了”的意思时,既可以表示 besides 的意思,也可以表示 except 或 except for 的意思。



  ____________ Kate, all the children enjoy music very much.

  (2) 除了几个词,我对法语是一无所知。

  ________________, I don't know any about French at all.

  (3) 除了看报,他还看了什么?

  What else has he read,

  reading the paper? 【即时巩固8】

  (1)_____ being used as an evening school, the building is used for weddings, parties and meeting.

  A .Except for

  B. In addition

  C. Apart from

  D. Beside

  (2)We need fifteen more people _________our team to do the job.

  A. but

  B. except

  C. as well

  D. besides

  词汇-9.be rushed to

  【教材原句】She was rushed to a top hospital in New York.(P19)


  (1)Many soldiers were rushed to the front.

  (2)At the warning, they all rushed out of the building.

  (3) You can’t rush someone into marrying you.

  (4)Try not to rush into a decision you may later regret.

  (5) Robert left his apartment in a rush, running to the bus-stop.











  the boy injured in the accident

  the nearest hospital.

  (2)The boy injured in the accident

  the nearest hospital.

  (3) The boy injured in the accident

  the nearest hospital


  词汇-10.look back on

  【教材原句】It is nice to look back on my school days in the countryside in England.(P30)

  【例句研读】翻译句中的划线部分,注意 “回忆、想起”的常见表达方法

  (1) He used to sit there, looking back on his happy childhood.

  (2)Dick recalls having been in Paris to study music when he was a child.

  (3)The story reminds me of an experience I once had.







  My grandparents often

  their bitter life in the old society.


  The old photo

  he spent with his grandpa.


  I cannot



  1.【教材原句】In 1998, a small accident during one of her practice vaults at the Good will Games could have cost her future happiness.(P19) 1998年在友好运动会上进行跳马练习时的一个小事故,可能把她未来的幸福化为泡影。

  【语法分析】“could have done”表示“过去可能发生的事情但并没有发生”,是虚拟语气的


  At that point in my life, I could have done anything or become anyone. (P30)



  (1)He paid for a seat, when he

  have entered free.

  A. could

  B. would

  C. must

  D. need

  (2)You ________have been more careful in the quiz. You made too many mistakes.

  A. must

  B. can

  C. must

  D. could

  2.【教材原句】She also believes that keeping busy helps her to stay positive.(P19)她也相信,忙碌有助于她保持积极乐观的状态。

  【语法分析】在宾语从句中“keeping busy”是动名词短语作主语。动名词(短语)还可以作表语、主语等。

  To some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends.(作表语)

  To those who have been injured or struggle with physical disability, happiness can simply mean

  a day without suffering, or just being alive.(作宾语)

  Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents, she was happy to

  devote herself to gymnastics.(作主语)


  (1)I still remember

  to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.

  A. to take

  B. to be taken

  C. taking

  D. being taken

  (2) —What made you so angry?



  A. Tom to be late again

  B. Tom’s being late again

  C. For Tom to be late again

  D. Because of Tom’s being late again

  3.【教材原句】It feels like allocating adequate time for each is just not practical.(P26)要给每件事情分配足够的时间,似乎是不切实际的。

  【句法分析】It feels like+从句/名词/动词不定式;(sb.)feel like + doing/或名词/或从句。

  We just met a couple of days ago, but it feels like we’ve known each other for a lifetime.

  It feels like rain.

  I feel like watching the football match.

  I don't feel like a cup of tea.

  I felt like I could do anything.


  (1)Lydia doesn’t feel like_______ abroad. Her parents are old.

  A. study

  B. studying

  C. studied

  D. to study


  getting back the borrowed money is a kind of guilt nowadays.

