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【三维设计】2017版(江苏专用)二轮复习练习:必修1 Unit 2《Growing pains》课时跟踪检测A卷(含解析)

发布时间:2016-12-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Growing pains 课时跟踪检测A卷


  1.(2014·湖南十校联考)The boy wrote “I have visited here” on the wall of a famous old temple. He deserves ________ for his such bad behavior.

  A.to punish  B.to be punished

  C.being punished

  D.having punished

  2.(2015·镇江一模)Though I showed no interest in sports, my parents insisted that I ________ take part in regular physical exercises.




  D.am to

  3.(2015·南京第三中学高三模拟)To make the most of your time, live every moment as if it ________ your last.


  B.would be


  D.has been

  4.(2015·成都高三月考)Life is like riding a bicycle. ________ your balance, you must keep moving.

  A.To keep


  C.Being kept

  D.Having kept

  5.In the supermarket foreign names of the products got ________, and I was confused about what to buy.

  A.picked up

  B.showed up

  C.mixed up

  D.fixed up

  6.(2015·合肥一中3月月考)As far as I know, our manager has already had the matter ________, which we can know from his relaxed expression.

  A.to settle




  7.(2015·福州八中高三检测)I don’t become a serious climber until the fifth grade, ________ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.





  8.(2015·扬州高三质检)The science of computer, ________ rapid progress has been made in recent years, plays a very important role in our daily life.

  A.from which

  B.in which

  C.with which

  D.to which

  9.(2015·淮安市高三联考)Seated in the studio ________, along with his two students, receiving the interview now. 

  A.the professor is

  B.is the professor

  C.the professor are

  D.Both A and C

  10.(2015·安徽泗县双语中学模拟)— Do you suppose Chen Guangbiao will attend the evening party of raising money for the orphans?

  — __________.He is very busy, but he is devoted to such public welfare activities.

  A.Thats all right

  B.Of course not

  C.I suppose so

  D.Im not quite sure

  11.(2015·盐城二模)Experts warn that medical waste from hospitals, if ________ properly, may contribute to spreading diseases.

  A.not handled

  B.not being handled

  C.not to be handled

  D.not having been handled

  12.(2015·无锡高三检测)No one expected house prices to fall, but ________ that’s exactly what happened.





  13.(2015·镇江二模)It is getting colder. I hope the sudden change of climate ________ you.

  A.doesnt upset

  B.didnt upset

  C.hasnt upset

  D.wont upset

  14.(2015·莆田高三模拟)So ________ in the darkness that he didnt dare to move an inch.

  A.frightened was he

  B.he was frightened

  C.was he frightened

  D.frightened he was

  15.(2015·安庆一中模拟)The father didnt like his son staying out at night, so he firmly ________ him to do it again.







  (2015·江苏省部分重点中学5月模拟)Sarah found it extremely disturbing that her 13­year­old girl Julie was totally unhappy with her birthday gift. This particular dress was black in color with white dots all over. It was beautiful and Sarah thought that it would make Julie look pretty with her hair tied up as a bun (圆发髻) and black­colored kitten heels (方锥矮跟鞋) to go with it.

  She expected Julie to give her one of the best hugs after seeing that dress but she was greatly disappointed. Not only did Julie not like the dress but she also gave a remark, “Mom, don’t you know I am not a baby anymore?” Sarah replied ,“Of course, you are not a baby and this dress will make you look so much mature.” But Julie just made a face and shut herself in her room, for that 13­year­old, her birthday party was ruined.

  After a few hours when Sarah agreed to go out for shopping with Julie, she was quite surprised at what Julie picked up. She wanted to buy a pink­colored pleated skirt (百褶裙) around 4 inches above her knees, an off­the­shoulder (露肩型) white­colored top along with a black waist length jacket which covered her arms only till her elbows. Sarah realized why Julie was so mad at her choice. Julie simply wished to be dressed like a grown­up and white dots made her look like a small girl. She was probably growing up and wanted to make a statement on her birthday party with a boldness (大胆) of a smart­looking young girl.

  There is nothing wrong with Julie. Kids are being surrounded by fashion icons everywhere in magazines, on television, on the Internet and in newspapers. They have started understanding what really makes sense when it comes to looking good and being kids they love to experiment; they love to try out different clothes so that they can choose their own styles.

  Girls? and boys? designer clothes provide sufficient variety not only at the stores but also at online stores, which is easier for parents to understand how their kids? choices are changing. Kids of this generation demand fashion because they understand it.