  A. looks like

  B. is likely

  C. feels like

  D. is sure

  4.【教材原句】All I had to do was go to school and spend a few hours studying when I came home.(P30) 我要做的事就是上学,以及回家后再学习几个小时。

  【句法分析】句中的I had to do是定语从句,修饰先行词all;前面省略了定语从句引导词that;All I had to do =All that I had to do =What I had to do。当主语中有实义动词do(to do , did)时,作表语的不定式可以省略to。

  What I hope to do now is go home and have a good rest.现在我想要做的就是回家好好休息。


  The only thing I can do is (to) give you as much help as I can.

  you as much help as I can.

  5.【教材原句】It is hard to stay happy and cheerful when you are ill, or when you are old and your body aches.(P30) 当你生了病或年纪大了、身体疼痛的时候,你就很难感到幸福开心了。

  【句法分析】句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语to stay happy and cheerful。



  when you lose something precious or when you can’t solve some difficult problems.


  when an important football match is held or when a famous film star comes to a city.





  4. suffering



  7. advocating


  9. appreciation

  10. temporarily


  1.apart from

  2.by the time

  3.in good spirits

  4.cost her future happiness

  5.go after


  7.on one’s own

  8.focus on

  9.head for

  10.adapt to

  11.in a rush

  12.look back on

  13.at that point

  14.ahead of

  15.in case

  16.at different times

  17.devote oneself to/be devoted to

  18.assist sb. with sth.

  19.cheep up

  20.be successful at

  21.graduate from

  22.go after

  23.touch the depth of one’s soul

  24.on the other hand

  25.hear about/of

  26.find out

  27.be accompanied by

  28.to one’s relief

  29.at the weekends

  30.think about one’s achievements





  词汇-1. mean v. & adj.











  mean to do sth.

  mean doing

  (had) meant to do sth.

  mean sb. to do sth.

  be meant for

  be mean about



  词汇-2. cost v.& n.









  cost sb. some money/work

  cost sb. his/her job/work/life

  cost sb. dearly

  at the cost of…=at the expense of



  词汇-3. adapt v.







  【自主归纳】adapt, adjust, adopt的区别







  词汇-4. arrange v.








  arrange sth. for sb.

  arrange with sb.

  arrange for sb. to do sth.


  (1)arranged everything for

  (2)arranged to meet

  (3)arranged for

  (4)arranged with

  (5)has arranged that

  词汇-5.company n.





  【自主归纳】company与 accompany的区别


  His wife accompanied him on that trip.

  His wife kept him company on that trip.

  His wife kept company with him on that trip.


  (1)in company with

  (2)in the company of

  (3)her husband kept her company/kept company with her/accompanied her/she was accompanied by her husband

  词汇-6. catch v.









  catch up with

  feel caught

  catch sb. doing



  词汇-7.assist v.






  with the help/aid/ assistance of


  词汇-8.apart from

  【例句研读】翻译句中的划线部分,注意apart from的意义




  (4) 除英语外

  【自主归纳】与except, except for和besides的关系

  (1)A part from/Except

  (2)Apart from/Except for

  (3)apart from/besides



  词汇-9.be rushed to








  be rushed to

  rush into

  rush out of

  rush sb. into doing sth.

  rush into (doing)sth.

  in a rush



  (2)was rushed to t

  (3)was sent to…in a rush.

  词汇-10.look back on






  look back on(upon)/look back to sth.

  recall doing sth/having done sth

  remind sb. of sth.


  (1)look back on

  (2) reminds me of the days

  (3)recall meeting him








  All I can do is give

  All that I can do is give

  What I can do is give

  I can do nothing but give

  I have no choice but to give


  (1)It is important to keep calm

  (2)It is a hard job for the police to keep order





  1.I have been so busy lately. The workload has almost become


  2.He became

  (残废) in an accident and spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

  3.Our teachers always

  (激励) us to do well at school.


  (斗争) for independence was long and hard.

  5. She has ___________ (克服)all her difficulties and achieved her goal at last.

  6.He is

  (乐观的) about the future.

  7.The doctor said the old man’s condition was

  . (无望的)

  8.I felt ___________(左右为难), not knowing how to deal with the situation.

  9.Good health can make you old age the _________(黄金般的)years of you life.

  10.Children should be encouraged to be ____________(独立的)thinkers.


  1.The hard life in the mountainous area he has adapted to ____ a real challenge to anyone.

  A. mean

  B. means

  C. meant

  D. meaning

  2.This activity must be well organized, so you need to _______ for a capable man to take charge of it.

  A. arrange

  B. appoint

  C. prepare

  D. provide

  3.The film is said __________ from a novel by Dickens, a famous British writer.

  A. to have been adopted

  B. to have been adjusted

  C. to have been attached

  D. to have been adapted

  4. ________ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dished.

  A. Far from

  B. Apart from

  C. Instead of

  D. Regardless of

  5.—What does your sister do?

  —She is a nurse and _________ the doctor in the operating room.

  A. obeys

  B. overcomes

  C. guarantees

  D. assists

  6. Alice often ________her high school days, ________she thought were the happiest of her life.

  A. looked back on; when

  B. looked back on; which

  C. looked up to; when

  D. looked forward to; which

  7.I missed the bus, so all ________ I had to do was _________ for the next one.

  A. that; wait

  B. what; to wait

  C. which;waiting

  D. 不填;waited

  8.To stay healthy, you must ________, and most important of all, you should start taking exercise.

  A. quit to smoke

  B. quit smoking

  C. be quit smoking

  D. be quit to smoke

  9.—Why was the young lady taken away by the police?

  — She happened _______ something in the supermarket.

  A. to catch stealing

  B. to catch to steal

  C. to be caught stealing

  D. to be caught to steal

  10.All flights _______ because of the volcanic ashes, many passengers could do nothing but wait for further notice.

  A. were cancelled

  B. having been cancelled

  C. had been cancelled

  D. have been cancelled



  rush… to

  be in good spirits

  go after

  adapt to

  focus on

  devote… to…

  be happy with

  cheer up

  1.Although he failed to get the first place in the long race, he ________, determined to achieve his goal the next time.

  2.The reason for her not responding to you was that she ________

  what you did the other day, I think.

  3. Immediately after the traffic accident, the ambulances_______ the injured _____ the hospital.

  4.Instead of _______ his time and energy ______ his studies, he wasted time playing games.

  5.Traditionally in China, people used to beat drums to ______ their players or soldiers.

  6.He learned a lot about the local customs before going to London. That’s why he managed to ________ the life there so quickly.

  7.Exercises in this unit _______________ different language abilities.

  8.He was so careless to leave his wallet on the table, and the waiter in the restaurant_____ him.


  be in a rush

  look back on

  assist sb. with

  ahead of

  make decisions

  think about

  worry about

  feel like

  1.I’m afraid you can’t rely on him, for he is not good at He is really bad at___________.

  2.In the future, with the aid of some new technology, we will never _________illness.

  3.She spent all day thinking about the future that lay ________ her.

  4.I would rather cook and eat at home because I think restaurants are for people who ______ always __________.

  5.___________ my happy school days, I can’t help thinking of the kindness of the teachers and the classmates.

  6.Whenever I

  my achievements, I feel very happy and proud..

  7.At that point in his life, he felt like he could do anything.

  8.Two witnesses are __________ the police _________ the enquiries for further information.


  1.I have a lot of readings ______ (complete) before the end of this term.

  2.She is too busy to go to at the moment, so there is no use ________ (wait) for her.

  3.To learn a foreign language well, we should find opportunities to hear it ______(speak) as much as we can.

  4.Yong can hardly imagine what difficulty they had _______(do) the experiment.

  5.Can those _______ (seat) at the back of the hall hear what the speaker said?

  6.________ (fail) to get through to them by phone, we sent them an email instead.

  7._________ (not know) what to do next, he turned to the teacher for help.

  8.The murderer was brought in, with his hands ________ (tie) at the back.

  第二部分 能力运用


  It was the district sports meet. My foot still hadn’t healed from a(n)


  injury . I had


  whether or not I should attend the meet. But there I was,


  for the 3,000-meter run.