  1.Julie felt so disappointed because________.

  A.the dress her mother bought for her was not beautiful at all

  B.her mother didnt buy her desired dress

  C.her mother didnt allow her to buy her dress on her own

  D.the dress her mother bought didnt suit her

  2.What did Sarah realize when she went shopping with her daughter?

  A.Julie meant to fascinate the boys.

  B.Julie wanted to dress like an adult.

  C.Julie had become an adult already.

  D.Julie fell in love with a boy.

  3.How did Julie feel on her 13th birthday party according to the passage?

  A.Happy. B.Depressed.



  4.What does the author think of childrens choices?

  A.They are influenced negatively by the media.

  B.They are difficult to understand.

  C.They are normal and parents should support their choices.

  D.They are unhealthy and parents should forbid these ideas.

  5.What is the best title of the passage?

  A.Changing fashion for kids

  B.Improper ideas among kids

  C.Fashion changes fast

  D.The effects of the media




  Bay Village Branch, 502 Cahoon Road, 440­871­6392.

  ●The Egyptian Pyramids, 7 pm,Sept.19.Join us as Don King, a long­time student of Egyptology, discusses the pyramids and presents the possible theories of the construction, design and mysteries surrounding these ancient wonders.

  ●Join us as local Bay Village resident,Tom Bell,discusses his book My Dad is a Freak:a Memoir,7 pm Sept.27.

  Fairview Park Branch, 21255 Lorain Road, 440­333­4700 or cuyahogalibrary.org.●Dress for Success,7 pm,Sept.19.First impressions count.Some job recruiters (招聘人员)use appearance to determine self­esteem, respect,confidence and organizational skills.Learn how to dress to emphasize your strengths and improve your employability.Registration required.

  ●Music Study Groups,1:15 pm­2:45 pm,Wednesdays,Sept.19­Nov.28.Explore current concert music performed by The Cleveland Orchestra at Severance Hall through informal lectures and listening.Classes are designed for both new and experienced music lovers and are led by Dr Rose Breckenridge.

  ●Practical Herbs, 7 pm, Oct.3.Famous doctor Sarah Hurt will talk about growing,drying and storing herbs and how to use them.Registration required.

  North Olmsted Branch,27403. Lorain Road,440­777­6211 or cuyahogalibrary.org.

  ●Job Club, 1:30 pm­3 pm, Tuesdays.Join Jim Hansen for helpful tips on resumes, job search strategies and interviewing.Anyone who is job hunting or looking to change careers is welcome.

  ●War of 1812,7 am­8:45 am, Sept.19.This year marks the 200th anniversary.Professor Catherine Rokicky from Cuyahoga Community College will give a presentation about the war.Registration required.

  Olmsted Falls Library,7850 Main St.,Olmsted Falls,440­235­1150 or cuyahogalibrary.org.

  ●Family Story­time,7 pm­7:30 pm,Wednesdays,through Nov.27.Join us for rhymes, songs, finger­plays and a story or two.For children ages birth through 8 with their caregivers.

  ●Huntington Practice SAT Test,10 am­1pm, Sept.15.Follow up, 4 pm­5pm, Sept.26.Get ready for college by taking a practice SAT exam.Discuss strategies to improve your score, and get tips on preparing for the real exam.Registration required.

  6.There are many activities for you to choose on Sept.19 EXCEPT ________.

  A.listening to a speech which is about the war

  B.attending a discussion about ancient Egyptian pyramids

  C.attending a programme about how to reduce exam anxiety

  D.learning about how to leave a good first impression on others

  7.In order to help yourself find a new job soon, youd better go to ________.

  A.Bay Village Branch and Fairview Park Branch

  B.North Olmsted Branch and

  Olmsted Falls Library

  C.Fairview Park Branch and North Olmsted Branch

  D.Fairview Park Branch and Olmsted Falls Library

  8.It is learned from the passage that ________.