  “ Ready … set … ” The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed


  me. I felt


  as I fell farther and farther behind.

  “ Hooray ! ” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest


  I had ever heard at a meet. The first-place runner was two laps(圈)ahead of me when she crossed the finish line.

  “ Maybe I should

  7__, ” I thought as I moved on.


  , I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran


  and decided not to


  in track next year. It wouldn’t be worth it,


  my foot did heal.

  When I finished, I heard a cheer—


  than the one I’d heard earlier . I turned around and


  , the boys were preparing for their race . “ They must be cheering for the boys. ”

  I was leaving


  several girls came up to me. “ Wow, you’ve got courage! ” one of them told me. “ Courage? I just


  a race ! ” I thought. “ I would have given up on the first lap, ” said another girl . “ We were cheering for you . Did you hear us? ”

  Suddenly I regained


  . I decided to


  track next year. I realized strength and courage aren’t always


  in medals and victories, but in the


  to overcome difficulties. The strongest people are not always the people who win,


  the people who don’t give up when they lose .

  1. A. slighter B. worse C. earlier

  D. heavier

  2. A. expected B. supposed C. imagined

  D. doubted

  3. A. late B. eager C. ready

  D. thirsty

  4. A. from behind B. ahead of C. next to

  D. close to

  5. A. ashamed B. astonished C. excited

  D. frightened

  6. A. cheer B. shout C. cry

  D. noise

  7. A. slow down B. drop out C. go on

  D. speed up

  8. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Besides

  D. However

  9. A. with delight B. with fear C. in pain

  D. in advance

  10. A. play B. arrive C. race

  D. attend

  11. A. even if B. only if C. unless

  D. until

  12. A. weaker B. longer C. lower

  D. louder

  13. A. well enough

  B. sure enough C. surprisingly enough

  D. strangely enough

  14. A. while

  B. when C. as

  D. since

  15. A. finished B. won C. passed

  D. lost

  16. A. cheer B. hope C. interest

  D. experience

  17. A. hold on B. turn to C. begin with

  D. stick with

  18. A. measured B. praised C. tested

  D. increased

  19. A. sadness B. struggles C. diseases

  D. tiredness

  20. A. or B. nor C. and

  D. but


  请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。


  Over the last 70 years, researchers have been studying happy and unhappy people and finally found out ten factors that make a difference. Our feelings of well-being at any moment are determined to a certain degree by genes. However, of all the factors, wealth and age are the top two.

  Money can buy a degree of happiness. But once you can afford to feed, clothe and house yourself, each extra dollar makes less and less difference.

  Researchers find that, on average, wealthier people are happier. But the link between money and happiness is complex. In the past half-century, average income has sharply increased in developed countries, yet happiness levels have remained almost the same. Once your basic needs are met, money only seems to increase happiness if you have more than your friends, neighbors and colleagues.

  “Dollars buy status, and status makes people feel better,” conclude some experts, which helps explain why people who can seek status in other ways—scientists or actors, for example-may happily accept relatively poorly—paid jobs.

  In a research, Professor Alex Michalos found that the people whose desires—not just for money, but for friends, family, job, health—rose furthest beyond what they already had, tended to be less happy than those who felt a smaller gap (差距). Indeed, the size of the gap predicted happiness about five times better than income alone. “The gap measures just blow away the only measures of income.” says Michalos.

  Another factor that has to do with happiness is age. Old age may not be so bad. “Given all the problems of aging, how could the elderly be more satisfied?”asks Professor Laura Carstensen.

  In one survey, Carstensen interviewed 184 people between the ages of 18 and 94, and asked them to fill out an emotions questionnaire. She found that old people reported positive emotions just as often as young people, but negative emotions much less often.

  Why are old people happier? Some scientists suggest older people may expect life to be harder and learn to live with it, or they’re more realistic about their goals, only setting ones that they know can achieve. But Carstensen thinks that with time running out, older people have learned to focus on things that make them happy and let go of those that don’t.

  “People realize not only what they have, but also that what they have cannot last forever,” she says. “A goodbye kiss to a husband or wife at the age of 85, for example, may bring far more complex emotional responses than a similar kiss to a boy or girl friend at the age of 20.”

  1. According to the passage, the feeling of happiness


  A. is determined partly by genes

  B. increases gradually with age

  C. has little to do with wealth

  D. is measured by desires

  2. Some actors would like to accept poorly-paid jobs because the jobs


  A. make them feel much better

  B. provide chances to make friends

  C. improve their social position

  D. satisfy their professional interests

  3. Aged people are more likely to feel happy because they are more


  A. optimistic

  B. successful

  C. practical

  D. emotional

  4. Professor Alex Michalos found that people feel less happy if


  A. the gap between reality and desire is bigger

  B. they have a stronger desire for friendship

  C. their income is below their expectation

  D. the hope for good health is greater


  Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness, happiness, goodness, and self- respect? The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized as "honor" help you create this life of good feelings.

  Here's an example to show how honorable actions create happiness.

  Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item. If we keep silent, and profit from the clerk's mistake, we would drive home with a sense of sneaky excitement. Later we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune. On the other hand, if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item, the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty. We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.

  Then, what is it to do with our sense of happiness?

  In the first case, where we don't tell the clerk, a couple of things would happen. Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief. In the process, we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect. We would also demonstrate that we cannot be trusted, since we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends. We damage our own reputations by telling others. In contrast, bringing the error to the clerk's attention causes different things to happen. Immediately the clerk knows us to be honorable. Upon leaving the store, we feel honorable and our self-respect is increased. Whenever we take honorable action we gain the deep internal rewards of goodness and a sense of nobility.

  There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions. Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence. And it's easy to think and act honorably again when we're happy. While the positive cycle can be difficult to start, once it's started, it's easy to continue. Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind, which is important for our happiness.

  5. According to the passage, the positive action in the example contributes to our


  A. self-respect

  B. financial rewards

  C. advertising ability

  D. friendly relationship

  6. The author thinks that keeping silent about the uncharged item is equal to________.

  A. lying

  B. stealing

  C. cheating

  D. advertising

  7. The phrase "bringing the error to the clerk's attention" (in para.5) means_________.

  A. telling the truth to the clerk

  B. offering advice to the clerk

  C. asking the clerk to be more attentive

  D. reminding the clerk of the charged item

  8. How will we feel if we let the clerk know her mistake?

  A. We'll be very excited.

  B. We'll feel unfortunate.

  C. We'll have a sense of honor.

  D. We'll feel sorry for the clerk.

  9. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

  A. How to Live Truthfully

  B. Importance of Peacefulness

  C. Ways of Gaining Self-respect

  D. Happiness through Honorable Actions


  Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontê, is the story of a young woman’s struggle to find Happiness. As a child, Jane is sent to live with her aunt and uncle after her parents die. Her aunt and cousins are very cruel to her. Then, Jane is sent to Lowood, a school for poor children. Here, she experiences more cruelty. The students do not get enough food to eat and they have to wear old, ugly clothes. At Lowood, Jane makes a good friend, Helen Burns, who is very kind and patient. She believes that it is better to do without the things you want. Even though Jane loves Helen, she cannot agree with her. Jane believes that both rich and powerful people and poor people deserve the same treatment.

  Jane leaves Lowood years later and becomes the private teacher of the daughter of Mr. Rochester, who is a very rich man. Jane is still not satisfied with her life because she realizes that women do not have the freedom to choose what they want to do—she has become a teacher because she has no other choice.