  A.all the events mentioned in the passage require registration

  B.both Don King and Catherine Rokicky are college professors

  C.you can choose to take part in all the mentioned events in the afternoon

  D.you can enjoy music classes for more than one month in Fairview Park Branch


  Ⅰ.1.选B 句意:这个男孩在一座著名的古庙的墙上写下了“到此一游”。他应该为他如此差的行为而受到惩罚。deserve doing = deserve to be done “应该被……”。

  2.选C 句意:尽管我对体育不感兴趣,可是我的父母还是坚持要求我定期参加身体锻炼。insist意为“坚持要求”,后接从句时,从句用虚拟语气,即“should do”结构,should可以省略。

  3.选C 句意:要充分利用时间,把每一刻都当作生命的最后一刻来生活。此处是与现在事实相反的一种虚拟,故选C。

  4.选A 句意:生活就像骑自行车,为了保持平衡,你必须不断地前行。此处用不定式表示目的。

  5.选C 句意:在超市里,商品的外文名字被弄混了,我很迷惑不知买什么好。mix up“混合,混淆”,符合句意。pick up“捡起,拾起”;show up“出现,到场”;fix up“修理”。

  6.选D 句意:在我看来,我们的经理已经把问题解决了,通过他那放松的表情我们就能看得出来。句中the matter与settle之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾语补足语。

  7.选A 句意:直到五年级时,我才成为一名攀登爱好者,那时我爬到高处去拿卡在一棵树的树枝中间的风筝。句中先行词是the fifth grade, 指的是时间,它在定语从句中又作时间状语,故用when。

  8.选B 句意:计算机科学在我们的日常生活中起着非常重要的作用,近几年来已经取得了飞速的发展。句中先行词是the science of computer, 它与定语从句中的谓语构成“make rapid progress in the science of computer”结构,先行词在定语从句中作状语。故选 in which。

  9.选B 句意:现在坐在录音棚里的是这位教授和他的两个学生,正在接受采访。分析句子可知,此句为倒装句,seated in the studio为表语,主语为the professor, along with his two students。“名词+along with+名词”作主语时,句子的谓语动词的单复数要依据along with前面的名词来确定,故用is。

  10.选C 句意:“你认为陈光标会参加为孤儿筹款的晚会吗?”“我认为他会的。他很忙但是他致力于这样的公共慈善活动。”I suppose so“我认为如此”,符合语境。Thats all right“没关系”;Of course not“当然不会”;Im not quite sure“我不十分确定”。

  11.选A 句意:专家们警告医院里的医疗废物如处置不当就可能导致疾病传播。句中考查的是状语从句的省略用法,if后省略了it is。

  12.选C 句意:没有人会想到房价会下降,但即便是这样,所发生的事情确实如此。anyhow“尽管,即使如此”,符合语境。moreover“此外,而且”;thus“于是,因此”;however“然而”。

  13.选D 句意:天气越来越冷了。我希望天气的突然变化不会让你不舒服。由语境可知,D项符合句意。

  14.选A 句意:在黑暗中她非常害怕以至于不敢挪动半步。句子是以so开头的,故用倒装结构。

  15.选C 句意:父亲不喜欢儿子在外夜宿不归,所以他坚定地禁止他再那样做。agree“同意”;demand“要求”;forbid“禁止”;tolerate“容忍,允许”。


  1.选B 细节理解题。由全文内容可知,Julie想要显得自己成熟的衣服,而妈妈买的不符合她的要求,故她很失望。

  2.选B 细节理解题。由第三段的第四句Julie想穿得像成年人一样。

  3.选A 推理判断题。由第三段可知,Julie最终买到了自己想要的衣服,在自己的生日聚会上,应该会非常开心。

  4.选C 推理判断题。由最后两段内容可知,作者认为孩子们的选择是正常的,父母应支持孩子们的这些选择。

  5.选A 标题判断题。由全文特别是最后一段的第一句可知,本文主要讲述现在孩子们的穿着观念超前,希望自己穿得更成熟,更时尚,父母应理解和支持。


  6.选C 细节理解题。根据第三则广告中第二点可知,A项正确;根据第一则广告中第一点可知,B项正确;根据第二则广告的第一点可知,D项正确;根据题干中的时间找不到与C项对应的内容。故选C。

  7.选C 细节理解题。根据题干可知,需要在文中找到与工作和就业相关的信息,由此可知,第二则信息中的“Learn how to dress to emphasize your strengths and improve your employability.”以及第三则信息中的“Anyone who is job hunting or looking to change careers is welcome.”可知,答案为C。

  8.选D 细节理解题。根据第一则广告内容可知,A项错误,参加其他三则广告中的活动均需要注册,而第一个活动没有提到;根据第一则内容中的“Join us as Don King,a long­time student of Egyptology”可知,B项错;根据第三则广告中的“●War of 1812,7:00 am­8:45 am,Sept.19.”可知,C项错误;根据第二则广告中的“●Music Study Groups,1:15 pm­2:45 pm,Wednesdays,Sept.19­Nov.28.”可知,D项正确。


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