  Jane and Mr. Rochester fall in love and arrange to get married. However, on the day of the wedding, Jane is disturbed to learn that Mr. Rochester is already married. His wife is mad and is locked in the attic. Mr. Rochester says that he still wants to marry Jane. Even though Jane loves him, she knows that it would not be a good idea to stay with him. So, she makes the difficult decision to leave him. Jane meets St John Rivers and his sisters, and stays with them. Jane learns that they are really her cousins. Jane finally has the loving family that she has always wanted. After some time, St John asks Jane to marry him. As Jane does not truly love him, she refuses even though he is a good man. Jane goes back to Mr. Rochester to find out that wife has died and they are free to get married. By following what she believes is right, Jane finds happiness in the end.

  Her(1)________in her childhood Sent to(2)__________with her aunt and cousins, who do not behave well towards her.

  Her life in Lowood is even(3)________. Not enough food to eat.

  Only old,(4)________clothes to wear.

  After she (5)________ Lowood Has no choice but to be a private teacher.

  Falls in love with Mr. Rochester and (6)________for their marriage.

  (7)_________to learn that Mr. Rochester is married man.

  After making the difficult

  (8)_______to leave

  Mr. Rochester Stays with St John Rivers and his sisters.

  Discovers that they are cousins and enjoys the loving family.

  She has always (9)_________.

  Refuses to (10)_________St. John because she still loves Mr. Rochester.

  Mr. Rochester’s wife has died and they are free to get married.



  讨论情况 1.课内互动 (师生或生生互动)

  2.课外活动 (演讲或晚会等)

  3.运用英语 (口头或书面交流)


  你的建议 (请考生根据自己的经历与感想,提出两至三点建议)




  3.参考词汇:interact adj.互动的

  Recently we had a discussion on how to make learning English relaxing and fun. _________


  模块六Unit 2综合练习(参考答案)





  1. unbearable

  2. disabled

  3. inspire

  4. struggle

  5. overcome

  6. optimistic

  7. hopeless


  9. golden

  10. independent




  1.B he has adapted to是定语从句修饰先行词The hard life,所以空格处应该是谓语动词,且用一般现在时。

  2.A arrange for sb. to do sth意为“安排某人做某事”。

  3.D (be) adapted from 由……改编,修改apart from表“除……以外”,符合语意。far from“远离,远非”;instead of“代替,而不是”;regardless of“不管,不顾”。

  5.D assists意为“做助手”。护士当然是医生手术时的助手。

  6.B looked back on意为“回忆,回顾”。第二空为非限制性定语从句,先行词为“days”。但不可用“when”,要用“which”在定语从句中作主语。

  7.A all that=what。第二空用“to wait”或“wait”都可以。

  8.B quit smoking=stop smoking=give up smoking。

  9.C catch sb. doing sth.的被动形式be caught doing sth.。

  10.B 这是一个简单句,显然第一空不可以使用谓语动词,所以排除ACD三个选项。



  1. was in good spirits

  2. wasn’t happy with

  3. rushed…to

  4. devoting; to

  5. cheer up

  6. adapt to

  7. focus on

  8. went after


  1. making decisions

  2. worry about

  3. ahead of

  4. are…in a rush

  5. Looking back on

  6. think about

  7. felt like

  8. assisting…with


  1.to complete

  2. waiting

  3. spoken

  4. doing

  5 seated

  6. Having failed

  7. Not knowing

  8. tired

  第二部分 能力运用






  1.C an earlier injury“以前所受的伤”。根据下文中whether or not I should attend the meet.可判断出运动会还没有举行,所以作者的脚是以前受的伤。2.D  doubt"怀疑”。因为作者的脚伤还没有痊愈,所以对是否参加运动会产生了疑虑。3.C  根据下文的内容可判断出尽管作者脚受了伤,但是,她还是为3 000米长跑作好了准备。4.B  rush ahead of sb.冲到某人的前面。根据下文I fell farther and farther behind可判断出别的女孩冲到了她的前面。5. A  ashamed“惭愧”。由于落在别人的后面而感到 惭愧。6. A  cheer"欢呼”。从上文中“Hooray! Shouted the rowd"~知,大家在欢呼着。7.B  dropout“退出”。由于跑在作者前两圈的运动 员已经冲过终点,她产生了退出比赛的想法。8.D  “Maybe l should drop out'’与“I decided to keep going"是转折关系,要用however连接。9.C  in pain“疼痛地”。从上文我们知道,作者的脚 受了伤,还没有痊愈,所以在比赛时会感到疼痛。10.C  race“赛跑”。由于脚部疼痛使作者产生了明年不再参加赛跑的想法。11.A  even if 引导让步状语从句,意思是“即使”。 根据上文 “It wouldn’t be worth it”可判断出,作者认为 即使自己的脚痊愈,也不值得再参加赛跑。12.D  从下文的内容可以看出,人们的掌声比原来的还要高。13.B  因为作者慢了两圈,所以她确信大家不会为她鼓掌。14.B  when表示“这时”。我正要离开,这时几个女孩朝我走了过来。15.D  lose a race"输掉比赛”。作者认为自己跑在了最后,没有赢得比赛的胜利。16.B  受到了同学们的鼓励使她重新产生了希望。17.D  stick with“坚持”。由于对自己产生了希望,她决定明年继续参加比赛。18.A  measure"衡量”。力量和勇气不是通过金牌和胜利来衡量的。19.B  struggle"斗争”。根据短文中所描述的作者的思想斗争和坚持不懈的努力,可判断出力量和勇气    是在斗争中衡量出来的。20.D  这两个句子是转折关系,要用but连接。



  ACCA.A 推断题。根据第一段“Our feelings of well-being at any moment are determined to a certain degree by genes.”可以推断出幸福感在一定程度上由基因决定。

  .C 推断题。根据第四段“‘Dollars buy status, and status makes people feel better’...which helps explain why people who can seek status in other way—scientists or actors, for example—may happily accept relatively poorly-paid jobs.”可以推断出演员接受收入低的工作是为了提升社会地位,使自己感觉更好。

  .C 归纳题。根据倒数第二段“Some scientists suggest older people may expect life to be harder and learn to live with it,or they’re more realistic about their goals”可以推断出老年人对待目标更加实际,所以可以感觉更幸福。

  .A 推断题。根据第五段“people whose desires...rose furthest beyond what they already had, tended to be less happy than those who felt a smaller gap.”可以推断出,如果现实和欲望差距比较大,比起相差不大的人幸福感差,也就是说感觉相对不幸福。


  ABACD.A 细节推断题。根据第五段中的“Upon leaving the store, we feel honorable and our self-respect is increased.”可判断出积极的行为可以增强我们的自尊心。

  .B 细节题。根据第五段中的“In the first case, when we don’t tell the clerk, a couple of things would happen. Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief.”可判断出作者认为如果对没有付款的东西保持沉默,是一种盗窃行为。

  .A 猜义题。根据第五段中的“Immediately the clerk knows us to be honorable.”可判断出bringing the error to the clerk’s attention意思是“告诉售货员真相”。

  .C 细节推断题。根据第五段中的“Upon leaving the store, we feel honorable and our self-respect is increased.”可判断出如果我们让售货员知道了她的错误,我们会有一种诚实的感觉。

  .D 标题选择题。作者在这篇短文的第一段点明了主题:The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized as “honor” help you create this life of good feelings.并在下文中举例说明了这个主题。所以短文的最好的题目是Happiness through Honorable Actions。













  Recently, we had a discussion on how to make learning English relaxing and fun. Most students believe that there are many ways to do so. First of all, we can have more interactive activities in class, such as discussions, interviews, story-telling and role-play. In this way, we can have more fun learning English. Secondly, we can take part in more out-of-class activities like English speech contests and English evenings. Through these activities we can improve our English skills in an easy and relaxing way. Thirdly, we need to find more opportunities to communicate in English with people, whether they are English teachers or classmates, foreigners or Chinese, because using English is the best way to learn.

  These ideas sound reasonable and practical. From my experience, there are many other interesting and relaxing ways. For example, we can listen to English songs and watch English movies. We can also watch English programs on TV or join English clubs or make English pen-friends on the Internet.


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